#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Generate main file, individual apps and solution files for MS Visual Studio
# 2010
# Must be run from mbedTLS root or scripts directory.
# Takes no argument.
# Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
use warnings;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
my $vsx_dir = "visualc/VS2010";
my $vsx_ext = "vcxproj";
my $vsx_app_tpl_file = "scripts/data_files/vs2010-app-template.$vsx_ext";
my $vsx_main_tpl_file = "scripts/data_files/vs2010-main-template.$vsx_ext";
my $vsx_main_file = "$vsx_dir/mbedTLS.$vsx_ext";
my $vsx_sln_tpl_file = "scripts/data_files/vs2010-sln-template.sln";
my $vsx_sln_file = "$vsx_dir/mbedTLS.sln";
my $programs_dir = 'programs';
my $mbedtls_header_dir = 'include/mbedtls';
my $psa_header_dir = 'include/psa';
my $source_dir = 'library';
my $test_source_dir = 'tests/src';
my $test_header_dir = 'tests/include/test';
my $test_drivers_header_dir = 'tests/include/test/drivers';
my $test_drivers_source_dir = 'tests/src/drivers';
my @thirdparty_header_dirs = qw(
my @thirdparty_source_dirs = qw(
# Directories to add to the include path.
# Order matters in case there are files with the same name in more than
# one directory: the compiler will use the first match.
my @include_directories = qw(
my $include_directories = join(';', map {"../../$_"} @include_directories);
# Directories to add to the include path when building the library, but not
# when building tests or applications.
my @library_include_directories = qw(
my $library_include_directories =
join(';', map {"../../$_"} (@library_include_directories,
my @excluded_files = qw(
my %excluded_files = ();
foreach (@excluded_files) { $excluded_files{$_} = 1 }
# Need windows line endings!
my $vsx_hdr_tpl = <\r
my $vsx_src_tpl = <\r
my $vsx_sln_app_entry_tpl = <;
close $fh;
return $content;
sub content_to_file {
my ($content, $filename) = @_;
open my $fh, '>', $filename or die "Could not write to $filename\n";
print $fh $content;
close $fh;
sub gen_app_guid {
my ($path) = @_;
my $guid = md5_hex( "mbedTLS:$path" );
$guid =~ s/(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12})/\U{$1-$2-$3-$4-$5}/;
return $guid;
sub gen_app {
my ($path, $template, $dir, $ext) = @_;
my $guid = gen_app_guid( $path );
$path =~ s!/!\\!g;
(my $appname = $path) =~ s/.*\\//;
my $srcs = "";
if( $appname eq "ssl_client2" or $appname eq "ssl_server2" or
$appname eq "query_compile_time_config" ) {
$srcs .= "\r\n ";
if( $appname eq "ssl_client2" or $appname eq "ssl_server2" ) {
$srcs .= "\r\n ";
my $content = $template;
$content =~ s//$srcs/g;
$content =~ s//$appname/g;
$content =~ s//$guid/g;
$content =~ s/INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\r\n/$include_directories/g;
content_to_file( $content, "$dir/$appname.$ext" );
sub get_app_list {
my $app_list = `cd $programs_dir && make list`;
die "make list failed: $!\n" if $?;
return split /\s+/, $app_list;
sub gen_app_files {
my @app_list = @_;
my $vsx_tpl = slurp_file( $vsx_app_tpl_file );
for my $app ( @app_list ) {
gen_app( $app, $vsx_tpl, $vsx_dir, $vsx_ext );
sub gen_entry_list {
my ($tpl, @names) = @_;
my $entries;
for my $name (@names) {
(my $entry = $tpl) =~ s/{NAME}/$name/g;
$entries .= $entry;
return $entries;
sub gen_main_file {
my ($headers, $sources,
$hdr_tpl, $src_tpl,
$main_tpl, $main_out) = @_;
my $header_entries = gen_entry_list( $hdr_tpl, @$headers );
my $source_entries = gen_entry_list( $src_tpl, @$sources );
my $out = slurp_file( $main_tpl );
$out =~ s/SOURCE_ENTRIES\r\n/$source_entries/m;
$out =~ s/HEADER_ENTRIES\r\n/$header_entries/m;
$out =~ s/INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\r\n/$library_include_directories/g;
content_to_file( $out, $main_out );
sub gen_vsx_solution {
my (@app_names) = @_;
my ($app_entries, $conf_entries);
for my $path (@app_names) {
my $guid = gen_app_guid( $path );
(my $appname = $path) =~ s!.*/!!;
my $app_entry = $vsx_sln_app_entry_tpl;
$app_entry =~ s/{APPNAME}/$appname/g;
$app_entry =~ s/{GUID}/$guid/g;
$app_entries .= $app_entry;
my $conf_entry = $vsx_sln_conf_entry_tpl;
$conf_entry =~ s/{GUID}/$guid/g;
$conf_entries .= $conf_entry;
my $out = slurp_file( $vsx_sln_tpl_file );
$out =~ s/APP_ENTRIES\r\n/$app_entries/m;
$out =~ s/CONF_ENTRIES\r\n/$conf_entries/m;
content_to_file( $out, $vsx_sln_file );
sub del_vsx_files {
unlink glob "'$vsx_dir/*.$vsx_ext'";
unlink $vsx_main_file;
unlink $vsx_sln_file;
sub main {
if( ! check_dirs() ) {
chdir '..' or die;
check_dirs or die "Must but run from mbedTLS root or scripts dir\n";
# Remove old files to ensure that, for example, project files from deleted
# apps are not kept
my @app_list = get_app_list();
my @header_dirs = (
my @headers = (map { <$_/*.h> } @header_dirs);
my @source_dirs = (
my @sources = (map { <$_/*.c> } @source_dirs);
@headers = grep { ! $excluded_files{$_} } @headers;
@sources = grep { ! $excluded_files{$_} } @sources;
map { s!/!\\!g } @headers;
map { s!/!\\!g } @sources;
gen_app_files( @app_list );
gen_main_file( \@headers, \@sources,
$vsx_hdr_tpl, $vsx_src_tpl,
$vsx_main_tpl_file, $vsx_main_file );
gen_vsx_solution( @app_list );
return 0;