# Add math to rust doc, e.g., docs.rs This repo shows how to add latex math to https://docs.rs; Math is rendered by [katex](https://katex.org/). ## How it works It embeds a piece of html into the rust doc that contains a javascript snippet rendering latex math. ## Usage - To build doc with math locally: `make` Or: `RUSTDOCFLAGS="--html-in-header katex.html" cargo doc --no-deps` - To build doc with math for docs.rs, add the following lines to `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [package.metadata.docs.rs] rustdoc-args = [ "--html-in-header", "katex.html" ] ``` ## Rendering options This repo provides two snippet for rendering: - `katex.html` renders ``$`i+1`$`` into inline math, and math code block such into math block: ````markdown ```math i+1 ``` ```` - `katex-dollar.html` renders `$i+1$` into inline math, and `$$i+1$$` into block math. Each of these two files is about `257 KB` in size. And non-packed versions are `*-src.html`.