%{#setting} % university=KFUPM % department=MATH % term=Term 213 % coursecode=MATH102 % examname=Major Exam 1 % examdate=2022-07-22T03:38:27.729Z % timeallowed=Two hours % numberofvestions=4 % groups=4 % code_name=CODE % code_numbering=ARABIC % examtype=QUIZ %{/setting} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} %% put your preamble between the two tags {#preamble} and {/preamble} below %% You can also redefine the following commans %% \bodyoptionseparator, \questionseparator, \eogseparator, \newcodecover %% by typing %\renewcommand{\bodyoptionseparator}{ %\vspace {0.8cm} %} %\renewcommand{\questionseparator}{ %\vspace*{\fill} %} %\renewcommand{\eogseparator}{ %\vspace*{\fill} %\newpage} %% Predefined commands \newcommand{\bodyoptionseparator}{ \vspace {0.8cm} } \newcommand{\questionseparator}{ \vspace*{\fill} } \newcommand{\eogseparator}{ \vspace*{\fill} \newpage } \newcommand{\newcodecover}[1]{} %\renewcommand{\newcodecover}[1]{% %% exam code cover page %\newpage %\thispagestyle{empty} %\begin{large} %\begin{center} % {UNIVERSITY_NAME} \\ % {DEPT_NAME} \\ % \vspace*{4.5cm} % {\bf \fbox{ #1 } } \hfill {\bf \fbox{ #1 }} \\ % {\bf {COURSE_CODE} } \\ % {\bf {EXAM_NAME} } \\ % {\bf {TERM} } \\ % {\bf {EXAM_DATE} } \\ % {\bf Net Time Allowed: {TIME_ALLOWED} } \\ % \vspace*{0.2cm} %\end{center} %\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=1, raster column skip=0pt, raster equal height, colback=white, before skip=0pt] %\begin{tcolorbox}[coltitle=black, enhanced jigsaw, boxrule=1pt ,segmentation style={solid,black,line width=1pt},sidebyside,lefthand width=1cm] % \hspace*{-4pt}\begin{large}\textbf{Name}\end{large} %\end{tcolorbox} %\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=2, raster column skip=2pt, raster equal height, colback=white, before skip=0pt] %\begin{tcolorbox}[coltitle=black, enhanced jigsaw, boxrule=1pt ,segmentation style={solid,black,line width=1pt},sidebyside,lefthand width=1cm] % \hspace*{-4pt}\begin{large}\textbf{ID}\end{large} %\end{tcolorbox} %\begin{tcolorbox}[coltitle=black, enhanced jigsaw, boxrule=1pt ,segmentation style={solid,black,line width=1pt},sidebyside,lefthand width=1cm] % \begin{large}\textbf{Sec}\end{large} %\end{tcolorbox} %\end{tcbraster} %% \begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=2, raster column skip=2pt, raster equal height, colback=white, before skip=0pt] %% \begin{tcolorbox}[coltitle=black, enhanced jigsaw, boxrule=1pt ,segmentation style={solid,black,line width=1pt},sidebyside,lefthand width=2cm] %% \hspace*{-4pt}\textbf{Instructor} %% \end{tcolorbox} %% \begin{tcolorbox}[coltitle=black, enhanced jigsaw, boxrule=1pt ,segmentation style={solid,black,line width=1pt},sidebyside,lefthand width=1cm] %% \textbf{Serial} %% \end{tcolorbox} %% \end{tcbraster} %\end{tcbraster} %\begin{center}\bf{Check that this exam has {\underline{ {NUM_OF_QUESTIONS} }} questions.} \end{center} % %\vspace*{\fill} %\underline{\bf Important Instructions:} % %\begin{enumerate} % \begin{normalsize} % \item All types of calculators, pagers or mobile phones are NOT allowed during the examination. % \item Use HB 2.5 pencils only. % \item Use a good eraser. DO NOT use the erasers attached to the pencil. % \item Write your name, ID number and Section number on the examination paper and in the upper left corner of the answer sheet. % \item When bubbling your ID number and Section number, be sure that the bubbles match with the numbers that you write. % \item The Test Code Number is already bubbled in your answer sheet. Make sure that it is the same as that printed on your question paper. % \item When bubbling, make sure that the bubbled space is fully covered. % \item When erasing a bubble, make sure that you do not leave any trace of penciling. % \end{normalsize} %\end{enumerate} %\end{large} % %\vspace*{\fill} %\newpage %} %% You can add your own packages and commands below %{#preamble} %{/preamble} %% document body \begin{document} \begin{enumerate} \item %{#q} This is the body of question 1 %{/q} \begin{enumerate} \item %{#o} question 1, Item 1 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 1, Item 2 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 1, Item 3 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 1, Item 4 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 1, Item 5 %{/o} \end{enumerate} \item %{#q} This is the body of question 2 %{/q} \begin{enumerate} \item %{#o} question 2, Item 1 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 2, Item 2 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 2, Item 3 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 2, Item 4 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 2, Item 5 %{/o} \end{enumerate} \item %{#q} This is the body of question 3 %{/q} \begin{enumerate} \item %{#o} question 3, Item 1 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 3, Item 2 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 3, Item 3 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 3, Item 4 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 3, Item 5 %{/o} \end{enumerate} \item %{#q} This is the body of question 4 %{/q} \begin{enumerate} \item %{#o} question 4, Item 1 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 4, Item 2 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 4, Item 3 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 4, Item 4 %{/o} \item %{#o} question 4, Item 5 %{/o} \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} % end of questions items \end{document}