{"version":3,"file":"embed.iife.js","sources":["../../../node_modules/.pnpm/react@18.2.0/node_modules/react/cjs/react.development.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/react@18.2.0/node_modules/react/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/react@18.2.0/node_modules/react/cjs/react-jsx-runtime.development.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/react@18.2.0/node_modules/react/jsx-runtime.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@lezer+common@1.0.3/node_modules/@lezer/common/dist/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@lezer+lr@1.3.9/node_modules/@lezer/lr/dist/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@lezer+highlight@1.1.6/node_modules/@lezer/highlight/dist/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@lezer+rust@1.0.1/node_modules/@lezer/rust/dist/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@codemirror+state@6.2.1/node_modules/@codemirror/state/dist/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/style-mod@4.0.3/node_modules/style-mod/src/style-mod.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/w3c-keyname@2.2.8/node_modules/w3c-keyname/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@codemirror+view@6.14.1/node_modules/@codemirror/view/dist/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@codemirror+language@6.8.0/node_modules/@codemirror/language/dist/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@codemirror+lang-rust@6.0.1/node_modules/@codemirror/lang-rust/dist/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/scheduler@0.23.0/node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.development.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/scheduler@0.23.0/node_modules/scheduler/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/react-dom/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/react-dom/client.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/classnames@2.3.2/node_modules/classnames/index.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js","../../aquascope-editor/dist/editor-utils/misc.js","../../aquascope-editor/dist/editor-utils/boundaries.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/leader-line-new@1.1.9/node_modules/leader-line-new/leader-line.min.js","../../aquascope-editor/dist/editor-utils/interpreter.js","../../aquascope-editor/dist/editor-utils/stepper.js","../../aquascope-editor/dist/editor-utils/permissions.js","../../aquascope-editor/dist/lib.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@floating-ui+core@1.3.1/node_modules/@floating-ui/core/dist/floating-ui.core.browser.min.mjs","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@floating-ui+dom@1.4.5/node_modules/@floating-ui/dom/dist/floating-ui.dom.browser.min.mjs","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@floating-ui+react-dom@1.3.0_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0__react@18.2.0/node_modules/@floating-ui/react-dom/dist/floating-ui.react-dom.esm.js","../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@codemirror+commands@6.1.2/node_modules/@codemirror/commands/dist/index.js","../src/setup.ts","../src/main.tsx"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * @license React\n * react.development.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n (function() {\n\n 'use strict';\n\n/* global __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ */\nif (\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart ===\n 'function'\n) {\n __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error());\n}\n var ReactVersion = '18.2.0';\n\n// ATTENTION\n// When adding new symbols to this file,\n// Please consider also adding to 'react-devtools-shared/src/backend/ReactSymbols'\n// The Symbol used to tag the ReactElement-like types.\nvar REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.element');\nvar REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.portal');\nvar REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.fragment');\nvar REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode');\nvar REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.profiler');\nvar REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.provider');\nvar REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.context');\nvar REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref');\nvar REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense');\nvar REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense_list');\nvar REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.memo');\nvar REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.lazy');\nvar REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.offscreen');\nvar MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator;\nvar FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = '@@iterator';\nfunction getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {\n if (maybeIterable === null || typeof maybeIterable !== 'object') {\n return null;\n }\n\n var maybeIterator = MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL];\n\n if (typeof maybeIterator === 'function') {\n return maybeIterator;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Keeps track of the current dispatcher.\n */\nvar ReactCurrentDispatcher = {\n /**\n * @internal\n * @type {ReactComponent}\n */\n current: null\n};\n\n/**\n * Keeps track of the current batch's configuration such as how long an update\n * should suspend for if it needs to.\n */\nvar ReactCurrentBatchConfig = {\n transition: null\n};\n\nvar ReactCurrentActQueue = {\n current: null,\n // Used to reproduce behavior of `batchedUpdates` in legacy mode.\n isBatchingLegacy: false,\n didScheduleLegacyUpdate: false\n};\n\n/**\n * Keeps track of the current owner.\n *\n * The current owner is the component who should own any components that are\n * currently being constructed.\n */\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = {\n /**\n * @internal\n * @type {ReactComponent}\n */\n current: null\n};\n\nvar ReactDebugCurrentFrame = {};\nvar currentExtraStackFrame = null;\nfunction setExtraStackFrame(stack) {\n {\n currentExtraStackFrame = stack;\n }\n}\n\n{\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.setExtraStackFrame = function (stack) {\n {\n currentExtraStackFrame = stack;\n }\n }; // Stack implementation injected by the current renderer.\n\n\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getCurrentStack = null;\n\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum = function () {\n var stack = ''; // Add an extra top frame while an element is being validated\n\n if (currentExtraStackFrame) {\n stack += currentExtraStackFrame;\n } // Delegate to the injected renderer-specific implementation\n\n\n var impl = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getCurrentStack;\n\n if (impl) {\n stack += impl() || '';\n }\n\n return stack;\n };\n}\n\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar enableScopeAPI = false; // Experimental Create Event Handle API.\nvar enableCacheElement = false;\nvar enableTransitionTracing = false; // No known bugs, but needs performance testing\n\nvar enableLegacyHidden = false; // Enables unstable_avoidThisFallback feature in Fiber\n// stuff. Intended to enable React core members to more easily debug scheduling\n// issues in DEV builds.\n\nvar enableDebugTracing = false; // Track which Fiber(s) schedule render work.\n\nvar ReactSharedInternals = {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher: ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig: ReactCurrentBatchConfig,\n ReactCurrentOwner: ReactCurrentOwner\n};\n\n{\n ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentActQueue = ReactCurrentActQueue;\n}\n\n// by calls to these methods by a Babel plugin.\n//\n// In PROD (or in packages without access to React internals),\n// they are left as they are instead.\n\nfunction warn(format) {\n {\n {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n printWarning('warn', format, args);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction error(format) {\n {\n {\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n\n printWarning('error', format, args);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction printWarning(level, format, args) {\n // When changing this logic, you might want to also\n // update consoleWithStackDev.www.js as well.\n {\n var ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n var stack = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum();\n\n if (stack !== '') {\n format += '%s';\n args = args.concat([stack]);\n } // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n\n\n var argsWithFormat = args.map(function (item) {\n return String(item);\n }); // Careful: RN currently depends on this prefix\n\n argsWithFormat.unshift('Warning: ' + format); // We intentionally don't use spread (or .apply) directly because it\n // breaks IE9: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/13610\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/no-production-logging\n\n Function.prototype.apply.call(console[level], console, argsWithFormat);\n }\n}\n\nvar didWarnStateUpdateForUnmountedComponent = {};\n\nfunction warnNoop(publicInstance, callerName) {\n {\n var _constructor = publicInstance.constructor;\n var componentName = _constructor && (_constructor.displayName || _constructor.name) || 'ReactClass';\n var warningKey = componentName + \".\" + callerName;\n\n if (didWarnStateUpdateForUnmountedComponent[warningKey]) {\n return;\n }\n\n error(\"Can't call %s on a component that is not yet mounted. \" + 'This is a no-op, but it might indicate a bug in your application. ' + 'Instead, assign to `this.state` directly or define a `state = {};` ' + 'class property with the desired state in the %s component.', callerName, componentName);\n\n didWarnStateUpdateForUnmountedComponent[warningKey] = true;\n }\n}\n/**\n * This is the abstract API for an update queue.\n */\n\n\nvar ReactNoopUpdateQueue = {\n /**\n * Checks whether or not this composite component is mounted.\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance we want to test.\n * @return {boolean} True if mounted, false otherwise.\n * @protected\n * @final\n */\n isMounted: function (publicInstance) {\n return false;\n },\n\n /**\n * Forces an update. This should only be invoked when it is known with\n * certainty that we are **not** in a DOM transaction.\n *\n * You may want to call this when you know that some deeper aspect of the\n * component's state has changed but `setState` was not called.\n *\n * This will not invoke `shouldComponentUpdate`, but it will invoke\n * `componentWillUpdate` and `componentDidUpdate`.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after component is updated.\n * @param {?string} callerName name of the calling function in the public API.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueForceUpdate: function (publicInstance, callback, callerName) {\n warnNoop(publicInstance, 'forceUpdate');\n },\n\n /**\n * Replaces all of the state. Always use this or `setState` to mutate state.\n * You should treat `this.state` as immutable.\n *\n * There is no guarantee that `this.state` will be immediately updated, so\n * accessing `this.state` after calling this method may return the old value.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @param {object} completeState Next state.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after component is updated.\n * @param {?string} callerName name of the calling function in the public API.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueReplaceState: function (publicInstance, completeState, callback, callerName) {\n warnNoop(publicInstance, 'replaceState');\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets a subset of the state. This only exists because _pendingState is\n * internal. This provides a merging strategy that is not available to deep\n * properties which is confusing. TODO: Expose pendingState or don't use it\n * during the merge.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @param {object} partialState Next partial state to be merged with state.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after component is updated.\n * @param {?string} Name of the calling function in the public API.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueSetState: function (publicInstance, partialState, callback, callerName) {\n warnNoop(publicInstance, 'setState');\n }\n};\n\nvar assign = Object.assign;\n\nvar emptyObject = {};\n\n{\n Object.freeze(emptyObject);\n}\n/**\n * Base class helpers for the updating state of a component.\n */\n\n\nfunction Component(props, context, updater) {\n this.props = props;\n this.context = context; // If a component has string refs, we will assign a different object later.\n\n this.refs = emptyObject; // We initialize the default updater but the real one gets injected by the\n // renderer.\n\n this.updater = updater || ReactNoopUpdateQueue;\n}\n\nComponent.prototype.isReactComponent = {};\n/**\n * Sets a subset of the state. Always use this to mutate\n * state. You should treat `this.state` as immutable.\n *\n * There is no guarantee that `this.state` will be immediately updated, so\n * accessing `this.state` after calling this method may return the old value.\n *\n * There is no guarantee that calls to `setState` will run synchronously,\n * as they may eventually be batched together. You can provide an optional\n * callback that will be executed when the call to setState is actually\n * completed.\n *\n * When a function is provided to setState, it will be called at some point in\n * the future (not synchronously). It will be called with the up to date\n * component arguments (state, props, context). These values can be different\n * from this.* because your function may be called after receiveProps but before\n * shouldComponentUpdate, and this new state, props, and context will not yet be\n * assigned to this.\n *\n * @param {object|function} partialState Next partial state or function to\n * produce next partial state to be merged with current state.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after state is updated.\n * @final\n * @protected\n */\n\nComponent.prototype.setState = function (partialState, callback) {\n if (typeof partialState !== 'object' && typeof partialState !== 'function' && partialState != null) {\n throw new Error('setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a ' + 'function which returns an object of state variables.');\n }\n\n this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, partialState, callback, 'setState');\n};\n/**\n * Forces an update. This should only be invoked when it is known with\n * certainty that we are **not** in a DOM transaction.\n *\n * You may want to call this when you know that some deeper aspect of the\n * component's state has changed but `setState` was not called.\n *\n * This will not invoke `shouldComponentUpdate`, but it will invoke\n * `componentWillUpdate` and `componentDidUpdate`.\n *\n * @param {?function} callback Called after update is complete.\n * @final\n * @protected\n */\n\n\nComponent.prototype.forceUpdate = function (callback) {\n this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, callback, 'forceUpdate');\n};\n/**\n * Deprecated APIs. These APIs used to exist on classic React classes but since\n * we would like to deprecate them, we're not going to move them over to this\n * modern base class. Instead, we define a getter that warns if it's accessed.\n */\n\n\n{\n var deprecatedAPIs = {\n isMounted: ['isMounted', 'Instead, make sure to clean up subscriptions and pending requests in ' + 'componentWillUnmount to prevent memory leaks.'],\n replaceState: ['replaceState', 'Refactor your code to use setState instead (see ' + 'https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/3236).']\n };\n\n var defineDeprecationWarning = function (methodName, info) {\n Object.defineProperty(Component.prototype, methodName, {\n get: function () {\n warn('%s(...) is deprecated in plain JavaScript React classes. %s', info[0], info[1]);\n\n return undefined;\n }\n });\n };\n\n for (var fnName in deprecatedAPIs) {\n if (deprecatedAPIs.hasOwnProperty(fnName)) {\n defineDeprecationWarning(fnName, deprecatedAPIs[fnName]);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction ComponentDummy() {}\n\nComponentDummy.prototype = Component.prototype;\n/**\n * Convenience component with default shallow equality check for sCU.\n */\n\nfunction PureComponent(props, context, updater) {\n this.props = props;\n this.context = context; // If a component has string refs, we will assign a different object later.\n\n this.refs = emptyObject;\n this.updater = updater || ReactNoopUpdateQueue;\n}\n\nvar pureComponentPrototype = PureComponent.prototype = new ComponentDummy();\npureComponentPrototype.constructor = PureComponent; // Avoid an extra prototype jump for these methods.\n\nassign(pureComponentPrototype, Component.prototype);\npureComponentPrototype.isPureReactComponent = true;\n\n// an immutable object with a single mutable value\nfunction createRef() {\n var refObject = {\n current: null\n };\n\n {\n Object.seal(refObject);\n }\n\n return refObject;\n}\n\nvar isArrayImpl = Array.isArray; // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare\n\nfunction isArray(a) {\n return isArrayImpl(a);\n}\n\n/*\n * The `'' + value` pattern (used in in perf-sensitive code) throws for Symbol\n * and Temporal.* types. See https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/22064.\n *\n * The functions in this module will throw an easier-to-understand,\n * easier-to-debug exception with a clear errors message message explaining the\n * problem. (Instead of a confusing exception thrown inside the implementation\n * of the `value` object).\n */\n// $FlowFixMe only called in DEV, so void return is not possible.\nfunction typeName(value) {\n {\n // toStringTag is needed for namespaced types like Temporal.Instant\n var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag;\n var type = hasToStringTag && value[Symbol.toStringTag] || value.constructor.name || 'Object';\n return type;\n }\n} // $FlowFixMe only called in DEV, so void return is not possible.\n\n\nfunction willCoercionThrow(value) {\n {\n try {\n testStringCoercion(value);\n return false;\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction testStringCoercion(value) {\n // If you ended up here by following an exception call stack, here's what's\n // happened: you supplied an object or symbol value to React (as a prop, key,\n // DOM attribute, CSS property, string ref, etc.) and when React tried to\n // coerce it to a string using `'' + value`, an exception was thrown.\n //\n // The most common types that will cause this exception are `Symbol` instances\n // and Temporal objects like `Temporal.Instant`. But any object that has a\n // `valueOf` or `[Symbol.toPrimitive]` method that throws will also cause this\n // exception. (Library authors do this to prevent users from using built-in\n // numeric operators like `+` or comparison operators like `>=` because custom\n // methods are needed to perform accurate arithmetic or comparison.)\n //\n // To fix the problem, coerce this object or symbol value to a string before\n // passing it to React. The most reliable way is usually `String(value)`.\n //\n // To find which value is throwing, check the browser or debugger console.\n // Before this exception was thrown, there should be `console.error` output\n // that shows the type (Symbol, Temporal.PlainDate, etc.) that caused the\n // problem and how that type was used: key, atrribute, input value prop, etc.\n // In most cases, this console output also shows the component and its\n // ancestor components where the exception happened.\n //\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n return '' + value;\n}\nfunction checkKeyStringCoercion(value) {\n {\n if (willCoercionThrow(value)) {\n error('The provided key is an unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', typeName(value));\n\n return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments)\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction getWrappedName(outerType, innerType, wrapperName) {\n var displayName = outerType.displayName;\n\n if (displayName) {\n return displayName;\n }\n\n var functionName = innerType.displayName || innerType.name || '';\n return functionName !== '' ? wrapperName + \"(\" + functionName + \")\" : wrapperName;\n} // Keep in sync with react-reconciler/getComponentNameFromFiber\n\n\nfunction getContextName(type) {\n return type.displayName || 'Context';\n} // Note that the reconciler package should generally prefer to use getComponentNameFromFiber() instead.\n\n\nfunction getComponentNameFromType(type) {\n if (type == null) {\n // Host root, text node or just invalid type.\n return null;\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof type.tag === 'number') {\n error('Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). ' + 'This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n return type.displayName || type.name || null;\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return type;\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE:\n return 'Fragment';\n\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return 'Portal';\n\n case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE:\n return 'Profiler';\n\n case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE:\n return 'StrictMode';\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return 'Suspense';\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return 'SuspenseList';\n\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object') {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE:\n var context = type;\n return getContextName(context) + '.Consumer';\n\n case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE:\n var provider = type;\n return getContextName(provider._context) + '.Provider';\n\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n return getWrappedName(type, type.render, 'ForwardRef');\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n var outerName = type.displayName || null;\n\n if (outerName !