# mber-rust WARNING: THIS A WORK IN PROGRESS PROOF-OF-CONCEPT PHASE SOFTWARE. ``` cargo install mber ``` Build system consists of 2 packages: - mber: a cli re-written in Rust, it provides an exceptionally fast user experience to already very fast mber build system. - mber-rust: This is an npm package with neon/rust bindings. This package allows us to run a node.js runtime/JS execution context for fastboot while utilizing mber cli. This npm library also exposes internal build functions written in rust to JavaScript via neon bindings. Folders: - ember-app-boilerplate: Boilerplate project that dynamically gets writen on $ mber new. - lib: JS code used by mber-rust npm package. - native: Rust code that runs inside node.js. - src: Rust code used by mber cargo bin + package. - tests: Integration tests for mber cargo bin + package. - `_vendor`: holds certain addons that ship with mber build system, kept raw but gets injected and transpiled during compilation or runtime of mber binary. - scripts: certain npm/node scripts to build ember packages from npm Files: - build.rs: Rust script that gets run before compilation - index.js: Entrypoint for mber-rust npm package. - package.json: holds dependencies for mber-rust npm package and devDependencies for mber development scripts Required system software: - Rust - node.js - festival(if you want your build system to warn you on failed builds via tts[text-to-speech])