# Convert markdown to the markup format used in jira The [markup](https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/WikiRendererHelpAction.jspa?section=all) language used in jira is not very common. In contrast, [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) is widely used and editing it is supported by a lot of editors. I like to keep my documentation in markdown, but when I need to paste them into jira forms, this doesn't work very well. This is where this small command-line tool helps. It uses the great [pulldown-cmark](https://crates.io/crates/pulldown-cmark/) library for reading the [CommonMark flaver of Markdown](https://commonmark.org/) either from stdin or from a file, and converts it to the format used in jira, either to stdout or to a file. ## Installation First you need to have a working `rustc` + `cargo` installation. This can be achieved by either installing the packages available for your distribution, or through https://rustup.rs/. Then you can can install `md2jira` by running `cargo install -f md2jira`. The `-f` flag forces previous versions to be overwritten. ## Example usage ``` user@host:~/Projects/md2jira$ cat example.md # Markdown and Jira I typically write notes in [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/). --- ## md2jira can convert: * Lists 1. Nested 2. Ordered 3. Unordered * Tables * Headings * *Strong* * **Emphasis** * ~~Strikethrough~~ * Horizontal rules * etc… user@host:~/Projects/md2jira$ md2jira -i example.md h1. Markdown and Jira I typically write notes in [Markdown|https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]. ---- h2. md2jira can convert: * Lists *# Nested *# Ordered *# Unordered * Tables * Headings * _Strong_ * *Emphasis* * -Strikethrough- * Horizontal rules * etc… user@host:~/Projects/md2jira$ ``` ## Alternatives * [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/) can convert from and to multiple formats, and it has support for several markdown flavors as well as the jira markup format. Based on what I have experienced from using pandoc, their support for both formats is probably superior to what I implemented in `md2jira`. Bonus points for conversion into both directions. A conversion can be achieved with a command like this: ``` pandoc --from commonmark --to jira example.md ```