#![allow(missing_docs, unused_variables, trivial_casts)] #[allow(unused_imports)] use futures::{future, Stream, stream}; #[allow(unused_imports)] use mbus_api::{Api, ApiNoContext, Client, ContextWrapperExt, models, GetResponse, GetMultiResponse, HatResponse, HatOffResponse, HatOnResponse, MbusApiResponse, ScanResponse, }; use clap::{App, Arg}; #[allow(unused_imports)] use log::info; // swagger::Has may be unused if there are no examples #[allow(unused_imports)] use swagger::{AuthData, ContextBuilder, EmptyContext, Has, Push, XSpanIdString}; type ClientContext = swagger::make_context_ty!(ContextBuilder, EmptyContext, Option, XSpanIdString); // rt may be unused if there are no examples #[allow(unused_mut)] fn main() { env_logger::init(); let matches = App::new("client") .arg(Arg::with_name("operation") .help("Sets the operation to run") .possible_values(&[ "Get", "GetMulti", "Hat", "HatOff", "HatOn", "MbusApi", "Scan", ]) .required(true) .index(1)) .arg(Arg::with_name("https") .long("https") .help("Whether to use HTTPS or not")) .arg(Arg::with_name("host") .long("host") .takes_value(true) .default_value("localhost") .help("Hostname to contact")) .arg(Arg::with_name("port") .long("port") .takes_value(true) .default_value("8080") .help("Port to contact")) .get_matches(); let is_https = matches.is_present("https"); let base_url = format!("{}://{}:{}", if is_https { "https" } else { "http" }, matches.value_of("host").unwrap(), matches.value_of("port").unwrap()); let context: ClientContext = swagger::make_context!(ContextBuilder, EmptyContext, None as Option, XSpanIdString::default()); let mut client : Box> = if matches.is_present("https") { // Using Simple HTTPS let client = Box::new(Client::try_new_https(&base_url) .expect("Failed to create HTTPS client")); Box::new(client.with_context(context)) } else { // Using HTTP let client = Box::new(Client::try_new_http( &base_url) .expect("Failed to create HTTP client")); Box::new(client.with_context(context)) }; let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); match matches.value_of("operation") { Some("Get") => { let result = rt.block_on(client.get( "ttyAMA0".to_string(), serde_json::from_str::(r#"2400"#).expect("Failed to parse JSON example"), "48".to_string() )); info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has).get().clone()); }, Some("GetMulti") => { let result = rt.block_on(client.get_multi( "ttyAMA0".to_string(), serde_json::from_str::(r#"2400"#).expect("Failed to parse JSON example"), "48".to_string(), 16 )); info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has).get().clone()); }, Some("Hat") => { let result = rt.block_on(client.hat( )); info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has).get().clone()); }, Some("HatOff") => { let result = rt.block_on(client.hat_off( )); info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has).get().clone()); }, Some("HatOn") => { let result = rt.block_on(client.hat_on( )); info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has).get().clone()); }, Some("MbusApi") => { let result = rt.block_on(client.mbus_api( )); info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has).get().clone()); }, Some("Scan") => { let result = rt.block_on(client.scan( "ttyAMA0".to_string(), serde_json::from_str::(r#"2400"#).expect("Failed to parse JSON example") )); info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has).get().clone()); }, _ => { panic!("Invalid operation provided") } } }