#![allow(clippy::let_unit_value)] use redis::{ Commands, ConnectionInfo, ConnectionLike, ControlFlow, ErrorKind, PubSubCommands, RedisResult, }; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::thread::{sleep, spawn}; use std::time::Duration; use crate::support::*; mod support; #[test] fn test_parse_redis_url() { let redis_url = "redis://".to_string(); redis::parse_redis_url(&redis_url).unwrap(); redis::parse_redis_url("unix:/var/run/redis/redis.sock").unwrap(); assert!(redis::parse_redis_url("").is_none()); } #[test] fn test_redis_url_fromstr() { let _info: ConnectionInfo = "redis://".parse().unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_args() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); redis::cmd("SET").arg("key1").arg(b"foo").execute(&mut con); redis::cmd("SET").arg(&["key2", "bar"]).execute(&mut con); assert_eq!( redis::cmd("MGET").arg(&["key1", "key2"]).query(&mut con), Ok(("foo".to_string(), b"bar".to_vec())) ); } #[test] fn test_getset() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); redis::cmd("SET").arg("foo").arg(42).execute(&mut con); assert_eq!(redis::cmd("GET").arg("foo").query(&mut con), Ok(42)); redis::cmd("SET").arg("bar").arg("foo").execute(&mut con); assert_eq!( redis::cmd("GET").arg("bar").query(&mut con), Ok(b"foo".to_vec()) ); } #[test] fn test_incr() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); redis::cmd("SET").arg("foo").arg(42).execute(&mut con); assert_eq!(redis::cmd("INCR").arg("foo").query(&mut con), Ok(43usize)); } #[test] fn test_info() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let info: redis::InfoDict = redis::cmd("INFO").query(&mut con).unwrap(); assert_eq!( info.find(&"role"), Some(&redis::Value::Status("master".to_string())) ); assert_eq!(info.get("role"), Some("master".to_string())); assert_eq!(info.get("loading"), Some(false)); assert!(!info.is_empty()); assert!(info.contains_key(&"role")); } #[test] fn test_hash_ops() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); redis::cmd("HSET") .arg("foo") .arg("key_1") .arg(1) .execute(&mut con); redis::cmd("HSET") .arg("foo") .arg("key_2") .arg(2) .execute(&mut con); let h: HashMap = redis::cmd("HGETALL").arg("foo").query(&mut con).unwrap(); assert_eq!(h.len(), 2); assert_eq!(h.get("key_1"), Some(&1i32)); assert_eq!(h.get("key_2"), Some(&2i32)); let h: BTreeMap = redis::cmd("HGETALL").arg("foo").query(&mut con).unwrap(); assert_eq!(h.len(), 2); assert_eq!(h.get("key_1"), Some(&1i32)); assert_eq!(h.get("key_2"), Some(&2i32)); } // Requires redis-server >= 4.0.0. // Not supported with the current appveyor/windows binary deployed. #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] #[test] fn test_unlink() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); redis::cmd("SET").arg("foo").arg(42).execute(&mut con); assert_eq!(redis::cmd("GET").arg("foo").query(&mut con), Ok(42)); assert_eq!(con.unlink("foo"), Ok(1)); redis::cmd("SET").arg("foo").arg(42).execute(&mut con); redis::cmd("SET").arg("bar").arg(42).execute(&mut con); assert_eq!(con.unlink(&["foo", "bar"]), Ok(2)); } #[test] fn test_set_ops() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); redis::cmd("SADD").arg("foo").arg(1).execute(&mut con); redis::cmd("SADD").arg("foo").arg(2).execute(&mut con); redis::cmd("SADD").arg("foo").arg(3).execute(&mut con); let mut s: Vec = redis::cmd("SMEMBERS").arg("foo").query(&mut con).unwrap(); s.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(s.len(), 3); assert_eq!(&s, &[1, 2, 3]); let set: HashSet = redis::cmd("SMEMBERS").arg("foo").query(&mut con).unwrap(); assert_eq!(set.len(), 3); assert!(set.contains(&1i32)); assert!(set.contains(&2i32)); assert!(set.contains(&3i32)); let set: BTreeSet = redis::cmd("SMEMBERS").arg("foo").query(&mut con).unwrap(); assert_eq!(set.len(), 3); assert!(set.contains(&1i32)); assert!(set.contains(&2i32)); assert!(set.contains(&3i32)); } #[test] fn test_scan() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); redis::cmd("SADD").arg("foo").arg(1).execute(&mut con); redis::cmd("SADD").arg("foo").arg(2).execute(&mut con); redis::cmd("SADD").arg("foo").arg(3).execute(&mut con); let (cur, mut s): (i32, Vec) = redis::cmd("SSCAN") .arg("foo") .arg(0) .