# Markdown Parser (WIP) Simple Markdown parser in rust which is compiled to `wasm` and presented to browser with `svelte` ### To build just the rust part - `cargo build` - `wasm-pack build` ### Run rust tests `cargo test` ### To setup frontend `cd web` and `yarn` or `npm install` ### To run everything after compiling to wasm `cd web` and `yarn dev` ### Currently supports parsing - unordered lists - ordered lists - simple texts - Headings (**#**, **##**, **###**) - Bold text, \*\*text\*\* - Code \`code\` - Anchor Links (x)[y] ### Using through CLI md_parser is also available as a CLI tool USAGE: ```bash md_parser_wasm --file ``` ### Using as an npm package This is also published as an `npm` package. Can be used in frontend projects using > `npm i -S wasm_md_parser` ### Preview ![preview](./web/public/demo.png "Preview") ### Demo [demo](https://manishsingh10895.github.io/markdown-parser-rust)