--- # number-sets are a little messy in that the base was converted to a number-set, so we have to match that (simple) case last - name: pos-neg-number-sets tag: number-sets match: "count(*)=2 and *[2][text()='+' or text()='-']" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "la" - bookmark: "*[2]/@id" - test: - if: "*[2][text()='+']" then: [{T: "positivo"}] else: [{T: "negativo"}] - bookmark: "*[1]/@id" - test: - if: "*[1][text()='ℂ']" then: [{T: números complejos}] - else_if: "*[1][text()='ℕ']" then: [{T: números naturales}] - else_if: "*[1][text()='ℚ']" then: [{T: números racionales}] - else_if: "*[1][text()='ℝ']" then: [{T: números reales}] - else_if: "*[1][text()='ℤ']" then: [{T: enteros}] else: [{x: "*[1][text()]"}] # shouldn't happen - name: dimension-number-sets # should be single digit integer at this point (e.g, R^3) tag: number-sets match: "count(*)=2" replace: - bookmark: "*[1]/@id" - test: - if: "*[1][text()='ℂ']" then: [{T: "C"}] - else_if: "*[1][text()='ℕ']" then: [{T: "N"}] - else_if: "*[1][text()='ℚ']" then: [{T: "Q"}] - else_if: "*[1][text()='ℝ']" then: [{T: "R"}] - else_if: "*[1][text()='ℤ']" then: [{T: "Z"}] else: [{x: "*[1][text()]"}] # shouldn't happen - bookmark: "*[2]/@id" - x: "*[2]" - name: simple-number-sets tag: number-sets match: "count(*)=0" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: - if: "text()='ℂ'" then: [{T: números complejos}] - else_if: "text()='ℕ'" then: [{T: números naturales}] - else_if: "text()='ℚ'" then: [{T: números racionales}] - else_if: "text()='ℝ'" then: [{T: números reales}] - else_if: "text()='ℤ'" then: [{T: enteros}] else: [x: "text()"] # shouldn't happen - name: real-part tag: real-part match: "." replace: - bookmark: "@id" - T: la parte real - name: imaginary-part tag: imaginary-part match: "." replace: - bookmark: "@id" - T: la parte imaginaria # rules on scripted vertical bars ('evaluated at') - name: evaluated-at-2 tag: evaluate match: "count(*)=2" replace: - x: "*[1]" - pause: auto - T: evaluado en - pause: auto - x: "*[2]" - name: evaluated-at-3 tag: evaluate match: "count(*)=3" replace: - x: "*[1]" - pause: auto - T: evaluado en - pause: auto - x: "*[3]" - T: "evaluado excepto en la misma expresión" - x: "*[2]" - name: binomial tag: binomial match: "count(*)=2 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - x: "*[1]" - T: elegir - x: "*[2]" - name: permutation tag: permutation-symbol match: "count(*)=2 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - x: "*[2]" - T: permutaciones de - x: "*[1]" - name: intervals tag: [open-interval, open-closed-interval, closed-interval, closed-open-interval] match: "count(*)=2 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "el" - x: "translate(name(.),'-', ' ')" - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "de" - x: "*[1]" - T: "a" - x: "*[2]" else: - x: "*[1]" - T: "coma" - x: "*[2]" - name: default-point tag: point match: "count(*)=2 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "el" - T: "punto" - x: "*[1]" - T: "coma" - x: "*[2]" - name: absolute-value tag: absolute-value match: "count(*)=1 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: [{T: "valor absoluto"}] else: [{T: "el valor absoluto de"}] - x: "*[1]" - test: if: "IsNode(*[1], 'leaf') or $Impairment != 'Blindness'" then: [{pause: short}] else: [{pause: short}, {T: final del valor absoluto}, {pause: short}] - name: negative tag: negative match: "count(*)=1 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - bookmark: "./@id" - T: "negativo" - x: "*[1]" - name: positive tag: positive match: "count(*)=1 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - bookmark: "./@id" - T: "positivo" - x: "*[1]" - name: subscript tag: sub match: "count(*)=2 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - x: "*[1]" - T: "subíndice" - x: "*[2]" - name: bigop-both tag: large-op match: "count(*) = 3" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: [{T: el}] - x: "*[1]" - T: de - x: "*[2]" - T: a - x: "*[3]" - test: if: "following-sibling::*" then: [{T: de}] - name: bigop-under tag: large-op match: "count(*)=2 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: [{T: el}] - x: "*[1]" - T: partido por - x: "*[2]" - test: if: "following-sibling::*" then: [{T: de}] - name: largeop tag: mrow match: "count(*)=2 and IsInDefinition(*[1], 'LargeOperators')" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: [{T: el}] - x: "*[1]" - T: de - x: "*[2]" - name: limit tag: limit match: "count(*)=2 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: [t: ""] # phrase('the' limit as x approaches 1) - test: - if: "*[1][.