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); s.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(cur, 0i32); assert_eq!(s.len(), 3); assert_eq!(&s, &[1, 2, 3]); } #[test] fn test_optionals() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); redis::cmd("SET").arg("foo").arg(1).execute(&mut con); let (a, b): (Option, Option) = redis::cmd("MGET") .arg("foo") .arg("missing") .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(a, Some(1i32)); assert_eq!(b, None); let a = redis::cmd("GET") .arg("missing") .query(&mut con) .unwrap_or(0i32); assert_eq!(a, 0i32); } #[test] fn test_scanning() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let mut unseen = HashSet::new(); for x in 0..1000 { redis::cmd("SADD").arg("foo").arg(x).execute(&mut con); unseen.insert(x); } let iter = redis::cmd("SSCAN") .arg("foo") .cursor_arg(0) .clone() .iter(&mut con) .unwrap(); for x in iter { // type inference limitations let x: usize = x; unseen.remove(&x); } assert_eq!(unseen.len(), 0); } #[test] fn test_filtered_scanning() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let mut unseen = HashSet::new(); for x in 0..3000 { let _: () = con .hset("foo", format!("key_{}_{}", x % 100, x), x) .unwrap(); if x % 100 == 0 { unseen.insert(x); } } let iter = con.hscan_match("foo", "key_0_*").unwrap(); for x in iter { // type inference limitations let x: usize = x; unseen.remove(&x); } assert_eq!(unseen.len(), 0); } #[test] fn test_pipeline() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let ((k1, k2),): ((i32, i32),) = redis::pipe() .cmd("SET") .arg("key_1") .arg(42) .ignore() .cmd("SET") .arg("key_2") .arg(43) .ignore() .cmd("MGET") .arg(&["key_1", "key_2"]) .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(k1, 42); assert_eq!(k2, 43); } #[test] fn test_pipeline_with_err() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let _: () = redis::cmd("SET") .arg("x") .arg("x-value") .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); let _: () = redis::cmd("SET") .arg("y") .arg("y-value") .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); let _: () = redis::cmd("SLAVEOF") .arg("") .arg("99") .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); let res = redis::pipe() .set("x", "another-x-value") .ignore() .get("y") .query::<()>(&mut con); assert!(res.is_err() && res.unwrap_err().kind() == ErrorKind::ReadOnly); // Make sure we don't get leftover responses from the pipeline ("y-value"). See #436. let res = redis::cmd("GET") .arg("x") .query::(&mut con) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, "x-value"); } #[test] fn test_empty_pipeline() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let _: () = redis::pipe().cmd("PING").ignore().query(&mut con).unwrap(); let _: () = redis::pipe().query(&mut con).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_pipeline_transaction() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let ((k1, k2),): ((i32, i32),) = redis::pipe() .atomic() .cmd("SET") .arg("key_1") .arg(42) .ignore() .cmd("SET") .arg("key_2") .arg(43) .ignore() .cmd("MGET") .arg(&["key_1", "key_2"]) .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(k1, 42); assert_eq!(k2, 43); } #[test] fn test_pipeline_transaction_with_errors() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let _: () = con.set("x", 42).unwrap(); // Make Redis a replica of a nonexistent master, thereby making it read-only. let _: () = redis::cmd("slaveof") .arg("") .arg("1") .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); // Ensure that a write command fails with a READONLY error let err: RedisResult<()> = redis::pipe() .atomic() .set("x", 142) .ignore() .get("x") .query(&mut con); assert_eq!(err.unwrap_err().kind(), ErrorKind::ReadOnly); let x: i32 = con.get("x").unwrap(); assert_eq!(x, 42); } #[test] fn test_pipeline_reuse_query() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let mut pl = redis::pipe(); let ((k1,),): ((i32,),) = pl .cmd("SET") .arg("pkey_1") .arg(42) .ignore() .cmd("MGET") .arg(&["pkey_1"]) .