
- [Create issues](#create-issues) - [Add new icons](#add-new-icons) - [Icon color](#icon-color) - [Free software to create/edit SVG icons](#free-software-to-createedit-svg-icons) - [Use icons from here](#use-icons-from-here) - [Add translations](#add-translations) - [Update API](#update-api) ## Create issues You need an icon for a specific file ending? No problem, just follow these guidelines: - describe the file ending (e.g. '.xml') and the language (e.g. XML) - show an example image of the icon or link to official website ## Add new icons 1. Create icon as SVG 2. Copy icon to `icons`-folder 3. Edit the icon configuration files under `src/icons` folder: - fileIcons.ts - folderIcons.ts - languageIcons.ts ### Icon color Choose your icon colors from the [material design colors]( Alternatively, the [Material Color Converter]( allows you to pick the correct color by matching a custom color code with the colors of the Material Design color palette. ### Free software to create/edit SVG icons - [Inkscape]( is a free, open source SVG editor - There are tools available to convert PNG/JPG images to SVG - []( and []( are two examples. - It's important to produce fully _vectorized_ graphic (don't include a base64 image string in the svg). ### Use icons from here - [Material Design Icons]( - download them as SVG and edit the icons e.g. with Inkscape - you can use any other source **as long as the icons are free to use!** This icon theme is absolutely non-commercial, but you should always check the license of your sources! ### Test your icons before submitting - Preview your own custom icons locally before submitting a Pull Request. See [Custom icon associations]( in for instructions. ## Add translations - Create or edit the translations in the `src/i18n` directory. - Create or edit the `package.nls.*.json` files in the root folder ## Update API 1. Install node dependencies with `npm install` 2. Open project with VS Code 3. Press `F5` or run `Launch Extension` in the debug window 4. Run tests with `Launch Tests`