# Test data for `mc-attestation-verifier` * `root_ca.pem` - Root CA of a certificate chain. This is a copy of an Intel root CA which was in an actual hardware quote. * `processor_ca.pem` - Processor CA in a certificate chain. This is a copy of an Intel intermediate CA which was in an actual hardware quote. There are two types of certificate chains: "processor" and "platform". "Platform" isn't currently used by Intel. * `leaf_cert.pem` - Leaf of a certificate chain. This is a copy of an Intel leaf certificate which was in an actual hardware quote. * `root_crl.der` - CRL for the root CA of a certificate chain. This was retrieved via the CRL Distribution Points URI in the root CA, * `root_crl.pem` - CRL for the root CA of a certificate chain in PEM format. This was created by converting the DER version to PEM via openssl ```console openssl crl -in verifier/data/tests/root_crl.der -out verifier/data/tests/root_crl.pem -outform PEM ``` * `processor_crl.pem` - CRL for the processor CA in a certificate chain. This was retrieved from . * `processor_crl.der` - CRL for the processor CA of a certificate chain in DER format. This was created by converting the PEM version to DER via openssl ```console openssl crl -in verifier/data/tests/processor_crl.pem -out verifier/data/tests/processor_crl.der -outform DEr ``` * `fmspc_00906ED50000_2023_07_12.json` - JSON file containing the result of a TCB request from . This was captured on 2023-07-12. * `example_tcb.json` - JSON file containing the example TCB response from . * `tcb_signer.pem` - The signer certificate for TCB data from . This was retrieved by looking at the header using `curl --include ...`. * `example_qe_identity.json` - JSON file containing the example QE identity response from . * `qe_identity.json` - A QE identity file from . * `hw_quote.dat` - A quote from an Intel SGX enclave on hardware.