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TASIZEbTSIZEF  ( ~FASIZE A  ASIZEAASIZEAB An iterator used for the iterator method of a max-sized iterator. E  FASIZET SIZE   G(G   A   A   A{ SIZE }AASIZEAI'ITSIZEGFself  FASIZE IF  A  A AAAEED3         G    G  4G       AA3 . G    D  G D EE  GFSomeF L  I A A F GESEGDP3 PPN  G AA self   A{ SIZE }AASIZEA6 Used for draining elements out of a max-sized vector.9'aTASIZE'aTSIZEWW'a%% 'aWASIZEA A A  A{ SIZE }AASIZEA%&!'aWASIZE'Z'a!T"SIZE#!#"WW  self  &!'aWASIZE ZW    AAAAAl4   X uWASIZE       A     ^ 4  W  E  WErSomeWrl [  WASIZE A ArWlE W4EaE X E^E^EA self   A{ SIZE }AASIZEA,('aWASIZEc'a(T)SIZE*)(*Wself  ,('aWASIZE c''AA  AAAA &A           'f    ^     .  ]]  SomeA    k+  ] sWASIZE + . Wk  W k A. .a =  ! !] k!   !""A=l" $ "#$$]A%%A#$%%$ W# # &&&]A]A&&d'd` AAAffA AfAA fs^AAAdkl+ ll] Ada. aaa Al=tl] AAAAAself amount_to_removeiter __next valxU.Self--selfoffset8 .Self xAx-- 1 F-xT00Gselfoffseth 1F xAx//^  Fhx xAx^Aselfoffseth 4 F-|T33Gselfoffsetf 4F |A|22^  Ff| |A|^Aselfoffsetf  A{ SIZE } A  ASIZE  A  9FFT6SIZE776Gself     9FASIZE Fd5 5     A A A A   f               h      ^  d  !! !    SomeA          !0!!!! ! ! ASIZE!  !  !G!!0!  F!0!!!!! !       Xd  F  f  f  A f A s s s ^ A A A d!0 G!!A!A! ! self iter __next val  x   ! !A{ SIZE }"A""ASIZE""A""!>F FT;SIZE<<;G! F!self" "" >FASIZE FF:":"" " G""  G"## # A"[G"[A###"F" F""[G""[T" "[A# self"" # #A{ SIZE }$A$$ASIZE$$A$$#DX X '_ W'_TASIZEBABW# WW# self$other$$L$ D'_WASIZE X  @$@$$$$$$ vWASIZE$ $$$$$$   ȓ$$$$$$L$a$ ȓ$$$$ȓ$$a$$$self$other$$L $ $A %A { OTHER } %A%%AOTHER%%A%%{ SIZE }%A%%ASIZE%%A%%$KF FFAOTHERTFSIZEGOTHERHHGFG$ FF$ self%other%%h% KFASIZEAOTHER ×E%E&&&&&& vFASIZE& &&&&&&&& vFAOTHER& &&&#&#    F&#&&&&&%h &% ×%&# &&#&&#&&#&&#&&#&self%other%%h & &A &A { OTHER } 'A''AOTHER''A''{ SIZE }'A''ASIZE''A''&SF FFAOTHERTNSIZEOOTHERPPONG&& self'other''S' SFASIZEAOTHER M'M''''''' ''((''   '(((('S'''''''''' (self'other''S ( (A (A { OTHER } (A((AOTHER((A(({ SIZE }(A((ASIZE((A((([X X '_WAOTHER'_TVSIZEWOTHERXVXWW(( self)other))U) ['_WASIZEAOTHER  U)U))))))) ))))))  ȓ ))))))U)a) ))))ȓ))a))ԩ)self)other))U ) )A{ SIZE }*A**ASIZE**A**)aF1FT^SIZE__^G)1F)self*fmt*** aFASIZE 1d]*]+V+V++++ +  +  G+  N+ +  +  +  A+  A + ++ NA ++ ++++V+; N+V++V, , +~, 1 ,, ,,,,,*+u ** 1*+~+V+~+V+VN++VN++VN++VN+ +VT+ +VϮ+ +VA+ +~,self*fmt** , ,A{ SIZE },A,,ASIZE,,A,,,@fhijkpstuvwxyz{}FTcSIZEddcG,,& Creates a new, empty max-size vector.,)- fFASIZEFbb-U- - -  G- -..  