McPAT (version 1.3 of Feb, 2015) is computing the target processor... Warning: icache array structure cannot satisfy throughput constraint. Warning: icache array structure cannot satisfy latency constraint. Warning: Branch Target Buffer array structure cannot satisfy throughput constraint. Warning: Branch Target Buffer array structure cannot satisfy latency constraint. Warning: Global Predictor array structure cannot satisfy throughput constraint. Warning: Global Predictor array structure cannot satisfy latency constraint. Warning: Predictor Chooser array structure cannot satisfy throughput constraint. Warning: Predictor Chooser array structure cannot satisfy latency constraint. Warning: dcache array structure cannot satisfy throughput constraint. Warning: dcache array structure cannot satisfy latency constraint. McPAT (version 1.3 of Feb, 2015) results (current print level is 5) ***************************************************************************************** Technology 180 nm Interconnect metal projection= aggressive interconnect technology projection Core clock Rate(MHz) 1200 ***************************************************************************************** Processor: Area = 311.691 mm^2 Peak Power = 86.0307 W Total Leakage = 0.143326 W Peak Dynamic = 85.8874 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.139369 W Gate Leakage = 0.00395711 W Runtime Dynamic = 83.6833 W Total Cores: 1 cores Device Type= ITRS high performance device type Area = 127.712 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 51.6216 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.0554561 W Gate Leakage = 0.00345586 W Runtime Dynamic = 72.3661 W Total L2s: Device Type= ITRS high performance device type Area = 135.613 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 4.76002 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.0784831 W Gate Leakage = 0.000175445 W Runtime Dynamic = 6.35901 W Total Second Level Directory: Device Type= ITRS high performance device type Area = 1.67179 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.826596 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000382801 W Gate Leakage = 3.06958e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.572134 W Total NoCs (Network/Bus): Device Type= ITRS high performance device type Area = 28.9377 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 14.9356 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00280385 W Gate Leakage = 0.000158855 W Runtime Dynamic = 2.31478 W Total MCs: 2 Memory Controllers Device Type= ITRS high performance device type Area = 17.7563 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 13.7436 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00224319 W Gate Leakage = 0.000136259 W Runtime Dynamic = 2.07121 W ***************************************************************************************** Core: Area = 127.712 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 51.6216 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.0554561 W Gate Leakage = 0.00345586 W Runtime Dynamic = 72.3661 W Instruction Fetch Unit: Area = 27.2036 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 8.67944 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00635173 W Gate Leakage = 0.000348289 W Runtime Dynamic = 10.3092 W Instruction Cache: Area = 11.4744 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 1.29115 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00391764 W Gate Leakage = 0.000183553 W Runtime Dynamic = 1.89991 W Branch Target Buffer: Area = 13.1967 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.548968 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00150571 W Gate Leakage = 9.06003e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 2.19587 W Branch Predictor: Area = 1.75712 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.239897 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000500353 W Gate Leakage = 1.95603e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.229419 W Global Predictor: Area = 0.607456 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.0825791 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000184661 W Gate Leakage = 7.36458e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.0887205 W Local Predictor: L1_Local Predictor: Area = 0.282223 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.0303388 W Subthreshold Leakage = 7.96913e-05 W Gate Leakage = 2.92127e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.0344156 W L2_Local Predictor: Area = 0.177264 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.0154884 W Subthreshold Leakage = 4.01694e-05 W Gate Leakage = 1.47445e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.0175587 W Chooser: Area = 0.607456 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.0825791 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000184661 W Gate Leakage = 7.36458e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.0887205 W RAS: Area = 0.0827205 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.0289113 W Subthreshold Leakage = 1.11699e-05 W Gate Leakage = 4.35453e-07 W Runtime Dynamic = 3.56984e-06 W Instruction Buffer: Area = 0.198955 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 1.8463 W Subthreshold Leakage = 3.21125e-05 W Gate Leakage = 1.24349e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 1.23087 W Instruction Decoder: Area = 0.146031 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 4.07384 W Subthreshold Leakage = 7.07416e-05 W Gate Leakage = 3.32268e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 4.07384 W Renaming Unit: Area = 3.10545 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 8.42851 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000515523 W Gate Leakage = 6.13515e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 7.34458 W Int Front End RAT with 8 internal checkpoints: Area = 1.53495 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 4.72424 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00011933 W Gate Leakage = 7.05732e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 4.69049 W FP Front End RAT with 8 internal checkpoints: Area = 0.504792 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 2.16672 W Subthreshold Leakage = 5.19429e-05 W Gate Leakage = 3.17329e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 1.07269 W Free List: Area = 0.439651 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.101065 W Subthreshold Leakage = 1.12468e-05 W Gate Leakage = 6.40491e-07 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.186985 W FP Free List: Area = 0.195722 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.0779159 W Subthreshold Leakage = 7.82681e-06 W Gate Leakage = 4.71127e-07 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.035853 W Load Store Unit: Area = 48.6535 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 8.72462 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00719447 W Gate Leakage = 