[package] name = "mc-rand" version = "1.1.0" authors = ["MobileCoin"] categories = ["cryptography", "hardware-support", "no-std::no-alloc"] description = "A platform abstraction layer providing a cryptographic RNG, `McRng`" edition = "2021" keywords = ["cryptography", "random", "rng", "no-std", "webassembly"] license = "Apache-2.0" readme = "README.md" repository = "https://github.com/mobilecoinfoundation/rand" rust-version = "1.68" [lib] doctest = false [profile.release] lto = "thin" [package.metadata.release] shared-version = true dev-version-ext = "beta.0" consolidate-commits = true consolidate-pushes = true tag-name = "v{{version}}" # The file names in this key are relative to the each crate that gets released. # So we only need one `README.md` entry if all the README's follow a # common format and are always next to the Cargo.toml for their respective # package. pre-release-replacements = [ {file="README.md", search="mc-[a-z-]+/[0-9.]+", replace="{{crate_name}}/{{version}}"}, ] [features] default = [] std = ["rand_core/std", "rand/std", "rand/std_rng"] [dependencies] cfg-if = "1.0" rand = { version = "0.8", default-features = false } rand_core = { version = "0.6", default-features = false } # When rdrand is not present, turn on standard library features in rand crate [target.'cfg(not(target_feature = "rdrand"))'.dependencies.rand] version = "0.8" features = ["std", "std_rng"] # Support running tests in wasm-pack [target.'cfg(all(any(target_arch = "wasm32", target_arch = "wasm64"), target_os = "unknown"))'.dev-dependencies] # When doing cargo test --target wasm32-unknown-unknown, or wasm-pack test, the build fails if getrandom/js is not enabled. # See https://docs.rs/getrandom/latest/getrandom/#webassembly-support for guidance getrandom = { version = "0.2", features = ["js"] } # `wasm-pack test` requires this wasm-bindgen-test = "0.2"