G. .-G-A.A..,-UF--G-U-.~G- ,self/val//* Pushes an element to the max-size vector..-/ hFASIZEFdb/b / // /// / A// / / G/ N/// 4G//// ///00!0 0 00 0!0  F 0!HH ,/A ?Attempt to push when there's no room left in a max size vector!???H0 0  0 A0 0ASIZE0  0   0:G 00 1AA1A//d11 111 /d// F//A/ A/N/ T/ G0!F0A0 A001self/ val//self1 1. Pops off an element from the max-size vector.111 iFASIZEdb1b1 1 1 A1 2A21g 22>3333 3 A33A33 3ASIZE3   3   HH߻220Attempt to pop a max-size vector with underflow!?000H3G32>22>33333AA3A11d312^ d11 1 A1 d2>33A3A3 A33self1 1self4 46( Gets the length of the max-size vector.3+4 jFASIZEAb4b4 A446A44self446self5range552 Drains elements from the vector based on a range.455 kFASIZER l'aFl'aFASIZEbRmm5b5A5666666 A6 566 6^=HH߻*(internal error: entered unreachable code(((H66A6 77Included A777! 7 7 7  7 7 7 7  77 7   7 7 7  888 86 HH߻7Range out of bounds!?H89 99999 A 9 99 9^  ;;Excluded;;;#;;; ;;; ;;9999 9 999 99Included9"9999:A:: ::: :::9::9::: :A:::9HH߻:Range out of bounds!?H;;;;;< <<<9H H ߻<Range out of bounds!?H <=== = =!=!="="other>>E Appends a max-size vector onto this one, making the other one empty.=H> pFASIZEA OTHER_SIZE FA OTHER_SIZEdb OTHER_SIZEqq>b ?,$?? ? A? ? A????? ?  ? G?  N? ?????,???@@ A A A AA uFA OTHER_SIZE  AH H ߻?;9Attempt to append beyond the bounds of a max-size vector!999H A A. AAAAAA sFASIZEA AAA A AA.A .| AAAA AAA A jFA OTHER_SIZEAA@@ F   @BB B BB B BBB B BBBAABBBB fFA OTHER_SIZE BB  B>BB??dB>@d?>  >?,$A?A? A? A?N? T? @d@@xA@ A@|A.@~A@|A@A@AA @AA @AAB BBself> other>>selfC CW3 Gets a mutable pointer to the base of this vector.B6C |bCbCC C C GC  NCCC 4GC CC |CCCW|CC C GCC C C GC selfC CWselfD DS Gets a mutable slice that can be used to edit or read the elements of this vector.CVD tFASIZE bDbEEbEbEEEE E  E  GE  E E  E  E  AE  A E EE NϮ EE EEEEbEC  Eb EbEEbEFFFFFFDE DD EEEbEbEbEbEEbEEbEEbE EbE EbϮE EbAE selfD DselfF FO0 This gets a pointer to the base of this vector.F3F uFASIZExbFbFF F F GF NGFGOGGFxGGFOxFFFPFFNF FTF selfFFOselfH GM Gets an immutable slice that can be used to read the elements of this vectorGPG bHb HHHH H H GH NHH H H AH