# What are presets? Presets are option to customize behaviour of program. Presets were added in v1.1.0. Currently only preset parameter are `ignored_chars`, which as name suggests - contains characters that CLI will ignore in counting words. -Example-: text = "Litwo Ojczyzno moja!"[^1] ignored_chars = ['!', ',', [...]] Output = "litwo", "ojczyzno", "moja" -EOE[^0]- -Example 2-: text = "Ślachetne zdrowie, Nikt się nie dowie, Jako smakujesz, Aż się zepsujesz."[^2] ignored_chars = ['!', ',', '.', '?', [...]] Output = "ślachetne", "zdrowie", "nikt", "się", "nie", "dowie", "jako", "smakujesz", "aż", "się", "zepsujesz" -EOE- # How to make one? |Operating System|Compatible?| |----------------|-----------| |Windows|not tested* | |MacOS|Should Work| |Linux|Yes| `*` -> rust_analyzer says that `std::env::home_dir()` may lead to unexpected behaviour on Windows (idk if that's true) Presets are located in: `~/.config/mcw` or `/home_path/mcw/` To create preset, create `~/.config/mcw` directory, then add your preset in `.toml` format. Only field currently you'll need to write is: `ignored_chars` which takes Vector of characters as input -Example- ```toml ignored_chars = [',', '?', '.'] ``` -EOE- To use preset, pass it as third/fourth argument -Example- `./exec 'file1.txt file2.txt' 1 YOUR_PRESET_WITHOUT_TOML_EXTENSION` -EOE- --- [^0]: EOE - End of Example [^1]: Adam Mickiewicz, Pan Tadeusz [^2]: Jan Kochanowski, "Na Zdrowie"