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(k1, 42); redis::cmd("DEL").arg("pkey_1").execute(&mut con); // The internal commands vector of the pipeline still contains the previous commands. let ((k1,), (k2, k3)): ((i32,), (i32, i32)) = pl .cmd("SET") .arg("pkey_2") .arg(43) .ignore() .cmd("MGET") .arg(&["pkey_1"]) .arg(&["pkey_2"]) .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(k1, 42); assert_eq!(k2, 42); assert_eq!(k3, 43); } #[test] fn test_pipeline_reuse_query_clear() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let mut pl = redis::pipe(); let ((k1,),): ((i32,),) = pl .cmd("SET") .arg("pkey_1") .arg(44) .ignore() .cmd("MGET") .arg(&["pkey_1"]) .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); pl.clear(); assert_eq!(k1, 44); redis::cmd("DEL").arg("pkey_1").execute(&mut con); let ((k1, k2),): ((bool, i32),) = pl .cmd("SET") .arg("pkey_2") .arg(45) .ignore() .cmd("MGET") .arg(&["pkey_1"]) .arg(&["pkey_2"]) .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); pl.clear(); assert_eq!(k1, false); assert_eq!(k2, 45); } #[test] fn test_real_transaction() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let key = "the_key"; let _: () = redis::cmd("SET").arg(key).arg(42).query(&mut con).unwrap(); loop { let _: () = redis::cmd("WATCH").arg(key).query(&mut con).unwrap(); let val: isize = redis::cmd("GET").arg(key).query(&mut con).unwrap(); let response: Option<(isize,)> = redis::pipe() .atomic() .cmd("SET") .arg(key) .arg(val + 1) .ignore() .cmd("GET") .arg(key) .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); match response { None => { continue; } Some(response) => { assert_eq!(response, (43,)); break; } } } } #[test] fn test_real_transaction_highlevel() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let key = "the_key"; let _: () = redis::cmd("SET").arg(key).arg(42).query(&mut con).unwrap(); let response: (isize,) = redis::transaction(&mut con, &[key], |con, pipe| { let val: isize = redis::cmd("GET").arg(key).query(con)?; pipe.cmd("SET") .arg(key) .arg(val + 1) .ignore() .cmd("GET") .arg(key) .query(con) }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(response, (43,)); } #[test] fn test_pubsub() { use std::sync::{Arc, Barrier}; let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); // Connection for subscriber api let mut pubsub_con = ctx.connection(); // Barrier is used to make test thread wait to publish // until after the pubsub thread has subscribed. let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(2)); let pubsub_barrier = barrier.clone(); let thread = spawn(move || { let mut pubsub = pubsub_con.as_pubsub(); pubsub.subscribe("foo").unwrap(); let _ = pubsub_barrier.wait(); let msg = pubsub.get_message().unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.get_channel(), Ok("foo".to_string())); assert_eq!(msg.get_payload(), Ok(42)); let msg = pubsub.get_message().unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.get_channel(), Ok("foo".to_string())); assert_eq!(msg.get_payload(), Ok(23)); }); let _ = barrier.wait(); redis::cmd("PUBLISH").arg("foo").arg(42).execute(&mut con); // We can also call the command directly assert_eq!(con.publish("foo", 23), Ok(1)); thread.join().expect("Something went wrong"); } #[test] fn test_pubsub_unsubscribe() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); { let mut pubsub = con.as_pubsub(); pubsub.subscribe("foo").unwrap(); pubsub.subscribe("bar").unwrap(); pubsub.subscribe("baz").unwrap(); pubsub.psubscribe("foo*").unwrap(); pubsub.psubscribe("bar*").unwrap(); pubsub.psubscribe("baz*").unwrap(); } // Connection should be usable again for non-pubsub commands let _: redis::Value = con.set("foo", "bar").unwrap(); let value: String = con.get("foo").unwrap(); assert_eq!(&value[..], "bar"); } #[test] fn test_pubsub_unsubscribe_no_subs() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); { let _pubsub = con.as_pubsub(); } // Connection should be usable again for non-pubsub commands let _: redis::Value = con.set("foo", "bar").unwrap(); let value: String = con.get("foo").unwrap(); assert_eq!(&value[..], "bar"); } #[test] fn test_pubsub_unsubscribe_one_sub() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); { let mut pubsub = con.as_pubsub(); pubsub.subscribe("foo").unwrap(); } // Connection should be usable again for non-pubsub commands let _: redis::Value = con.set("foo", "bar").unwrap(); let value: String = con.get("foo").unwrap(); assert_eq!