AIHHƮHIIHHHVH;HVIIIIGHu HVHVHHVNHHVNHHVNHHVNH HVTH HVϮH HVAH selfHGselfJ I?S The capacity of this vector, i.e. the maximum number of elements that it can hold.IVJ wFASIZEAbJbJ J J GJ NJJJJJJI?AJJJNJ JTJ selfJI?selfJ JB This clears the vector.JJ xFASIZEdbJbKKKKKKJBKKJ*J*dKJBdJJ FKselfJ JBselfKindexKelementLK3 This inserts an element at an index in the vector,K6K yFASIZEAFdbKbL)LL(LL(LL"%LL L ALLALLL L  L GL  NL LLLKLL"LLL MM& M M M  M AM   M M Mu H H ߻L:8Attempt to insert into a max-sized vector with overflow!888H  N N' NNN N AN  NNN H H ߻M=;Index out of bounds during insertion into max-sized vector!;;;H OAAOAOO$O O OOO O ONNNNN(NNNN N NNNN+N+dNO OOOO$O .x OPPP,PPPPPP  P PPP PPP PAPP,P P PPPP  P  AP!P!P !P!P OO FOQQQQQQQ"Q(QQ)QQ"Q(#Q$Q%Q&Q&QQ &%Q Q$%Q&Q'Q'Q(Q$'#QQ'Q$Q))Q)Q)#Q QQ(QQQ(Q)QQ"Q)Q)#"Q)Q)#"Q)QQ"Q%Q#OOdNKO*dLK AKFLL"%ALAL ALNL TL M&AMAM NN'NANNAN dNNFNdOxO${O xO OAO|P,~P|PPAP APAPAP APFQ|Q(~Q|QQAQQQselfK indexKelementLKselfRsizeRR- This truncates a vector to a certain length.Q0R zFASIZEAdbRbR(RRR R ARRRRq SS+SSS S AS SSSH H ߻R:8Attempt to truncate a max-sized vector to larger length!888H SSdSS* S) S S S  S ATTS  TT S  TAT S) ASAS) A T) S*S*f  S*T* S)S) SS)S)S)S)S)S)S)S)hS)T)S S^ T)T)VVT) W$W$VA$W$SSdSS)SSSomeASSSSST)T)SS)TTTTT T T GT TTT  T TUUU U AU U U U UTeU . UNUUUV?!V?"V#V#V?V: #" V?V?!"V#U^U!U^V!VV"VVVSWWRSSSSTT%dRR ARR(ARAR SS+SASSAS fS*fS)ASASAS ATfS)AS)sS)sS)sS)^SASASASU^dU^T TTT T AUAU AUU^V?U^V?U^VAWselfR sizeRiterS)__nextS)valSxSptrTRselfXsizeXfXXw This resizes a vector with one condition: if the size is larger than the vectors size, a closure passed will be calledWz to fill in the missing parts.X!X {FASIZEimpl FnMut() -> TAdbimpl FnMut() -> T||XbXdX dFY Y,YYYY Y Y GY NYYYYXYYYYY[ ZZ/ Z Z Z  Z AZ   Z Z Z HH߻YcaThe size passed to the resize function of a max-sized vector was larger than the vector's bounds!aaaH[[[[ [ [[ [ Z. Z- ZZZZ Z AZZZZ- AZAZ- AZ-Z.Z.f  Z.Z. Z-Z- ZN Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-h Z-Z-Z Z^ ZNZNdZ-Z-[[Z- ZZ-ZZSomeAZZZZZZ-Z-[[[[[[[[[ d[[[[[[ [[[[ZN [ [[[,[,dZ[ [[XZNZEZZE!dYX AXXY,AYAYNY TY ZZ/ZAZZAZ Z-fZ.Z-fZ-Z-AZZ-AZZ-AZ fZ-AZ-sZ-sZ-sZ-^ZAZAZd[[F[ [d[d[[A[selfX sizeXfXiterZ-__nextZ-valZXself\ predicate\ \T This removes all elements that don't fit a predicate, leaving the ones that fit it.