# maven_search_rs Command line application for searching in https://search.maven.org # Usage ## Non-interactive $ maven-search -f maven wicket-core The above will search for the latest version of a Maven artifact with id `wicket-core`. Sample output: ```xml org.apache.wicket wicket-core 9.8.0 ``` ### Help $ maven-search -h prints ``` maven-search [options] query Search for Maven dependency Positionals: query The dependency you search for. E.g. "wicket-core" or "g:org.apache.wicket AND a:wicket-core" [string] The syntax is the same as at https://search.maven.org/ Options: --version Show version number and exit --format, -f [string] Define in which format to print dependency. (maven, gradle, gradlekts, lein, ivy, sbt). Default: "maven" --check-for-update, -u Checks whether there is a new version of this tool available and exit --help, -h Show this help and exit ``` ## Interactive $ maven-search starts an interactive session where the user has to type the query and select the output format. [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/447171.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/447171)