import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import path from 'node:path'; import { get, sortMap, assertNotEquals } from './utils.js'; const url = ''; const REMOVED = 0b100; const UPDATED = 0b010; const ADDED = 0b001; export const downloadVersions = async (symbols, dir, dryRun) => { const file = path.resolve(dir, 'versions.json'); console.log(`Downloading ${path.relative('', file)}`); const versions = await getVersions(symbols); const status = await checkChanges(file, versions); if (!dryRun) { await fs.writeFile(file, JSON.stringify(versions, null, 2)); } console.log('Done'); return status; }; export const getVersions = async (symbols) => { assertNotEquals(symbols, undefined, 'symbols'); const type = symbols === true ? 'symbols' : 'icons'; const { icons } = await getMetadata(); const versions = {}; icons.forEach((icon) => { for (const family of icon.unsupported_families) { if (family.toLowerCase().includes(type)) { return; } } versions[] = icon.version; }); return sortMap(versions); }; const getMetadata = async () => { let data = await get(url); data = data.substring(data.indexOf('\n')); // remove first line return JSON.parse(data); }; const checkChanges = async (file, latest) => { let existing; try { existing = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(file)); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') { console.error(e.message); } return ADDED; } let status = 0; const { removed, updated, added } = getChanges(existing, latest); if (removed.length === 0 && updated.length === 0 && added.length === 0) { console.log('No changes'); return status; } console.log('Changes:'); if (removed.length !== 0) { console.log(`- Remove ${removed.length} icons: ${names(removed)}`); status |= REMOVED; } if (updated.length !== 0) { console.log(`- Update ${updated.length} icons`); status |= UPDATED; } if (added.length !== 0) { console.log(`- Add ${added.length} icons: ${names(added)}`); status |= ADDED; } return status; }; const getChanges = (existing, latest) => { existing = sortMap(existing); latest = sortMap(latest); const removed = []; const updated = []; const added = []; for (const name of Object.keys(existing)) { if (!latest[name]) { removed.push(name); } else if (latest[name] !== existing[name]) { updated.push(name); } } for (const name of Object.keys(latest)) { if (!existing[name]) { added.push(name); } } return { removed, updated, added }; }; const names = (names) => => '`' + name + '`').join(', ');