== null) {\n return outerName;\n }\n\n return getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || 'Memo';\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var lazyComponent = type;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n return getComponentNameFromType(init(payload));\n } catch (x) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nvar RESERVED_PROPS = {\n key: true,\n ref: true,\n __self: true,\n __source: true\n};\nvar specialPropKeyWarningShown, specialPropRefWarningShown, didWarnAboutStringRefs;\n\n{\n didWarnAboutStringRefs = {};\n}\n\nfunction hasValidRef(config) {\n {\n if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, 'ref')) {\n var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'ref').get;\n\n if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return config.ref !== undefined;\n}\n\nfunction hasValidKey(config) {\n {\n if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, 'key')) {\n var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'key').get;\n\n if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return config.key !== undefined;\n}\n\nfunction defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {\n var warnAboutAccessingKey = function () {\n {\n if (!specialPropKeyWarningShown) {\n specialPropKeyWarningShown = true;\n\n error('%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result ' + 'in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same ' + 'value within the child component, you should pass it as a different ' + 'prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)', displayName);\n }\n }\n };\n\n warnAboutAccessingKey.isReactWarning = true;\n Object.defineProperty(props, 'key', {\n get: warnAboutAccessingKey,\n configurable: true\n });\n}\n\nfunction defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {\n var warnAboutAccessingRef = function () {\n {\n if (!specialPropRefWarningShown) {\n specialPropRefWarningShown = true;\n\n error('%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result ' + 'in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same ' + 'value within the child component, you should pass it as a different ' + 'prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)', displayName);\n }\n }\n };\n\n warnAboutAccessingRef.isReactWarning = true;\n Object.defineProperty(props, 'ref', {\n get: warnAboutAccessingRef,\n configurable: true\n });\n}\n\nfunction warnIfStringRefCannotBeAutoConverted(config) {\n {\n if (typeof config.ref === 'string' && ReactCurrentOwner.current && config.__self && ReactCurrentOwner.current.stateNode !== config.__self) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner.current.type);\n\n if (!didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName]) {\n error('Component \"%s\" contains the string ref \"%s\". ' + 'Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. ' + 'This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. ' + 'We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. ' + 'Learn more about using refs safely here: ' + 'https://reactjs.org/link/strict-mode-string-ref', componentName, config.ref);\n\n didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Factory method to create a new React element. This no longer adheres to\n * the class pattern, so do not use new to call it. Also, instanceof check\n * will not work. Instead test $$typeof field against Symbol.for('react.element') to check\n * if something is a React Element.\n *\n * @param {*} type\n * @param {*} props\n * @param {*} key\n * @param {string|object} ref\n * @param {*} owner\n * @param {*} self A *temporary* helper to detect places where `this` is\n * different from the `owner` when React.createElement is called, so that we\n * can warn. We want to get rid of owner and replace string `ref`s with arrow\n * functions, and as long as `this` and owner are the same, there will be no\n * change in behavior.\n * @param {*} source An annotation object (added by a transpiler or otherwise)\n * indicating filename, line number, and/or other information.\n * @internal\n */\n\n\nvar ReactElement = function (type, key, ref, self, source, owner, props) {\n var element = {\n // This tag allows us to uniquely identify this as a React Element\n $$typeof: REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE,\n // Built-in properties that belong on the element\n type: type,\n key: key,\n ref: ref,\n props: props,\n // Record the component responsible for creating this element.\n _owner: owner\n };\n\n {\n // The validation flag is currently mutative. We put it on\n // an external backing store so that we can freeze the whole object.\n // This can be replaced with a WeakMap once they are implemented in\n // commonly used development environments.\n element._store = {}; // To make comparing ReactElements easier for testing purposes, we make\n // the validation flag non-enumerable (where possible, which should\n // include every environment we run tests in), so the test framework\n // ignores it.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element._store, 'validated', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n }); // self and source are DEV only properties.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element, '_self', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: self\n }); // Two elements created in two different places should be considered\n // equal for testing purposes and therefore we hide it from enumeration.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element, '_source', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: source\n });\n\n if (Object.freeze) {\n Object.freeze(element.props);\n Object.freeze(element);\n }\n }\n\n return element;\n};\n/**\n * Create and return a new ReactElement of the given type.\n * See https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#createelement\n */\n\nfunction createElement(type, config, children) {\n var propName; // Reserved names are extracted\n\n var props = {};\n var key = null;\n var ref = null;\n var self = null;\n var source = null;\n\n if (config != null) {\n if (hasValidRef(config)) {\n ref = config.ref;\n\n {\n warnIfStringRefCannotBeAutoConverted(config);\n }\n }\n\n if (hasValidKey(config)) {\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(config.key);\n }\n\n key = '' + config.key;\n }\n\n self = config.__self === undefined ? null : config.__self;\n source = config.__source === undefined ? null : config.__source; // Remaining properties are added to a new props object\n\n for (propName in config) {\n if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n props[propName] = config[propName];\n }\n }\n } // Children can be more than one argument, and those are transferred onto\n // the newly allocated props object.\n\n\n var childrenLength = arguments.length - 2;\n\n if (childrenLength === 1) {\n props.children = children;\n } else if (childrenLength > 1) {\n var childArray = Array(childrenLength);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {\n childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2];\n }\n\n {\n if (Object.freeze) {\n Object.freeze(childArray);\n }\n }\n\n props.children = childArray;\n } // Resolve default props\n\n\n if (type && type.defaultProps) {\n var defaultProps = type.defaultProps;\n\n for (propName in defaultProps) {\n if (props[propName] === undefined) {\n props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];\n }\n }\n }\n\n {\n if (key || ref) {\n var displayName = typeof type === 'function' ? type.displayName || type.name || 'Unknown' : type;\n\n if (key) {\n defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);\n }\n\n if (ref) {\n defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return ReactElement(type, key, ref, self, source, ReactCurrentOwner.current, props);\n}\nfunction cloneAndReplaceKey(oldElement, newKey) {\n var newElement = ReactElement(oldElement.type, newKey, oldElement.ref, oldElement._self, oldElement._source, oldElement._owner, oldElement.props);\n return newElement;\n}\n/**\n * Clone and return a new ReactElement using element as the starting point.\n * See https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#cloneelement\n */\n\nfunction cloneElement(element, config, children) {\n if (element === null || element === undefined) {\n throw new Error(\"React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed \" + element + \".\");\n }\n\n var propName; // Original props are copied\n\n var props = assign({}, element.props); // Reserved names are extracted\n\n var key = element.key;\n var ref = element.ref; // Self is preserved since the owner is preserved.\n\n var self = element._self; // Source is preserved since cloneElement is unlikely to be targeted by a\n // transpiler, and the original source is probably a better indicator of the\n // true owner.\n\n var source = element._source; // Owner will be preserved, unless ref is overridden\n\n var owner = element._owner;\n\n if (config != null) {\n if (hasValidRef(config)) {\n // Silently steal the ref from the parent.\n ref = config.ref;\n owner = ReactCurrentOwner.current;\n }\n\n if (hasValidKey(config)) {\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(config.key);\n }\n\n key = '' + config.key;\n } // Remaining properties override existing props\n\n\n var defaultProps;\n\n if (element.type && element.type.defaultProps) {\n defaultProps = element.type.defaultProps;\n }\n\n for (propName in config) {\n if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n if (config[propName] === undefined && defaultProps !== undefined) {\n // Resolve default props\n props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];\n } else {\n props[propName] = config[propName];\n }\n }\n }\n } // Children can be more than one argument, and those are transferred onto\n // the newly allocated props object.\n\n\n var childrenLength = arguments.length - 2;\n\n if (childrenLength === 1) {\n props.children = children;\n } else if (childrenLength > 1) {\n var childArray = Array(childrenLength);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {\n childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2];\n }\n\n props.children = childArray;\n }\n\n return ReactElement(element.type, key, ref, self, source, owner, props);\n}\n/**\n * Verifies the object is a ReactElement.\n * See https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#isvalidelement\n * @param {?object} object\n * @return {boolean} True if `object` is a ReactElement.\n * @final\n */\n\nfunction isValidElement(object) {\n return typeof object === 'object' && object !== null && object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;\n}\n\nvar SEPARATOR = '.';\nvar SUBSEPARATOR = ':';\n/**\n * Escape and wrap key so it is safe to use as a reactid\n *\n * @param {string} key to be escaped.\n * @return {string} the escaped key.\n */\n\nfunction escape(key) {\n var escapeRegex = /[=:]/g;\n var escaperLookup = {\n '=': '=0',\n ':': '=2'\n };\n var escapedString = key.replace(escapeRegex, function (match) {\n return escaperLookup[match];\n });\n return '$' + escapedString;\n}\n/**\n * TODO: Test that a single child and an array with one item have the same key\n * pattern.\n */\n\n\nvar didWarnAboutMaps = false;\nvar userProvidedKeyEscapeRegex = /\\/+/g;\n\nfunction escapeUserProvidedKey(text) {\n return text.replace(userProvidedKeyEscapeRegex, '$&/');\n}\n/**\n * Generate a key string that identifies a element within a set.\n *\n * @param {*} element A element that could contain a manual key.\n * @param {number} index Index that is used if a manual key is not provided.\n * @return {string}\n */\n\n\nfunction getElementKey(element, index) {\n // Do some typechecking here since we call this blindly. We want to ensure\n // that we don't block potential future ES APIs.\n if (typeof element === 'object' && element !== null && element.key != null) {\n // Explicit key\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(element.key);\n }\n\n return escape('' + element.key);\n } // Implicit key determined by the index in the set\n\n\n return index.toString(36);\n}\n\nfunction mapIntoArray(children, array, escapedPrefix, nameSoFar, callback) {\n var type = typeof children;\n\n if (type === 'undefined' || type === 'boolean') {\n // All of the above are perceived as null.\n children = null;\n }\n\n var invokeCallback = false;\n\n if (children === null) {\n invokeCallback = true;\n } else {\n switch (type) {\n case 'string':\n case 'number':\n invokeCallback = true;\n break;\n\n case 'object':\n switch (children.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n invokeCallback = true;\n }\n\n }\n }\n\n if (invokeCallback) {\n var _child = children;\n var mappedChild = callback(_child); // If it's the only child, treat the name as if it was wrapped in an array\n // so that it's consistent if the number of children grows:\n\n var childKey = nameSoFar === '' ? SEPARATOR + getElementKey(_child, 0) : nameSoFar;\n\n if (isArray(mappedChild)) {\n var escapedChildKey = '';\n\n if (childKey != null) {\n escapedChildKey = escapeUserProvidedKey(childKey) + '/';\n }\n\n mapIntoArray(mappedChild, array, escapedChildKey, '', function (c) {\n return c;\n });\n } else if (mappedChild != null) {\n if (isValidElement(mappedChild)) {\n {\n // The `if` statement here prevents auto-disabling of the safe\n // coercion ESLint rule, so we must manually disable it below.\n // $FlowFixMe Flow incorrectly thinks React.Portal doesn't have a key\n if (mappedChild.key && (!_child || _child.key !== mappedChild.key)) {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(mappedChild.key);\n }\n }\n\n mappedChild = cloneAndReplaceKey(mappedChild, // Keep both the (mapped) and old keys if they differ, just as\n // traverseAllChildren used to do for objects as children\n escapedPrefix + ( // $FlowFixMe Flow incorrectly thinks React.Portal doesn't have a key\n mappedChild.key && (!_child || _child.key !== mappedChild.key) ? // $FlowFixMe Flow incorrectly thinks existing element's key can be a number\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n escapeUserProvidedKey('' + mappedChild.key) + '/' : '') + childKey);\n }\n\n array.push(mappedChild);\n }\n\n return 1;\n }\n\n var child;\n var nextName;\n var subtreeCount = 0; // Count of children found in the current subtree.\n\n var nextNamePrefix = nameSoFar === '' ? SEPARATOR : nameSoFar + SUBSEPARATOR;\n\n if (isArray(children)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n child = children[i];\n nextName = nextNamePrefix + getElementKey(child, i);\n subtreeCount += mapIntoArray(child, array, escapedPrefix, nextName, callback);\n }\n } else {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(children);\n\n if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') {\n var iterableChildren = children;\n\n {\n // Warn about using Maps as children\n if (iteratorFn === iterableChildren.entries) {\n if (!didWarnAboutMaps) {\n warn('Using Maps as children is not supported. ' + 'Use an array of keyed ReactElements instead.');\n }\n\n didWarnAboutMaps = true;\n }\n }\n\n var iterator = iteratorFn.call(iterableChildren);\n var step;\n var ii = 0;\n\n while (!(step = iterator.next()).done) {\n child = step.value;\n nextName = nextNamePrefix + getElementKey(child, ii++);\n subtreeCount += mapIntoArray(child, array, escapedPrefix, nextName, callback);\n }\n } else if (type === 'object') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n var childrenString = String(children);\n throw new Error(\"Objects are not valid as a React child (found: \" + (childrenString === '[object Object]' ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(children).join(', ') + '}' : childrenString) + \"). \" + 'If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array ' + 'instead.');\n }\n }\n\n return subtreeCount;\n}\n\n/**\n * Maps children that are typically specified as `props.children`.\n *\n * See https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#reactchildrenmap\n *\n * The provided mapFunction(child, index) will be called for each\n * leaf child.\n *\n * @param {?*} children Children tree container.\n * @param {function(*, int)} func The map function.\n * @param {*} context Context for mapFunction.\n * @return {object} Object containing the ordered map of results.\n */\nfunction mapChildren(children, func, context) {\n if (children == null) {\n return children;\n }\n\n var result = [];\n var count = 0;\n mapIntoArray(children, result, '', '', function (child) {\n return func.call(context, child, count++);\n });\n return result;\n}\n/**\n * Count the number of children that are typically specified as\n * `props.children`.\n *\n * See https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#reactchildrencount\n *\n * @param {?*} children Children tree container.\n * @return {number} The number of children.\n */\n\n\nfunction countChildren(children) {\n var n = 0;\n mapChildren(children, function () {\n n++; // Don't return anything\n });\n return n;\n}\n\n/**\n * Iterates through children that are typically specified as `props.children`.\n *\n * See https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#reactchildrenforeach\n *\n * The provided forEachFunc(child, index) will be called for each\n * leaf child.\n *\n * @param {?*} children Children tree container.\n * @param {function(*, int)} forEachFunc\n * @param {*} forEachContext Context for forEachContext.\n */\nfunction forEachChildren(children, forEachFunc, forEachContext) {\n mapChildren(children, function () {\n forEachFunc.apply(this, arguments); // Don't return anything.\n }, forEachContext);\n}\n/**\n * Flatten a children object (typically specified as `props.children`) and\n * return an array with appropriately re-keyed children.\n *\n * See https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#reactchildrentoarray\n */\n\n\nfunction toArray(children) {\n return mapChildren(children, function (child) {\n return child;\n }) || [];\n}\n/**\n * Returns the first child in a collection of children and verifies that there\n * is only one child in the collection.\n *\n * See https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#reactchildrenonly\n *\n * The current implementation of this function assumes that a single child gets\n * passed without a wrapper, but the purpose of this helper function is to\n * abstract away the particular structure of children.\n *\n * @param {?object} children Child collection structure.\n * @return {ReactElement} The first and only `ReactElement` contained in the\n * structure.\n */\n\n\nfunction onlyChild(children) {\n if (!isValidElement(children)) {\n throw new Error('React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.');\n }\n\n return children;\n}\n\nfunction createContext(defaultValue) {\n // TODO: Second argument used to be an optional `calculateChangedBits`\n // function. Warn to reserve for future use?\n var context = {\n $$typeof: REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE,\n // As a workaround to support multiple concurrent renderers, we categorize\n // some renderers as primary and others as secondary. We only expect\n // there to be two concurrent renderers at most: React Native (primary) and\n // Fabric (secondary); React DOM (primary) and React ART (secondary).\n // Secondary renderers store their context values on separate fields.\n _currentValue: defaultValue,\n _currentValue2: defaultValue,\n // Used to track how many concurrent renderers this context currently\n // supports within in a single renderer. Such as parallel server rendering.\n _threadCount: 0,\n // These are circular\n Provider: null,\n Consumer: null,\n // Add these to use same hidden class in VM as ServerContext\n _defaultValue: null,\n _globalName: null\n };\n context.Provider = {\n $$typeof: REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE,\n _context: context\n };\n var hasWarnedAboutUsingNestedContextConsumers = false;\n var hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumerProvider = false;\n var hasWarnedAboutDisplayNameOnConsumer = false;\n\n {\n // A separate object, but proxies back to the original context object for\n // backwards compatibility. It has a different $$typeof, so we can properly\n // warn for the incorrect usage of Context as a Consumer.\n var Consumer = {\n $$typeof: REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE,\n _context: context\n }; // $FlowFixMe: Flow complains about not setting a value, which is intentional here\n\n Object.defineProperties(Consumer, {\n Provider: {\n get: function () {\n if (!hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumerProvider) {\n hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumerProvider = true;\n\n error('Rendering is not supported and will be removed in ' + 'a future major release. Did you mean to render instead?');\n }\n\n return context.Provider;\n },\n set: function (_Provider) {\n context.Provider = _Provider;\n }\n },\n _currentValue: {\n get: function () {\n return context._currentValue;\n },\n set: function (_currentValue) {\n context._currentValue = _currentValue;\n }\n },\n _currentValue2: {\n get: function () {\n return context._currentValue2;\n },\n set: function (_currentValue2) {\n context._currentValue2 = _currentValue2;\n }\n },\n _threadCount: {\n get: function () {\n return context._threadCount;\n },\n set: function (_threadCount) {\n context._threadCount = _threadCount;\n }\n },\n Consumer: {\n get: function () {\n if (!hasWarnedAboutUsingNestedContextConsumers) {\n hasWarnedAboutUsingNestedContextConsumers = true;\n\n error('Rendering is not supported and will be removed in ' + 'a future major release. Did you mean to render instead?');\n }\n\n return context.Consumer;\n }\n },\n displayName: {\n get: function () {\n return context.displayName;\n },\n set: function (displayName) {\n if (!hasWarnedAboutDisplayNameOnConsumer) {\n warn('Setting `displayName` on Context.Consumer has no effect. ' + \"You should set it directly on the context with Context.displayName = '%s'.