# mdal Award medals A simple command line application that allows you to award medals and rank entities. ## Installation Only on cargo for now: ```sh cargo install mdal ``` ## Usage examples #### For good managers: ``` mdal group set workers "Employees" mdal entity set team1 "Best team" mdal entity set joe "Joe" workers team1 mdal entity set mary "Mary" workers team1 mdal aspect set utried "Effort" star mdal aspect set rust "Rust" medal mdal aspect set nowhining "Work Ethics" medal mdal award mary utried silver mdal award mary rust gold mdal award mary nowhining gold mdal award joe utried bronze mdal award joe utried silver mdal award joe nowhining bronze mdal entity rank team1 mdal profile mary mdal profile joe ``` #### For film connoisseurs: ``` mdal group set films Films mdal entity set nightdead "Night of the Living Dead" films mdal entity set mean "Mean Girls" films mdal aspect set cute "Cute" medal mdal aspect set bloody "Bloody" heart mdal award mean cute gold mdal award mean bloody bronze mdal award nightdead cute silver mdal award nightdead bloody gold mdal group rank films ``` You may also create other groups and parents afterwards: ``` mdal group set horror "Horror films" mdal entity set dawndead "Dawn of the Dead" horror mdal entity group nightdead horror mdal group rank horror .... mdal entity set dead "Dead series" mdal entity set daydead "Day of the Dead" horror dead mdal entity parent nightdead dead mdal entity parent dawndead dead mdal group rank horror mdal entity rank dead ``` #### For systematic parents: ``` mdal group set kids "The Kids" mdal entity set bob "Lil bob" kids mdal entity set anne "Lil anne" kids mdal aspect set dishes "Did Dishes" star mdal aspect set room "Clean Room" star mdal award anne room platinum mdal award bob dishes silver mdal group rank kids ``` #### For Kpop stanners: ``` mdal group set kpop "Kpop groups" mdal group set idols "Idols" mdal entity set lovelyz "Lovelyz" mdal entity set omg "OhMyGirl" mdal entity set mijoo "Mijoo" idols lovelyz mdal entity set kei "Kei" idols lovelyz .... mdal entity set yooa "Yooa" idols omg mdal entity set arin "Arin" idols omg .... mdal aspect set dancing "Dancing" mdal aspect set singing "Singing" mdal aspect set cute "Cuteness" mdal award mijoo dancing gold mdal award yooa dancing platinum mdal award arin cute platinum mdal award kei singing platinum mdal award lovelyz dancing gold mdal entity rank lovelyz mdal entity rank omg mdal entity rank kpop mdal group rank idols ``` #### And for many others like weebs, sports fanatics, etc If you make a mistake like setting the wrong group: ``` mdal entity group bob adults ``` Just repeat the same command again and the relationship will be removed. This doesn't work for awards though. ## Todo * Better reports * Allow setting many groups/parents at once * Optional description for medals * Log commands and allow rebuilding the database ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option. ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.