0.000429292 W Runtime Dynamic = 28.0438 W Data Cache: Area = 38.3148 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 6.18063 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00624994 W Gate Leakage = 0.000342058 W Runtime Dynamic = 25.966 W LoadQ: Area = 2.76221 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.932355 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000309677 W Gate Leakage = 1.86125e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.466177 W StoreQ: Area = 2.76221 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.932355 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000309677 W Gate Leakage = 1.86125e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.932355 W Memory Management Unit: Area = 10.917 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 2.6167 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00171591 W Runtime Dynamic = 7.41009 W Itlb: Area = 3.51477 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.592001 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000593841 W Gate Leakage = 4.98191e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 2.36803 W Dtlb: Area = 6.97195 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 1.00578 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000796896 W Gate Leakage = 6.81599e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 4.02315 W Execution Unit: Area = 29.3084 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 23.1724 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.0199822 W Runtime Dynamic = 19.2585 W Register Files: Area = 9.92473 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 3.89176 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000278344 W Gate Leakage = 1.26653e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 1.64629 W Integer RF: Area = 6.75967 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 2.2861 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000172855 W Gate Leakage = 7.93675e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 1.46712 W Floating Point RF: Area = 3.16506 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 1.60566 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000105489 W Gate Leakage = 4.72854e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.179171 W Instruction Scheduler: Area = 5.25992 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 3.23778 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000280877 W Gate Leakage = 1.5515e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 3.69049 W Instruction Window: Area = 1.27449 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 1.1685 W Subthreshold Leakage = 9.74811e-05 W Gate Leakage = 6.3522e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 1.46828 W FP Instruction Window: Area = 0.510329 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.68792 W Subthreshold Leakage = 6.32652e-05 W Gate Leakage = 4.28314e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.840837 W ROB: Area = 3.47511 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 1.38136 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000120131 W Gate Leakage = 4.87965e-06 W Runtime Dynamic = 1.38136 W Integer ALUs (Count: 4 ): Area = 0.8736 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 4.23312 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00403726 W Gate Leakage = 0.000246721 W Runtime Dynamic = 3.21343 W Floating Point Units (FPUs) (Count: 1 ): Area = 12.705 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 3.52215 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.0146787 W Gate Leakage = 0.000897034 W Runtime Dynamic = 3.52215 W Results Broadcast Bus: Area Overhead = 0.114821 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 6.929 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000381852 W Gate Leakage = 2.33354e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 5.82754 W ***************************************************************************************** L2 Area = 135.613 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 4.76002 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.0784831 W Gate Leakage = 0.000175445 W Runtime Dynamic = 6.35901 W ***************************************************************************************** Second Level Directory Area = 1.67179 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.826596 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000382801 W Gate Leakage = 3.06958e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.572134 W ***************************************************************************************** Memory Controller: Area = 8.87813 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 6.8718 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00112159 W Gate Leakage = 6.81295e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 2.07121 W Front End Engine: Area = 5.24545 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 3.02969 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000282187 W Gate Leakage = 1.68325e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.692367 W Transaction Engine: Area = 1.50616 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 3.55926 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000348029 W Gate Leakage = 2.12684e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 1.06774 W PHY: Area = 2.12653 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 0.282843 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000491377 W Gate Leakage = 3.00286e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.311102 W ***************************************************************************************** NOC Area = 28.9377 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 14.9356 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00280385 W Gate Leakage = 0.000158855 W Runtime Dynamic = 2.31478 W Router: Area = 28.2648 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 7.32833 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00189552 W Gate Leakage = 0.000103346 W Runtime Dynamic = 1.0469 W Virtual Channel Buffer: Area = 16.9497 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 5.86693 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.00109244 W Gate Leakage = 3.51874e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.838133 W Crossbar: Area = 0.357655 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 1.27997 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000801415 W Gate Leakage = 6.80527e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.182853 W Arbiter: Peak Dynamic = 0.181431 W Subthreshold Leakage = 1.65956e-06 W Gate Leakage = 1.05559e-07 W Runtime Dynamic = 0.0259187 W Per Router Links: Area = 0.672964 mm^2 Peak Dynamic = 7.60724 W Subthreshold Leakage = 0.000908331 W Gate Leakage = 5.55091e-05 W Runtime Dynamic = 1.26787 W *****************************************************************************************