\", displayName);\n\n hasWarnedAboutDisplayNameOnConsumer = true;\n }\n }\n }\n }); // $FlowFixMe: Flow complains about missing properties because it doesn't understand defineProperty\n\n context.Consumer = Consumer;\n }\n\n {\n context._currentRenderer = null;\n context._currentRenderer2 = null;\n }\n\n return context;\n}\n\nvar Uninitialized = -1;\nvar Pending = 0;\nvar Resolved = 1;\nvar Rejected = 2;\n\nfunction lazyInitializer(payload) {\n if (payload._status === Uninitialized) {\n var ctor = payload._result;\n var thenable = ctor(); // Transition to the next state.\n // This might throw either because it's missing or throws. If so, we treat it\n // as still uninitialized and try again next time. Which is the same as what\n // happens if the ctor or any wrappers processing the ctor throws. This might\n // end up fixing it if the resolution was a concurrency bug.\n\n thenable.then(function (moduleObject) {\n if (payload._status === Pending || payload._status === Uninitialized) {\n // Transition to the next state.\n var resolved = payload;\n resolved._status = Resolved;\n resolved._result = moduleObject;\n }\n }, function (error) {\n if (payload._status === Pending || payload._status === Uninitialized) {\n // Transition to the next state.\n var rejected = payload;\n rejected._status = Rejected;\n rejected._result = error;\n }\n });\n\n if (payload._status === Uninitialized) {\n // In case, we're still uninitialized, then we're waiting for the thenable\n // to resolve. Set it as pending in the meantime.\n var pending = payload;\n pending._status = Pending;\n pending._result = thenable;\n }\n }\n\n if (payload._status === Resolved) {\n var moduleObject = payload._result;\n\n {\n if (moduleObject === undefined) {\n error('lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic imp' + 'ort() call. ' + 'Instead received: %s\\n\\nYour code should look like: \\n ' + // Break up imports to avoid accidentally parsing them as dependencies.\n 'const MyComponent = lazy(() => imp' + \"ort('./MyComponent'))\\n\\n\" + 'Did you accidentally put curly braces around the import?', moduleObject);\n }\n }\n\n {\n if (!('default' in moduleObject)) {\n error('lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic imp' + 'ort() call. ' + 'Instead received: %s\\n\\nYour code should look like: \\n ' + // Break up imports to avoid accidentally parsing them as dependencies.\n 'const MyComponent = lazy(() => imp' + \"ort('./MyComponent'))\", moduleObject);\n }\n }\n\n return moduleObject.default;\n } else {\n throw payload._result;\n }\n}\n\nfunction lazy(ctor) {\n var payload = {\n // We use these fields to store the result.\n _status: Uninitialized,\n _result: ctor\n };\n var lazyType = {\n $$typeof: REACT_LAZY_TYPE,\n _payload: payload,\n _init: lazyInitializer\n };\n\n {\n // In production, this would just set it on the object.\n var defaultProps;\n var propTypes; // $FlowFixMe\n\n Object.defineProperties(lazyType, {\n defaultProps: {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n return defaultProps;\n },\n set: function (newDefaultProps) {\n error('React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `defaultProps` to ' + 'a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component ' + 'is defined, or create a wrapping component around it.');\n\n defaultProps = newDefaultProps; // Match production behavior more closely:\n // $FlowFixMe\n\n Object.defineProperty(lazyType, 'defaultProps', {\n enumerable: true\n });\n }\n },\n propTypes: {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n return propTypes;\n },\n set: function (newPropTypes) {\n error('React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `propTypes` to ' + 'a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component ' + 'is defined, or create a wrapping component around it.');\n\n propTypes = newPropTypes; // Match production behavior more closely:\n // $FlowFixMe\n\n Object.defineProperty(lazyType, 'propTypes', {\n enumerable: true\n });\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n return lazyType;\n}\n\nfunction forwardRef(render) {\n {\n if (render != null && render.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE) {\n error('forwardRef requires a render function but received a `memo` ' + 'component. Instead of forwardRef(memo(...)), use ' + 'memo(forwardRef(...)).');\n } else if (typeof render !== 'function') {\n error('forwardRef requires a render function but was given %s.', render === null ? 'null' : typeof render);\n } else {\n if (render.length !== 0 && render.length !== 2) {\n error('forwardRef render functions accept exactly two parameters: props and ref. %s', render.length === 1 ? 'Did you forget to use the ref parameter?' : 'Any additional parameter will be undefined.');\n }\n }\n\n if (render != null) {\n if (render.defaultProps != null || render.propTypes != null) {\n error('forwardRef render functions do not support propTypes or defaultProps. ' + 'Did you accidentally pass a React component?');\n }\n }\n }\n\n var elementType = {\n $$typeof: REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE,\n render: render\n };\n\n {\n var ownName;\n Object.defineProperty(elementType, 'displayName', {\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n return ownName;\n },\n set: function (name) {\n ownName = name; // The inner component shouldn't inherit this display name in most cases,\n // because the component may be used elsewhere.\n // But it's nice for anonymous functions to inherit the name,\n // so that our component-stack generation logic will display their frames.\n // An anonymous function generally suggests a pattern like:\n // React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {...});\n // This kind of inner function is not used elsewhere so the side effect is okay.\n\n if (!render.name && !render.displayName) {\n render.displayName = name;\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n return elementType;\n}\n\nvar REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE;\n\n{\n REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE = Symbol.for('react.module.reference');\n}\n\nfunction isValidElementType(type) {\n if (typeof type === 'string' || typeof type === 'function') {\n return true;\n } // Note: typeof might be other than 'symbol' or 'number' (e.g. if it's a polyfill).\n\n\n if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE || type === REACT_PROFILER_TYPE || enableDebugTracing || type === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE || enableLegacyHidden || type === REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE || enableScopeAPI || enableCacheElement || enableTransitionTracing ) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object' && type !== null) {\n if (type.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || // This needs to include all possible module reference object\n // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since\n // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used\n // with.\n type.$$typeof === REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE || type.getModuleId !== undefined) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction memo(type, compare) {\n {\n if (!isValidElementType(type)) {\n error('memo: The first argument must be a component. Instead ' + 'received: %s', type === null ? 'null' : typeof type);\n }\n }\n\n var elementType = {\n $$typeof: REACT_MEMO_TYPE,\n type: type,\n compare: compare === undefined ? null : compare\n };\n\n {\n var ownName;\n Object.defineProperty(elementType, 'displayName', {\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n return ownName;\n },\n set: function (name) {\n ownName = name; // The inner component shouldn't inherit this display name in most cases,\n // because the component may be used elsewhere.\n // But it's nice for anonymous functions to inherit the name,\n // so that our component-stack generation logic will display their frames.\n // An anonymous function generally suggests a pattern like:\n // React.memo((props) => {...});\n // This kind of inner function is not used elsewhere so the side effect is okay.\n\n if (!type.name && !type.displayName) {\n type.displayName = name;\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n return elementType;\n}\n\nfunction resolveDispatcher() {\n var dispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;\n\n {\n if (dispatcher === null) {\n error('Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for' + ' one of the following reasons:\\n' + '1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)\\n' + '2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks\\n' + '3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app\\n' + 'See https://reactjs.org/link/invalid-hook-call for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.');\n }\n } // Will result in a null access error if accessed outside render phase. We\n // intentionally don't throw our own error because this is in a hot path.\n // Also helps ensure this is inlined.\n\n\n return dispatcher;\n}\nfunction useContext(Context) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n\n {\n // TODO: add a more generic warning for invalid values.\n if (Context._context !== undefined) {\n var realContext = Context._context; // Don't deduplicate because this legitimately causes bugs\n // and nobody should be using this in existing code.\n\n if (realContext.Consumer === Context) {\n error('Calling useContext(Context.Consumer) is not supported, may cause bugs, and will be ' + 'removed in a future major release. Did you mean to call useContext(Context) instead?');\n } else if (realContext.Provider === Context) {\n error('Calling useContext(Context.Provider) is not supported. ' + 'Did you mean to call useContext(Context) instead?');\n }\n }\n }\n\n return dispatcher.useContext(Context);\n}\nfunction useState(initialState) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useState(initialState);\n}\nfunction useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);\n}\nfunction useRef(initialValue) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useRef(initialValue);\n}\nfunction useEffect(create, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useEffect(create, deps);\n}\nfunction useInsertionEffect(create, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useInsertionEffect(create, deps);\n}\nfunction useLayoutEffect(create, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useLayoutEffect(create, deps);\n}\nfunction useCallback(callback, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useCallback(callback, deps);\n}\nfunction useMemo(create, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useMemo(create, deps);\n}\nfunction useImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps);\n}\nfunction useDebugValue(value, formatterFn) {\n {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useDebugValue(value, formatterFn);\n }\n}\nfunction useTransition() {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useTransition();\n}\nfunction useDeferredValue(value) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useDeferredValue(value);\n}\nfunction useId() {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useId();\n}\nfunction useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot);\n}\n\n// Helpers to patch console.logs to avoid logging during side-effect free\n// replaying on render function. This currently only patches the object\n// lazily which won't cover if the log function was extracted eagerly.\n// We could also eagerly patch the method.\nvar disabledDepth = 0;\nvar prevLog;\nvar prevInfo;\nvar prevWarn;\nvar prevError;\nvar prevGroup;\nvar prevGroupCollapsed;\nvar prevGroupEnd;\n\nfunction disabledLog() {}\n\ndisabledLog.__reactDisabledLog = true;\nfunction disableLogs() {\n {\n if (disabledDepth === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n prevLog = console.log;\n prevInfo = console.info;\n prevWarn = console.warn;\n prevError = console.error;\n prevGroup = console.group;\n prevGroupCollapsed = console.groupCollapsed;\n prevGroupEnd = console.groupEnd; // https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/19099\n\n var props = {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n value: disabledLog,\n writable: true\n }; // $FlowFixMe Flow thinks console is immutable.\n\n Object.defineProperties(console, {\n info: props,\n log: props,\n warn: props,\n error: props,\n group: props,\n groupCollapsed: props,\n groupEnd: props\n });\n /* eslint-enable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n }\n\n disabledDepth++;\n }\n}\nfunction reenableLogs() {\n {\n disabledDepth--;\n\n if (disabledDepth === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n var props = {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n writable: true\n }; // $FlowFixMe Flow thinks console is immutable.\n\n Object.defineProperties(console, {\n log: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevLog\n }),\n info: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevInfo\n }),\n warn: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevWarn\n }),\n error: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevError\n }),\n group: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroup\n }),\n groupCollapsed: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroupCollapsed\n }),\n groupEnd: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroupEnd\n })\n });\n /* eslint-enable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n }\n\n if (disabledDepth < 0) {\n error('disabledDepth fell below zero. ' + 'This is a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentDispatcher$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher;\nvar prefix;\nfunction describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n if (prefix === undefined) {\n // Extract the VM specific prefix used by each line.\n try {\n throw Error();\n } catch (x) {\n var match = x.stack.trim().match(/\\n( *(at )?)/);\n prefix = match && match[1] || '';\n }\n } // We use the prefix to ensure our stacks line up with native stack frames.\n\n\n return '\\n' + prefix + name;\n }\n}\nvar reentry = false;\nvar componentFrameCache;\n\n{\n var PossiblyWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' ? WeakMap : Map;\n componentFrameCache = new PossiblyWeakMap();\n}\n\nfunction describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, construct) {\n // If something asked for a stack inside a fake render, it should get ignored.\n if ( !fn || reentry) {\n return '';\n }\n\n {\n var frame = componentFrameCache.get(fn);\n\n if (frame !== undefined) {\n return frame;\n }\n }\n\n var control;\n reentry = true;\n var previousPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace; // $FlowFixMe It does accept undefined.\n\n Error.prepareStackTrace = undefined;\n var previousDispatcher;\n\n {\n previousDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current; // Set the dispatcher in DEV because this might be call in the render function\n // for warnings.\n\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = null;\n disableLogs();\n }\n\n try {\n // This should throw.\n if (construct) {\n // Something should be setting the props in the constructor.\n var Fake = function () {\n throw Error();\n }; // $FlowFixMe\n\n\n Object.defineProperty(Fake.prototype, 'props', {\n set: function () {\n // We use a throwing setter instead of frozen or non-writable props\n // because that won't throw in a non-strict mode function.\n throw Error();\n }\n });\n\n if (typeof Reflect === 'object' && Reflect.construct) {\n // We construct a different control for this case to include any extra\n // frames added by the construct call.\n try {\n Reflect.construct(Fake, []);\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n Reflect.construct(fn, [], Fake);\n } else {\n try {\n Fake.call();\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n fn.call(Fake.prototype);\n }\n } else {\n try {\n throw Error();\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n fn();\n }\n } catch (sample) {\n // This is inlined manually because closure doesn't do it for us.\n if (sample && control && typeof sample.stack === 'string') {\n // This extracts the first frame from the sample that isn't also in the control.\n // Skipping one frame that we assume is the frame that calls the two.\n var sampleLines = sample.stack.split('\\n');\n var controlLines = control.stack.split('\\n');\n var s = sampleLines.length - 1;\n var c = controlLines.length - 1;\n\n while (s >= 1 && c >= 0 && sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // We expect at least one stack frame to be shared.\n // Typically this will be the root most one. However, stack frames may be\n // cut off due to maximum stack limits. In this case, one maybe cut off\n // earlier than the other. We assume that the sample is longer or the same\n // and there for cut off earlier. So we should find the root most frame in\n // the sample somewhere in the control.\n c--;\n }\n\n for (; s >= 1 && c >= 0; s--, c--) {\n // Next we find the first one that isn't the same which should be the\n // frame that called our sample function and the control.\n if (sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // In V8, the first line is describing the message but other VMs don't.\n // If we're about to return the first line, and the control is also on the same\n // line, that's a pretty good indicator that our sample threw at same line as\n // the control. I.e. before we entered the sample frame. So we ignore this result.\n // This can happen if you passed a class to function component, or non-function.\n if (s !== 1 || c !== 1) {\n do {\n s--;\n c--; // We may still have similar intermediate frames from the construct call.\n // The next one that isn't the same should be our match though.\n\n if (c < 0 || sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // V8 adds a \"new\" prefix for native classes. Let's remove it to make it prettier.\n var _frame = '\\n' + sampleLines[s].replace(' at new ', ' at '); // If our component frame is labeled \"\"\n // but we have a user-provided \"displayName\"\n // splice it in to make the stack more readable.\n\n\n if (fn.displayName && _frame.includes('')) {\n _frame = _frame.replace('', fn.displayName);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n componentFrameCache.set(fn, _frame);\n }\n } // Return the line we found.\n\n\n return _frame;\n }\n } while (s >= 1 && c >= 0);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n } finally {\n reentry = false;\n\n {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = previousDispatcher;\n reenableLogs();\n }\n\n Error.prepareStackTrace = previousPrepareStackTrace;\n } // Fallback to just using the name if we couldn't make it throw.\n\n\n var name = fn ? fn.displayName || fn.name : '';\n var syntheticFrame = name ? describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name) : '';\n\n {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n componentFrameCache.set(fn, syntheticFrame);\n }\n }\n\n return syntheticFrame;\n}\nfunction describeFunctionComponentFrame(fn, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, false);\n }\n}\n\nfunction shouldConstruct(Component) {\n var prototype = Component.prototype;\n return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent);\n}\n\nfunction describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type, source, ownerFn) {\n\n if (type == null) {\n return '';\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(type, shouldConstruct(type));\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(type);\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('Suspense');\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('SuspenseList');\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object') {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n return describeFunctionComponentFrame(type.render);\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n // Memo may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it.\n return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type.type, source, ownerFn);\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var lazyComponent = type;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n // Lazy may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it.\n return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(init(payload), source, ownerFn);\n } catch (x) {}\n }\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nvar loggedTypeFailures = {};\nvar ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n\nfunction setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element) {\n {\n if (element) {\n var owner = element._owner;\n var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element.type, element._source, owner ? owner.type : null);\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(stack);\n } else {\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkPropTypes(typeSpecs, values, location, componentName, element) {\n {\n // $FlowFixMe This is okay but Flow doesn't know it.