# md-to-tui [![Rust](https://github.com/Horryportier/md-to-tui/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Horryportier/md-to-tui/actions/workflows/rust.yml) markdown to ratatui parser md-to-tui is an markdown parser from md like text to ratatui types #! its in the early stage and not evrything works for exp. bold/itlic are not working right now becouse of crude and simple implemetion at the time. # Usage this library implements `MarkdownParsable` for types that implement `ToString` trait. You can use `parse_markdown` fn to parse markdown to `Text`. `parse_markdown` takes `option` of `MdStyle` and returns `Result, Error>` ```rust // example let md = " # TODO - [ ] one - [ ] two [link](http://exp.com) " let res = md.parse_markdown(Some(style)) ``` # Road map - add support for bold and italic - make horizontal_rule - color number list - color headings according to its size - maybe add support for codeblock