='lim']" then: [T: "límite"] - else_if: "*[1][.='limsup']" then_test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: [t: "lim sup"] else: [t: "limit superior"] - else_if: "*[1][.='liminf']" then_test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: [t: "lim inf"] else: [t: "limit inferior"] - else: [x: "*[1]"] - T: "cuando" # phrase(the limit 'as' x approaches 1) - x: "*[2]" - pause: short - name: vector tag: modified-variable match: "count(*)=2 and *[2][text()='→']" replace: - T: "vector" - x: "*[1]" - name: default tag: modified-variable match: "count(*)=2 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - x: "*[1]" - x: "*[2]" - pause: short - name: default # handles single, double, etc., prime tag: [skip-super, say-super] match: "count(*)=2" replace: - x: "*[1]" - test: if: "name(.)='say-super'" then_test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: superíndice} else: {T: superíndice} - x: "*[2]" - pause: short - name: msubsup-skip-super # handles single, double, etc., prime tag: [skip-super, say-super] match: "count(*)=3" replace: - x: "*[1]" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: {T: "subíndice"} else: {T: "subíndice"} - x: "*[2]" - test: if: "not(IsNode(*[2],'leaf'))" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: {T: "fin de subíndice"} else: {T: "fin de subíndice"} - pause: short else_test: if: "*[2][self::m:mi]" # need a pause in "x sub k prime" so the prime is not associated with the 'k' then: [pause: short] - test: if: "name(.)='say-super'" then_test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: {T: "superíndice"} else: {T: "superíndice"} - x: "*[3]" - pause: short - name: sin tag: mi match: "text()='sin'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - T: "seno" - name: cos tag: mi match: "text()='cos'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: cos} else: {T: coseno} - name: tan tag: mi match: "text()='tan' or text()='tg'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: tan} else: {T: tangente} - name: sec tag: mi match: "text()='sec'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: hallar} else: {T: secante} - name: csc tag: mi match: "text()='csc'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: hallar} else: {T: cosecante} - name: cot tag: mi match: "text()='cot'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: co-tan} else: {T: cotangente} - name: sinh tag: mi match: "text()='sinh'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: puesto que} else: {T: seno hiperbólico} - name: cosh tag: mi match: "text()='cosh'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: cosh} else: {T: coseno hiperbólico} - name: tanh tag: mi match: "text()='tanh'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: tangente} else: {T: tangente hiperbólica} - name: sech tag: mi match: "text()='sech'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: controlar} else: {T: secante hiperbólica} - name: csch tag: mi match: "text()='csch'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: controlar} else: {T: cosecante hiperbólica} - name: coth tag: mi match: "text()='coth'" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: {T: cotangente} else: {T: cotangente hiperbólica} - # handle both log and ln name: log tag: mrow variables: [{log_is_simple: "IsNode(*[3],'simple')"}] match: - "count(*)=3 and" - "*[1][self::m:mi][text()='log' or text()='ln'] and" - "*[2][self::m:mo][text()='⁡']" replace: - bookmark: "*[1]/@id" - test: if: "$log_is_simple" then_test: - if: "*[1][text()='log']" then: [{T: log}] - else_if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: [{spell: "'ln'"}] else: [{T: natural log}] else: - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse' and not(log_is_simple)" then: {T: el} - test: - if: "*[1][text()='log']" then: [{T: log}] - else_if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: [{spell: "'ln'"}] else: [{T: natural log}] - T: de - pause: short - x: "*[3]" - name: log-base tag: log-base match: "not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - bookmark: "@id" - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: {T: el} - T: log base - x: "*[1]" - name: multi-line # that eliminates the need for the if: else_if: ... # IDEA: set a variable with the word to say for the row (e.g., RowLabel = Row/Case/Line/...) tag: [piecewise, system-of-equations, lines] match: "." variables: [IsColumnSilent: true()] replace: - x: "count(*)" - test: - if: "self::m:piecewise" then: [{T: "caso"}] - else_if: "self::m:system-of-equations" then: [{T: "ecuación"}] else: [{T: "línea"}] - test: - if: "count(*) > 1" then: [{ct: "s"}] # plural - pause: short - x: "*" - name: default-multiline tag: [mtr, mlabeledtr] match: "parent::m:piecewise or parent::m:system-of-equations or parent::m:lines" replace: - test: - if: "parent::m:piecewise" then: [{T: "caso"}] - else_if: "parent::m:system-of-equations" then: [{T: "ecuación"}] else: [{T: "línea"}] - x: "count(preceding-sibling::*)+1" - test: if: .[self::m:mlabeledtr] then: - T: etiquetada con - x: "*[1]/*" - pause: medium - test: if: .[self::m:mlabeledtr] then: [{x: "*[position()>1]"}] else: {x: "*"} - name: default-multiline tag: mtd match: "parent::*[parent::m:piecewise or parent::m:system-of-equations or parent::m:lines]" variables: [LongPause: "$SpeechStyle = 'ClearSpeak' and $ClearSpeak_MultiLinePausesBetweenColumns = 'Long'"] replace: - x: "*" - test: # short pause after each element; medium pause if last element in a row; long pause for last element in matrix unless ClearSpeak override - if: "count(following-sibling::*) > 0" then_test: if: "$LongPause" then: {pause: medium} else: {pause: short} - else_if: "count(../following-sibling::*) > 0" then_test: if: "$LongPause" then: {pause: long} else: {pause: medium} else: {pause: long} # Matrix/Determinant rules # matrix and determinant are the same other than "matrix"/"determinant" based on the bracketing chars # the pausing logic is pushed down to the # the rules either speak the s (to get "row n") or the s. "column n" spoken if $IsColumnSilent is false - name: 1x1-matrix tag: matrix variables: [{IsColumnSilent: true()}] match: "count(*)=1 and *[self::m:mtr][count(*) = 1]" replace: - OT: "la" - T: "matriz 1 por 1" - T: "con acceso" - x: "*[1]/*" - name: 1x1-determinant tag: determinant variables: [{IsColumnSilent: true()}] match: "count(*)=1 and *[self::m:mtr][count(*) = 1]" replace: - OT: "el" - T: "determinante 1 por 1" - T: "con acceso" - x: "*[1]/*" # simpler reading methods for smaller matrices if the entries are simple - name: 2-or-3x1-matrix tag: matrix variables: [{IsColumnSilent: true()}] match: - "$ClearSpeak_Matrix != 'SpeakColNum' and " # "simple" isn't used for this preference - "*[self::m:mtr][count(*) = 1] and " # one column - count(*)<=3 and # at least two rows - IsNode(*/*/*,'simple') # IsNode() returns true if all the nodes are simple replace: - test: if: "$ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'Vector' or $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector'" then: {T: "el vector columna"} else: {T: "la matriz columna"} - x: count(*) - T: "por 1 columna" - pause: long - x: "*/*" - test: if: "$ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndMatrix' or $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector'" then: - T: "fin" - test: if: $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector' then: {T: vector} else: {T: matriz} - name: default-column-matrix tag: matrix variables: [{IsColumnSilent: true()}] match: "*[self::m:mtr][count(*) = 1]" replace: - test: if: "$ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'Vector' or $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector'" then: {T: "el vector"} else: {T: "la matriz"} - x: "count(*)" - T: "por 1 columna" - pause: long - x: "*" # select the rows (mtr) - test: if: "$ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndMatrix' or $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector'" then: [{T: "fin de la matriz"}] - name: 1x2-or-3-matrix tag: matrix variables: [{IsColumnSilent: "$SpeechStyle = 'ClearSpeak' and $ClearSpeak_Matrix != 