\n var has = Function.call.bind(hasOwnProperty);\n\n for (var typeSpecName in typeSpecs) {\n if (has(typeSpecs, typeSpecName)) {\n var error$1 = void 0; // Prop type validation may throw. In case they do, we don't want to\n // fail the render phase where it didn't fail before. So we log it.\n // After these have been cleaned up, we'll let them throw.\n\n try {\n // This is intentionally an invariant that gets caught. It's the same\n // behavior as without this statement except with a better message.\n if (typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] !== 'function') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n var err = Error((componentName || 'React class') + ': ' + location + ' type `' + typeSpecName + '` is invalid; ' + 'it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `' + typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] + '`.' + 'This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`.');\n err.name = 'Invariant Violation';\n throw err;\n }\n\n error$1 = typeSpecs[typeSpecName](values, typeSpecName, componentName, location, null, 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED');\n } catch (ex) {\n error$1 = ex;\n }\n\n if (error$1 && !(error$1 instanceof Error)) {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element);\n\n error('%s: type specification of %s' + ' `%s` is invalid; the type checker ' + 'function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. ' + 'You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker ' + 'creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and ' + 'shape all require an argument).', componentName || 'React class', location, typeSpecName, typeof error$1);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null);\n }\n\n if (error$1 instanceof Error && !(error$1.message in loggedTypeFailures)) {\n // Only monitor this failure once because there tends to be a lot of the\n // same error.\n loggedTypeFailures[error$1.message] = true;\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element);\n\n error('Failed %s type: %s', location, error$1.message);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(element) {\n {\n if (element) {\n var owner = element._owner;\n var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element.type, element._source, owner ? owner.type : null);\n setExtraStackFrame(stack);\n } else {\n setExtraStackFrame(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar propTypesMisspellWarningShown;\n\n{\n propTypesMisspellWarningShown = false;\n}\n\nfunction getDeclarationErrorAddendum() {\n if (ReactCurrentOwner.current) {\n var name = getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner.current.type);\n\n if (name) {\n return '\\n\\nCheck the render method of `' + name + '`.';\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nfunction getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(source) {\n if (source !== undefined) {\n var fileName = source.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\\\\/]/, '');\n var lineNumber = source.lineNumber;\n return '\\n\\nCheck your code at ' + fileName + ':' + lineNumber + '.';\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nfunction getSourceInfoErrorAddendumForProps(elementProps) {\n if (elementProps !== null && elementProps !== undefined) {\n return getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(elementProps.__source);\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n/**\n * Warn if there's no key explicitly set on dynamic arrays of children or\n * object keys are not valid. This allows us to keep track of children between\n * updates.\n */\n\n\nvar ownerHasKeyUseWarning = {};\n\nfunction getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType) {\n var info = getDeclarationErrorAddendum();\n\n if (!info) {\n var parentName = typeof parentType === 'string' ? parentType : parentType.displayName || parentType.name;\n\n if (parentName) {\n info = \"\\n\\nCheck the top-level render call using <\" + parentName + \">.\";\n }\n }\n\n return info;\n}\n/**\n * Warn if the element doesn't have an explicit key assigned to it.\n * This element is in an array. The array could grow and shrink or be\n * reordered. All children that haven't already been validated are required to\n * have a \"key\" property assigned to it. Error statuses are cached so a warning\n * will only be shown once.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param {ReactElement} element Element that requires a key.\n * @param {*} parentType element's parent's type.\n */\n\n\nfunction validateExplicitKey(element, parentType) {\n if (!element._store || element._store.validated || element.key != null) {\n return;\n }\n\n element._store.validated = true;\n var currentComponentErrorInfo = getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType);\n\n if (ownerHasKeyUseWarning[currentComponentErrorInfo]) {\n return;\n }\n\n ownerHasKeyUseWarning[currentComponentErrorInfo] = true; // Usually the current owner is the offender, but if it accepts children as a\n // property, it may be the creator of the child that's responsible for\n // assigning it a key.\n\n var childOwner = '';\n\n if (element && element._owner && element._owner !== ReactCurrentOwner.current) {\n // Give the component that originally created this child.\n childOwner = \" It was passed a child from \" + getComponentNameFromType(element._owner.type) + \".\";\n }\n\n {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(element);\n\n error('Each child in a list should have a unique \"key\" prop.' + '%s%s See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information.', currentComponentErrorInfo, childOwner);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n }\n}\n/**\n * Ensure that every element either is passed in a static location, in an\n * array with an explicit keys property defined, or in an object literal\n * with valid key property.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param {ReactNode} node Statically passed child of any type.\n * @param {*} parentType node's parent's type.\n */\n\n\nfunction validateChildKeys(node, parentType) {\n if (typeof node !== 'object') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (isArray(node)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {\n var child = node[i];\n\n if (isValidElement(child)) {\n validateExplicitKey(child, parentType);\n }\n }\n } else if (isValidElement(node)) {\n // This element was passed in a valid location.\n if (node._store) {\n node._store.validated = true;\n }\n } else if (node) {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(node);\n\n if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') {\n // Entry iterators used to provide implicit keys,\n // but now we print a separate warning for them later.\n if (iteratorFn !== node.entries) {\n var iterator = iteratorFn.call(node);\n var step;\n\n while (!(step = iterator.next()).done) {\n if (isValidElement(step.value)) {\n validateExplicitKey(step.value, parentType);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Given an element, validate that its props follow the propTypes definition,\n * provided by the type.\n *\n * @param {ReactElement} element\n */\n\n\nfunction validatePropTypes(element) {\n {\n var type = element.type;\n\n if (type === null || type === undefined || typeof type === 'string') {\n return;\n }\n\n var propTypes;\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n propTypes = type.propTypes;\n } else if (typeof type === 'object' && (type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || // Note: Memo only checks outer props here.\n // Inner props are checked in the reconciler.\n type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE)) {\n propTypes = type.propTypes;\n } else {\n return;\n }\n\n if (propTypes) {\n // Intentionally inside to avoid triggering lazy initializers:\n var name = getComponentNameFromType(type);\n checkPropTypes(propTypes, element.props, 'prop', name, element);\n } else if (type.PropTypes !== undefined && !propTypesMisspellWarningShown) {\n propTypesMisspellWarningShown = true; // Intentionally inside to avoid triggering lazy initializers:\n\n var _name = getComponentNameFromType(type);\n\n error('Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?', _name || 'Unknown');\n }\n\n if (typeof type.getDefaultProps === 'function' && !type.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved) {\n error('getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass ' + 'definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead.');\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Given a fragment, validate that it can only be provided with fragment props\n * @param {ReactElement} fragment\n */\n\n\nfunction validateFragmentProps(fragment) {\n {\n var keys = Object.keys(fragment.props);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n var key = keys[i];\n\n if (key !== 'children' && key !== 'key') {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(fragment);\n\n error('Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. ' + 'React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.', key);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (fragment.ref !== null) {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(fragment);\n\n error('Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`.');\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction createElementWithValidation(type, props, children) {\n var validType = isValidElementType(type); // We warn in this case but don't throw. We expect the element creation to\n // succeed and there will likely be errors in render.\n\n if (!validType) {\n var info = '';\n\n if (type === undefined || typeof type === 'object' && type !== null && Object.keys(type).length === 0) {\n info += ' You likely forgot to export your component from the file ' + \"it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.\";\n }\n\n var sourceInfo = getSourceInfoErrorAddendumForProps(props);\n\n if (sourceInfo) {\n info += sourceInfo;\n } else {\n info += getDeclarationErrorAddendum();\n }\n\n var typeString;\n\n if (type === null) {\n typeString = 'null';\n } else if (isArray(type)) {\n typeString = 'array';\n } else if (type !== undefined && type.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) {\n typeString = \"<\" + (getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || 'Unknown') + \" />\";\n info = ' Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?';\n } else {\n typeString = typeof type;\n }\n\n {\n error('React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for ' + 'built-in components) or a class/function (for composite ' + 'components) but got: %s.%s', typeString, info);\n }\n }\n\n var element = createElement.apply(this, arguments); // The result can be nullish if a mock or a custom function is used.\n // TODO: Drop this when these are no longer allowed as the type argument.\n\n if (element == null) {\n return element;\n } // Skip key warning if the type isn't valid since our key validation logic\n // doesn't expect a non-string/function type and can throw confusing errors.\n // We don't want exception behavior to differ between dev and prod.\n // (Rendering will throw with a helpful message and as soon as the type is\n // fixed, the key warnings will appear.)\n\n\n if (validType) {\n for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n validateChildKeys(arguments[i], type);\n }\n }\n\n if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) {\n validateFragmentProps(element);\n } else {\n validatePropTypes(element);\n }\n\n return element;\n}\nvar didWarnAboutDeprecatedCreateFactory = false;\nfunction createFactoryWithValidation(type) {\n var validatedFactory = createElementWithValidation.bind(null, type);\n validatedFactory.type = type;\n\n {\n if (!didWarnAboutDeprecatedCreateFactory) {\n didWarnAboutDeprecatedCreateFactory = true;\n\n warn('React.createFactory() is deprecated and will be removed in ' + 'a future major release. Consider using JSX ' + 'or use React.createElement() directly instead.');\n } // Legacy hook: remove it\n\n\n Object.defineProperty(validatedFactory, 'type', {\n enumerable: false,\n get: function () {\n warn('Factory.type is deprecated. Access the class directly ' + 'before passing it to createFactory.');\n\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'type', {\n value: type\n });\n return type;\n }\n });\n }\n\n return validatedFactory;\n}\nfunction cloneElementWithValidation(element, props, children) {\n var newElement = cloneElement.apply(this, arguments);\n\n for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n validateChildKeys(arguments[i], newElement.type);\n }\n\n validatePropTypes(newElement);\n return newElement;\n}\n\nfunction startTransition(scope, options) {\n var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition;\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = {};\n var currentTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition;\n\n {\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition._updatedFibers = new Set();\n }\n\n try {\n scope();\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = prevTransition;\n\n {\n if (prevTransition === null && currentTransition._updatedFibers) {\n var updatedFibersCount = currentTransition._updatedFibers.size;\n\n if (updatedFibersCount > 10) {\n warn('Detected a large number of updates inside startTransition. ' + 'If this is due to a subscription please re-write it to use React provided hooks. ' + 'Otherwise concurrent mode guarantees are off the table.');\n }\n\n currentTransition._updatedFibers.clear();\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar didWarnAboutMessageChannel = false;\nvar enqueueTaskImpl = null;\nfunction enqueueTask(task) {\n if (enqueueTaskImpl === null) {\n try {\n // read require off the module object to get around the bundlers.\n // we don't want them to detect a require and bundle a Node polyfill.\n var requireString = ('require' + Math.random()).slice(0, 7);\n var nodeRequire = module && module[requireString]; // assuming we're in node, let's try to get node's\n // version of setImmediate, bypassing fake timers if any.\n\n enqueueTaskImpl = nodeRequire.call(module, 'timers').setImmediate;\n } catch (_err) {\n // we're in a browser\n // we can't use regular timers because they may still be faked\n // so we try MessageChannel+postMessage instead\n enqueueTaskImpl = function (callback) {\n {\n if (didWarnAboutMessageChannel === false) {\n didWarnAboutMessageChannel = true;\n\n if (typeof MessageChannel === 'undefined') {\n error('This browser does not have a MessageChannel implementation, ' + 'so enqueuing tasks via await act(async () => ...) will fail. ' + 'Please file an issue at https://github.com/facebook/react/issues ' + 'if you encounter this warning.');\n }\n }\n }\n\n var channel = new MessageChannel();\n channel.port1.onmessage = callback;\n channel.port2.postMessage(undefined);\n };\n }\n }\n\n return enqueueTaskImpl(task);\n}\n\nvar actScopeDepth = 0;\nvar didWarnNoAwaitAct = false;\nfunction act(callback) {\n {\n // `act` calls can be nested, so we track the depth. This represents the\n // number of `act` scopes on the stack.\n var prevActScopeDepth = actScopeDepth;\n actScopeDepth++;\n\n if (ReactCurrentActQueue.current === null) {\n // This is the outermost `act` scope. Initialize the queue. The reconciler\n // will detect the queue and use it instead of Scheduler.\n ReactCurrentActQueue.current = [];\n }\n\n var prevIsBatchingLegacy = ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy;\n var result;\n\n try {\n // Used to reproduce behavior of `batchedUpdates` in legacy mode. Only\n // set to `true` while the given callback is executed, not for updates\n // triggered during an async event, because this is how the legacy\n // implementation of `act` behaved.\n ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy = true;\n result = callback(); // Replicate behavior of original `act` implementation in legacy mode,\n // which flushed updates immediately after the scope function exits, even\n // if it's an async function.\n\n if (!prevIsBatchingLegacy && ReactCurrentActQueue.didScheduleLegacyUpdate) {\n var queue = ReactCurrentActQueue.current;\n\n if (queue !== null) {\n ReactCurrentActQueue.didScheduleLegacyUpdate = false;\n flushActQueue(queue);\n }\n }\n } catch (error) {\n popActScope(prevActScopeDepth);\n throw error;\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy = prevIsBatchingLegacy;\n }\n\n if (result !== null && typeof result === 'object' && typeof result.then === 'function') {\n var thenableResult = result; // The callback is an async function (i.e. returned a promise). Wait\n // for it to resolve before exiting the current scope.\n\n var wasAwaited = false;\n var thenable = {\n then: function (resolve, reject) {\n wasAwaited = true;\n thenableResult.then(function (returnValue) {\n popActScope(prevActScopeDepth);\n\n if (actScopeDepth === 0) {\n // We've exited the outermost act scope. Recursively flush the\n // queue until there's no remaining work.\n recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject);\n } else {\n resolve(returnValue);\n }\n }, function (error) {\n // The callback threw an error.\n popActScope(prevActScopeDepth);\n reject(error);\n });\n }\n };\n\n {\n if (!didWarnNoAwaitAct && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n Promise.resolve().then(function () {}).then(function () {\n if (!wasAwaited) {\n didWarnNoAwaitAct = true;\n\n error('You called act(async () => ...) without await. ' + 'This could lead to unexpected testing behaviour, ' + 'interleaving multiple act calls and mixing their ' + 'scopes. ' + 'You should - await act(async () => ...);');\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n return thenable;\n } else {\n var returnValue = result; // The callback is not an async function. Exit the current scope\n // immediately, without awaiting.\n\n popActScope(prevActScopeDepth);\n\n if (actScopeDepth === 0) {\n // Exiting the outermost act scope. Flush the queue.\n var _queue = ReactCurrentActQueue.current;\n\n if (_queue !== null) {\n flushActQueue(_queue);\n ReactCurrentActQueue.current = null;\n } // Return a thenable. If the user awaits it, we'll flush again in\n // case additional work was scheduled by a microtask.\n\n\n var _thenable = {\n then: function (resolve, reject) {\n // Confirm we haven't re-entered another `act` scope, in case\n // the user does something weird like await the thenable\n // multiple times.\n if (ReactCurrentActQueue.current === null) {\n // Recursively flush the queue until there's no remaining work.\n ReactCurrentActQueue.current = [];\n recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject);\n } else {\n resolve(returnValue);\n }\n }\n };\n return _thenable;\n } else {\n // Since we're inside a nested `act` scope, the returned thenable\n // immediately resolves. The outer scope will flush the queue.\n var _thenable2 = {\n then: function (resolve, reject) {\n resolve(returnValue);\n }\n };\n return _thenable2;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction popActScope(prevActScopeDepth) {\n {\n if (prevActScopeDepth !== actScopeDepth - 1) {\n error('You seem to have overlapping act() calls, this is not supported. ' + 'Be sure to await previous act() calls before making a new one. ');\n }\n\n actScopeDepth = prevActScopeDepth;\n }\n}\n\nfunction recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject) {\n {\n var queue = ReactCurrentActQueue.current;\n\n if (queue !== null) {\n try {\n flushActQueue(queue);\n enqueueTask(function () {\n if (queue.length === 0) {\n // No additional work was scheduled. Finish.\n ReactCurrentActQueue.current = null;\n resolve(returnValue);\n } else {\n // Keep flushing work until there's none left.\n recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject);\n }\n });\n } catch (error) {\n reject(error);\n }\n } else {\n resolve(returnValue);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar isFlushing = false;\n\nfunction flushActQueue(queue) {\n {\n if (!isFlushing) {\n // Prevent re-entrance.\n isFlushing = true;\n var i = 0;\n\n try {\n for (; i < queue.length; i++) {\n var callback = queue[i];\n\n do {\n callback = callback(true);\n } while (callback !== null);\n }\n\n queue.length = 0;\n } catch (error) {\n // If something throws, leave the remaining callbacks on the queue.\n queue = queue.slice(i + 1);\n throw error;\n } finally {\n isFlushing = false;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar createElement$1 = createElementWithValidation ;\nvar cloneElement$1 = cloneElementWithValidation ;\nvar createFactory = createFactoryWithValidation ;\nvar Children = {\n map: mapChildren,\n forEach: forEachChildren,\n count: countChildren,\n toArray: toArray,\n only: onlyChild\n};\n\nexports.Children = Children;\nexports.Component = Component;\nexports.Fragment = REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;\nexports.Profiler = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE;\nexports.PureComponent = PureComponent;\nexports.StrictMode = REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE;\nexports.Suspense = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE;\nexports.