use assert_cmd::{crate_name, prelude::*}; use assert_fs::prelude::*; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; pub trait MaskCommandExt { fn command(&mut self, c: &'static str) -> &mut Command; fn cli(&mut self, arguments: &'static str) -> &mut Command; } impl MaskCommandExt for Command { fn command(&mut self, c: &'static str) -> &mut Command { self.arg(c); self } fn cli(&mut self, arguments: &'static str) -> &mut Command { let args: Vec<&str> = arguments.split(" ").collect(); for arg in args { self.arg(arg); } self } } pub fn maskfile(content: &'static str) -> (assert_fs::TempDir, PathBuf) { let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let maskfile = temp.child(""); maskfile.write_str(content).unwrap(); let maskfile_path = maskfile.path().to_path_buf(); (temp, maskfile_path) } pub fn run_mask(maskfile: &PathBuf) -> Command { let mut mask = Command::cargo_bin(crate_name!()).expect("Was not able to find binary"); mask.arg("--maskfile") .arg(maskfile) // Force "colored" to output colored text for tests .env("CLICOLOR_FORCE", "1"); mask }