# Change Log All notable changes starting with the version 0.6.9 are documented here. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org). ## [0.15.4] ### Added - Johanna Sörngård implements Lambert W function ### Changed - Update dependencies ## [0.15.3] ### Changed - Improve performance of Cholesky decomposition ## [0.15.2] ### Changed - Move project from https://gitlab.com/matthiaseiholzer/mathru to https://gitlab.com/rustmath/mathru ### Added - Implement CI task to collect code coverage information - Implement unit tests ### Fixed - Bug in 'gamma_ur_inv' and 'error' function ## [0.15.1] ### Changed - Implement benchmarks for basic vector and matrix operations - Improve performance of basic vector and matrix operations - Improve differential equation solver speed - Update Criterion dependency to version ^0.5 ## [0.15.0] ### Added - Bessel polynomials - Implement special matrix types like diagonal, lower triangular etc., which allow for fast computation with specialized routines for particular matrix types ### Changed - Upgrade blas-src to version 0.9.0 - Upgrade lapack-src to version 0.9.0 - Update KaTeX dependency to version 0.16.7 ### Fixed - Bug in calculating the determinant of a permuation matrix [Issue #15](https://gitlab.com/rustmath/mathru/-/issues/15) ## [0.14.0] - 2022-10-02 ### Added - ExplicitInitialValueProblem and corresponding ExplicitInitialValueProblemBuilder as structs for explicit IVPs - Cubic splines ### Fixed - Some clippy warnings ### Changed - Update KaTeX dependency ## [0.13.0] - 2022-06-19 ### Fixed - Fix bug as reported in [Issue #8](https://gitlab.com/rustmath/mathru/-/issues/8) and [Issue #12](https://gitlab.com/rustmath/mathru/-/issues/12) ### Changed - Code refactoring ## [0.12.0] - 2022-03-13. ### Added - Implement convert-mint feature that can be enabled to convert from and to types of the mint crate. ## [0.11.3] - 2022-03-05 ### Fixed - Fix failing docs.rs build ## [0.11.2] ### Added - Legendre polynomials - Chebyshev polynomials first & second kind ## [0.11.1] ## [0.11.0] ### Added - Implement Newton-Cotes and Gauss-Legendre as integration methods ### Changed - Code refactoring - Performance improvements ## [0.10.1] - Fixed Bug in LU decomposition [Issue #7](https://gitlab.com/rustmath/mathru/-/issues/7) ## [0.10.0] - Code refactoring - Bug fix in QR decomposition algorithm ## [0.9.1] - Update README.md and lib.rs to newest version ## [0.9.0] - Implement additional ODE solvers - Update dependencies - Implement explicit ODE solvers with Butcher tableaus ## [0.8.4] - Replace the out-of-place transpose algorithm with an in-place algorithm, therewith it matches to the documentation ## [0.8.3] - Make serde dependency optional ## [0.8.2] - Update dependencies - Implement inverse of lower/upper regularized incomplete gamma function - Improve accuracy of of the quantile function of the Chi-square distribution ## [0.8.1] - README corrections ## [0.8.0] - Implement polynomial ## [0.7.4] - Improve documentation - Update dependencies ## [0.7.3] - Column/row iterators implemented - Serde support ## [0.7.2] - assert_eq! for floats replaced with assert_relative_eq! and assert_diff_abs_eq! - CI pipeline for blas/lapack backends fixed - Dev dependencies updated ## [0.7.1] - Invalid URLs in README.md fixed ## [0.7.0] - Using SemVer for release versioning - log-normal distribution - Different changes on beta, gamma and error functions ## [0.6.10] - Native Rust code, Openblas, Netlib, Intel-Mkl and Accelerate are now usable as linear algebra libraries ## [0.6.9] - Eigen decomposition is implemented - Implicit Euler - Backward differentiation formula