'SpeakColNum'"}] match: - "$ClearSpeak_Matrix != 'SpeakColNum' and " # "simple" isn't used for this preference - count(*)=1 and # one row - count(*[1]/*)<=3 and # at least two cols - IsNode(*/*/*,'simple') # IsNode() returns true if all the nodes are simple replace: - test: if: "$ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'Vector' or $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector'" then: {T: "el vector"} else: {T: "la matriz"} - T: "1 por" - x: count(*/*) - T: "fila" - pause: long - x: "*/*" - test: if: "$ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndMatrix' or $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector'" then: - T: "fin" - test: if: $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndMatrix' then: {T: matriz} else: {T: vector} - name: default-row-matrix tag: matrix variables: [{IsColumnSilent: "$SpeechStyle = 'ClearSpeak' and $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'SilentColNum'"}] match: "count(*)=1" # one row replace: - test: if: "$ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'Vector' or $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector'" then: {T: "el vector"} else: {T: "la matriz"} - T: "1 por" - x: "count(*/*)" - T: "fila" - pause: long - x: "*/*" # select the cols (mtd) - test: if: "$ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndMatrix' or $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector'" then: - T: "fin" - test: if: $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndMatrix' then: {T: matriz} else: {T: vector} - name: simple-small-matrix tag: [matrix, determinant] match: - "$ClearSpeak_Matrix != 'SpeakColNum' and " # "simple" isn't used for this preference - (count(*)<=3 and count(*[1]/*)<=3) and # no bigger than a 3x3 matrix - IsNode(*/*/*,'simple') # IsNode() returns true if all the nodes are simple variables: [{IsColumnSilent: "$SpeechStyle = 'ClearSpeak' and $ClearSpeak_Matrix != 'SpeakColNum'"}] replace: - test: if: "self::m:determinant" then: {T: "el determinante"} else: {T: "la matriz"} - x: count(*) - T: por - x: count(*[self::m:mtr][1]/*) - pause: long - x: "*" - test: if: "$ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndMatrix' or $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector'" then: - T: fin - test: if: "self::m:determinant" then: {T: "determinante"} else: {T: "matriz"} - name: default-matrix tag: [matrix, determinant] variables: [{IsColumnSilent: "$SpeechStyle = 'ClearSpeak' and $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'SilentColNum'"}] match: "not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "self::m:determinant" then: {T: "el determinante"} else: {T: "la matriz"} - x: "count(*)" - T: por - x: "count(*[self::m:mtr][1]/*)" - pause: long - x: "*" - test: if: "$ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndMatrix' or $ClearSpeak_Matrix = 'EndVector'" then: - T: fin - test: if: "self::m:determinant" then: {T: determinante} else: {T: matriz} - name: chemistry-msub tag: [chemical-formula] match: "*[1][text()='msub']" replace: - x: "*[2]" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] - x: "*[3]" - name: chemistry-msup tag: [chemical-formula] match: "count(*)=3 and *[1][text()='msup']" replace: - x: "*[2]" - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] - x: "*[3]" - test: if: "following-sibling::*[1][text()='+' or text()='-']" # a little lazy -- assumes chemistry superscripts end with + or - then: [{pause: medium}] - # There currently is no way to do sub/super for n-ary number of args # Instead, we just deal with up to two prescripts and up to four postscripts (repeating blocks of similar code [UGLY!]) # This hopefully covers all reasonable cases... name: chemistry-scripts tag: [chemical-formula, chemical-nuclide] variables: # computing the number of postscripts is messy because of being optionally present -- we use "mod" to get the count right - Prescripts: "m:mprescripts/following-sibling::*" - NumChildren: "count(*)" # need to stash this since the count is wrong inside '*[...]' below - Postscripts: "*[position()>1 and position() < (last() + ($NumChildren mod 2) -count($Prescripts))]" match: . # should only be msubsup or mmultiscripts at this point replace: - test: if: "$Prescripts" # we