A simple Rust client for interacting with the Massachusetts Bay Transport Authority's V3 API*

*This project is not affiliated with any official development work from the MBTA
## About The MBTA V3 API is described as: > A fast, flexible, standards-based API for schedules, arrival predictions, vehicle locations, and service alerts. This project provides a simple synchronous client and data models to easily consume data from the API within your Rust code. ### Built With - [ureq](https://crates.io/crates/ureq) as the underlying HTTP client - [Serde](https://crates.io/crates/serde) and [Serde JSON](https://crates.io/crates/serde_json) for data deserialization/serialization - [Chrono](https://crates.io/crates/chrono) for handling datetime data > Why provide a synchronous client rather than an asynchronous one? 1. I didn't want this crate to be tied down to a specific `async` runtime 2. I wanted to use the `ureq` crate for its simple API and small size, and it only provides a synchronous client > Why not auto-generate a client, given that the OpenAPI/Swagger client code-generators exists? 1. I'm not very familiar with any of the code generation tools available 2. I'd personally prefer to have a handcrafted client with some sharper data definitions than one that is auto-generated 3. There aren't *too* many API endpoints as of now, so manual maintenance shouldn't be too much of an issue once kicked off 4. I like subjecting myself to unnecessary and Sisyphean tasks ## Usage > It is highly recommended to have the [API Swagger docs](https://api-v3.mbta.com/docs/swagger/index.html) handy, as it generally contains more detailed and thorough documentation for model field than what is provided here. In your `Cargo.toml` file: ```toml [dependencies] mbta-rs = "*" # if you need to manipulate/further inspect certain fields chrono = "*" serde_json = "*" ``` Simple example usage: ```rust use std::env; use mbta_rs::Client; let client = match env::var("MBTA_TOKEN") { Ok(token) => Client::with_key(token), Err(_) => Client::without_key() }; let query_params = [ ("page[limit]", "3") ]; let alerts_response = client.alerts(&query_params); if let Ok(response) = alerts_response { for alert in response.data { println!("MBTA alert: {}", alert.attributes.header); } } ``` ## Map Feature This library comes with an optional module for plotting location-related data models (stops, vehicles, shapes, etc.) onto a simple tile map. In your `Cargo.toml` file: ```toml [dependencies] mbta-rs = { version = "*", features = ["map"] } # necessary to create the map itself staticmap = "*" ``` Simple example usage: ```rust use std::{collections::HashMap, env}; use staticmap::StaticMapBuilder; use mbta_rs::{Client, map::{Plottable, PlotStyle}}; let client = match env::var("MBTA_TOKEN") { Ok(token) => Client::with_key(token), Err(_) => Client::without_key() }; let routes = client.routes(&[("filter[type]", "0,1")]).expect("failed to get routes"); let mut map = StaticMapBuilder::new() .width(1000) .height(1000) .zoom(12) .lat_center(42.326768) .lon_center(-71.100099) .build() .expect("failed to build map"); for route in routes.data { let query_params = [("filter[route]", &route.id)]; let shapes = client .shapes(&query_params) .expect("failed to get shapes"); for shape in shapes.data { shape .plot(&mut map, true, PlotStyle::new((route.attributes.color.clone(), 3.0), Some(("#FFFFFF".into(), 1.0)))) .expect("failed to plot shape"); } let stops = client .stops(&query_params) .expect("failed to get stops"); for stop in stops.data { stop.plot( &mut map, true, PlotStyle::new((route.attributes.color.clone(), 3.0), Some(("#FFFFFF".into(), 1.0))), ) .expect("failed to plot stop"); } } // save to file... ``` ## Contribute See [CONTRIBUTE.md](https://github.com/bobertoyin/mbta-rs/blob/main/CONTRIBUTE.md) to get started! ## Other Acknowledgements - [Matt Vertescher's MBTA V3 API](https://github.com/mvertescher/mbta-v3-swagger-api-client-rs) for already existing! - [Matt Boulanger's Mattermost API client](https://crates.io/crates/mattermost_api) for some of the client design inspiration - [Othneil Drew's Best README Template](https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template) for templating the `README` and `CONTRIBUTE` layouts