# InlineObject58 ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **channel_id** | **String** | The channel ID to post in | **message** | **String** | The message contents, can be formatted with Markdown | **root_id** | Option<**String**> | The post ID to comment on | [optional] **file_ids** | Option<**Vec**> | A list of file IDs to associate with the post. Note that posts are limited to 5 files maximum. Please use additional posts for more files. | [optional] **props** | Option<[**serde_json::Value**](.md)> | A general JSON property bag to attach to the post | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)