have at least one pre sub/super then: # nuclide: speak the superscript first - test: if: "not($Prescripts[2][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] - x: "$Prescripts[2]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "not($Prescripts[1][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] - x: "$Prescripts[1]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "count($Prescripts) > 2" # can this happen for chemistry??? we allow for one *extra* pre sub/super pair then: - test: if: "not($Prescripts[4][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] - x: "$Prescripts[4]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "not($Prescripts[3][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] - x: "$Prescripts[3]" - pause: "short" - x: "*[1]" # base - test: if: "$Postscripts" then: - test: if: "not($Postscripts[1][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] - x: "$Postscripts[1]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "not($Postscripts[2][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] - x: "$Postscripts[2]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "count($Postscripts) > 2" then: - test: if: "not($Postscripts[3][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] - x: "$Postscripts[3]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "not($Postscripts[4][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] - x: "$Postscripts[4]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "count($Postscripts) > 4" then: - test: if: "not($Postscripts[5][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] - x: "$Postscripts[5]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "not($Postscripts[6][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] - x: "$Postscripts[6]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "count($Postscripts) > 6" then: - test: if: "not($Postscripts[7][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "subíndice"}] - x: "$Postscripts[7]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "not($Postscripts[8][self::m:none])" then: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] else_test: if: "$Verbosity='Medium'" then: [{T: "superíndice"}] - x: "$Postscripts[8]" - pause: "short" - test: if: "$Postscripts[last()][not(self::m:none)] and following-sibling::*[1][text()='+' or text()='-']" then: [{pause: medium}] - name: chemistry tag: chemical-equation match: "." replace: - x: "*" - name: chemical-element tag: chemical-element match: "." replace: - bookmark: "@id" - spell: text() - pause: short - name: chemical-state tag: chemical-state match: "count(*)=1" replace: - bookmark: "*[1]/@id" - test: - if: ".='s'" then: [{T: "sólido"}] - else_if: ".='l'" then: [{T: "líquido"}] - else_if: ".='g'" then: [{T: "gaseoso"}] else: [{T: "acuoso"}] # (aq) - pause: short - name: chemical-formula-operator-bond tag: chemical-formula-operator match: "@data-chemical-bond" replace: # FIX: this might be better/more efficient if in unicode.yaml - bookmark: "@id" - test: - if: "text()='-' or text() = ':'" then: [{T: "enlace único"}] - else_if: "text()='=' or text() = '::'" then: [{T: "doble enlace"}] - else_if: "text()='≡'" then: [{T: "triple enlace"}] - else_if: "text()='≣'" then: [{T: "cuádruple enlace"}] else: [{x: "text()"}] - name: chemical-formula-operator tag: chemical-formula-operator match: "." replace: x: "text()" - name: chemical-arrow-operator tag: chemical-arrow-operator match: "." replace: # FIX: this might be better/more efficient if in unicode.yaml - bookmark: "@id" - test: - if: ".='→' or .='⟶'" then_test: if: "$Verbosity='Terse'" then: [{T: "formas"}] else: [{T: "da forma"}] - else_if: ".='⇌' or .='\u1f8d2'" then: [{T: "está en equilibrio con"}] - else_if: ".='\u1f8d4'" then: [{T: "equilibrado parcialmente hacia el lado izquierdo"}] - else_if: ".='\u1f8d3'" then: [{T: "equilibrado parcialmente hacia el lado derecho"}] else: [x: "*"] - name: chemical-equation-operator tag: chemical-equation-operator match: "." replace: - bookmark: "@id" - x: "text()" - name: none tag: none match: "../../*[self::m:chemical-formula or self::m:chemical-nuclide]" replace: - t: "" # don't say anything - name: ignore-intent-wrapper tag: intent-wrapper match: "." replace: - x: "*"