# This file is derived from a number of sources. # This tries to conform to the "spec" augenbit.de/wiki/index.php?title=LaTeX-Manual_LaTeX_Grundregeln (and linked files) # The short names come from MathLib.tex that is linked from above # Where there is not a conflict, the next source of names comes from "standard" LaTeX names listed in # en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematical_symbols_by_subject # Otherwise they are based on the XML entities document (w3c.github.io/xml-entities). # That references the data file github.com/w3c/xml-entities/blob/gh-pages/unicode.xml # The fields in that are used are ["mathlatex", "latex", "varlatex", "ams"], with different names added as comments. # Note: there is some filtering of unlikely names, so the above is not 100% as to the output, but it is close. --- - "¡": [t: "\\textexclamdown𝐖"] # 0xa1 - "¢": [t: "\\textcent𝐖"] # 0xa2 - "£": [t: "\\pounds𝐖"] # 0xa3 # - "£": [t: "\\textsterling𝐖"] # 0xa3 - "¤": [t: "\\textcurrency𝐖"] # 0xa4 - "¥": [t: "\\yen𝐖"] # 0xa5 # - "¥": [t: "\\textyen𝐖"] # 0xa5 - "¦": [t: "\\textbrokenbar𝐖"] # 0xa6 - "§": [t: "\\S"] # 0xa7 # - "§": [t: "\\textsection𝐖"] # 0xa7 - "¨": [t: "\\textasciidieresis𝐖"] # 0xa8 - "©": [t: "\\copyright𝐖"] # 0xa9 # - "©": [t: "\\textcopyright𝐖"] # 0xa9 - "ª": [t: "\\textordfeminine𝐖"] # 0xaa - "«": [t: "\\guillemotleft𝐖"] # 0xab - "­": [t: "\\-"] # 0xad - "®": [t: "\\circledR𝐖"] # 0xae # - "®": [t: "\\textregistered𝐖"] # 0xae - "¯": [t: "\\textasciimacron𝐖"] # 0xaf - "²": [t: "{^2}"] # 0xb2 - "³": [t: "{^3}"] # 0xb3 - "µ": [t: "\\mathrm{\\mu}"] # 0xb5 - "¶": [t: "\\P"] # 0xb6 # - "¶": [t: "\\textparagraph𝐖"] # 0xb6 - "¸": [t: "\\c{}"] # 0xb8 - "¹": [t: "{^1}"] # 0xb9 - "º": [t: "\\textordmasculine𝐖"] # 0xba - "»": [t: "\\guillemotright𝐖"] # 0xbb - "¼": [t: "\\textonequarter𝐖"] # 0xbc - "½": [t: "\\textonehalf𝐖"] # 0xbd - "¾": [t: "\\textthreequarters𝐖"] # 0xbe - "¿": [t: "\\textquestiondown𝐖"] # 0xbf - "À": [t: "\\grave𝐖A𝐖"] # 0xc0 # - "À": [t: "\\`𝐖A𝐖"] # 0xc0 - "Á": [t: "\\acute𝐖A𝐖"] # 0xc1 # - "Á": [t: "\\'𝐖A𝐖"] # 0xc1 - "Â": [t: "\\hat𝐖A𝐖"] # 0xc2 # - "Â": [t: "\\^𝐖A𝐖"] # 0xc2 - "Ã": [t: "\\tilde𝐖A𝐖"] # 0xc3 # - "Ã": [t: "\\~𝐖A𝐖"] # 0xc3 - "Ä": [t: "\\ddot𝐖A𝐖"] # 0xc4 # - "Ä": [t: "\\\"𝐖A𝐖"] # 0xc4 - "Å": [t: "\\AA𝐖"] # 0xc5 - "Æ": [t: "\\AE𝐖"] # 0xc6 - "Ç": [t: "\\c𝐖C𝐖"] # 0xc7 - "È": [t: "\\grave𝐖E𝐖"] # 0xc8 # - "È": [t: "\\`𝐖E𝐖"] # 0xc8 - "É": [t: "\\acute𝐖E𝐖"] # 0xc9 # - "É": [t: "\\'𝐖E𝐖"] # 0xc9 - "Ê": [t: "\\hat𝐖E𝐖"] # 0xca # - "Ê": [t: "\\^𝐖E𝐖"] # 0xca - "Ë": [t: "\\ddot𝐖E𝐖"] # 0xcb # - "Ë": [t: "\\\"𝐖E𝐖"] # 0xcb - "Ì": [t: "\\grave𝐖I𝐖"] # 0xcc # - "Ì": [t: "\\`𝐖I𝐖"] # 0xcc - "Í": [t: "\\acute𝐖I𝐖"] # 0xcd # - "Í": [t: "\\'𝐖I𝐖"] # 0xcd - "Î": [t: "\\hat𝐖I𝐖"] # 0xce # - "Î": [t: "\\^𝐖I𝐖"] # 0xce - "Ï": [t: "\\ddot𝐖I𝐖"] # 0xcf # - "Ï": [t: "\\\"𝐖I𝐖"] # 0xcf - "Ð": [t: "\\DH𝐖"] # 0xd0 - "Ñ": [t: "\\tilde𝐖N𝐖"] # 0xd1 # - "Ñ": [t: "\\~𝐖N𝐖"] # 0xd1 - "Ò": [t: "\\grave𝐖O𝐖"] # 0xd2 # - "Ò": [t: "\\`𝐖O𝐖"] # 0xd2 - "Ó": [t: "\\acute𝐖O𝐖"] # 0xd3 # - "Ó": [t: "\\'𝐖O𝐖"] # 0xd3 - "Ô": [t: "\\hat𝐖O𝐖"] # 0xd4 # - "Ô": [t: "\\^𝐖O𝐖"] # 0xd4 - "Õ": [t: "\\tilde𝐖O𝐖"] # 0xd5 # - "Õ": [t: "\\~𝐖O𝐖"] # 0xd5 - "Ö": [t: "\\ddot𝐖O𝐖"] # 0xd6 # - "Ö": [t: "\\\"𝐖O𝐖"] # 0xd6 - "Ø": # 0xd8 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "~O"] else: [t: "\\O"] - "Ù": [t: "\\grave𝐖U𝐖"] # 0xd9 # - "Ù": [t: "\\`𝐖U𝐖"] # 0xd9 - "Ú": [t: "\\acute𝐖U𝐖"] # 0xda # - "Ú": [t: "\\'𝐖U𝐖"] # 0xda - "Û": [t: "\\hat𝐖U𝐖"] # 0xdb # - "Û": [t: "\\^𝐖U𝐖"] # 0xdb - "Ü": [t: "\\ddot𝐖U𝐖"] # 0xdc # - "Ü": [t: "\\\"𝐖U𝐖"] # 0xdc - "Ý": [t: "\\acute𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0xdd # - "Ý": [t: "\\'𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0xdd - "Þ": [t: "\\TH𝐖"] # 0xde - "ß": [t: "\\ss𝐖"] # 0xdf - "à": [t: "\\grave𝐖a𝐖"] # 0xe0 # - "à": [t: "\\`𝐖a𝐖"] # 0xe0 - "á": [t: "\\acute𝐖a𝐖"] # 0xe1 # - "á": [t: "\\'𝐖a𝐖"] # 0xe1 - "â": [t: "\\hat𝐖a𝐖"] # 0xe2 # - "â": [t: "\\^𝐖a𝐖"] # 0xe2 - "ã": [t: "\\tilde𝐖a𝐖"] # 0xe3 # - "ã": [t: "\\~𝐖a𝐖"] # 0xe3 - "ä": [t: "\\ddot𝐖a𝐖"] # 0xe4 # - "ä": [t: "\\\"𝐖a𝐖"] # 0xe4 - "å": [t: "\\aa𝐖"] # 0xe5 - "æ": [t: "\\ae𝐖"] # 0xe6 - "ç": [t: "\\c𝐖c𝐖"] # 0xe7 - "è": [t: "\\grave𝐖e𝐖"] # 0xe8 # - "è": [t: "\\`𝐖e𝐖"] # 0xe8 - "é": [t: "\\acute𝐖e𝐖"] # 0xe9 # - "é": [t: "\\'𝐖e𝐖"] # 0xe9 - "ê": [t: "\\hat𝐖e𝐖"] # 0xea # - "ê": [t: "\\^𝐖e𝐖"] # 0xea - "ë": [t: "\\ddot𝐖e𝐖"] # 0xeb # - "ë": [t: "\\\"𝐖e𝐖"] # 0xeb - "ì": [t: "\\grave{\\imath}"] # 0xec # - "ì": [t: "\\`{\\i}"] # 0xec - "í": [t: "\\acute{\\imath}"] # 0xed # - "í": [t: "\\'{\\i}"] # 0xed - "î": [t: "\\hat{\\imath}"] # 0xee # - "î": [t: "\\^{\\i}"] # 0xee - "ï": [t: "\\ddot{\\imath}"] # 0xef # - "ï": [t: "\\\"{\\i}"] # 0xef - "ð": [t: "\\matheth𝐖"] # 0xf0 # - "ð": [t: "\\dh𝐖"] # 0xf0 - "ñ": [t: "\\tilde𝐖n𝐖"] # 0xf1 # - "ñ": [t: "\\~𝐖n𝐖"] # 0xf1 - "ò": [t: "\\grave𝐖o𝐖"] # 0xf2 # - "ò": [t: "\\`𝐖o𝐖"] # 0xf2 - "ó": [t: "\\acute𝐖o𝐖"] # 0xf3 # - "ó": [t: "\\'𝐖o𝐖"] # 0xf3 - "ô": [t: "\\hat𝐖o𝐖"] # 0xf4 # - "ô": [t: "\\^𝐖o𝐖"] # 0xf4 - "õ": [t: "\\tilde𝐖o𝐖"] # 0xf5 # - "õ": [t: "\\~𝐖o𝐖"] # 0xf5 - "ö": [t: "\\ddot𝐖o𝐖"] # 0xf6 # - "ö": [t: "\\\"𝐖o𝐖"] # 0xf6 - "ø": # 0xf8 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "~o"] else: [t: "\\o"] - "ù": [t: "\\grave𝐖u𝐖"] # 0xf9 # - "ù": [t: "\\`𝐖u𝐖"] # 0xf9 - "ú": [t: "\\acute𝐖u𝐖"] # 0xfa # - "ú": [t: "\\'𝐖u𝐖"] # 0xfa - "û": [t: "\\hat𝐖u𝐖"] # 0xfb # - "û": [t: "\\^𝐖u𝐖"] # 0xfb - "ü": [t: "\\ddot𝐖u𝐖"] # 0xfc # - "ü": [t: "\\\"𝐖u𝐖"] # 0xfc - "ý": [t: "\\acute𝐖y𝐖"] # 0xfd # - "ý": [t: "\\'𝐖y𝐖"] # 0xfd - "þ": [t: "\\th𝐖"] # 0xfe - "ÿ": [t: "\\ddot𝐖y𝐖"] # 0xff # - "ÿ": [t: "\\\"𝐖y𝐖"] # 0xff - "Ā": [t: "\\bar𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x100 # - "Ā": [t: "\\=𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x100 - "ā": [t: "\\bar𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x101 # - "ā": [t: "\\=𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x101 - "Ă": [t: "\\breve𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x102 # - "Ă": [t: "\\u𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x102 - "ă": [t: "\\u𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x103 - "Ą": [t: "\\k𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x104 - "ą": [t: "\\k𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x105 - "Ć": [t: "\\acute𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x106 # - "Ć": [t: "\\'𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x106 - "ć": [t: "\\acute𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x107 # - "ć": [t: "\\'𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x107 - "Ĉ": [t: "\\hat𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x108 # - "Ĉ": [t: "\\^𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x108 - "ĉ": [t: "\\hat𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x109 # - "ĉ": [t: "\\^𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x109 - "Ċ": [t: "\\dot𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x10a # - "Ċ": [t: "\\.𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x10a - "ċ": [t: "\\dot𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x10b # - "ċ": [t: "\\.𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x10b - "Č": [t: "\\check𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x10c # - "Č": [t: "\\v𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x10c - "č": [t: "\\check𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x10d # - "č": [t: "\\v𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x10d - "Ď": [t: "\\check𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x10e # - "Ď": [t: "\\v𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x10e - "ď": [t: "\\check𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x10f # - "ď": [t: "\\v𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x10f - "Đ": [t: "\\DJ𝐖"] # 0x110 - "đ": [t: "\\dj𝐖"] # 0x111 - "Ē": [t: "\\bar𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x112 # - "Ē": [t: "\\=𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x112 - "ē": [t: "\\bar𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x113 # - "ē": [t: "\\=𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x113 - "Ĕ": [t: "\\breve𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x114 # - "Ĕ": [t: "\\u𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x114 - "ĕ": [t: "\\breve𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x115 # - "ĕ": [t: "\\u𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x115 - "Ė": [t: "\\dot𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x116 # - "Ė": [t: "\\.𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x116 - "ė": [t: "\\dot𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x117 # - "ė": [t: "\\.𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x117 - "Ę": [t: "\\k𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x118 - "ę": [t: "\\k𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x119 - "Ě": [t: "\\check𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x11a # - "Ě": [t: "\\v𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x11a - "ě": [t: "\\check𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x11b # - "ě": [t: "\\v𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x11b - "Ĝ": [t: "\\hat𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x11c # - "Ĝ": [t: "\\^𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x11c - "ĝ": [t: "\\hat𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x11d # - "ĝ": [t: "\\^𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x11d - "Ğ": [t: "\\breve𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x11e # - "Ğ": [t: "\\u𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x11e - "ğ": [t: "\\breve𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x11f # - "ğ": [t: "\\u𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x11f - "Ġ": [t: "\\dot𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x120 # - "Ġ": [t: "\\.𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x120 - "ġ": [t: "\\dot𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x121 # - "ġ": [t: "\\.𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x121 - "Ģ": [t: "\\c𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x122 - "ģ": [t: "\\c𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x123 - "Ĥ": [t: "\\hat𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x124 # - "Ĥ": [t: "\\^𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x124 - "ĥ": [t: "\\hat𝐖h𝐖"] # 0x125 # - "ĥ": [t: "\\^𝐖h𝐖"] # 0x125 - "ħ": [t: "\\Elzxh𝐖"] # 0x127 - "Ĩ": [t: "\\tilde𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x128 # - "Ĩ": [t: "\\~𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x128 - "ĩ": [t: "\\tilde{\\imath}"] # 0x129 # - "ĩ": [t: "\\~{\\i}"] # 0x129 - "Ī": [t: "\\bar𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x12a # - "Ī": [t: "\\=𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x12a - "ī": [t: "\\bar{\\imath}"] # 0x12b # - "ī": [t: "\\={\\i}"] # 0x12b - "Ĭ": [t: "\\breve𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x12c # - "Ĭ": [t: "\\u𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x12c - "ĭ": [t: "\\breve{\\imath}"] # 0x12d # - "ĭ": [t: "\\u{\\i}"] # 0x12d - "Į": [t: "\\k𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x12e - "į": [t: "\\k𝐖i𝐖"] # 0x12f - "İ": [t: "\\dot𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x130 # - "İ": [t: "\\.𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x130 - "ı": [t: "\\imath𝐖"] # 0x131 # - "ı": [t: "\\i"] # 0x131 - "IJ": [t: "\\IJ𝐖"] # 0x132 - "ij": [t: "\\ij𝐖"] # 0x133 - "Ĵ": [t: "\\hat𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x134 # - "Ĵ": [t: "\\^𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x134 - "ĵ": [t: "\\hat{\\jmath}"] # 0x135 # - "ĵ": [t: "\\^{\\j}"] # 0x135 - "Ķ": [t: "\\c𝐖K𝐖"] # 0x136 - "ķ": [t: "\\c𝐖k𝐖"] # 0x137 - "Ĺ": [t: "\\acute𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x139 # - "Ĺ": [t: "\\'𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x139 - "ĺ": [t: "\\acute𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x13a # - "ĺ": [t: "\\'𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x13a - "Ļ": [t: "\\c𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x13b - "ļ": [t: "\\c𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x13c - "Ľ": [t: "\\check𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x13d # - "Ľ": [t: "\\v𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x13d - "ľ": [t: "\\check𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x13e # - "ľ": [t: "\\v𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x13e - "Ł": [t: "\\L"] # 0x141 - "ł": # 0x142 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\Pl𝐖"] else: [t: "\\l"] - "Ń": [t: "\\acute𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x143 # - "Ń": [t: "\\'𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x143 - "ń": [t: "\\acute𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x144 # - "ń": [t: "\\'𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x144 - "Ņ": [t: "\\c𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x145 - "ņ": [t: "\\c𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x146 - "Ň": [t: "\\check𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x147 # - "Ň": [t: "\\v𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x147 - "ň": [t: "\\check𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x148 # - "ň": [t: "\\v𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x148 - "ʼn": [t: "\\'n𝐖"] # 0x149 - "Ŋ": [t: "\\NG𝐖"] # 0x14a - "ŋ": [t: "\\ng𝐖"] # 0x14b - "Ō": [t: "\\bar𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x14c # - "Ō": [t: "\\=𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x14c - "ō": [t: "\\bar𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x14d # - "ō": [t: "\\=𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x14d - "Ŏ": [t: "\\breve𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x14e # - "Ŏ": [t: "\\u𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x14e - "ŏ": [t: "\\breve𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x14f # - "ŏ": [t: "\\u𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x14f - "Ő": [t: "\\H𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x150 - "ő": [t: "\\H𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x151 - "Œ": [t: "\\OE𝐖"] # 0x152 - "œ": [t: "\\oe𝐖"] # 0x153 - "Ŕ": [t: "\\acute𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x154 # - "Ŕ": [t: "\\'𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x154 - "ŕ": [t: "\\acute𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x155 # - "ŕ": [t: "\\'𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x155 - "Ŗ": [t: "\\c𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x156 - "ŗ": [t: "\\c𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x157 - "Ř": [t: "\\check𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x158 # - "Ř": [t: "\\v𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x158 - "ř": [t: "\\check𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x159 # - "ř": [t: "\\v𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x159 - "Ś": [t: "\\acute𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x15a # - "Ś": [t: "\\'𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x15a - "ś": [t: "\\acute𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x15b # - "ś": [t: "\\'𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x15b - "Ŝ": [t: "\\hat𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x15c # - "Ŝ": [t: "\\^𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x15c - "ŝ": [t: "\\hat𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x15d # - "ŝ": [t: "\\^𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x15d - "Ş": [t: "\\c𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x15e - "ş": [t: "\\c𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x15f - "Š": [t: "\\check𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x160 # - "Š": [t: "\\v𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x160 - "š": [t: "\\check𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x161 # - "š": [t: "\\v𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x161 - "Ţ": [t: "\\c𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x162 - "ţ": [t: "\\c𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x163 - "Ť": [t: "\\check𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x164 # - "Ť": [t: "\\v𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x164 - "ť": [t: "\\check𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x165 # - "ť": [t: "\\v𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x165 - "Ũ": [t: "\\tilde𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x168 # - "Ũ": [t: "\\~𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x168 - "ũ": [t: "\\tilde𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x169 # - "ũ": [t: "\\~𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x169 - "Ū": [t: "\\bar𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x16a # - "Ū": [t: "\\=𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x16a - "ū": [t: "\\bar𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x16b # - "ū": [t: "\\=𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x16b - "Ŭ": [t: "\\breve𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x16c # - "Ŭ": [t: "\\u𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x16c - "ŭ": [t: "\\breve𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x16d # - "ŭ": [t: "\\u𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x16d - "Ů": [t: "\\mathring𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x16e # - "Ů": [t: "\\r𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x16e - "ů": [t: "\\mathring𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x16f # - "ů": [t: "\\r𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x16f - "Ű": [t: "\\H𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x170 - "ű": [t: "\\H𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x171 - "Ų": [t: "\\k𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x172 - "ų": [t: "\\k𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x173 - 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"ℬ": [t: "\\mscrB𝐖"] # 0x212c # - "ℬ": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖B𝐖"] # 0x212c - "ℭ": [t: "\\mfrakC𝐖"] # 0x212d # - "ℭ": [t: "\\mathfrak𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x212d - "ℯ": [t: "\\mscre𝐖"] # 0x212f # - "ℯ": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x212f - "ℰ": [t: "\\mscrE𝐖"] # 0x2130 # - "ℰ": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x2130 - "ℱ": [t: "\\mscrF𝐖"] # 0x2131 # - "ℱ": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖F𝐖"] # 0x2131 - "Ⅎ": [t: "\\Finv𝐖"] # 0x2132 - "ℳ": [t: "\\mscrM𝐖"] # 0x2133 # - "ℳ": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x2133 - "ℴ": [t: "\\mscro𝐖"] # 0x2134 # - "ℴ": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x2134 - "ℵ": [t: "\\aleph𝐖"] # 0x2135 - "ℶ": [t: "\\beth𝐖"] # 0x2136 - "ℷ": [t: "\\gimel𝐖"] # 0x2137 - "ℸ": [t: "\\daleth𝐖"] # 0x2138 - "⅁": [t: "\\Game𝐖"] # 0x2141 - "⅂": [t: "\\sansLturned𝐖"] # 0x2142 - "⅃": [t: "\\sansLmirrored𝐖"] # 0x2143 - "⅄": [t: "\\Yup𝐖"] # 0x2144 - "ⅅ": [t: "D"] # 0x2145 - "ⅆ": [t: "d"] # 0x2146 - "ⅇ": [t: "e"] # 0x2147 - "ⅈ": [t: "i"] # 0x2148 - "ⅉ": [t: "j"] # 0x2149 - "⅊": [t: "\\PropertyLine𝐖"] # 0x214a - "⅋": [t: "\\upand𝐖"] # 0x214b - "⅓": [t: "\\textfrac{1}𝐖3𝐖"] # 0x2153 - 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"⬿": [t: "\\leftcurvedarrow𝐖"] # 0x2b3f - "⭀": [t: "\\equalleftarrow𝐖"] # 0x2b40 - "⭁": [t: "\\bsimilarleftarrow𝐖"] # 0x2b41 - "⭂": [t: "\\leftarrowbackapprox𝐖"] # 0x2b42 - "⭃": [t: "\\rightarrowgtr𝐖"] # 0x2b43 - "⭄": [t: "\\rightarrowsupset𝐖"] # 0x2b44 - "⭅": [t: "\\LLeftarrow𝐖"] # 0x2b45 - "⭆": [t: "\\RRightarrow𝐖"] # 0x2b46 - "⭇": [t: "\\bsimilarrightarrow𝐖"] # 0x2b47 - "⭈": [t: "\\rightarrowbackapprox𝐖"] # 0x2b48 - "⭉": [t: "\\similarleftarrow𝐖"] # 0x2b49 - "⭊": [t: "\\leftarrowapprox𝐖"] # 0x2b4a - "⭋": [t: "\\leftarrowbsimilar𝐖"] # 0x2b4b - "⭌": [t: "\\rightarrowbsimilar𝐖"] # 0x2b4c - "⭐": [t: "\\medwhitestar𝐖"] # 0x2b50 - "⭑": [t: "\\medblackstar𝐖"] # 0x2b51 - "⭒": [t: "\\smwhitestar𝐖"] # 0x2b52 - "⭓": [t: "\\rightpentagonblack𝐖"] # 0x2b53 - "⭔": [t: "\\rightpentagon𝐖"] # 0x2b54 - "《": [t: "\\ElsevierGlyph{300A}"] # 0x300a - "》": [t: "\\ElsevierGlyph{300B}"] # 0x300b - "〒": [t: "\\postalmark𝐖"] # 0x3012 - "〔": [t: "\\lbrbrak𝐖"] # 0x3014 - "〕": [t: "\\rbrbrak𝐖"] # 0x3015 - "〘": [t: "\\Lbrbrak𝐖"] # 0x3018 # - "〘": [t: "\\ElsevierGlyph{3018}"] # 0x3018 - "〙": [t: "\\Rbrbrak𝐖"] # 0x3019 # - "〙": [t: "\\ElsevierGlyph{3019}"] # 0x3019 - "〚": [t: "\\openbracketleft𝐖"] # 0x301a - "〛": [t: "\\openbracketright𝐖"] # 0x301b - "〰": [t: "\\hzigzag𝐖"] # 0x3030 - "ff": [t: "\\ff𝐖"] # 0xfb00 - "fi": [t: "\\fi𝐖"] # 0xfb01 - "fl": [t: "\\fl𝐖"] # 0xfb02 - "ffi": [t: "\\ffi𝐖"] # 0xfb03 - "ffl": [t: "\\ffl𝐖"] # 0xfb04 - "𝐀": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x1d400 - "𝐁": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖B𝐖"] # 0x1d401 - "𝐂": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x1d402 - "𝐃": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x1d403 - "𝐄": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x1d404 - "𝐅": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖F𝐖"] # 0x1d405 - "𝐆": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x1d406 - "𝐇": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x1d407 - "𝐈": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x1d408 - "𝐉": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x1d409 - "𝐊": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖K𝐖"] # 0x1d40a - "𝐋": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x1d40b - "𝐌": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x1d40c - "𝐍": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x1d40d - "𝐎": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x1d40e - "𝐏": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖P𝐖"] # 0x1d40f - "𝐐": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖Q𝐖"] # 0x1d410 - "𝐑": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x1d411 - "𝐒": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x1d412 - "𝐓": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x1d413 - "𝐔": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x1d414 - "𝐕": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖V𝐖"] # 0x1d415 - "𝐖": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖W𝐖"] # 0x1d416 - "𝐗": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖X𝐖"] # 0x1d417 - "𝐘": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0x1d418 - "𝐙": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖Z𝐖"] # 0x1d419 - "𝐚": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x1d41a - "𝐛": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖b𝐖"] # 0x1d41b - "𝐜": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x1d41c - "𝐝": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x1d41d - "𝐞": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x1d41e - "𝐟": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖f𝐖"] # 0x1d41f - "𝐠": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x1d420 - "𝐡": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖h𝐖"] # 0x1d421 - "𝐢": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖i𝐖"] # 0x1d422 - "𝐣": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖j𝐖"] # 0x1d423 - "𝐤": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖k𝐖"] # 0x1d424 - "𝐥": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x1d425 - "𝐦": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖m𝐖"] # 0x1d426 - "𝐧": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x1d427 - "𝐨": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d428 - "𝐩": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖p𝐖"] # 0x1d429 - "𝐪": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖q𝐖"] # 0x1d42a - "𝐫": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x1d42b - "𝐬": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x1d42c - "𝐭": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x1d42d - "𝐮": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x1d42e - "𝐯": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖v𝐖"] # 0x1d42f - "𝐰": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖w𝐖"] # 0x1d430 - "𝐱": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖x𝐖"] # 0x1d431 - "𝐲": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖y𝐖"] # 0x1d432 - "𝐳": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖z𝐖"] # 0x1d433 - "𝐴": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x1d434 - "𝐵": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖B𝐖"] # 0x1d435 - "𝐶": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x1d436 - "𝐷": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x1d437 - "𝐸": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x1d438 - "𝐹": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖F𝐖"] # 0x1d439 - "𝐺": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x1d43a - "𝐻": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x1d43b - "𝐼": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x1d43c - "𝐽": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x1d43d - "𝐾": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖K𝐖"] # 0x1d43e - "𝐿": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x1d43f - "𝑀": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x1d440 - "𝑁": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x1d441 - "𝑂": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x1d442 - "𝑃": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖P𝐖"] # 0x1d443 - "𝑄": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖Q𝐖"] # 0x1d444 - "𝑅": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x1d445 - "𝑆": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x1d446 - "𝑇": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x1d447 - "𝑈": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x1d448 - "𝑉": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖V𝐖"] # 0x1d449 - "𝑊": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖W𝐖"] # 0x1d44a - "𝑋": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖X𝐖"] # 0x1d44b - "𝑌": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0x1d44c - "𝑍": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖Z𝐖"] # 0x1d44d - "𝑎": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x1d44e - "𝑏": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖b𝐖"] # 0x1d44f - "𝑐": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x1d450 - "𝑑": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x1d451 - "𝑒": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x1d452 - "𝑓": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖f𝐖"] # 0x1d453 - "𝑔": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x1d454 - "𝑖": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖i𝐖"] # 0x1d456 - "𝑗": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖j𝐖"] # 0x1d457 - "𝑘": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖k𝐖"] # 0x1d458 - "𝑙": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x1d459 - "𝑚": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖m𝐖"] # 0x1d45a - "𝑛": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x1d45b - "𝑜": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d45c - "𝑝": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖p𝐖"] # 0x1d45d - "𝑞": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖q𝐖"] # 0x1d45e - "𝑟": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x1d45f - "𝑠": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x1d460 - "𝑡": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x1d461 - "𝑢": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x1d462 - "𝑣": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖v𝐖"] # 0x1d463 - "𝑤": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖w𝐖"] # 0x1d464 - "𝑥": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖x𝐖"] # 0x1d465 - 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"𝒂": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x1d482 - "𝒃": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖b𝐖"] # 0x1d483 - "𝒄": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x1d484 - "𝒅": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x1d485 - "𝒆": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x1d486 - "𝒇": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖f𝐖"] # 0x1d487 - "𝒈": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x1d488 - "𝒉": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖h𝐖"] # 0x1d489 - "𝒊": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖i𝐖"] # 0x1d48a - "𝒋": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖j𝐖"] # 0x1d48b - "𝒌": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖k𝐖"] # 0x1d48c - "𝒍": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x1d48d - "𝒎": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖m𝐖"] # 0x1d48e - "𝒏": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x1d48f - "𝒐": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d490 - "𝒑": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖p𝐖"] # 0x1d491 - "𝒒": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖q𝐖"] # 0x1d492 - "𝒓": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x1d493 - "𝒔": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x1d494 - "𝒕": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x1d495 - "𝒖": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x1d496 - "𝒗": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖v𝐖"] # 0x1d497 - "𝒘": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖w𝐖"] # 0x1d498 - "𝒙": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖x𝐖"] # 0x1d499 - "𝒚": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖y𝐖"] # 0x1d49a - "𝒛": [t: "\\mathbit𝐖z𝐖"] # 0x1d49b - "𝒜": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x1d49c - "𝒞": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x1d49e - 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"𝓅": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖p𝐖"] # 0x1d4c5 - "𝓆": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖q𝐖"] # 0x1d4c6 - "𝓇": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x1d4c7 - "𝓈": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x1d4c8 - "𝓉": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x1d4c9 - "𝓊": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x1d4ca - "𝓋": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖v𝐖"] # 0x1d4cb - "𝓌": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖w𝐖"] # 0x1d4cc - "𝓍": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖x𝐖"] # 0x1d4cd - "𝓎": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖y𝐖"] # 0x1d4ce - "𝓏": [t: "\\mathscr𝐖z𝐖"] # 0x1d4cf - "𝓐": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x1d4d0 - "𝓑": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖B𝐖"] # 0x1d4d1 - "𝓒": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x1d4d2 - "𝓓": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x1d4d3 - "𝓔": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x1d4d4 - "𝓕": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖F𝐖"] # 0x1d4d5 - "𝓖": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x1d4d6 - "𝓗": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x1d4d7 - "𝓘": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x1d4d8 - "𝓙": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x1d4d9 - "𝓚": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖K𝐖"] # 0x1d4da - "𝓛": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x1d4db - "𝓜": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x1d4dc - "𝓝": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x1d4dd - "𝓞": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x1d4de - "𝓟": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖P𝐖"] # 0x1d4df - "𝓠": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖Q𝐖"] # 0x1d4e0 - "𝓡": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x1d4e1 - "𝓢": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x1d4e2 - "𝓣": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x1d4e3 - "𝓤": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x1d4e4 - "𝓥": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖V𝐖"] # 0x1d4e5 - "𝓦": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖W𝐖"] # 0x1d4e6 - "𝓧": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖X𝐖"] # 0x1d4e7 - "𝓨": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0x1d4e8 - "𝓩": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖Z𝐖"] # 0x1d4e9 - "𝓪": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x1d4ea - "𝓫": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖b𝐖"] # 0x1d4eb - "𝓬": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x1d4ec - "𝓭": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x1d4ed - "𝓮": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x1d4ee - "𝓯": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖f𝐖"] # 0x1d4ef - "𝓰": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x1d4f0 - "𝓱": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖h𝐖"] # 0x1d4f1 - "𝓲": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖i𝐖"] # 0x1d4f2 - "𝓳": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖j𝐖"] # 0x1d4f3 - "𝓴": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖k𝐖"] # 0x1d4f4 - "𝓵": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x1d4f5 - "𝓶": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖m𝐖"] # 0x1d4f6 - "𝓷": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x1d4f7 - "𝓸": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d4f8 - "𝓹": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖p𝐖"] # 0x1d4f9 - "𝓺": [t: "\\mathbcal𝐖q𝐖"] # 0x1d4fa - 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"𝔶": [t: "\\mathfrak𝐖y𝐖"] # 0x1d536 - "𝔷": [t: "\\mathfrak𝐖z𝐖"] # 0x1d537 - "𝔸": # 0x1d538 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\A"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖A𝐖"] - "𝔹": # 0x1d539 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\B"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖B𝐖"] - "𝔻": # 0x1d53b - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\D"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖D𝐖"] - "𝔼": # 0x1d53c - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\E"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖E𝐖"] - "𝔽": # 0x1d53d - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\F"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖F𝐖"] - "𝔾": # 0x1d53e - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\G"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖G𝐖"] - "𝕀": # 0x1d540 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\I"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖I𝐖"] - "𝕁": # 0x1d541 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\J"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖J𝐖"] - "𝕂": # 0x1d542 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\K"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖K𝐖"] - "𝕃": # 0x1d543 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\L"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖L𝐖"] - "𝕄": # 0x1d544 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\M"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖M𝐖"] - "𝕆": # 0x1d546 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\O"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖O𝐖"] - "𝕊": # 0x1d54a - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\S"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖S𝐖"] - "𝕋": # 0x1d54b - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\T"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖T𝐖"] - "𝕌": # 0x1d54c - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\U"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖U𝐖"] - "𝕍": # 0x1d54d - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\V"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖V𝐖"] - "𝕎": # 0x1d54e - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\W"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖W𝐖"] - "𝕏": # 0x1d54f - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\X"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖X𝐖"] - "𝕐": # 0x1d550 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\Y"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖Y𝐖"] - "𝕒": # 0x1d552 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\a"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖a𝐖"] - "𝕓": # 0x1d553 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\b"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖b𝐖"] - "𝕔": # 0x1d554 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\c"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖c𝐖"] - "𝕕": # 0x1d555 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\d"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖d𝐖"] - "𝕖": # 0x1d556 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\e"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖e𝐖"] - "𝕗": # 0x1d557 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\f"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖f𝐖"] - "𝕘": # 0x1d558 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\g"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖g𝐖"] - "𝕙": # 0x1d559 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\h"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖h𝐖"] - "𝕚": # 0x1d55a - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\i"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖i𝐖"] - "𝕛": # 0x1d55b - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\j"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖j𝐖"] - "𝕜": # 0x1d55c - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\k"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖k𝐖"] - "𝕝": # 0x1d55d - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\l"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖l𝐖"] - "𝕞": # 0x1d55e - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\m"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖m𝐖"] - "𝕟": # 0x1d55f - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\n"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖n𝐖"] - "𝕠": # 0x1d560 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\o"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖o𝐖"] - "𝕡": # 0x1d561 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\p"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖p𝐖"] - "𝕢": # 0x1d562 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\q"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖q𝐖"] - "𝕣": # 0x1d563 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\r"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖r𝐖"] - "𝕤": # 0x1d564 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\s"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖s𝐖"] - "𝕥": # 0x1d565 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\t"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖t𝐖"] - "𝕦": # 0x1d566 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\u"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖u𝐖"] - "𝕧": # 0x1d567 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\v"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖v𝐖"] - "𝕨": # 0x1d568 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\w"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖w𝐖"] - "𝕩": # 0x1d569 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\x"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖x𝐖"] - "𝕪": # 0x1d56a - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\y"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖y𝐖"] - "𝕫": # 0x1d56b - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "\\z"] else: [t: "\\mathbb𝐖z𝐖"] - "𝕬": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x1d56c - "𝕭": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖B𝐖"] # 0x1d56d - "𝕮": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x1d56e - "𝕯": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x1d56f - "𝕰": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x1d570 - "𝕱": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖F𝐖"] # 0x1d571 - "𝕲": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x1d572 - "𝕳": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x1d573 - "𝕴": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x1d574 - "𝕵": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x1d575 - "𝕶": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖K𝐖"] # 0x1d576 - "𝕷": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x1d577 - "𝕸": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x1d578 - "𝕹": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x1d579 - "𝕺": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x1d57a - "𝕻": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖P𝐖"] # 0x1d57b - "𝕼": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖Q𝐖"] # 0x1d57c - "𝕽": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x1d57d - "𝕾": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x1d57e - "𝕿": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x1d57f - "𝖀": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x1d580 - "𝖁": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖V𝐖"] # 0x1d581 - "𝖂": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖W𝐖"] # 0x1d582 - "𝖃": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖X𝐖"] # 0x1d583 - "𝖄": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0x1d584 - "𝖅": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖Z𝐖"] # 0x1d585 - "𝖆": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x1d586 - "𝖇": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖b𝐖"] # 0x1d587 - "𝖈": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x1d588 - "𝖉": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x1d589 - "𝖊": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x1d58a - "𝖋": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖f𝐖"] # 0x1d58b - "𝖌": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x1d58c - "𝖍": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖h𝐖"] # 0x1d58d - "𝖎": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖i𝐖"] # 0x1d58e - "𝖏": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖j𝐖"] # 0x1d58f - "𝖐": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖k𝐖"] # 0x1d590 - "𝖑": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x1d591 - "𝖒": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖m𝐖"] # 0x1d592 - "𝖓": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x1d593 - "𝖔": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d594 - "𝖕": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖p𝐖"] # 0x1d595 - "𝖖": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖q𝐖"] # 0x1d596 - "𝖗": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x1d597 - "𝖘": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x1d598 - "𝖙": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x1d599 - "𝖚": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x1d59a - "𝖛": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖v𝐖"] # 0x1d59b - "𝖜": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖w𝐖"] # 0x1d59c - "𝖝": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖x𝐖"] # 0x1d59d - "𝖞": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖y𝐖"] # 0x1d59e - "𝖟": [t: "\\mathbfrak𝐖z𝐖"] # 0x1d59f - "𝖠": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x1d5a0 - "𝖡": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖B𝐖"] # 0x1d5a1 - "𝖢": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x1d5a2 - "𝖣": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x1d5a3 - "𝖤": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x1d5a4 - "𝖥": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖F𝐖"] # 0x1d5a5 - "𝖦": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x1d5a6 - "𝖧": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x1d5a7 - "𝖨": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x1d5a8 - "𝖩": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x1d5a9 - "𝖪": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖K𝐖"] # 0x1d5aa - "𝖫": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x1d5ab - "𝖬": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x1d5ac - "𝖭": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x1d5ad - "𝖮": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x1d5ae - "𝖯": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖P𝐖"] # 0x1d5af - "𝖰": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖Q𝐖"] # 0x1d5b0 - "𝖱": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x1d5b1 - "𝖲": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x1d5b2 - "𝖳": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x1d5b3 - "𝖴": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x1d5b4 - "𝖵": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖V𝐖"] # 0x1d5b5 - "𝖶": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖W𝐖"] # 0x1d5b6 - "𝖷": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖X𝐖"] # 0x1d5b7 - "𝖸": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0x1d5b8 - "𝖹": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖Z𝐖"] # 0x1d5b9 - "𝖺": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x1d5ba - "𝖻": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖b𝐖"] # 0x1d5bb - "𝖼": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x1d5bc - "𝖽": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x1d5bd - "𝖾": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x1d5be - "𝖿": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖f𝐖"] # 0x1d5bf - "𝗀": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x1d5c0 - "𝗁": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖h𝐖"] # 0x1d5c1 - "𝗂": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖i𝐖"] # 0x1d5c2 - "𝗃": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖j𝐖"] # 0x1d5c3 - "𝗄": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖k𝐖"] # 0x1d5c4 - "𝗅": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x1d5c5 - "𝗆": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖m𝐖"] # 0x1d5c6 - "𝗇": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x1d5c7 - "𝗈": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d5c8 - "𝗉": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖p𝐖"] # 0x1d5c9 - "𝗊": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖q𝐖"] # 0x1d5ca - "𝗋": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x1d5cb - "𝗌": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x1d5cc - "𝗍": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x1d5cd - "𝗎": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x1d5ce - "𝗏": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖v𝐖"] # 0x1d5cf - "𝗐": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖w𝐖"] # 0x1d5d0 - "𝗑": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖x𝐖"] # 0x1d5d1 - "𝗒": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖y𝐖"] # 0x1d5d2 - "𝗓": [t: "\\mathsf𝐖z𝐖"] # 0x1d5d3 - "𝗔": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x1d5d4 - "𝗕": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖B𝐖"] # 0x1d5d5 - "𝗖": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x1d5d6 - "𝗗": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x1d5d7 - "𝗘": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x1d5d8 - "𝗙": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖F𝐖"] # 0x1d5d9 - "𝗚": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x1d5da - "𝗛": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x1d5db - "𝗜": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x1d5dc - "𝗝": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x1d5dd - "𝗞": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖K𝐖"] # 0x1d5de - "𝗟": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x1d5df - "𝗠": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x1d5e0 - "𝗡": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x1d5e1 - "𝗢": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x1d5e2 - "𝗣": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖P𝐖"] # 0x1d5e3 - "𝗤": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖Q𝐖"] # 0x1d5e4 - "𝗥": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x1d5e5 - "𝗦": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x1d5e6 - "𝗧": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x1d5e7 - "𝗨": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x1d5e8 - "𝗩": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖V𝐖"] # 0x1d5e9 - "𝗪": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖W𝐖"] # 0x1d5ea - "𝗫": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖X𝐖"] # 0x1d5eb - "𝗬": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0x1d5ec - "𝗭": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖Z𝐖"] # 0x1d5ed - "𝗮": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x1d5ee - "𝗯": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖b𝐖"] # 0x1d5ef - "𝗰": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x1d5f0 - "𝗱": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x1d5f1 - "𝗲": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x1d5f2 - "𝗳": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖f𝐖"] # 0x1d5f3 - "𝗴": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x1d5f4 - "𝗵": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖h𝐖"] # 0x1d5f5 - "𝗶": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖i𝐖"] # 0x1d5f6 - "𝗷": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖j𝐖"] # 0x1d5f7 - "𝗸": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖k𝐖"] # 0x1d5f8 - "𝗹": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x1d5f9 - "𝗺": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖m𝐖"] # 0x1d5fa - "𝗻": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x1d5fb - "𝗼": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d5fc - "𝗽": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖p𝐖"] # 0x1d5fd - "𝗾": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖q𝐖"] # 0x1d5fe - "𝗿": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x1d5ff - "𝘀": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x1d600 - "𝘁": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x1d601 - "𝘂": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x1d602 - "𝘃": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖v𝐖"] # 0x1d603 - "𝘄": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖w𝐖"] # 0x1d604 - "𝘅": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖x𝐖"] # 0x1d605 - "𝘆": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖y𝐖"] # 0x1d606 - "𝘇": [t: "\\mathsfbf𝐖z𝐖"] # 0x1d607 - "𝘈": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x1d608 - "𝘉": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖B𝐖"] # 0x1d609 - "𝘊": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x1d60a - "𝘋": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x1d60b - "𝘌": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x1d60c - "𝘍": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖F𝐖"] # 0x1d60d - "𝘎": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x1d60e - "𝘏": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x1d60f - "𝘐": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x1d610 - "𝘑": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x1d611 - "𝘒": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖K𝐖"] # 0x1d612 - "𝘓": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x1d613 - "𝘔": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x1d614 - "𝘕": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x1d615 - "𝘖": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x1d616 - "𝘗": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖P𝐖"] # 0x1d617 - "𝘘": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖Q𝐖"] # 0x1d618 - "𝘙": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x1d619 - "𝘚": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x1d61a - "𝘛": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x1d61b - "𝘜": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x1d61c - "𝘝": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖V𝐖"] # 0x1d61d - "𝘞": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖W𝐖"] # 0x1d61e - "𝘟": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖X𝐖"] # 0x1d61f - "𝘠": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0x1d620 - "𝘡": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖Z𝐖"] # 0x1d621 - "𝘢": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x1d622 - "𝘣": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖b𝐖"] # 0x1d623 - "𝘤": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x1d624 - "𝘥": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x1d625 - "𝘦": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x1d626 - "𝘧": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖f𝐖"] # 0x1d627 - "𝘨": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x1d628 - "𝘩": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖h𝐖"] # 0x1d629 - "𝘪": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖i𝐖"] # 0x1d62a - "𝘫": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖j𝐖"] # 0x1d62b - "𝘬": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖k𝐖"] # 0x1d62c - "𝘭": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x1d62d - "𝘮": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖m𝐖"] # 0x1d62e - "𝘯": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x1d62f - "𝘰": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d630 - "𝘱": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖p𝐖"] # 0x1d631 - "𝘲": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖q𝐖"] # 0x1d632 - "𝘳": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x1d633 - "𝘴": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x1d634 - "𝘵": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x1d635 - "𝘶": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x1d636 - "𝘷": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖v𝐖"] # 0x1d637 - "𝘸": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖w𝐖"] # 0x1d638 - "𝘹": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖x𝐖"] # 0x1d639 - "𝘺": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖y𝐖"] # 0x1d63a - "𝘻": [t: "\\mathsfsl𝐖z𝐖"] # 0x1d63b - "𝘼": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x1d63c - "𝘽": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖B𝐖"] # 0x1d63d - "𝘾": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x1d63e - "𝘿": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x1d63f - "𝙀": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x1d640 - "𝙁": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖F𝐖"] # 0x1d641 - "𝙂": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x1d642 - "𝙃": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x1d643 - "𝙄": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x1d644 - "𝙅": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x1d645 - "𝙆": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖K𝐖"] # 0x1d646 - "𝙇": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x1d647 - "𝙈": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x1d648 - "𝙉": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x1d649 - "𝙊": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x1d64a - "𝙋": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖P𝐖"] # 0x1d64b - "𝙌": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖Q𝐖"] # 0x1d64c - "𝙍": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x1d64d - "𝙎": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x1d64e - "𝙏": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x1d64f - "𝙐": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x1d650 - "𝙑": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖V𝐖"] # 0x1d651 - "𝙒": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖W𝐖"] # 0x1d652 - "𝙓": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖X𝐖"] # 0x1d653 - "𝙔": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0x1d654 - "𝙕": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖Z𝐖"] # 0x1d655 - "𝙖": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x1d656 - "𝙗": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖b𝐖"] # 0x1d657 - "𝙘": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x1d658 - "𝙙": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x1d659 - "𝙚": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖e𝐖"] # 0x1d65a - "𝙛": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖f𝐖"] # 0x1d65b - "𝙜": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖g𝐖"] # 0x1d65c - "𝙝": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖h𝐖"] # 0x1d65d - "𝙞": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖i𝐖"] # 0x1d65e - "𝙟": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖j𝐖"] # 0x1d65f - "𝙠": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖k𝐖"] # 0x1d660 - "𝙡": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖l𝐖"] # 0x1d661 - "𝙢": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖m𝐖"] # 0x1d662 - "𝙣": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖n𝐖"] # 0x1d663 - "𝙤": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d664 - "𝙥": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖p𝐖"] # 0x1d665 - "𝙦": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖q𝐖"] # 0x1d666 - "𝙧": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖r𝐖"] # 0x1d667 - "𝙨": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖s𝐖"] # 0x1d668 - "𝙩": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖t𝐖"] # 0x1d669 - "𝙪": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖u𝐖"] # 0x1d66a - "𝙫": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖v𝐖"] # 0x1d66b - "𝙬": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖w𝐖"] # 0x1d66c - "𝙭": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖x𝐖"] # 0x1d66d - "𝙮": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖y𝐖"] # 0x1d66e - "𝙯": [t: "\\mathsfbfsl𝐖z𝐖"] # 0x1d66f - "𝙰": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖A𝐖"] # 0x1d670 - "𝙱": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖B𝐖"] # 0x1d671 - "𝙲": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖C𝐖"] # 0x1d672 - "𝙳": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖D𝐖"] # 0x1d673 - "𝙴": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖E𝐖"] # 0x1d674 - "𝙵": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖F𝐖"] # 0x1d675 - "𝙶": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖G𝐖"] # 0x1d676 - "𝙷": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖H𝐖"] # 0x1d677 - "𝙸": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖I𝐖"] # 0x1d678 - "𝙹": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖J𝐖"] # 0x1d679 - "𝙺": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖K𝐖"] # 0x1d67a - "𝙻": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖L𝐖"] # 0x1d67b - "𝙼": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x1d67c - "𝙽": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖N𝐖"] # 0x1d67d - "𝙾": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖O𝐖"] # 0x1d67e - "𝙿": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖P𝐖"] # 0x1d67f - "𝚀": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖Q𝐖"] # 0x1d680 - "𝚁": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖R𝐖"] # 0x1d681 - "𝚂": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖S𝐖"] # 0x1d682 - "𝚃": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖T𝐖"] # 0x1d683 - "𝚄": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖U𝐖"] # 0x1d684 - "𝚅": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖V𝐖"] # 0x1d685 - "𝚆": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖W𝐖"] # 0x1d686 - "𝚇": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖X𝐖"] # 0x1d687 - "𝚈": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖Y𝐖"] # 0x1d688 - "𝚉": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖Z𝐖"] # 0x1d689 - "𝚊": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖a𝐖"] # 0x1d68a - "𝚋": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖b𝐖"] # 0x1d68b - "𝚌": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖c𝐖"] # 0x1d68c - "𝚍": [t: "\\mathtt𝐖d𝐖"] # 0x1d68d - 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"𝛅": [t: "\\mathbf{\\delta}"] # 0x1d6c5 - "𝛆": [t: "\\mathbf{\\epsilon}"] # 0x1d6c6 - "𝛇": [t: "\\mathbf{\\zeta}"] # 0x1d6c7 - "𝛈": [t: "\\mathbf{\\eta}"] # 0x1d6c8 - "𝛉": [t: "\\mathbf{\\theta}"] # 0x1d6c9 - "𝛊": [t: "\\mathbf{\\iota}"] # 0x1d6ca - "𝛋": [t: "\\mathbf{\\kappa}"] # 0x1d6cb - "𝛌": [t: "\\mathbf{\\lambda}"] # 0x1d6cc - "𝛍": [t: "\\mathbf{\\mu}"] # 0x1d6cd - "𝛎": [t: "\\mathbf{\\nu}"] # 0x1d6ce - "𝛏": [t: "\\mathbf{\\xi}"] # 0x1d6cf - "𝛐": [t: "\\mathbf𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d6d0 - "𝛑": [t: "\\mathbf{\\pi}"] # 0x1d6d1 - "𝛒": [t: "\\mathbf{\\rho}"] # 0x1d6d2 - "𝛓": [t: "\\mathbf{\\varsigma}"] # 0x1d6d3 - "𝛔": [t: "\\mathbf{\\sigma}"] # 0x1d6d4 - "𝛕": [t: "\\mathbf{\\tau}"] # 0x1d6d5 - "𝛖": [t: "\\mathbf{\\upsilon}"] # 0x1d6d6 - "𝛗": [t: "\\mathbf{\\phi}"] # 0x1d6d7 - "𝛘": [t: "\\mathbf{\\chi}"] # 0x1d6d8 - "𝛙": [t: "\\mathbf{\\psi}"] # 0x1d6d9 - "𝛚": [t: "\\mathbf{\\omega}"] # 0x1d6da - "𝛛": [t: "\\partial𝐖"] # 0x1d6db - "𝛜": [t: "\\mathbf{\\varepsilon}"] # 0x1d6dc - "𝛝": [t: "\\mathbf{\\vartheta}"] # 0x1d6dd - "𝛞": [t: "\\mathbf{\\varkappa}"] # 0x1d6de - "𝛟": [t: "\\mathbf{\\phi}"] # 0x1d6df - "𝛠": [t: "\\mathbf{\\varrho}"] # 0x1d6e0 - "𝛡": [t: "\\mathbf{\\varpi}"] # 0x1d6e1 - "𝛢": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Alpha}"] # 0x1d6e2 - "𝛣": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Beta}"] # 0x1d6e3 - "𝛤": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Gamma}"] # 0x1d6e4 - "𝛥": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Delta}"] # 0x1d6e5 - "𝛦": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Epsilon}"] # 0x1d6e6 - "𝛧": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Zeta}"] # 0x1d6e7 - "𝛨": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Eta}"] # 0x1d6e8 - "𝛩": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Theta}"] # 0x1d6e9 - "𝛪": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Iota}"] # 0x1d6ea - "𝛫": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Kappa}"] # 0x1d6eb - "𝛬": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Lambda}"] # 0x1d6ec - "𝛭": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖M𝐖"] # 0x1d6ed - "𝛮": [t: "\\N"] # 0x1d6ee - "𝛯": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Xi}"] # 0x1d6ef - "𝛰": # 0x1d6f0 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "~O"] else: [t: "\\O"] - "𝛱": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Pi}"] # 0x1d6f1 - "𝛲": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Rho}"] # 0x1d6f2 - "𝛳": [t: "\\mathmit{\\vartheta}"] # 0x1d6f3 - "𝛴": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Sigma}"] # 0x1d6f4 - "𝛵": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Tau}"] # 0x1d6f5 - "𝛶": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Upsilon}"] # 0x1d6f6 - "𝛷": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Phi}"] # 0x1d6f7 - "𝛸": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Chi}"] # 0x1d6f8 - "𝛹": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Psi}"] # 0x1d6f9 - "𝛺": [t: "\\mathmit{\\Omega}"] # 0x1d6fa - "𝛻": [t: "\\mathmit{\\nabla}"] # 0x1d6fb - "𝛼": [t: "\\mathmit{\\alpha}"] # 0x1d6fc - "𝛽": [t: "\\mathmit{\\beta}"] # 0x1d6fd - "𝛾": [t: "\\mathmit{\\gamma}"] # 0x1d6fe - "𝛿": [t: "\\mathmit{\\delta}"] # 0x1d6ff - "𝜀": [t: "\\mathmit{\\epsilon}"] # 0x1d700 - "𝜁": [t: "\\mathmit{\\zeta}"] # 0x1d701 - "𝜂": [t: "\\mathmit{\\eta}"] # 0x1d702 - "𝜃": [t: "\\mathmit{\\theta}"] # 0x1d703 - "𝜄": # 0x1d704 - test: if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName" then: [t: "~i"] else: [t: "\\iota𝐖"] - "𝜅": [t: "\\mathmit{\\kappa}"] # 0x1d705 - "𝜆": [t: "\\mathmit{\\lambda}"] # 0x1d706 - "𝜇": [t: "\\mathmit{\\mu}"] # 0x1d707 - "𝜈": [t: "\\mathmit{\\nu}"] # 0x1d708 - "𝜉": [t: "\\mathmit{\\xi}"] # 0x1d709 - "𝜊": [t: "\\mathmit𝐖o𝐖"] # 0x1d70a - "𝜋": [t: "\\mathmit{\\pi}"] # 0x1d70b - 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