mod common; use common::*; use std::{borrow::Cow, io::BufWriter}; use anyhow::Result; use mcap_rs as mcap; use memmap::Mmap; use tempfile::tempfile; #[test] fn smoke() -> Result<()> { let mapped = map_mcap("tests/references/OneAttachment.mcap")?; let attachments = mcap::read::LinearReader::new(&mapped)? .filter_map(|record| match record.unwrap() { mcap::records::Record::Attachment { header, data } => Some((header, data)), _ => None, }) .collect::>(); assert_eq!(attachments.len(), 1); let expected_header = mcap::records::AttachmentHeader { log_time: 2, create_time: 1, name: String::from("myFile"), content_type: String::from("application/octet-stream"), data_len: 3, }; assert_eq!(attachments[0].0, expected_header); assert_eq!(attachments[0].1, &[1, 2, 3]); Ok(()) } #[test] fn round_trip() -> Result<()> { let mapped = map_mcap("tests/references/OneAttachment.mcap")?; let attachments = mcap::read::LinearReader::new(&mapped)?.filter_map(|record| match record.unwrap() { mcap::records::Record::Attachment { header, data } => Some((header, data)), _ => None, }); let mut tmp = tempfile()?; let mut writer = mcap::Writer::new(BufWriter::new(&mut tmp))?; for (h, d) in attachments { let a = mcap::Attachment { log_time: h.log_time, create_time: h.create_time, content_type: h.content_type, name:, data: Cow::Borrowed(d), }; writer.attach(&a)?; } drop(writer); let ours = unsafe { Mmap::map(&tmp) }?; let summary = mcap::Summary::read(&ours)?; let expected_summary = Some(mcap::Summary { stats: Some(mcap::records::Statistics { attachment_count: 1, ..Default::default() }), attachment_indexes: vec![mcap::records::AttachmentIndex { offset: 38, // Finicky - depends on the length of the library version string length: 78, log_time: 2, create_time: 1, data_size: 3, name: String::from("myFile"), content_type: String::from("application/octet-stream"), }], ..Default::default() }); assert_eq!(summary, expected_summary); let expected_attachment = mcap::Attachment { log_time: 2, create_time: 1, name: String::from("myFile"), content_type: String::from("application/octet-stream"), data: Cow::Borrowed(&[1, 2, 3]), }; assert_eq!( mcap::read::attachment(&ours, &summary.unwrap().attachment_indexes[0])?, expected_attachment ); Ok(()) }