(&value[..], "bar"); } #[test] fn test_pubsub_unsubscribe_one_sub_one_psub() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); { let mut pubsub = con.as_pubsub(); pubsub.subscribe("foo").unwrap(); pubsub.psubscribe("foo*").unwrap(); } // Connection should be usable again for non-pubsub commands let _: redis::Value = con.set("foo", "bar").unwrap(); let value: String = con.get("foo").unwrap(); assert_eq!(&value[..], "bar"); } #[test] fn scoped_pubsub() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); // Connection for subscriber api let mut pubsub_con = ctx.connection(); let thread = spawn(move || { let mut count = 0; pubsub_con .subscribe(&["foo", "bar"], |msg| { count += 1; match count { 1 => { assert_eq!(msg.get_channel(), Ok("foo".to_string())); assert_eq!(msg.get_payload(), Ok(42)); ControlFlow::Continue } 2 => { assert_eq!(msg.get_channel(), Ok("bar".to_string())); assert_eq!(msg.get_payload(), Ok(23)); ControlFlow::Break(()) } _ => ControlFlow::Break(()), } }) .unwrap(); pubsub_con }); // Can't use a barrier in this case since there's no opportunity to run code // between channel subscription and blocking for messages. sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); redis::cmd("PUBLISH").arg("foo").arg(42).execute(&mut con); assert_eq!(con.publish("bar", 23), Ok(1)); // Wait for thread let mut pubsub_con = thread.join().expect("pubsub thread terminates ok"); // Connection should be usable again for non-pubsub commands let _: redis::Value = pubsub_con.set("foo", "bar").unwrap(); let value: String = pubsub_con.get("foo").unwrap(); assert_eq!(&value[..], "bar"); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "script")] fn test_script() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let script = redis::Script::new( r" return {redis.call('GET', KEYS[1]), ARGV[1]} ", ); let _: () = redis::cmd("SET") .arg("my_key") .arg("foo") .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); let response = script.key("my_key").arg(42).invoke(&mut con); assert_eq!(response, Ok(("foo".to_string(), 42))); } #[test] fn test_tuple_args() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); redis::cmd("HMSET") .arg("my_key") .arg(&[("field_1", 42), ("field_2", 23)]) .execute(&mut con); assert_eq!( redis::cmd("HGET") .arg("my_key") .arg("field_1") .query(&mut con), Ok(42) ); assert_eq!( redis::cmd("HGET") .arg("my_key") .arg("field_2") .query(&mut con), Ok(23) ); } #[test] fn test_nice_api() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); assert_eq!(con.set("my_key", 42), Ok(())); assert_eq!(con.get("my_key"), Ok(42)); let (k1, k2): (i32, i32) = redis::pipe() .atomic() .set("key_1", 42) .ignore() .set("key_2", 43) .ignore() .get("key_1") .get("key_2") .query(&mut con) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(k1, 42); assert_eq!(k2, 43); } #[test] fn test_auto_m_versions() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); assert_eq!(con.set_multiple(&[("key1", 1), ("key2", 2)]), Ok(())); assert_eq!(con.get(&["key1", "key2"]), Ok((1, 2))); } #[test] fn test_nice_hash_api() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); assert_eq!( con.hset_multiple("my_hash", &[("f1", 1), ("f2", 2), ("f3", 4), ("f4", 8)]), Ok(()) ); let hm: HashMap = con.hgetall("my_hash").unwrap(); assert_eq!(hm.get("f1"), Some(&1)); assert_eq!(hm.get("f2"), Some(&2)); assert_eq!(hm.get("f3"), Some(&4)); assert_eq!(hm.get("f4"), Some(&8)); assert_eq!(hm.len(), 4); let hm: BTreeMap = con.hgetall("my_hash").unwrap(); assert_eq!(hm.get("f1"), Some(&1)); assert_eq!(hm.get("f2"), Some(&2)); assert_eq!(hm.get("f3"), Some(&4)); assert_eq!(hm.get("f4"), Some(&8)); assert_eq!(hm.len(), 4); let v: Vec<(String, isize)> = con.hgetall("my_hash").unwrap(); assert_eq!( v, vec![ ("f1".to_string(), 1), ("f2".to_string(), 2), ("f3".to_string(), 4), ("f4".to_string(), 8), ] ); assert_eq!(con.hget("my_hash", &["f2", "f4"]), Ok((2, 8))); assert_eq!(con.hincr("my_hash", "f1", 1), Ok(2)); assert_eq!(con.hincr("my_hash", "f2", 1.5f32), Ok(3.5f32)); assert_eq!(con.hexists("my_hash", "f2"), Ok(true)); assert_eq!