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = ReactSharedInternals;\nexports.cloneElement = cloneElement$1;\nexports.createContext = createContext;\nexports.createElement = createElement$1;\nexports.createFactory = createFactory;\nexports.createRef = createRef;\nexports.forwardRef = forwardRef;\nexports.isValidElement = isValidElement;\nexports.lazy = lazy;\nexports.memo = memo;\nexports.startTransition = startTransition;\nexports.unstable_act = act;\nexports.useCallback = useCallback;\nexports.useContext = useContext;\nexports.useDebugValue = useDebugValue;\nexports.useDeferredValue = useDeferredValue;\nexports.useEffect = useEffect;\nexports.useId = useId;\nexports.useImperativeHandle = useImperativeHandle;\nexports.useInsertionEffect = useInsertionEffect;\nexports.useLayoutEffect = useLayoutEffect;\nexports.useMemo = useMemo;\nexports.useReducer = useReducer;\nexports.useRef = useRef;\nexports.useState = useState;\nexports.useSyncExternalStore = useSyncExternalStore;\nexports.useTransition = useTransition;\nexports.version = ReactVersion;\n /* global __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ */\nif (\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop ===\n 'function'\n) {\n __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(new Error());\n}\n \n })();\n}\n","'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/react.production.min.js');\n} else {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/react.development.js');\n}\n","/**\n * @license React\n * react-jsx-runtime.development.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n (function() {\n'use strict';\n\nvar React = require('react');\n\n// ATTENTION\n// When adding new symbols to this file,\n// Please consider also adding to 'react-devtools-shared/src/backend/ReactSymbols'\n// The Symbol used to tag the ReactElement-like types.\nvar REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.element');\nvar REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.portal');\nvar REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.fragment');\nvar REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode');\nvar REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.profiler');\nvar REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.provider');\nvar REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.context');\nvar REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref');\nvar REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense');\nvar REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense_list');\nvar REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.memo');\nvar REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.lazy');\nvar REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.offscreen');\nvar MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator;\nvar FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = '@@iterator';\nfunction getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {\n if (maybeIterable === null || typeof maybeIterable !== 'object') {\n return null;\n }\n\n var maybeIterator = MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL];\n\n if (typeof maybeIterator === 'function') {\n return maybeIterator;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar ReactSharedInternals = React.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;\n\nfunction error(format) {\n {\n {\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n\n printWarning('error', format, args);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction printWarning(level, format, args) {\n // When changing this logic, you might want to also\n // update consoleWithStackDev.www.js as well.\n {\n var ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n var stack = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum();\n\n if (stack !== '') {\n format += '%s';\n args = args.concat([stack]);\n } // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n\n\n var argsWithFormat = args.map(function (item) {\n return String(item);\n }); // Careful: RN currently depends on this prefix\n\n argsWithFormat.unshift('Warning: ' + format); // We intentionally don't use spread (or .apply) directly because it\n // breaks IE9: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/13610\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/no-production-logging\n\n Function.prototype.apply.call(console[level], console, argsWithFormat);\n }\n}\n\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar enableScopeAPI = false; // Experimental Create Event Handle API.\nvar enableCacheElement = false;\nvar enableTransitionTracing = false; // No known bugs, but needs performance testing\n\nvar enableLegacyHidden = false; // Enables unstable_avoidThisFallback feature in Fiber\n// stuff. Intended to enable React core members to more easily debug scheduling\n// issues in DEV builds.\n\nvar enableDebugTracing = false; // Track which Fiber(s) schedule render work.\n\nvar REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE;\n\n{\n REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE = Symbol.for('react.module.reference');\n}\n\nfunction isValidElementType(type) {\n if (typeof type === 'string' || typeof type === 'function') {\n return true;\n } // Note: typeof might be other than 'symbol' or 'number' (e.g. if it's a polyfill).\n\n\n if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE || type === REACT_PROFILER_TYPE || enableDebugTracing || type === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE || enableLegacyHidden || type === REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE || enableScopeAPI || enableCacheElement || enableTransitionTracing ) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object' && type !== null) {\n if (type.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || // This needs to include all possible module reference object\n // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since\n // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used\n // with.\n type.$$typeof === REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE || type.getModuleId !== undefined) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction getWrappedName(outerType, innerType, wrapperName) {\n var displayName = outerType.displayName;\n\n if (displayName) {\n return displayName;\n }\n\n var functionName = innerType.displayName || innerType.name || '';\n return functionName !== '' ? wrapperName + \"(\" + functionName + \")\" : wrapperName;\n} // Keep in sync with react-reconciler/getComponentNameFromFiber\n\n\nfunction getContextName(type) {\n return type.displayName || 'Context';\n} // Note that the reconciler package should generally prefer to use getComponentNameFromFiber() instead.\n\n\nfunction getComponentNameFromType(type) {\n if (type == null) {\n // Host root, text node or just invalid type.\n return null;\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof type.tag === 'number') {\n error('Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). ' + 'This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n return type.displayName || type.name || null;\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return type;\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE:\n return 'Fragment';\n\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return 'Portal';\n\n case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE:\n return 'Profiler';\n\n case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE:\n return 'StrictMode';\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return 'Suspense';\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return 'SuspenseList';\n\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object') {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE:\n var context = type;\n return getContextName(context) + '.Consumer';\n\n case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE:\n var provider = type;\n return getContextName(provider._context) + '.Provider';\n\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n return getWrappedName(type, type.render, 'ForwardRef');\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n var outerName = type.displayName || null;\n\n if (outerName !== null) {\n return outerName;\n }\n\n return getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || 'Memo';\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var lazyComponent = type;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n return getComponentNameFromType(init(payload));\n } catch (x) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar assign = Object.assign;\n\n// Helpers to patch console.logs to avoid logging during side-effect free\n// replaying on render function. This currently only patches the object\n// lazily which won't cover if the log function was extracted eagerly.\n// We could also eagerly patch the method.\nvar disabledDepth = 0;\nvar prevLog;\nvar prevInfo;\nvar prevWarn;\nvar prevError;\nvar prevGroup;\nvar prevGroupCollapsed;\nvar prevGroupEnd;\n\nfunction disabledLog() {}\n\ndisabledLog.__reactDisabledLog = true;\nfunction disableLogs() {\n {\n if (disabledDepth === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n prevLog = console.log;\n prevInfo = console.info;\n prevWarn = console.warn;\n prevError = console.error;\n prevGroup = console.group;\n prevGroupCollapsed = console.groupCollapsed;\n prevGroupEnd = console.groupEnd; // https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/19099\n\n var props = {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n value: disabledLog,\n writable: true\n }; // $FlowFixMe Flow thinks console is immutable.\n\n Object.defineProperties(console, {\n info: props,\n log: props,\n warn: props,\n error: props,\n group: props,\n groupCollapsed: props,\n groupEnd: props\n });\n /* eslint-enable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n }\n\n disabledDepth++;\n }\n}\nfunction reenableLogs() {\n {\n disabledDepth--;\n\n if (disabledDepth === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n var props = {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n writable: true\n }; // $FlowFixMe Flow thinks console is immutable.\n\n Object.defineProperties(console, {\n log: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevLog\n }),\n info: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevInfo\n }),\n warn: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevWarn\n }),\n error: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevError\n }),\n group: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroup\n }),\n groupCollapsed: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroupCollapsed\n }),\n groupEnd: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroupEnd\n })\n });\n /* eslint-enable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n }\n\n if (disabledDepth < 0) {\n error('disabledDepth fell below zero. ' + 'This is a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher;\nvar prefix;\nfunction describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n if (prefix === undefined) {\n // Extract the VM specific prefix used by each line.\n try {\n throw Error();\n } catch (x) {\n var match = x.stack.trim().match(/\\n( *(at )?)/);\n prefix = match && match[1] || '';\n }\n } // We use the prefix to ensure our stacks line up with native stack frames.\n\n\n return '\\n' + prefix + name;\n }\n}\nvar reentry = false;\nvar componentFrameCache;\n\n{\n var PossiblyWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' ? WeakMap : Map;\n componentFrameCache = new PossiblyWeakMap();\n}\n\nfunction describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, construct) {\n // If something asked for a stack inside a fake render, it should get ignored.\n if ( !fn || reentry) {\n return '';\n }\n\n {\n var frame = componentFrameCache.get(fn);\n\n if (frame !== undefined) {\n return frame;\n }\n }\n\n var control;\n reentry = true;\n var previousPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace; // $FlowFixMe It does accept undefined.\n\n Error.prepareStackTrace = undefined;\n var previousDispatcher;\n\n {\n previousDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current; // Set the dispatcher in DEV because this might be call in the render function\n // for warnings.\n\n ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = null;\n disableLogs();\n }\n\n try {\n // This should throw.\n if (construct) {\n // Something should be setting the props in the constructor.\n var Fake = function () {\n throw Error();\n }; // $FlowFixMe\n\n\n Object.defineProperty(Fake.prototype, 'props', {\n set: function () {\n // We use a throwing setter instead of frozen or non-writable props\n // because that won't throw in a non-strict mode function.\n throw Error();\n }\n });\n\n if (typeof Reflect === 'object' && Reflect.construct) {\n // We construct a different control for this case to include any extra\n // frames added by the construct call.\n try {\n Reflect.construct(Fake, []);\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n Reflect.construct(fn, [], Fake);\n } else {\n try {\n Fake.call();\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n fn.call(Fake.prototype);\n }\n } else {\n try {\n throw Error();\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n fn();\n }\n } catch (sample) {\n // This is inlined manually because closure doesn't do it for us.\n if (sample && control && typeof sample.stack === 'string') {\n // This extracts the first frame from the sample that isn't also in the control.\n // Skipping one frame that we assume is the frame that calls the two.\n var sampleLines = sample.stack.split('\\n');\n var controlLines = control.stack.split('\\n');\n var s = sampleLines.length - 1;\n var c = controlLines.length - 1;\n\n while (s >= 1 && c >= 0 && sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // We expect at least one stack frame to be shared.\n // Typically this will be the root most one. However, stack frames may be\n // cut off due to maximum stack limits. In this case, one maybe cut off\n // earlier than the other. We assume that the sample is longer or the same\n // and there for cut off earlier. So we should find the root most frame in\n // the sample somewhere in the control.\n c--;\n }\n\n for (; s >= 1 && c >= 0; s--, c--) {\n // Next we find the first one that isn't the same which should be the\n // frame that called our sample function and the control.\n if (sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // In V8, the first line is describing the message but other VMs don't.\n // If we're about to return the first line, and the control is also on the same\n // line, that's a pretty good indicator that our sample threw at same line as\n // the control. I.e. before we entered the sample frame. So we ignore this result.\n // This can happen if you passed a class to function component, or non-function.\n if (s !== 1 || c !== 1) {\n do {\n s--;\n c--; // We may still have similar intermediate frames from the construct call.\n // The next one that isn't the same should be our match though.\n\n if (c < 0 || sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // V8 adds a \"new\" prefix for native classes. Let's remove it to make it prettier.\n var _frame = '\\n' + sampleLines[s].replace(' at new ', ' at '); // If our component frame is labeled \"\"\n // but we have a user-provided \"displayName\"\n // splice it in to make the stack more readable.\n\n\n if (fn.displayName && _frame.includes('')) {\n _frame = _frame.replace('', fn.displayName);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n componentFrameCache.set(fn, _frame);\n }\n } // Return the line we found.\n\n\n return _frame;\n }\n } while (s >= 1 && c >= 0);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n } finally {\n reentry = false;\n\n {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = previousDispatcher;\n reenableLogs();\n }\n\n Error.prepareStackTrace = previousPrepareStackTrace;\n } // Fallback to just using the name if we couldn't make it throw.\n\n\n var name = fn ? fn.displayName || fn.name : '';\n var syntheticFrame = name ? describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name) : '';\n\n {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n componentFrameCache.set(fn, syntheticFrame);\n }\n }\n\n return syntheticFrame;\n}\nfunction describeFunctionComponentFrame(fn, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, false);\n }\n}\n\nfunction shouldConstruct(Component) {\n var prototype = Component.prototype;\n return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent);\n}\n\nfunction describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type, source, ownerFn) {\n\n if (type == null) {\n return '';\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(type, shouldConstruct(type));\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(type);\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('Suspense');\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('SuspenseList');\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object') {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n return describeFunctionComponentFrame(type.render);\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n // Memo may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it.\n return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type.type, source, ownerFn);\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var lazyComponent = type;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n // Lazy may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it.\n return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(init(payload), source, ownerFn);\n } catch (x) {}\n }\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nvar loggedTypeFailures = {};\nvar ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n\nfunction setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element) {\n {\n if (element) {\n var owner = element._owner;\n var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element.type, element._source, owner ? owner.type : null);\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.setExtraStackFrame(stack);\n } else {\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.setExtraStackFrame(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkPropTypes(typeSpecs, values, location, componentName, element) {\n {\n // $FlowFixMe This is okay but Flow doesn't know it.\n var has = Function.call.bind(hasOwnProperty);\n\n for (var typeSpecName in typeSpecs) {\n if (has(typeSpecs, typeSpecName)) {\n var error$1 = void 0; // Prop type validation may throw. In case they do, we don't want to\n // fail the render phase where it didn't fail before. So we log it.\n // After these have been cleaned up, we'll let them throw.\n\n try {\n // This is intentionally an invariant that gets caught. It's the same\n // behavior as without this statement except with a better message.\n if (typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] !== 'function') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n var err = Error((componentName || 'React class') + ': ' + location + ' type `' + typeSpecName + '` is invalid; ' + 'it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `' + typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] + '`.' + 'This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`.');\n err.name = 'Invariant Violation';\n throw err;\n }\n\n error$1 = typeSpecs[typeSpecName](values, typeSpecName, componentName, location, null, 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED');\n } catch (ex) {\n error$1 = ex;\n }\n\n if (error$1 && !(error$1 instanceof Error)) {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element);\n\n error('%s: type specification of %s' + ' `%s` is invalid; the type checker ' + 'function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. ' + 'You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker ' + 'creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and ' + 'shape all require an argument).', componentName || 'React class', location, typeSpecName, typeof error$1);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null);\n }\n\n if (error$1 instanceof Error && !(error$1.message in loggedTypeFailures)) {\n // Only monitor this failure once because there tends to be a lot of the\n // same error.\n loggedTypeFailures[error$1.message] = true;\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element);\n\n error('Failed %s type: %s', location, error$1.message);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar isArrayImpl = Array.isArray; // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare\n\nfunction isArray(a) {\n return isArrayImpl(a);\n}\n\n/*\n * The `'' + value` pattern (used in in perf-sensitive code) throws for Symbol\n * and Temporal.* types. See https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/22064.\n *\n * The functions in this module will throw an easier-to-understand,\n * easier-to-debug exception with a clear errors message message explaining the\n * problem. (Instead of a confusing exception thrown inside the implementation\n * of the `value` object).\n */\n// $FlowFixMe only called in DEV, so void return is not possible.\nfunction typeName(value) {\n {\n // toStringTag is needed for namespaced types like Temporal.Instant\n var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag;\n var type = hasToStringTag && value[Symbol.toStringTag] || value.constructor.name || 'Object';\n return type;\n }\n} // $FlowFixMe only called in DEV, so void return is not possible.\n\n\nfunction willCoercionThrow(value) {\n {\n try {\n testStringCoercion(value);\n return false;\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction testStringCoercion(value) {\n // If you ended up here by following an exception call stack, here's what's\n // happened: you supplied an object or symbol value to React (as a prop, key,\n // DOM attribute, CSS property, string ref, etc.) and when React tried to\n // coerce it to a string using `'' + value`, an exception was thrown.