import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import path from 'node:path'; import isSvg from 'is-svg'; import { getVersions } from './metadata.js'; import { map, filter, downloadAll, mkdirs, remove, exists, assertEquals, walk, } from './utils.js'; const styles = { icons: ['filled', 'outlined', 'round', 'sharp', 'two-tone'], symbols: ['outlined', 'rounded', 'sharp'], }; const getStyleDirs = (symbols, dir) => { const type = symbols === true ? 'symbols' : 'icons'; return Object.fromEntries( styles[type].map((style) => [style, path.resolve(dir, style)]) ); }; export const deleteSvgs = async (symbols, dir) => { const styleDirs = getStyleDirs(symbols, dir); const dirs = Object.values(styleDirs); console.log('Deleting SVGs'); await remove(dirs); console.log('Done'); }; export const downloadSvgs = async (symbols, dir, axes) => { const styleDirs = getStyleDirs(symbols, dir); const dirs = Object.values(styleDirs); await mkdirs(dirs); console.log('Fetching metadata'); const versions = await getVersions(symbols); const downloads = getDownloads(symbols, versions, styleDirs, axes); console.log('::group::Downloading SVGs'); await downloadAll(downloads, { ignoreExisting: true }); console.log('::endgroup::'); await checkSvgs(dirs); await checkDownloads(downloads); console.log('Done'); }; const getDownloads = (symbols, versions, styleDirs, axes) => { const variations = []; if (symbols === true) { for (const fill of [0, 1]) { const suffix = fill === 0 ? '' : '-fill'; variations.push({ axes: { ...axes, fill }, suffix }); } } else { variations.push({ suffix: '' }); } const downloads = []; for (const [style, dir] of Object.entries(styleDirs)) { const theme = style.replaceAll('filled', '').replaceAll('-', '').trim(); for (const [icon, version] of Object.entries(versions)) { const url = (axes) => { if (!axes) { return `${theme}/${icon}/v${version}/24px.svg`; } let { fill, weight, size } = axes; fill = fill === 0 ? '' : `fill${fill}`; weight = weight === 400 ? '' : `wght${weight}`; axes = weight + fill || 'default'; return `${theme}/${icon}/${axes}/${size}px.svg`; }; for (const { axes, suffix } of variations) { const file = path.resolve(dir, `${icon}${suffix}.svg`); downloads.push([url(axes), file]); } } } return downloads; }; const checkSvgs = async (dirs) => { console.log('Checking SVGs'); await map(dirs, async (dir) => { await walk(dir, async (file) => { if (await isSvgFile(file)) { return; } await remove(file); }); }); }; const isSvgFile = async (file) => { if (!file.endsWith('.svg')) { return false; } const svg = (await fs.readFile(file)).toString(); return svg.startsWith('') && isSvg(svg); }; const checkDownloads = async (downloads) => { console.log('Checking downloads'); const missing = await filter( downloads, async ([_, file]) => !(await exists(file)) ); assertEquals(missing.length, 0, 'missing downloads'); };