[W\ }FASIZEimpl FnMut(&T) -> booldbimpl FnMut(&T) -> bool~~\b\ F\] ]]]A]2]0] ] A]0A]A]0A]0]2]2f]2\]2]0]0]a]0]0 ]0 ]0 ]0 ]0  ]0]0h  ]0]0 ] ] ^ ]0 ]0 aa]0a)a)aA)a)]]daa]0] ] SomeA]] ]]] ]0 ]0 ]]0]]1] ] ]]]]]]]]]] FA ]]]]]] F]]  ]^^^^^] `$$`%`&`'`'`` '&` ^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^1^ ^!^"^"^^ "!^ ^ !_"_#_#^1_ #__#_ ^{^_A^{___!____A^^d]`%&`'`(`(`$`%($``(`%`>`  F$`>`$a&]aaaa]a\]]]]]^`m*d]\ \ A]f]2f]0A] f]0A]0s]0s]0s]0^]A]A]A]]d]]]1] ] ]]]]]]]]]]]A]^{d^{^{x^ ^{{^ ^{x^ ^{^^{A^^{|^1^{~^^{|^^{^^{A_`>|`$`>~``>|``>``>A`Aaself\  predicate\ current_length]iter]0__next]0val] x]\selfbindexbbR This removes an element from a vector at a certain index, while preserving order.aUb FASIZEAdbbb b3bbb b AbbbbpccBc(cc c c cc   c HH߻b75Index for removal out of bounds for max-sized vector!555Hc d d d c(d dd dcBccB dd dd d( d d ddd ddd dd ddd dAdd(d ddde(eeeeee e eeeee(e e eeeee e AeeeeeeeAedd  d eee eee e eee e effbbdfbcdbb Abb3AbAb dcB|c(~c|ccAdddxd({d xd dAd Ad|e(~e|eeAeAeAeAe Aede eselfb indexbbselfgindexggd This swaps an element at an index with the last element and pops the vector, which messes up order,fg5 but successfully removes an element from the vector.f8g FASIZEAdbgb g4ggg g Aghhg} hh5hhii  i Ai iAi h iihHH߻hDBIndex out of bounds for swap remove operation on max-sized vector!BBBHi j( jjjjjj j i  i i i i  ii i i#i#dh jjjjj(j jjjj2jjjjjj j jjjj j AjjAjj2j j jjii  F jA ikk kkk k kkk k kkkiidh kkgidgg Agg4AgAg hh5hAhhAihAi di idi|j(~j|jjAj|j2~j|jjAjAj dk kselfg indexggselfl l?7 This checks to see whether or not the vector is empty.k:l FASIZEblbl l Al lAlll?lllAl selfll? l lA{ SIZE }mAmmASIZEmmAmmlFFTSIZEGlmmselfm m@m FASIZE Fmmmmmm mmm@mmmmmselfmm@ m mA{ SIZE }nAnnASIZEnnAnnmFFTSIZEGmselfn nGn FASIZEnnnnnnn nnnnooonGnn nnnnnselfn nG o oA{ SIZE }oAooASIZEooAoooFTSIZEGooselfpsizepvalueppi This resizes a vector with a value to fill in missing parts if the size is larger than the current size.olp FASIZEAFdp p6pppp p p Gp Nqpqqpqpqqps rr9 r r r  r Ar   r r r HH߻qcaThe size passed to the resize function of a max-sized vector was larger than the vector's bounds!aaaHssssssss r8 r7 rrrr r Arrrr7 ArAr7 Ar7r8r8f  r8r8 r7r7 rX r7r7r7r7r7r7r7r7h r7r7r r^ rXrXdr7r7ssr7 rr7rrSomeArrrrrr7r7rrrr rrr s  FssrrrssssrX ssss,s,drs ssprXrOrrO dpp ApFpp6ApApNp Tp rr9rArrAr r7fr8r7fr7r7Arr7Arr7Ar fr7Ar7sr7sr7sr7^rArArdrrFr rdssAsselfp sizepvaluepiterr7__nextr7valrpselftothertt$ This extends a vector from a slice.s't FASIZE dtt%tt+:tt ttt tttt ttt t 4Ft ttttt t  t  t Gt  Nt tt  tt t+ t ttuu!