(con.hdel("my_hash", &["f1", "f2"]), Ok(())); assert_eq!(con.hexists("my_hash", "f2"), Ok(false)); let iter: redis::Iter<'_, (String, isize)> = con.hscan("my_hash").unwrap(); let mut found = HashSet::new(); for item in iter { found.insert(item); } assert_eq!(found.len(), 2); assert!(found.contains(&("f3".to_string(), 4))); assert!(found.contains(&("f4".to_string(), 8))); } #[test] fn test_nice_list_api() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); assert_eq!(con.rpush("my_list", &[1, 2, 3, 4]), Ok(4)); assert_eq!(con.rpush("my_list", &[5, 6, 7, 8]), Ok(8)); assert_eq!(con.llen("my_list"), Ok(8)); assert_eq!(con.lpop("my_list", Default::default()), Ok(1)); assert_eq!(con.llen("my_list"), Ok(7)); assert_eq!(con.lrange("my_list", 0, 2), Ok((2, 3, 4))); assert_eq!(con.lset("my_list", 0, 4), Ok(true)); assert_eq!(con.lrange("my_list", 0, 2), Ok((4, 3, 4))); #[cfg(not(windows))] //Windows version of redis is limited to v3.x { let my_list: Vec = con.lrange("my_list", 0, 10).expect("To get range"); assert_eq!( con.lpop("my_list", core::num::NonZeroUsize::new(10)), Ok(my_list) ); } } #[test] fn test_tuple_decoding_regression() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); assert_eq!(con.del("my_zset"), Ok(())); assert_eq!(con.zadd("my_zset", "one", 1), Ok(1)); assert_eq!(con.zadd("my_zset", "two", 2), Ok(1)); let vec: Vec<(String, u32)> = con.zrangebyscore_withscores("my_zset", 0, 10).unwrap(); assert_eq!(vec.len(), 2); assert_eq!(con.del("my_zset"), Ok(1)); let vec: Vec<(String, u32)> = con.zrangebyscore_withscores("my_zset", 0, 10).unwrap(); assert_eq!(vec.len(), 0); } #[test] fn test_bit_operations() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); assert_eq!(con.setbit("bitvec", 10, true), Ok(false)); assert_eq!(con.getbit("bitvec", 10), Ok(true)); } #[test] fn test_redis_server_down() { let mut ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let ping = redis::cmd("PING").query::(&mut con); assert_eq!(ping, Ok("PONG".into())); ctx.stop_server(); let ping = redis::cmd("PING").query::(&mut con); assert!(ping.is_err()); eprintln!("{}", ping.unwrap_err()); assert!(!con.is_open()); } #[test] fn test_zrembylex() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let mut c = redis::cmd("ZADD"); let setname = "myzset"; c.arg(setname) .arg(0) .arg("apple") .arg(0) .arg("banana") .arg(0) .arg("carrot") .arg(0) .arg("durian") .arg(0) .arg("eggplant") .arg(0) .arg("grapes"); c.query::<()>(&mut con).unwrap(); // Will remove "banana", "carrot", "durian" and "eggplant" let num_removed: u32 = con.zrembylex(setname, "[banana", "[eggplant").unwrap(); assert_eq!(4, num_removed); let remaining: Vec = con.zrange(setname, 0, -1).unwrap(); assert_eq!(remaining, vec!["apple".to_string(), "grapes".to_string()]); } // Requires redis-server >= 6.2.0. // Not supported with the current appveyor/windows binary deployed. #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] #[test] fn test_zrandmember() { let ctx = TestContext::new(); let mut con = ctx.connection(); let setname = "myzrandset"; let () = con.zadd(setname, "one", 1).unwrap(); let result: String = con.zrandmember(setname, None).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, "one".to_string()); let result: Vec = con.zrandmember(setname, Some(1)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result.len(), 1); assert_eq!(result[0], "one".to_string()); let result: Vec = con.zrandmember(setname, Some(2)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result.len(), 1); assert_eq!(result[0], "one".to_string()); let mut c = redis::cmd("ZADD"); c.arg(setname) .arg(2) .arg("two") .arg(3) .arg("three") .arg(4) .arg("four") .arg(5) .arg("five"); c.query::<()>(&mut con).unwrap(); let results: Vec = con.zrandmember(setname, Some(5)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(results.len(), 5); let results: Vec = con.zrandmember(setname, Some(-5)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(results.len(), 5); let results: Vec = con.zrandmember_withscores(setname, 5).unwrap(); assert_eq!(results.len(), 10); let results: Vec = con.zrandmember_withscores(setname, -5).unwrap(); assert_eq!(results.len(), 10); }