define("ember-cli-fastboot/instance-initializers/clear-double-boot", ["exports"], function (_exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); _exports.clearHtml = clearHtml; _exports.default = void 0; // When using `ember serve` when fastboot addon is installed the application // output will already be rendered to the DOM when the actual JavaScript // loads. Ember does not automatically clear its `rootElement` so this // leads to the "double" applications being visible at once (only the // "bottom" one is running via JS and is interactive). // // This removes any pre-rendered ember-view elements, so that the booting // application will replace the pre-rendered output function clearHtml() { let current = document.getElementById('fastboot-body-start'); if (current) { let endMarker = document.getElementById('fastboot-body-end'); let shoeboxNodes = document.querySelectorAll('[type="fastboot/shoebox"]'); let shoeboxNodesArray = []; // Note that IE11 doesn't support more concise options like Array.from, so we have to do something like this for (let i = 0; i < shoeboxNodes.length; i++) { shoeboxNodesArray.push(shoeboxNodes[i]); } let parent = current.parentElement; let nextNode; do { nextNode = current.nextSibling; parent.removeChild(current); current = nextNode; } while (nextNode && nextNode !== endMarker && shoeboxNodesArray.indexOf(nextNode) < 0); endMarker.parentElement.removeChild(endMarker); } } var _default = { name: "clear-double-boot", initialize(instance) { if (typeof FastBoot === 'undefined') { var originalDidCreateRootView = instance.didCreateRootView; instance.didCreateRootView = function () { clearHtml(); originalDidCreateRootView.apply(instance, arguments); }; } } }; _exports.default = _default; }); define("ember-cli-fastboot/locations/none", ["exports"], function (_exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); _exports.default = void 0; const TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_CODE = 307; var _default = Ember.NoneLocation.extend({ implementation: 'fastboot', fastboot: Ember.inject.service(), _config: Ember.computed(function () { return Ember.getOwner(this).resolveRegistration('config:environment'); }), _fastbootHeadersEnabled: Ember.computed.bool('_config.fastboot.fastbootHeaders'), _redirectCode: Ember.computed(function () { return Ember.get(this, '_config.fastboot.redirectCode') || TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_CODE; }), _response: Ember.computed.readOnly('fastboot.response'), _request: Ember.computed.readOnly('fastboot.request'), setURL(path) { if (Ember.get(this, 'fastboot.isFastBoot')) { let response = Ember.get(this, '_response'); let currentPath = Ember.get(this, 'path'); let isInitialPath = !currentPath || currentPath.length === 0; if (!isInitialPath) { path = this.formatURL(path); let isTransitioning = currentPath !== path; if (isTransitioning) { let host = Ember.get(this, ''); let redirectURL = "//".concat(host).concat(path); response.statusCode = this.get('_redirectCode'); response.headers.set('location', redirectURL); } } // for testing and debugging if (Ember.get(this, '_fastbootHeadersEnabled')) { response.headers.set('x-fastboot-path', path); } } this._super(...arguments); } }); _exports.default = _default; }); define("ember-cli-fastboot/services/fastboot", ["exports"], function (_exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); _exports.default = void 0; const RequestObject = Ember.Object.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); let request = this.request; delete this.request; this.method = request.method; this.body = request.body; this.cookies = request.cookies; this.headers = request.headers; this.queryParams = request.queryParams; this.path = request.path; this.protocol = request.protocol; this._host = function () { return; }; }, host: Ember.computed(function () { return this._host(); }) }); const Shoebox = Ember.Object.extend({ put(key, value) { (true && Ember.assert('shoebox.put is only invoked from the FastBoot rendered application', this.get('fastboot.isFastBoot'))); (true && Ember.assert('the provided key is a string', typeof key === 'string')); let fastbootInfo = this.get('fastboot._fastbootInfo'); if (!fastbootInfo.shoebox) { fastbootInfo.shoebox = {}; } fastbootInfo.shoebox[key] = value; }, retrieve(key) { if (this.get('fastboot.isFastBoot')) { let shoebox = this.get('fastboot._fastbootInfo.shoebox'); if (!shoebox) { return; } return shoebox[key]; } let shoeboxItem = this.get(key); if (shoeboxItem) { return shoeboxItem; } let el = document.querySelector("#shoebox-".concat(key)); if (!el) { return; } let valueString = el.textContent; if (!valueString) { return; } shoeboxItem = JSON.parse(valueString); this.set(key, shoeboxItem); return shoeboxItem; } }); const FastBootService = Ember.Service.extend({ cookies: Ember.computed.deprecatingAlias('request.cookies', { id: 'fastboot.cookies-to-request', until: '0.9.9' }), headers: Ember.computed.deprecatingAlias('request.headers', { id: 'fastboot.headers-to-request', until: '0.9.9' }), isFastBoot: typeof FastBoot !== 'undefined', init() { this._super(...arguments); let shoebox = Shoebox.create({ fastboot: this }); this.set('shoebox', shoebox); }, host: Ember.computed(function () { Ember.deprecate('Usage of fastboot service\'s `host` property is deprecated. Please use `` instead.', false, { id: '', until: '0.9.9' }); return; }), response: Ember.computed.readOnly('_fastbootInfo.response'), metadata: Ember.computed.readOnly('_fastbootInfo.metadata'), request: Ember.computed(function () { if (!this.isFastBoot) return null; return RequestObject.create({ request: Ember.get(this, '_fastbootInfo.request') }); }), deferRendering(promise) { (true && Ember.assert('deferRendering requires a promise or thennable object', typeof promise.then === 'function')); this._fastbootInfo.deferRendering(promise); } }); var _default = FastBootService; _exports.default = _default; });