\n //\n // The most common types that will cause this exception are `Symbol` instances\n // and Temporal objects like `Temporal.Instant`. But any object that has a\n // `valueOf` or `[Symbol.toPrimitive]` method that throws will also cause this\n // exception. (Library authors do this to prevent users from using built-in\n // numeric operators like `+` or comparison operators like `>=` because custom\n // methods are needed to perform accurate arithmetic or comparison.)\n //\n // To fix the problem, coerce this object or symbol value to a string before\n // passing it to React. The most reliable way is usually `String(value)`.\n //\n // To find which value is throwing, check the browser or debugger console.\n // Before this exception was thrown, there should be `console.error` output\n // that shows the type (Symbol, Temporal.PlainDate, etc.) that caused the\n // problem and how that type was used: key, atrribute, input value prop, etc.\n // In most cases, this console output also shows the component and its\n // ancestor components where the exception happened.\n //\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n return '' + value;\n}\nfunction checkKeyStringCoercion(value) {\n {\n if (willCoercionThrow(value)) {\n error('The provided key is an unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', typeName(value));\n\n return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments)\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner;\nvar RESERVED_PROPS = {\n key: true,\n ref: true,\n __self: true,\n __source: true\n};\nvar specialPropKeyWarningShown;\nvar specialPropRefWarningShown;\nvar didWarnAboutStringRefs;\n\n{\n didWarnAboutStringRefs = {};\n}\n\nfunction hasValidRef(config) {\n {\n if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, 'ref')) {\n var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'ref').get;\n\n if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return config.ref !== undefined;\n}\n\nfunction hasValidKey(config) {\n {\n if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, 'key')) {\n var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'key').get;\n\n if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return config.key !== undefined;\n}\n\nfunction warnIfStringRefCannotBeAutoConverted(config, self) {\n {\n if (typeof config.ref === 'string' && ReactCurrentOwner.current && self && ReactCurrentOwner.current.stateNode !== self) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner.current.type);\n\n if (!didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName]) {\n error('Component \"%s\" contains the string ref \"%s\". ' + 'Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. ' + 'This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. ' + 'We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. ' + 'Learn more about using refs safely here: ' + 'https://reactjs.org/link/strict-mode-string-ref', getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner.current.type), config.ref);\n\n didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {\n {\n var warnAboutAccessingKey = function () {\n if (!specialPropKeyWarningShown) {\n specialPropKeyWarningShown = true;\n\n error('%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result ' + 'in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same ' + 'value within the child component, you should pass it as a different ' + 'prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)', displayName);\n }\n };\n\n warnAboutAccessingKey.isReactWarning = true;\n Object.defineProperty(props, 'key', {\n get: warnAboutAccessingKey,\n configurable: true\n });\n }\n}\n\nfunction defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {\n {\n var warnAboutAccessingRef = function () {\n if (!specialPropRefWarningShown) {\n specialPropRefWarningShown = true;\n\n error('%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result ' + 'in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same ' + 'value within the child component, you should pass it as a different ' + 'prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)', displayName);\n }\n };\n\n warnAboutAccessingRef.isReactWarning = true;\n Object.defineProperty(props, 'ref', {\n get: warnAboutAccessingRef,\n configurable: true\n });\n }\n}\n/**\n * Factory method to create a new React element. This no longer adheres to\n * the class pattern, so do not use new to call it. Also, instanceof check\n * will not work. Instead test $$typeof field against Symbol.for('react.element') to check\n * if something is a React Element.\n *\n * @param {*} type\n * @param {*} props\n * @param {*} key\n * @param {string|object} ref\n * @param {*} owner\n * @param {*} self A *temporary* helper to detect places where `this` is\n * different from the `owner` when React.createElement is called, so that we\n * can warn. We want to get rid of owner and replace string `ref`s with arrow\n * functions, and as long as `this` and owner are the same, there will be no\n * change in behavior.\n * @param {*} source An annotation object (added by a transpiler or otherwise)\n * indicating filename, line number, and/or other information.\n * @internal\n */\n\n\nvar ReactElement = function (type, key, ref, self, source, owner, props) {\n var element = {\n // This tag allows us to uniquely identify this as a React Element\n $$typeof: REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE,\n // Built-in properties that belong on the element\n type: type,\n key: key,\n ref: ref,\n props: props,\n // Record the component responsible for creating this element.\n _owner: owner\n };\n\n {\n // The validation flag is currently mutative. We put it on\n // an external backing store so that we can freeze the whole object.\n // This can be replaced with a WeakMap once they are implemented in\n // commonly used development environments.\n element._store = {}; // To make comparing ReactElements easier for testing purposes, we make\n // the validation flag non-enumerable (where possible, which should\n // include every environment we run tests in), so the test framework\n // ignores it.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element._store, 'validated', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n }); // self and source are DEV only properties.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element, '_self', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: self\n }); // Two elements created in two different places should be considered\n // equal for testing purposes and therefore we hide it from enumeration.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element, '_source', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: source\n });\n\n if (Object.freeze) {\n Object.freeze(element.props);\n Object.freeze(element);\n }\n }\n\n return element;\n};\n/**\n * https://github.com/reactjs/rfcs/pull/107\n * @param {*} type\n * @param {object} props\n * @param {string} key\n */\n\nfunction jsxDEV(type, config, maybeKey, source, self) {\n {\n var propName; // Reserved names are extracted\n\n var props = {};\n var key = null;\n var ref = null; // Currently, key can be spread in as a prop. This causes a potential\n // issue if key is also explicitly declared (ie.
\n // or
). We want to deprecate key spread,\n // but as an intermediary step, we will use jsxDEV for everything except\n //
, because we aren't currently able to tell if\n // key is explicitly declared to be undefined or not.\n\n if (maybeKey !== undefined) {\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(maybeKey);\n }\n\n key = '' + maybeKey;\n }\n\n if (hasValidKey(config)) {\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(config.key);\n }\n\n key = '' + config.key;\n }\n\n if (hasValidRef(config)) {\n ref = config.ref;\n warnIfStringRefCannotBeAutoConverted(config, self);\n } // Remaining properties are added to a new props object\n\n\n for (propName in config) {\n if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n props[propName] = config[propName];\n }\n } // Resolve default props\n\n\n if (type && type.defaultProps) {\n var defaultProps = type.defaultProps;\n\n for (propName in defaultProps) {\n if (props[propName] === undefined) {\n props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (key || ref) {\n var displayName = typeof type === 'function' ? type.displayName || type.name || 'Unknown' : type;\n\n if (key) {\n defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);\n }\n\n if (ref) {\n defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);\n }\n }\n\n return ReactElement(type, key, ref, self, source, ReactCurrentOwner.current, props);\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner;\nvar ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n\nfunction setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(element) {\n {\n if (element) {\n var owner = element._owner;\n var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element.type, element._source, owner ? owner.type : null);\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(stack);\n } else {\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar propTypesMisspellWarningShown;\n\n{\n propTypesMisspellWarningShown = false;\n}\n/**\n * Verifies the object is a ReactElement.\n * See https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#isvalidelement\n * @param {?object} object\n * @return {boolean} True if `object` is a ReactElement.\n * @final\n */\n\n\nfunction isValidElement(object) {\n {\n return typeof object === 'object' && object !== null && object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getDeclarationErrorAddendum() {\n {\n if (ReactCurrentOwner$1.current) {\n var name = getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner$1.current.type);\n\n if (name) {\n return '\\n\\nCheck the render method of `' + name + '`.';\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n }\n}\n\nfunction getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(source) {\n {\n if (source !== undefined) {\n var fileName = source.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\\\\/]/, '');\n var lineNumber = source.lineNumber;\n return '\\n\\nCheck your code at ' + fileName + ':' + lineNumber + '.';\n }\n\n return '';\n }\n}\n/**\n * Warn if there's no key explicitly set on dynamic arrays of children or\n * object keys are not valid. This allows us to keep track of children between\n * updates.\n */\n\n\nvar ownerHasKeyUseWarning = {};\n\nfunction getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType) {\n {\n var info = getDeclarationErrorAddendum();\n\n if (!info) {\n var parentName = typeof parentType === 'string' ? parentType : parentType.displayName || parentType.name;\n\n if (parentName) {\n info = \"\\n\\nCheck the top-level render call using <\" + parentName + \">.\";\n }\n }\n\n return info;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Warn if the element doesn't have an explicit key assigned to it.\n * This element is in an array. The array could grow and shrink or be\n * reordered. All children that haven't already been validated are required to\n * have a \"key\" property assigned to it. Error statuses are cached so a warning\n * will only be shown once.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param {ReactElement} element Element that requires a key.\n * @param {*} parentType element's parent's type.\n */\n\n\nfunction validateExplicitKey(element, parentType) {\n {\n if (!element._store || element._store.validated || element.key != null) {\n return;\n }\n\n element._store.validated = true;\n var currentComponentErrorInfo = getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType);\n\n if (ownerHasKeyUseWarning[currentComponentErrorInfo]) {\n return;\n }\n\n ownerHasKeyUseWarning[currentComponentErrorInfo] = true; // Usually the current owner is the offender, but if it accepts children as a\n // property, it may be the creator of the child that's responsible for\n // assigning it a key.\n\n var childOwner = '';\n\n if (element && element._owner && element._owner !== ReactCurrentOwner$1.current) {\n // Give the component that originally created this child.\n childOwner = \" It was passed a child from \" + getComponentNameFromType(element._owner.type) + \".\";\n }\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(element);\n\n error('Each child in a list should have a unique \"key\" prop.' + '%s%s See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information.', currentComponentErrorInfo, childOwner);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n }\n}\n/**\n * Ensure that every element either is passed in a static location, in an\n * array with an explicit keys property defined, or in an object literal\n * with valid key property.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param {ReactNode} node Statically passed child of any type.\n * @param {*} parentType node's parent's type.\n */\n\n\nfunction validateChildKeys(node, parentType) {\n {\n if (typeof node !== 'object') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (isArray(node)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {\n var child = node[i];\n\n if (isValidElement(child)) {\n validateExplicitKey(child, parentType);\n }\n }\n } else if (isValidElement(node)) {\n // This element was passed in a valid location.\n if (node._store) {\n node._store.validated = true;\n }\n } else if (node) {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(node);\n\n if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') {\n // Entry iterators used to provide implicit keys,\n // but now we print a separate warning for them later.\n if (iteratorFn !== node.entries) {\n var iterator = iteratorFn.call(node);\n var step;\n\n while (!(step = iterator.next()).done) {\n if (isValidElement(step.value)) {\n validateExplicitKey(step.value, parentType);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Given an element, validate that its props follow the propTypes definition,\n * provided by the type.\n *\n * @param {ReactElement} element\n */\n\n\nfunction validatePropTypes(element) {\n {\n var type = element.type;\n\n if (type === null || type === undefined || typeof type === 'string') {\n return;\n }\n\n var propTypes;\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n propTypes = type.propTypes;\n } else if (typeof type === 'object' && (type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || // Note: Memo only checks outer props here.\n // Inner props are checked in the reconciler.\n type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE)) {\n propTypes = type.propTypes;\n } else {\n return;\n }\n\n if (propTypes) {\n // Intentionally inside to avoid triggering lazy initializers:\n var name = getComponentNameFromType(type);\n checkPropTypes(propTypes, element.props, 'prop', name, element);\n } else if (type.PropTypes !== undefined && !propTypesMisspellWarningShown) {\n propTypesMisspellWarningShown = true; // Intentionally inside to avoid triggering lazy initializers:\n\n var _name = getComponentNameFromType(type);\n\n error('Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?', _name || 'Unknown');\n }\n\n if (typeof type.getDefaultProps === 'function' && !type.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved) {\n error('getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass ' + 'definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead.');\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Given a fragment, validate that it can only be provided with fragment props\n * @param {ReactElement} fragment\n */\n\n\nfunction validateFragmentProps(fragment) {\n {\n var keys = Object.keys(fragment.props);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n var key = keys[i];\n\n if (key !== 'children' && key !== 'key') {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(fragment);\n\n error('Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. ' + 'React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.', key);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (fragment.ref !== null) {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(fragment);\n\n error('Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`.');\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction jsxWithValidation(type, props, key, isStaticChildren, source, self) {\n {\n var validType = isValidElementType(type); // We warn in this case but don't throw. We expect the element creation to\n // succeed and there will likely be errors in render.\n\n if (!validType) {\n var info = '';\n\n if (type === undefined || typeof type === 'object' && type !== null && Object.keys(type).length === 0) {\n info += ' You likely forgot to export your component from the file ' + \"it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.\";\n }\n\n var sourceInfo = getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(source);\n\n if (sourceInfo) {\n info += sourceInfo;\n } else {\n info += getDeclarationErrorAddendum();\n }\n\n var typeString;\n\n if (type === null) {\n typeString = 'null';\n } else if (isArray(type)) {\n typeString = 'array';\n } else if (type !== undefined && type.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) {\n typeString = \"<\" + (getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || 'Unknown') + \" />\";\n info = ' Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?';\n } else {\n typeString = typeof type;\n }\n\n error('React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for ' + 'built-in components) or a class/function (for composite ' + 'components) but got: %s.%s', typeString, info);\n }\n\n var element = jsxDEV(type, props, key, source, self); // The result can be nullish if a mock or a custom function is used.\n // TODO: Drop this when these are no longer allowed as the type argument.\n\n if (element == null) {\n return element;\n } // Skip key warning if the type isn't valid since our key validation logic\n // doesn't expect a non-string/function type and can throw confusing errors.\n // We don't want exception behavior to differ between dev and prod.\n // (Rendering will throw with a helpful message and as soon as the type is\n // fixed, the key warnings will appear.)\n\n\n if (validType) {\n var children = props.children;\n\n if (children !== undefined) {\n if (isStaticChildren) {\n if (isArray(children)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n validateChildKeys(children[i], type);\n }\n\n if (Object.freeze) {\n Object.freeze(children);\n }\n } else {\n error('React.jsx: Static children should always be an array. ' + 'You are likely explicitly calling React.jsxs or React.jsxDEV. ' + 'Use the Babel transform instead.');\n }\n } else {\n validateChildKeys(children, type);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) {\n validateFragmentProps(element);\n } else {\n validatePropTypes(element);\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n} // These two functions exist to still get child warnings in dev\n// even with the prod transform. This means that jsxDEV is purely\n// opt-in behavior for better messages but that we won't stop\n// giving you warnings if you use production apis.\n\nfunction jsxWithValidationStatic(type, props, key) {\n {\n return jsxWithValidation(type, props, key, true);\n }\n}\nfunction jsxWithValidationDynamic(type, props, key) {\n {\n return jsxWithValidation(type, props, key, false);\n }\n}\n\nvar jsx = jsxWithValidationDynamic ; // we may want to special case jsxs internally to take advantage of static children.\n// for now we can ship identical prod functions\n\nvar jsxs = jsxWithValidationStatic ;\n\nexports.Fragment = REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;\nexports.jsx = jsx;\nexports.jsxs = jsxs;\n })();\n}\n","'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js');\n} else {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/react-jsx-runtime.development.js');\n}\n","// FIXME profile adding a per-Tree TreeNode cache, validating it by\n// parent pointer\n/// The default maximum length of a `TreeBuffer` node.\nconst DefaultBufferLength = 1024;\nlet nextPropID = 0;\nclass Range {\n constructor(from, to) {\n this.from = from;\n this.to = to;\n }\n}\n/// Each [node type](#common.NodeType) or [individual tree](#common.Tree)\n/// can have metadata associated with it in props. Instances of this\n/// class represent prop names.\nclass NodeProp {\n /// Create a new node prop type.\n constructor(config = {}) {\n this.id = nextPropID++;\n this.perNode = !!config.perNode;\n this.deserialize = config.deserialize || (() => {\n throw new Error(\"This node type doesn't define a deserialize function\");\n });\n }\n /// This is meant to be used with\n /// [`NodeSet.extend`](#common.NodeSet.extend) or\n /// [`LRParser.configure`](#lr.ParserConfig.props) to compute\n /// prop values for each node type in the set. Takes a [match\n /// object](#common.NodeType^match) or function that returns undefined\n /// if the node type doesn't get this prop, and the prop's value if\n /// it does.\n add(match) {\n if (this.perNode)\n throw new RangeError(\"Can't add per-node props to node types\");\n if (typeof match != \"function\")\n match = NodeType.match(match);\n return (type) => {\n let result = match(type);\n return result === undefined ? null : [this, result];\n };\n }\n}\n/// Prop that is used to describe matching delimiters. For opening\n/// delimiters, this holds an array of node names (written as a\n/// space-separated string when declaring this prop in a grammar)\n/// for the node types of closing delimiters that match it.\nNodeProp.closedBy = new NodeProp({ deserialize: str => str.split(\" \") });\n/// The inverse of [`closedBy`](#common.NodeProp^closedBy). This is\n/// attached to closing delimiters, holding an array of node names\n/// of types of matching opening delimiters.