# Matricks Plugin Examples This folder contains basic examples for several of the languages supported by Matricks. Each of these examples will fade the entire matrix from black to white, and then halt the plugin and send a log. Build instructions for each example are given each example's README. If you're looking for some examples of some more complicated plugins, check out a few of these repositories: | Name | Language | Description | |-----------------------------------------------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------| | [Rainbow](https://github.com/wymcg/rainbow_trick) | Rust | An animated rainbow gradient | | [A* Visualizer](https://github.com/wymcg/astar_trick) | Rust | Generates a maze and solves it with A* | | [Perlin Noise](https://github.com/wymcg/perlin_trick) | Rust | Shows some pretty colors using Perlin noise | | [Game of Life](https://github.com/wymcg/life_trick) | Rust | Runs Conway's Game of Life | Want to add your plugin to the list? Make a PR!