--- - name: scalar-determinant tag: determinant match: "count(*)=1 and not(*[1][self::m:mtr])" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: - T: "" # phrase('the' square root of 25 equals 5) - T: "行列式" # phrase(the 'determinant' of a matrix) - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "" # phrase(systems 'of' linear equations) - x: "*[1]" - test: if: "not(IsNode(*[1], 'simple'))" then: [T: "結束行列式"] # phrase('end determinant' of a matrix) - name: norm tag: norm match: "count(*)=1 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: - T: "" # phrase('the' square root of 25 equals 5) - x: "*[1]" - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "的" # phrase(this is the mean 'of' the data) - T: "範數" # phrase(the 'norm' can be a measure of distance) #- test: # if: "not(IsNode(*[1], 'simple'))" # then: [t: "結束範數"] # phrase('end norm' that is a measure of distance) - name: subscripted-norm tag: subscripted-norm match: count(*)=2 and "not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: - T: "" # phrase('the' square root of 25 equals 5) - x: "*[1]" - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "的" # phrase(systems 'of' linear equations) - x: "*[2]" - T: "範數" # phrase(the 'norm' can be a measure of distance) - name: transpose tag: transpose match: "count(*)=1 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - x: "*[1]" - T: "的 轉置" # phrase(this will 'transpose' the values) - name: trace tag: trace match: "not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: - T: "" # phrase('the' square root of 25 equals 5) - x: "*[1]" - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "的" # phrase(systems 'of' linear equations) - T: "跡" # phrase('trace' of a matrix) - name: dimension tag: dimension match: "count(*)=1 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: - T: "" # phrase('the' square root of 25 equals 5) - x: "*[1]" - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "的" # phrase(systems 'of' linear equations) - T: "維數" # phrase(the 'dimension' of the matrix) - name: homomorphism tag: homomorphism match: "count(*)=1 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: - T: "" # phrase('the' square root of 25 equals 5) - x: "*[1]" - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "的" # phrase(systems 'of' linear equations) - T: "同態" # phrase('homomorphism' indicates similarity of form) - name: kernel tag: kernel match: "count(*)=1 and not(@data-intent-property)" replace: - test: if: "$Verbosity='Verbose'" then: - T: "" # phrase('the' square root of 25 equals 5) - x: "*[1]" - test: if: "$Verbosity!='Terse'" then: - T: "的" # phrase(systems 'of' linear equations) - T: "核" # phrase(this is the 'kernel' of the function)