\nNodeProp.openedBy = new NodeProp({ deserialize: str => str.split(\" \") });\n/// Used to assign node types to groups (for example, all node\n/// types that represent an expression could be tagged with an\n/// `\"Expression\"` group).\nNodeProp.group = new NodeProp({ deserialize: str => str.split(\" \") });\n/// The hash of the [context](#lr.ContextTracker.constructor)\n/// that the node was parsed in, if any. Used to limit reuse of\n/// contextual nodes.\nNodeProp.contextHash = new NodeProp({ perNode: true });\n/// The distance beyond the end of the node that the tokenizer\n/// looked ahead for any of the tokens inside the node. (The LR\n/// parser only stores this when it is larger than 25, for\n/// efficiency reasons.)\nNodeProp.lookAhead = new NodeProp({ perNode: true });\n/// This per-node prop is used to replace a given node, or part of a\n/// node, with another tree. This is useful to include trees from\n/// different languages in mixed-language parsers.\nNodeProp.mounted = new NodeProp({ perNode: true });\n/// A mounted tree, which can be [stored](#common.NodeProp^mounted) on\n/// a tree node to indicate that parts of its content are\n/// represented by another tree.\nclass MountedTree {\n constructor(\n /// The inner tree.\n tree, \n /// If this is null, this tree replaces the entire node (it will\n /// be included in the regular iteration instead of its host\n /// node). If not, only the given ranges are considered to be\n /// covered by this tree. This is used for trees that are mixed in\n /// a way that isn't strictly hierarchical. Such mounted trees are\n /// only entered by [`resolveInner`](#common.Tree.resolveInner)\n /// and [`enter`](#common.SyntaxNode.enter).\n overlay, \n /// The parser used to create this subtree.\n parser) {\n this.tree = tree;\n this.overlay = overlay;\n this.parser = parser;\n }\n}\nconst noProps = Object.create(null);\n/// Each node in a syntax tree has a node type associated with it.\nclass NodeType {\n /// @internal\n constructor(\n /// The name of the node type. Not necessarily unique, but if the\n /// grammar was written properly, different node types with the\n /// same name within a node set should play the same semantic\n /// role.\n name, \n /// @internal\n props, \n /// The id of this node in its set. Corresponds to the term ids\n /// used in the parser.\n id, \n /// @internal\n flags = 0) {\n this.name = name;\n this.props = props;\n this.id = id;\n this.flags = flags;\n }\n /// Define a node type.\n static define(spec) {\n let props = spec.props && spec.props.length ? Object.create(null) : noProps;\n let flags = (spec.top ? 1 /* NodeFlag.Top */ : 0) | (spec.skipped ? 2 /* NodeFlag.Skipped */ : 0) |\n (spec.error ? 4 /* NodeFlag.Error */ : 0) | (spec.name == null ? 8 /* NodeFlag.Anonymous */ : 0);\n let type = new NodeType(spec.name || \"\", props, spec.id, flags);\n if (spec.props)\n for (let src of spec.props) {\n if (!Array.isArray(src))\n src = src(type);\n if (src) {\n if (src[0].perNode)\n throw new RangeError(\"Can't store a per-node prop on a node type\");\n props[src[0].id] = src[1];\n }\n }\n return type;\n }\n /// Retrieves a node prop for this type. Will return `undefined` if\n /// the prop isn't present on this node.\n prop(prop) { return this.props[prop.id]; }\n /// True when this is the top node of a grammar.\n get isTop() { return (this.flags & 1 /* NodeFlag.Top */) > 0; }\n /// True when this node is produced by a skip rule.\n get isSkipped() { return (this.flags & 2 /* NodeFlag.Skipped */) > 0; }\n /// Indicates whether this is an error node.\n get isError() { return (this.flags & 4 /* NodeFlag.Error */) > 0; }\n /// When true, this node type doesn't correspond to a user-declared\n /// named node, for example because it is used to cache repetition.\n get isAnonymous() { return (this.flags & 8 /* NodeFlag.Anonymous */) > 0; }\n /// Returns true when this node's name or one of its\n /// [groups](#common.NodeProp^group) matches the given string.\n is(name) {\n if (typeof name == 'string') {\n if (this.name == name)\n return true;\n let group = this.prop(NodeProp.group);\n return group ? group.indexOf(name) > -1 : false;\n }\n return this.id == name;\n }\n /// Create a function from node types to arbitrary values by\n /// specifying an object whose property names are node or\n /// [group](#common.NodeProp^group) names. Often useful with\n /// [`NodeProp.add`](#common.NodeProp.add). You can put multiple\n /// names, separated by spaces, in a single property name to map\n /// multiple node names to a single value.\n static match(map) {\n let direct = Object.create(null);\n for (let prop in map)\n for (let name of prop.split(\" \"))\n direct[name] = map[prop];\n return (node) => {\n for (let groups = node.prop(NodeProp.group), i = -1; i < (groups ? groups.length : 0); i++) {\n let found = direct[i < 0 ? node.name : groups[i]];\n if (found)\n return found;\n }\n };\n }\n}\n/// An empty dummy node type to use when no actual type is available.\nNodeType.none = new NodeType(\"\", Object.create(null), 0, 8 /* NodeFlag.Anonymous */);\n/// A node set holds a collection of node types. It is used to\n/// compactly represent trees by storing their type ids, rather than a\n/// full pointer to the type object, in a numeric array. Each parser\n/// [has](#lr.LRParser.nodeSet) a node set, and [tree\n/// buffers](#common.TreeBuffer) can only store collections of nodes\n/// from the same set. A set can have a maximum of 2**16 (65536) node\n/// types in it, so that the ids fit into 16-bit typed array slots.\nclass NodeSet {\n /// Create a set with the given types. The `id` property of each\n /// type should correspond to its position within the array.\n constructor(\n /// The node types in this set, by id.\n types) {\n this.types = types;\n for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++)\n if (types[i].id != i)\n throw new RangeError(\"Node type ids should correspond to array positions when creating a node set\");\n }\n /// Create a copy of this set with some node properties added. The\n /// arguments to this method can be created with\n /// [`NodeProp.add`](#common.NodeProp.add).\n extend(...props) {\n let newTypes = [];\n for (let type of this.types) {\n let newProps = null;\n for (let source of props) {\n let add = source(type);\n if (add) {\n if (!newProps)\n newProps = Object.assign({}, type.props);\n newProps[add[0].id] = add[1];\n }\n }\n newTypes.push(newProps ? new NodeType(type.name, newProps, type.id, type.flags) : type);\n }\n return new NodeSet(newTypes);\n }\n}\nconst CachedNode = new WeakMap(), CachedInnerNode = new WeakMap();\n/// Options that control iteration. Can be combined with the `|`\n/// operator to enable multiple ones.\nvar IterMode;\n(function (IterMode) {\n /// When enabled, iteration will only visit [`Tree`](#common.Tree)\n /// objects, not nodes packed into\n /// [`TreeBuffer`](#common.TreeBuffer)s.\n IterMode[IterMode[\"ExcludeBuffers\"] = 1] = \"ExcludeBuffers\";\n /// Enable this to make iteration include anonymous nodes (such as\n /// the nodes that wrap repeated grammar constructs into a balanced\n /// tree).\n IterMode[IterMode[\"IncludeAnonymous\"] = 2] = \"IncludeAnonymous\";\n /// By default, regular [mounted](#common.NodeProp^mounted) nodes\n /// replace their base node in iteration. Enable this to ignore them\n /// instead.\n IterMode[IterMode[\"IgnoreMounts\"] = 4] = \"IgnoreMounts\";\n /// This option only applies in\n /// [`enter`](#common.SyntaxNode.enter)-style methods. It tells the\n /// library to not enter mounted overlays if one covers the given\n /// position.\n IterMode[IterMode[\"IgnoreOverlays\"] = 8] = \"IgnoreOverlays\";\n})(IterMode || (IterMode = {}));\n/// A piece of syntax tree. There are two ways to approach these\n/// trees: the way they are actually stored in memory, and the\n/// convenient way.\n///\n/// Syntax trees are stored as a tree of `Tree` and `TreeBuffer`\n/// objects. By packing detail information into `TreeBuffer` leaf\n/// nodes, the representation is made a lot more memory-efficient.\n///\n/// However, when you want to actually work with tree nodes, this\n/// representation is very awkward, so most client code will want to\n/// use the [`TreeCursor`](#common.TreeCursor) or\n/// [`SyntaxNode`](#common.SyntaxNode) interface instead, which provides\n/// a view on some part of this data structure, and can be used to\n/// move around to adjacent nodes.\nclass Tree {\n /// Construct a new tree. See also [`Tree.build`](#common.Tree^build).\n constructor(\n /// The type of the top node.\n type, \n /// This node's child nodes.\n children, \n /// The positions (offsets relative to the start of this tree) of\n /// the children.\n positions, \n /// The total length of this tree\n length, \n /// Per-node [node props](#common.NodeProp) to associate with this node.\n props) {\n this.type = type;\n this.children = children;\n this.positions = positions;\n this.length = length;\n /// @internal\n this.props = null;\n if (props && props.length) {\n this.props = Object.create(null);\n for (let [prop, value] of props)\n this.props[typeof prop == \"number\" ? prop : prop.id] = value;\n }\n }\n /// @internal\n toString() {\n let mounted = this.prop(NodeProp.mounted);\n if (mounted && !mounted.overlay)\n return mounted.tree.toString();\n let children = \"\";\n for (let ch of this.children) {\n let str = ch.toString();\n if (str) {\n if (children)\n children += \",\";\n children += str;\n }\n }\n return !this.type.name ? children :\n (/\\W/.test(this.type.name) && !this.type.isError ? JSON.stringify(this.type.name) : this.type.name) +\n (children.length ? \"(\" + children + \")\" : \"\");\n }\n /// Get a [tree cursor](#common.TreeCursor) positioned at the top of\n /// the tree. Mode can be used to [control](#common.IterMode) which\n /// nodes the cursor visits.\n cursor(mode = 0) {\n return new TreeCursor(this.topNode, mode);\n }\n /// Get a [tree cursor](#common.TreeCursor) pointing into this tree\n /// at the given position and side (see\n /// [`moveTo`](#common.TreeCursor.moveTo).\n cursorAt(pos, side = 0, mode = 0) {\n let scope = CachedNode.get(this) || this.topNode;\n let cursor = new TreeCursor(scope);\n cursor.moveTo(pos, side);\n CachedNode.set(this, cursor._tree);\n return cursor;\n }\n /// Get a [syntax node](#common.SyntaxNode) object for the top of the\n /// tree.\n get topNode() {\n return new TreeNode(this, 0, 0, null);\n }\n /// Get the [syntax node](#common.SyntaxNode) at the given position.\n /// If `side` is -1, this will move into nodes that end at the\n /// position. If 1, it'll move into nodes that start at the\n /// position. With 0, it'll only enter nodes that cover the position\n /// from both sides.\n ///\n /// Note that this will not enter\n /// [overlays](#common.MountedTree.overlay), and you often want\n /// [`resolveInner`](#common.Tree.resolveInner) instead.\n resolve(pos, side = 0) {\n let node = resolveNode(CachedNode.get(this) || this.topNode, pos, side, false);\n CachedNode.set(this, node);\n return node;\n }\n /// Like [`resolve`](#common.Tree.resolve), but will enter\n /// [overlaid](#common.MountedTree.overlay) nodes, producing a syntax node\n /// pointing into the innermost overlaid tree at the given position\n /// (with parent links going through all parent structure, including\n /// the host trees).\n resolveInner(pos, side = 0) {\n let node = resolveNode(CachedInnerNode.get(this) || this.topNode, pos, side, true);\n CachedInnerNode.set(this, node);\n return node;\n }\n /// Iterate over the tree and its children, calling `enter` for any\n /// node that touches the `from`/`to` region (if given) before\n /// running over such a node's children, and `leave` (if given) when\n /// leaving the node. When `enter` returns `false`, that node will\n /// not have its children iterated over (or `leave` called).\n iterate(spec) {\n let { enter, leave, from = 0, to = this.length } = spec;\n let mode = spec.mode || 0, anon = (mode & IterMode.IncludeAnonymous) > 0;\n for (let c = this.cursor(mode | IterMode.IncludeAnonymous);;) {\n let entered = false;\n if (c.from <= to && c.to >= from && (!anon && c.type.isAnonymous || enter(c) !== false)) {\n if (c.firstChild())\n continue;\n entered = true;\n }\n for (;;) {\n if (entered && leave && (anon || !c.type.isAnonymous))\n leave(c);\n if (c.nextSibling())\n break;\n if (!c.parent())\n return;\n entered = true;\n }\n }\n }\n /// Get the value of the given [node prop](#common.NodeProp) for this\n /// node. Works with both per-node and per-type props.\n prop(prop) {\n return !prop.perNode ? this.type.prop(prop) : this.props ? this.props[prop.id] : undefined;\n }\n /// Returns the node's [per-node props](#common.NodeProp.perNode) in a\n /// format that can be passed to the [`Tree`](#common.Tree)\n /// constructor.\n get propValues() {\n let result = [];\n if (this.props)\n for (let id in this.props)\n result.push([+id, this.props[id]]);\n return result;\n }\n /// Balance the direct children of this tree, producing a copy of\n /// which may have children grouped into subtrees with type\n /// [`NodeType.none`](#common.NodeType^none).\n balance(config = {}) {\n return this.children.length <= 8 /* Balance.BranchFactor */ ? this :\n balanceRange(NodeType.none, this.children, this.positions, 0, this.children.length, 0, this.length, (children, positions, length) => new Tree(this.type, children, positions, length, this.propValues), config.makeTree || ((children, positions, length) => new Tree(NodeType.none, children, positions, length)));\n }\n /// Build a tree from a postfix-ordered buffer of node information,\n /// or a cursor over such a buffer.\n static build(data) { return buildTree(data); }\n}\n/// The empty tree\nTree.empty = new Tree(NodeType.none, [], [], 0);\nclass FlatBufferCursor {\n constructor(buffer, index) {\n this.buffer = buffer;\n this.index = index;\n }\n get id() { return this.buffer[this.index - 4]; }\n get start() { return this.buffer[this.index - 3]; }\n get end() { return this.buffer[this.index - 2]; }\n get size() { return this.buffer[this.index - 1]; }\n get pos() { return this.index; }\n next() { this.index -= 4; }\n fork() { return new FlatBufferCursor(this.buffer, this.index); }\n}\n/// Tree buffers contain (type, start, end, endIndex) quads for each\n/// node. In such a buffer, nodes are stored in prefix order (parents\n/// before children, with the endIndex of the parent indicating which\n/// children belong to it).\nclass TreeBuffer {\n /// Create a tree buffer.\n constructor(\n /// The buffer's content.\n buffer, \n /// The total length of the group of nodes in the buffer.\n length, \n /// The node set used in this buffer.\n set) {\n this.buffer = buffer;\n this.length = length;\n this.set = set;\n }\n /// @internal\n get type() { return NodeType.none; }\n /// @internal\n toString() {\n let result = [];\n for (let index = 0; index < this.buffer.length;) {\n result.push(this.childString(index));\n index = this.buffer[index + 3];\n }\n return result.join(\",\");\n }\n /// @internal\n childString(index) {\n let id = this.buffer[index], endIndex = this.buffer[index + 3];\n let type = this.set.types[id], result = type.name;\n if (/\\W/.test(result) && !type.isError)\n result = JSON.stringify(result);\n index += 4;\n if (endIndex == index)\n return result;\n let children = [];\n while (index < endIndex) {\n children.push(this.childString(index));\n index = this.buffer[index + 3];\n }\n return result + \"(\" + children.join(\",\") + \")\";\n }\n /// @internal\n findChild(startIndex, endIndex, dir, pos, side) {\n let { buffer } = this, pick = -1;\n for (let i = startIndex; i != endIndex; i = buffer[i + 3]) {\n if (checkSide(side, pos, buffer[i + 1], buffer[i + 2])) {\n pick = i;\n if (dir > 0)\n break;\n }\n }\n return pick;\n }\n /// @internal\n slice(startI, endI, from) {\n let b = this.buffer;\n let copy = new Uint16Array(endI - startI), len = 0;\n for (let i = startI, j = 0; i < endI;) {\n copy[j++] = b[i++];\n copy[j++] = b[i++] - from;\n let to = copy[j++] = b[i++] - from;\n copy[j++] = b[i++] - startI;\n len = Math.max(len, to);\n }\n return new TreeBuffer(copy, len, this.set);\n }\n}\nfunction checkSide(side, pos, from, to) {\n switch (side) {\n case -2 /* Side.Before */: return from < pos;\n case -1 /* Side.AtOrBefore */: return to >= pos && from < pos;\n case 0 /* Side.Around */: return from < pos && to > pos;\n case 1 /* Side.AtOrAfter */: return from <= pos && to > pos;\n case 2 /* Side.After */: return to > pos;\n case 4 /* Side.DontCare */: return true;\n }\n}\nfunction enterUnfinishedNodesBefore(node, pos) {\n let scan = node.childBefore(pos);\n while (scan) {\n let last = scan.lastChild;\n if (!last || last.to != scan.to)\n break;\n if (last.type.isError && last.from == last.to) {\n node = scan;\n scan = last.prevSibling;\n }\n else {\n scan = last;\n }\n }\n return node;\n}\nfunction resolveNode(node, pos, side, overlays) {\n var _a;\n // Move up to a node that actually holds the position, if possible\n while (node.from == node.to ||\n (side < 1 ? node.from >= pos : node.from > pos) ||\n (side > -1 ? node.to <= pos : node.to < pos)) {\n let parent = !overlays && node instanceof TreeNode && node.index < 0 ? null : node.parent;\n if (!parent)\n return node;\n node = parent;\n }\n let mode = overlays ? 0 : IterMode.IgnoreOverlays;\n // Must go up out of overlays when those do not overlap with pos\n if (overlays)\n for (let scan = node, parent = scan.parent; parent; scan = parent, parent = scan.parent) {\n if (scan instanceof TreeNode && scan.index < 0 && ((_a = parent.enter(pos, side, mode)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.from) != scan.from)\n node = parent;\n }\n for (;;) {\n let inner = node.enter(pos, side, mode);\n if (!inner)\n return node;\n node = inner;\n }\n}\nclass TreeNode {\n constructor(_tree, from, \n // Index in parent node, set to -1 if the node is not a direct child of _parent.node (overlay)\n index, _parent) {\n this._tree = _tree;\n this.from = from;\n this.index = index;\n this._parent = _parent;\n }\n get type() { return this._tree.type; }\n get name() { return this._tree.type.name; }\n get to() { return this.from + this._tree.length; }\n nextChild(i, dir, pos, side, mode = 0) {\n for (let parent = this;;) {\n for (let { children, positions } = parent._tree, e = dir > 0 ? children.length : -1; i != e; i += dir) {\n let next = children[i], start = positions[i] + parent.from;\n if (!checkSide(side, pos, start, start + next.length))\n continue;\n if (next instanceof TreeBuffer) {\n if (mode & IterMode.ExcludeBuffers)\n continue;\n let index = next.findChild(0, next.buffer.length, dir, pos - start, side);\n if (index > -1)\n return new BufferNode(new BufferContext(parent, next, i, start), null, index);\n }\n else if ((mode & IterMode.IncludeAnonymous) || (!next.type.isAnonymous || hasChild(next))) {\n let mounted;\n if (!(mode & IterMode.IgnoreMounts) &&\n next.props && (mounted = next.prop(NodeProp.mounted)) && !mounted.overlay)\n return new TreeNode(mounted.tree, start, i, parent);\n let inner = new TreeNode(next, start, i, parent);\n return (mode & IterMode.IncludeAnonymous) || !inner.type.isAnonymous ? inner\n : inner.nextChild(dir < 0 ? next.children.length - 1 : 0, dir, pos, side);\n }\n }\n if ((mode & IterMode.IncludeAnonymous) || !parent.type.isAnonymous)\n return null;\n if (parent.index >= 0)\n i = parent.index + dir;\n else\n i = dir < 0 ? -1 : parent._parent._tree.children.length;\n parent = parent._parent;\n if (!parent)\n return null;\n }\n }\n get firstChild() { return this.nextChild(0, 1, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */); }\n get lastChild() { return this.nextChild(this._tree.children.length - 1, -1, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */); }\n childAfter(pos) { return this.nextChild(0, 1, pos, 2 /* Side.After */); }\n childBefore(pos) { return this.nextChild(this._tree.children.length - 1, -1, pos, -2 /* Side.Before */); }\n enter(pos, side, mode = 0) {\n let mounted;\n if (!