< u!; uu uuu u 4FuHH߻uGEAttempt to extend by a slice beyond the bounds of a max-sized vector!EEEHvuv )6FFvvu!;v ' v v;u!<u!< &ʟ  u!<v< u!;u!; u u!;u!;u!;u!;u!;u!;u!;u!; ' u!;v;u u^  uudv;v;w%wwwv; wu!;uuSomeAFuuu%uuuuv;v;uuAuu%uuFvwwvvv wv7vvv  v !v !Gv  !v!vv  v vv v"v #v #Av$v$v"#$v$v#v7vʩ"v v"vvZwwwwww%wwu w%wwFw%ttuuuuv&dtt tt+:AtAt tAt tAtNt Tt u!;u!<u!;u!;u!;ʟuu!;u u!;uu!;u!;u!; u!;u!;^uuuAuFuGvFwv7vvv v AvAv Avwselft othertiteru!;__nextu!;valunuxut w wA{ SIZE }wAwwASIZEwwAwwwF&FFTSIZEGwselfxiterxxx FASIZEIdIxx&x&Fxxxxxxxx &x xxxyyy y '&yyyyy{y >yyy y *Fy yyyyd{{{{ y= y  y  Ay y  y  y  Gy   Ny yy  yy y   y y y  z z({ {{{{{ { *F {HH߻y<:Attempt to extend beyond the bounds of a max-sized vector!:::H{z(z z({z z AzzASIZEz z zAG{{{AA{A{ {{{ {{{{{{{{y{{{{{{{{{{xxxdxx xxxLx yyy >y Lyy=Ay AyNy Ty Gz(F{ L{Az AzzL{ {{selfx iterxiterxxxx { {A{ SIZE }|A||ASIZE||A||{X&X 'aW'aTSIZEW{W'a{W{self|iter||| 'aWASIZEI XdI||&|&| }}}}} &} |}}}}} } '&}}}} @}}} } * W} }}}}d }? }  }  A~ ~  ~  ~  ~WASIZE~    ~ ~~ 4  ~~ }   ~ ~ }  ~ 0    * HH߻~<:Attempt to extend beyond the bounds of a max-sized vector!:::H   W 0  W0  AASIZE  IAAA  }|}}d|]| |}}} }}} @} }}?A} A~~ ~ 0W  A A self| iter|iter}x}|  A{ SIZE }AASIZEAFFATSIZEGFselfindex FASIZEAA  Á́k ԂԂ Ԃ Ԃ GԂ N܂Ԃނ NAނ J$+++ ++ AFASIZE+ + +  J$ J$ J$ J$ J$J$KJ$ 1A  A 1J$J$ 1AJ$ KKJ$ KKJ$  J$ J$   K J$J$ 1 J$K KJBJ ,JB, S,J$KAAAA J$+++J$ AJ$J$J$J$J$,SԂ,NԂ ,TԂ ,A+selfindexarg0+ +Index ?+! out of bounds of fixed size vec!!!!++J$K+++  A{ SIZE }ǃAȃȃASIZEǃǃAǃǃFFATSIZEGselfindexՃ؃ FASIZEA F OB  Ak 0   G  NAJ$++ + ++FASIZE+ + +  J$ J$ J$ J$J$J$KJ$J$J$J$ KKJ$ KKJ$ J$ J$  K J$J$ J$K KJBJJBƅƅ0  F0Dž0Oׅׅ؅ՃJ$O AOBAA J$+++J$J$J$J$J$J$O000 0 0A+self indexarg0Ճ+ +Index ?+! out of bounds of fixed size vec!!!!++ՃJ$O+++  A{ SIZE }AASIZEA܅FFTSIZEGself D FASIZE܆܆܆܆܆ ܆܆DɆ ܆܆܆܆܆self D  A{ SIZE }AASIZEA{ SIZE }҇AӇӇASIZE҇҇A҇҇FFFTSIZEGself 6 FASIZE6  self 6  A{ SIZE }AASIZEAFFTSIZEGself 8 FASIZE 8self8  A{ SIZE }AASIZEA{ SIZE }AASIZEAFFFTSIZEGself . 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