import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import path from 'node:path'; import del from 'del'; import got from 'got'; /* Network */ export const get = async (url, { agent, raw = false } = {}) => { const response = await got(url, { headers: { 'user-agent': agent } }); return raw ? response.rawBody : response.body; }; export const downloadAll = async ( downloads, { concurrency, ignoreExisting = false } = {} ) => { if (ignoreExisting) { downloads = await filter( downloads, async (item) => !(await exists(item[1])) ); } await apply(download, downloads, { concurrency }); }; const download = async (url, file) => { console.log(`Downloading ${path.relative('', file)}`); const data = await get(url, { raw: true }); await fs.writeFile(file, data); }; /* Filesystem */ /** * @see */ export const exists = async (path) => fs .access(path) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); export const mkdirs = async (dirs) => { await map(dirs, async (dir) => { try { await fs.mkdir(dir); console.log(`Created ${path.relative('', dir)}`); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'EEXIST') { throw e; } } }); }; export const walk = async (dir, func) => { const stat = await fs.lstat(dir); if (stat.isFile()) { await func(dir); return; } const files = await fs.readdir(dir); await map(files, async (file) => { file = path.resolve(dir, file); await walk(file, func); }); }; export const remove = async (paths) => { const deleted = await del(paths); deleted.forEach((p) => { console.log(`Deleted ${path.relative('', p)}`); }); }; /* Async */ export const apply = async (func, args, { concurrency = 8 } = {}) => { const results = []; let i = 0; const next = async () => { const j = i++; if (j >= args.length) { return; } results[j] = await func(...args[j]); await next(); }; await Promise.all(Array.from({ length: concurrency }, next)); return results; }; export const map = async (values, predicate) => { values =, i) => [v, i]); return await apply(predicate, values); }; export const filter = async (values, predicate) => { const results = await map(values, predicate); return values.filter((_, i) => results[i]); }; /* Others */ export const sortMap = (map) => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(map).sort()); export const assertEquals = (actual, expected, name) => { if (actual !== expected) { throw new Error(`${name} should be '${expected}' not '${actual}'`); } }; export const assertNotEquals = (actual, expected, name) => { if (actual === expected) { throw new Error(`${name} should not be '${expected}'`); } };