## Commands |command|description| | :-: | :-: | |[add](https://github.com/BreadcrumbIsTaken/mcgen/blob/main/DOCS.md#add)|Add additional plugins to an already existing server| |[config](https://github.com/BreadcrumbIsTaken/mcgen/blob/main/DOCS.md#config)|Opens the config in your computer's default text editor| |[gen](https://github.com/BreadcrumbIsTaken/mcgen/blob/main/DOCS.md#gen)|Generate a new server| |[update](https://github.com/BreadcrumbIsTaken/mcgen/blob/main/DOCS.md#update)|Updates plugins or server/bungeecord versions| ### `add` #### Subcommands |subcommand|description| | :-: | :-: | |[bungeecord](https://github.com/BreadcrumbIsTaken/mcgen/blob/main/DOCS.md#bungeecord)|Add a BungeeCord server.| |[paper](https://github.com/BreadcrumbIsTaken/mcgen/blob/main/DOCS.md#paper)|Add a Paper server.| |[plugin](https://github.com/BreadcrumbIsTaken/mcgen/blob/main/DOCS.md#plugin)|Add a plugin. Must have a Jenkins API| |[startfile](https://github.com/BreadcrumbIsTaken/mcgen/blob/main/DOCS.md#start-file)|Add a start file.| ##### `bungeecord` ###### Arguments |argument|description|example| | :-: | :-: | :-: | |DIRECTORY|The directory to add BungeeCord to.|myserver| ###### Flags |flags|description|example usage|long name| | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | |-a |Choose whether or not to use [Aikar's Flags](https://aikar.co/mcflags.html)|`mcgen add bungeecord myserver -a`|--aikars-flags| |-e |Install BungeeCord in the given directory, instead of making a folder called 'bungeecord' and putting it in there|`mcgen add bungeecord myserver -e`|--here| |-j |When adding BungeeCord, if you only want to add the jar and not have all the other plugins installed, use this flag|`mcgen add bungeecord myserver -j`|--jar-only| |-n |By using this option mcgen will not generate the start scripts. By not using this flag mcgen continues its default behavior and will generate the start scripts.|`mcgen add bungeecord myserver -n`|--no-start-scripts| |-o |If BungeeCord or any other generated files already exist, overwrite them instead of throwing an error.|`mcgen add bungeecord myserver -o`|--overwrite| ###### Example ``` mcgen add bungeecord . -a ``` ##### `paper` ###### Arguments |argument|description|example| | :-: | :-: | :-: | |DIR|The directory to add Paper to|`mcgen add paper myserver`| ###### Flags |flags|description|example usage|long name| | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | |-a |Choose whether or not to use [Aikar's Flags](https://aikar.co/mcflags.html).|`mcgen add paper myserver -a`|--aikars-flags| |-j |When adding Paper, if you only want to add the jar and not have all the other plugins installed, use this flag|`mcgen add paper myserver -j`|--jar-only| |--accept-eula |Accept to Minecraft's EULA. Will create the file automatically with `eula` set to `true`. By using this option, you agree to accept the EULA: https://aka.ms/MinecraftEULA|`mcgen add paper myserver -accept-eula`|--accept-eula| |-n |By using this option mcgen will not generate the start scripts. By not using this flag mcgen continues its default behavior and will generate the start scripts.|`mcgen add paper myserver -n`|--no-start-scripts| |-o |If Paper or any other generated files already exist, overwrite them instead of throwing an error.|`mcgen add paper myserver -o`|--overwrite| ###### Example ``` mcgen add paper . -n -e ``` ##### `plugin` ###### Arguments |argument|description|example| | :-: | :-: | :-: | |DIRECTORY|The directory to add the plugin to.|`mcgen add plugin myserver`| |NAME|Name of the plugin.|`mcgen add plugin myserver Denizen`| |URL|URL to download plugin. MUST HAVE A JENKINS API!|`mcgen add plugin myserver Denizen https://ci.citizensnpcs.co/job/Denizen`| ##### Flags |flags|description|example usage|long name| | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | |-e |Add a plugin in the given directory, instead of making a folder called 'plugins' and putting it in there|`mcgen add plugin myserver Denizen https://ci.citizensnpcs.co/job/Denizen -e`|--here| |-o |If the plugin already exists, overwrite them instead of throwing an error|`mcgen add plugin myserver Denizen https://ci.citizensnpcs.co/job/Denizen -o`|--overwrite| ###### Example ``` mcgen add plugin myserver Denizen https://ci.citizensnpcs.co/job/Denizen ``` ##### `startfile` ###### Arguments |argument|description|example| | :-: | :-: | :-: | |DIRECTORY|The directory to add the start files to.|`mcgen add plugin myserver`| ##### Flags |flags|description|example usage|long name| | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | |-a |Choose whether or not to use [Aikar's Flags](https://aikar.co/mcflags.html).|`mcgen add startfile myserver -a`|--aikars-flags| |-o |If the start files already exist, overwrite them instead of throwing an error.|`mcgen add startfile myserver -o`|--overwrite| ### `config` ##### Flags |flags|description|example usage|long name| | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | |-r |Will delete the contents of the current config and create a new one with the default values and then open it.|`mcgen config -r`|--regenerate| ##### Example ``` mcgen config ``` ### `gen` ##### Arguments |argument|description|example| | :-: | :-: | :-: | |DIR|The name of the directory to place contents of the Minecraft server|`mcgen gen myserver`| ##### Flags |flags|description|example usage|long name| | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | |-a |Choose whether or not to use [Aikar's Flags](https://aikar.co/mcflags.html).|`mcgen gen myserver -a`|--aikars-flags| |-b |Choose whether or not to have a BungeeCord network.|`mcgen gen myserver -b`|--bungeecord| |-e |Accept to Minecraft's EULA. Will create the file automatically with `eula` set to `true`. By using this option, you agree to accept the [EULA](https://aka.ms/MinecraftEULA)|`mcgen gen myserver -e`|--accept-eula| |-n |By using this option mcgen will not generate the start scripts. By not using this flag mcgen continues its default behavior and will generate the start scripts.|`mcgen gen myserver -n`|--no-start-scripts| |-v |Set the Minecraft version of Paper.|`mcgen gen myserver -v 1.18.1`|--minecraft-version| ##### Example ``` mcgen gen myserver -b -a ``` ### `update` ##### Arguments |argument|description|example| | :-: | :-: | :-: | |DIRECTORIES|A comma-then-space seperated list of directories to update the plugins/servers. Will look for the mcgen.txt file in the current directory if not set| ##### Flags |flags|description|example usage|long name| | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | |-c |Will check for any updates, but will not install them.|`mcgen update myserver -c`|--check| |-d |Don't update Minecraft version if new version is avaliable.|`mcgen update myserver -d`|--dont-update-version| ##### Example ``` mcgen update myserver, bungeecord ```