(mode & IterMode.IgnoreOverlays) && (mounted = this._tree.prop(NodeProp.mounted)) && mounted.overlay) {\n let rPos = pos - this.from;\n for (let { from, to } of mounted.overlay) {\n if ((side > 0 ? from <= rPos : from < rPos) &&\n (side < 0 ? to >= rPos : to > rPos))\n return new TreeNode(mounted.tree, mounted.overlay[0].from + this.from, -1, this);\n }\n }\n return this.nextChild(0, 1, pos, side, mode);\n }\n nextSignificantParent() {\n let val = this;\n while (val.type.isAnonymous && val._parent)\n val = val._parent;\n return val;\n }\n get parent() {\n return this._parent ? this._parent.nextSignificantParent() : null;\n }\n get nextSibling() {\n return this._parent && this.index >= 0 ? this._parent.nextChild(this.index + 1, 1, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */) : null;\n }\n get prevSibling() {\n return this._parent && this.index >= 0 ? this._parent.nextChild(this.index - 1, -1, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */) : null;\n }\n cursor(mode = 0) { return new TreeCursor(this, mode); }\n get tree() { return this._tree; }\n toTree() { return this._tree; }\n resolve(pos, side = 0) {\n return resolveNode(this, pos, side, false);\n }\n resolveInner(pos, side = 0) {\n return resolveNode(this, pos, side, true);\n }\n enterUnfinishedNodesBefore(pos) { return enterUnfinishedNodesBefore(this, pos); }\n getChild(type, before = null, after = null) {\n let r = getChildren(this, type, before, after);\n return r.length ? r[0] : null;\n }\n getChildren(type, before = null, after = null) {\n return getChildren(this, type, before, after);\n }\n /// @internal\n toString() { return this._tree.toString(); }\n get node() { return this; }\n matchContext(context) { return matchNodeContext(this, context); }\n}\nfunction getChildren(node, type, before, after) {\n let cur = node.cursor(), result = [];\n if (!cur.firstChild())\n return result;\n if (before != null)\n while (!cur.type.is(before))\n if (!cur.nextSibling())\n return result;\n for (;;) {\n if (after != null && cur.type.is(after))\n return result;\n if (cur.type.is(type))\n result.push(cur.node);\n if (!cur.nextSibling())\n return after == null ? result : [];\n }\n}\nfunction matchNodeContext(node, context, i = context.length - 1) {\n for (let p = node.parent; i >= 0; p = p.parent) {\n if (!p)\n return false;\n if (!p.type.isAnonymous) {\n if (context[i] && context[i] != p.name)\n return false;\n i--;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\nclass BufferContext {\n constructor(parent, buffer, index, start) {\n this.parent = parent;\n this.buffer = buffer;\n this.index = index;\n this.start = start;\n }\n}\nclass BufferNode {\n get name() { return this.type.name; }\n get from() { return this.context.start + this.context.buffer.buffer[this.index + 1]; }\n get to() { return this.context.start + this.context.buffer.buffer[this.index + 2]; }\n constructor(context, _parent, index) {\n this.context = context;\n this._parent = _parent;\n this.index = index;\n this.type = context.buffer.set.types[context.buffer.buffer[index]];\n }\n child(dir, pos, side) {\n let { buffer } = this.context;\n let index = buffer.findChild(this.index + 4, buffer.buffer[this.index + 3], dir, pos - this.context.start, side);\n return index < 0 ? null : new BufferNode(this.context, this, index);\n }\n get firstChild() { return this.child(1, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */); }\n get lastChild() { return this.child(-1, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */); }\n childAfter(pos) { return this.child(1, pos, 2 /* Side.After */); }\n childBefore(pos) { return this.child(-1, pos, -2 /* Side.Before */); }\n enter(pos, side, mode = 0) {\n if (mode & IterMode.ExcludeBuffers)\n return null;\n let { buffer } = this.context;\n let index = buffer.findChild(this.index + 4, buffer.buffer[this.index + 3], side > 0 ? 1 : -1, pos - this.context.start, side);\n return index < 0 ? null : new BufferNode(this.context, this, index);\n }\n get parent() {\n return this._parent || this.context.parent.nextSignificantParent();\n }\n externalSibling(dir) {\n return this._parent ? null : this.context.parent.nextChild(this.context.index + dir, dir, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */);\n }\n get nextSibling() {\n let { buffer } = this.context;\n let after = buffer.buffer[this.index + 3];\n if (after < (this._parent ? buffer.buffer[this._parent.index + 3] : buffer.buffer.length))\n return new BufferNode(this.context, this._parent, after);\n return this.externalSibling(1);\n }\n get prevSibling() {\n let { buffer } = this.context;\n let parentStart = this._parent ? this._parent.index + 4 : 0;\n if (this.index == parentStart)\n return this.externalSibling(-1);\n return new BufferNode(this.context, this._parent, buffer.findChild(parentStart, this.index, -1, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */));\n }\n cursor(mode = 0) { return new TreeCursor(this, mode); }\n get tree() { return null; }\n toTree() {\n let children = [], positions = [];\n let { buffer } = this.context;\n let startI = this.index + 4, endI = buffer.buffer[this.index + 3];\n if (endI > startI) {\n let from = buffer.buffer[this.index + 1];\n children.push(buffer.slice(startI, endI, from));\n positions.push(0);\n }\n return new Tree(this.type, children, positions, this.to - this.from);\n }\n resolve(pos, side = 0) {\n return resolveNode(this, pos, side, false);\n }\n resolveInner(pos, side = 0) {\n return resolveNode(this, pos, side, true);\n }\n enterUnfinishedNodesBefore(pos) { return enterUnfinishedNodesBefore(this, pos); }\n /// @internal\n toString() { return this.context.buffer.childString(this.index); }\n getChild(type, before = null, after = null) {\n let r = getChildren(this, type, before, after);\n return r.length ? r[0] : null;\n }\n getChildren(type, before = null, after = null) {\n return getChildren(this, type, before, after);\n }\n get node() { return this; }\n matchContext(context) { return matchNodeContext(this, context); }\n}\n/// A tree cursor object focuses on a given node in a syntax tree, and\n/// allows you to move to adjacent nodes.\nclass TreeCursor {\n /// Shorthand for `.type.name`.\n get name() { return this.type.name; }\n /// @internal\n constructor(node, \n /// @internal\n mode = 0) {\n this.mode = mode;\n /// @internal\n this.buffer = null;\n this.stack = [];\n /// @internal\n this.index = 0;\n this.bufferNode = null;\n if (node instanceof TreeNode) {\n this.yieldNode(node);\n }\n else {\n this._tree = node.context.parent;\n this.buffer = node.context;\n for (let n = node._parent; n; n = n._parent)\n this.stack.unshift(n.index);\n this.bufferNode = node;\n this.yieldBuf(node.index);\n }\n }\n yieldNode(node) {\n if (!node)\n return false;\n this._tree = node;\n this.type = node.type;\n this.from = node.from;\n this.to = node.to;\n return true;\n }\n yieldBuf(index, type) {\n this.index = index;\n let { start, buffer } = this.buffer;\n this.type = type || buffer.set.types[buffer.buffer[index]];\n this.from = start + buffer.buffer[index + 1];\n this.to = start + buffer.buffer[index + 2];\n return true;\n }\n yield(node) {\n if (!node)\n return false;\n if (node instanceof TreeNode) {\n this.buffer = null;\n return this.yieldNode(node);\n }\n this.buffer = node.context;\n return this.yieldBuf(node.index, node.type);\n }\n /// @internal\n toString() {\n return this.buffer ? this.buffer.buffer.childString(this.index) : this._tree.toString();\n }\n /// @internal\n enterChild(dir, pos, side) {\n if (!this.buffer)\n return this.yield(this._tree.nextChild(dir < 0 ? this._tree._tree.children.length - 1 : 0, dir, pos, side, this.mode));\n let { buffer } = this.buffer;\n let index = buffer.findChild(this.index + 4, buffer.buffer[this.index + 3], dir, pos - this.buffer.start, side);\n if (index < 0)\n return false;\n this.stack.push(this.index);\n return this.yieldBuf(index);\n }\n /// Move the cursor to this node's first child. When this returns\n /// false, the node has no child, and the cursor has not been moved.\n firstChild() { return this.enterChild(1, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */); }\n /// Move the cursor to this node's last child.\n lastChild() { return this.enterChild(-1, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */); }\n /// Move the cursor to the first child that ends after `pos`.\n childAfter(pos) { return this.enterChild(1, pos, 2 /* Side.After */); }\n /// Move to the last child that starts before `pos`.\n childBefore(pos) { return this.enterChild(-1, pos, -2 /* Side.Before */); }\n /// Move the cursor to the child around `pos`. If side is -1 the\n /// child may end at that position, when 1 it may start there. This\n /// will also enter [overlaid](#common.MountedTree.overlay)\n /// [mounted](#common.NodeProp^mounted) trees unless `overlays` is\n /// set to false.\n enter(pos, side, mode = this.mode) {\n if (!this.buffer)\n return this.yield(this._tree.enter(pos, side, mode));\n return mode & IterMode.ExcludeBuffers ? false : this.enterChild(1, pos, side);\n }\n /// Move to the node's parent node, if this isn't the top node.\n parent() {\n if (!this.buffer)\n return this.yieldNode((this.mode & IterMode.IncludeAnonymous) ? this._tree._parent : this._tree.parent);\n if (this.stack.length)\n return this.yieldBuf(this.stack.pop());\n let parent = (this.mode & IterMode.IncludeAnonymous) ? this.buffer.parent : this.buffer.parent.nextSignificantParent();\n this.buffer = null;\n return this.yieldNode(parent);\n }\n /// @internal\n sibling(dir) {\n if (!this.buffer)\n return !this._tree._parent ? false\n : this.yield(this._tree.index < 0 ? null\n : this._tree._parent.nextChild(this._tree.index + dir, dir, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */, this.mode));\n let { buffer } = this.buffer, d = this.stack.length - 1;\n if (dir < 0) {\n let parentStart = d < 0 ? 0 : this.stack[d] + 4;\n if (this.index != parentStart)\n return this.yieldBuf(buffer.findChild(parentStart, this.index, -1, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */));\n }\n else {\n let after = buffer.buffer[this.index + 3];\n if (after < (d < 0 ? buffer.buffer.length : buffer.buffer[this.stack[d] + 3]))\n return this.yieldBuf(after);\n }\n return d < 0 ? this.yield(this.buffer.parent.nextChild(this.buffer.index + dir, dir, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */, this.mode)) : false;\n }\n /// Move to this node's next sibling, if any.\n nextSibling() { return this.sibling(1); }\n /// Move to this node's previous sibling, if any.\n prevSibling() { return this.sibling(-1); }\n atLastNode(dir) {\n let index, parent, { buffer } = this;\n if (buffer) {\n if (dir > 0) {\n if (this.index < buffer.buffer.buffer.length)\n return false;\n }\n else {\n for (let i = 0; i < this.index; i++)\n if (buffer.buffer.buffer[i + 3] < this.index)\n return false;\n }\n ({ index, parent } = buffer);\n }\n else {\n ({ index, _parent: parent } = this._tree);\n }\n for (; parent; { index, _parent: parent } = parent) {\n if (index > -1)\n for (let i = index + dir, e = dir < 0 ? -1 : parent._tree.children.length; i != e; i += dir) {\n let child = parent._tree.children[i];\n if ((this.mode & IterMode.IncludeAnonymous) ||\n child instanceof TreeBuffer ||\n !child.type.isAnonymous ||\n hasChild(child))\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n move(dir, enter) {\n if (enter && this.enterChild(dir, 0, 4 /* Side.DontCare */))\n return true;\n for (;;) {\n if (this.sibling(dir))\n return true;\n if (this.atLastNode(dir) || !this.parent())\n return false;\n }\n }\n /// Move to the next node in a\n /// [pre-order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#Pre-order,_NLR)\n /// traversal, going from a node to its first child or, if the\n /// current node is empty or `enter` is false, its next sibling or\n /// the next sibling of the first parent node that has one.\n next(enter = true) { return this.move(1, enter); }\n /// Move to the next node in a last-to-first pre-order traveral. A\n /// node is followed by its last child or, if it has none, its\n /// previous sibling or the previous sibling of the first parent\n /// node that has one.\n prev(enter = true) { return this.move(-1, enter); }\n /// Move the cursor to the innermost node that covers `pos`. If\n /// `side` is -1, it will enter nodes that end at `pos`. If it is 1,\n /// it will enter nodes that start at `pos`.\n moveTo(pos, side = 0) {\n // Move up to a node that actually holds the position, if possible\n while (this.from == this.to ||\n (side < 1 ? this.from >= pos : this.from > pos) ||\n (side > -1 ? this.to <= pos : this.to < pos))\n if (!this.parent())\n break;\n // Then scan down into child nodes as far as possible\n while (this.enterChild(1, pos, side)) { }\n return this;\n }\n /// Get a [syntax node](#common.SyntaxNode) at the cursor's current\n /// position.\n get node() {\n if (!this.buffer)\n return this._tree;\n let cache = this.bufferNode, result = null, depth = 0;\n if (cache && cache.context == this.buffer) {\n scan: for (let index = this.index, d = this.stack.length; d >= 0;) {\n for (let c = cache; c; c = c._parent)\n if (c.index == index) {\n if (index == this.index)\n return c;\n result = c;\n depth = d + 1;\n break scan;\n }\n index = this.stack[--d];\n }\n }\n for (let i = depth; i < this.stack.length; i++)\n result = new BufferNode(this.buffer, result, this.stack[i]);\n return this.bufferNode = new BufferNode(this.buffer, result, this.index);\n }\n /// Get the [tree](#common.Tree) that represents the current node, if\n /// any. Will return null when the node is in a [tree\n /// buffer](#common.TreeBuffer).\n get tree() {\n return this.buffer ? null : this._tree._tree;\n }\n /// Iterate over the current node and all its descendants, calling\n /// `enter` when entering a node and `leave`, if given, when leaving\n /// one. When `enter` returns `false`, any children of that node are\n /// skipped, and `leave` isn't called for it.\n iterate(enter, leave) {\n for (let depth = 0;;) {\n let mustLeave = false;\n if (this.type.isAnonymous || enter(this) !== false) {\n if (this.firstChild()) {\n depth++;\n continue;\n }\n if (!this.type.isAnonymous)\n mustLeave = true;\n }\n for (;;) {\n if (mustLeave && leave)\n leave(this);\n mustLeave = this.type.isAnonymous;\n if (this.nextSibling())\n break;\n if (!depth)\n return;\n this.parent();\n depth--;\n mustLeave = true;\n }\n }\n }\n /// Test whether the current node matches a given context—a sequence\n /// of direct parent node names. Empty strings in the context array\n /// are treated as wildcards.\n matchContext(context) {\n if (!this.buffer)\n return matchNodeContext(this.node, context);\n let { buffer } = this.buffer, { types } = buffer.set;\n for (let i = context.length - 1, d = this.stack.length - 1; i >= 0; d--) {\n if (d < 0)\n return matchNodeContext(this.node, context, i);\n let type = types[buffer.buffer[this.stack[d]]];\n if (!type.isAnonymous) {\n if (context[i] && context[i] != type.name)\n return false;\n i--;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n}\nfunction hasChild(tree) {\n return tree.children.some(ch => ch instanceof TreeBuffer || !ch.type.isAnonymous || hasChild(ch));\n}\nfunction buildTree(data) {\n var _a;\n let { buffer, nodeSet, maxBufferLength = DefaultBufferLength, reused = [], minRepeatType = nodeSet.types.length } = data;\n let cursor = Array.isArray(buffer) ? new FlatBufferCursor(buffer, buffer.length) : buffer;\n let types = nodeSet.types;\n let contextHash = 0, lookAhead = 0;\n function takeNode(parentStart, minPos, children, positions, inRepeat) {\n let { id, start, end, size } = cursor;\n let lookAheadAtStart = lookAhead;\n while (size < 0) {\n cursor.next();\n if (size == -1 /* SpecialRecord.Reuse */) {\n let node = reused[id];\n children.push(node);\n positions.push(start - parentStart);\n return;\n }\n else if (size == -3 /* SpecialRecord.ContextChange */) { // Context change\n contextHash = id;\n return;\n }\n else if (size == -4 /* SpecialRecord.LookAhead */) {\n lookAhead = id;\n return;\n }\n else {\n throw new RangeError(`Unrecognized record size: ${size}`);\n }\n }\n let type = types[id], node, buffer;\n let startPos = start - parentStart;\n if (end - start <= maxBufferLength && (buffer = findBufferSize(cursor.pos - minPos, inRepeat))) {\n // Small enough for a buffer, and no reused nodes inside\n let data = new Uint16Array(buffer.size - buffer.skip);\n let endPos = cursor.pos - buffer.size, index = data.length;\n while (cursor.pos > endPos)\n index = copyToBuffer(buffer.start, data, index);\n node = new TreeBuffer(data, end - buffer.start, nodeSet);\n startPos = buffer.start - parentStart;\n }\n else { // Make it a node\n let endPos = cursor.pos - size;\n cursor.next();\n let localChildren = [], localPositions = [];\n let localInRepeat = id >= minRepeatType ? id : -1;\n let lastGroup = 0, lastEnd = end;\n while (cursor.pos > endPos) {\n if (localInRepeat >= 0 && cursor.id == localInRepeat && cursor.size >= 0) {\n if (cursor.end <= lastEnd - maxBufferLength) {\n makeRepeatLeaf(localChildren, localPositions, start, lastGroup, cursor.end, lastEnd, localInRepeat, lookAheadAtStart);\n lastGroup = localChildren.length;\n lastEnd = cursor.end;\n }\n cursor.next();\n }\n else {\n takeNode(start, endPos, localChildren, localPositions, localInRepeat);\n }\n }\n if (localInRepeat >= 0 && lastGroup > 0 && lastGroup < localChildren.length)\n makeRepeatLeaf(localChildren, localPositions, start, lastGroup, start, lastEnd, localInRepeat, lookAheadAtStart);\n localChildren.reverse();\n localPositions.reverse();\n if (localInRepeat > -1 && lastGroup > 0) {\n let make = makeBalanced(type);\n node = balanceRange(type, localChildren, localPositions, 0, localChildren.length, 0, end - start, make, make);\n }\n else {\n node = makeTree(type, localChildren, localPositions, end - start, lookAheadAtStart - end);\n }\n }\n children.push(node);\n positions.push(startPos);\n }\n function makeBalanced(type) {\n return (children, positions, length) => {\n let lookAhead = 0, lastI = children.length - 1, last, lookAheadProp;\n if (lastI >= 0 && (last = children[lastI]) instanceof Tree) {\n if (!lastI && last.type == type && last.length == length)\n return last;\n if (lookAheadProp = last.prop(NodeProp.lookAhead))\n lookAhead = positions[lastI] + last.length + lookAheadProp;\n }\n return makeTree(type, children, positions, length, lookAhead);\n };\n }\n function makeRepeatLeaf(children, positions, base, i, from, to, type, lookAhead) {\n let localChildren = [], localPositions = [];\n while (children.length > i) {\n localChildren.push(children.pop());\n localPositions.push(positions.pop() + base - from);\n }\n children.push(makeTree(nodeSet.types[type], localChildren, localPositions, to - from, lookAhead - to));\n positions.push(from - base);\n }\n function makeTree(type, children, positions, length, lookAhead = 0, props) {\n if (contextHash) {\n let pair = [NodeProp.contextHash, contextHash];\n props = props ? [pair].concat(props) : [pair];\n }\n if (lookAhead > 25) {\n let pair = [NodeProp.lookAhead, lookAhead];\n props = props ? [pair].concat(props) : [pair];\n }\n return new Tree(type, children, positions, length, props);\n }\n function findBufferSize(maxSize, inRepeat) {\n // Scan through the buffer to find previous siblings that fit\n // together in a TreeBuffer, and don't contain any reused nodes\n // (which can't be stored in a buffer).\n // If `inRepeat` is > -1, ignore node boundaries of that type for\n // nesting, but make sure the end falls either at the start\n // (`maxSize`) or before such a node.\n let fork = cursor.fork();\n let size = 0, start = 0, skip = 0, minStart = fork.end - maxBufferLength;\n let result = { size: 0, start: 0, skip: 0 };\n scan: for (let minPos = fork.pos - maxSize; fork.pos > minPos;) {\n let nodeSize = fork.size;\n // Pretend nested repeat nodes of the same type don't exist\n if (fork.id == inRepeat && nodeSize >= 0) {\n // Except that we store the current state as a valid return\n // value.\n result.size = size;\n result.start = start;\n result.skip = skip;\n skip += 4;\n size += 4;\n fork.next();\n continue;\n }\n let startPos = fork.pos - nodeSize;\n if (nodeSize < 0 || startPos < minPos || fork.start < minStart)\n break;\n let localSkipped = fork.id >= minRepeatType ? 4 : 0;\n let nodeStart = fork.start;\n fork.next();\n while (fork.pos > startPos) {\n if (fork.size < 0) {\n if (fork.size == -3 /* SpecialRecord.ContextChange */)\n localSkipped += 4;\n else\n break scan;\n }\n else if (fork.id >= minRepeatType) {\n localSkipped += 4;\n }\n fork.next();\n }\n start = nodeStart;\n size += nodeSize;\n skip += localSkipped;\n }\n if (inRepeat < 0 || size == maxSize) {\n result.size = size;\n result.start = start;\n result.skip = skip;\n }\n return result.size > 4 ? result : undefined;\n }\n function copyToBuffer(bufferStart, buffer, index) {\n let { id, start, end, size } = cursor;\n cursor.next();\n if (size >= 0 && id < minRepeatType) {\n let startIndex = index;\n if (size > 4) {\n let endPos = cursor.pos - (size - 4);\n while (cursor.pos > endPos)\n index = copyToBuffer(bufferStart, buffer, index);\n }\n buffer[--index] = startIndex;\n buffer[--index] = end - bufferStart;\n buffer[--index] = start - bufferStart;\n buffer[--index] = id;\n }\n else if (size == -3 /* SpecialRecord.ContextChange */) {\n contextHash = id;\n }\n else if (size == -4 /* SpecialRecord.LookAhead */) {\n lookAhead = id;\n }\n return index;\n }\n let children = [], positions = [];\n while (cursor.pos > 0)\n takeNode(data.start || 0, data.bufferStart || 0, children, positions, -1);\n let length = (_a = data.length) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (children.length ? positions[0] + children[0].length : 0);\n return new Tree(types[data.topID], children.reverse(), positions.reverse(), length);\n}\nconst nodeSizeCache = new WeakMap;\nfunction nodeSize(balanceType, node) {\n if (!balanceType.isAnonymous || node instanceof TreeBuffer || node.type != balanceType)\n return 1;\n let size = nodeSizeCache.get(node);\n if (size == null) {\n size = 1;\n for (let child of node.children) {\n if (child.type != balanceType || !(child instanceof Tree)) {\n size = 1;\n break;\n }\n size += nodeSize(balanceType, child);\n }\n nodeSizeCache.set(node, size);\n }\n return size;\n}\nfunction balanceRange(\n// The type the balanced tree's inner nodes.\nbalanceType, \n// The direct children and their positions\nchildren, positions, \n// The index range in children/positions to use\nfrom, to, \n// The start position of the nodes, relative to their parent.\nstart, \n// Length of the outer node\nlength, \n// Function to build the top node of the balanced tree\nmkTop, \n// Function to build internal nodes for the balanced tree\nmkTree) {\n let total = 0;\n for (let i = from; i < to; i++)\n total += nodeSize(balanceType, children[i]);\n let maxChild = Math.ceil((total * 1.5) / 8 /* Balance.BranchFactor */);\n let localChildren = [], localPositions = [];\n function divide(children, positions, from, to, offset) {\n for (let i = from; i < to;) {\n let groupFrom = i, groupStart = positions[i], groupSize = nodeSize(balanceType, children[i]);\n i++;\n for (; i < to; i++) {\n let nextSize = nodeSize(balanceType, children[i]);\n if (groupSize + nextSize >= maxChild)\n break;\n groupSize += nextSize;\n }\n if (i == groupFrom + 1) {\n if (groupSize > maxChild) {\n let only = children[groupFrom]; // Only trees can have a size > 1\n divide(only.children, only.positions, 0, only.children.length, positions[groupFrom] + offset);\n continue;\n }\n localChildren.push(children[groupFrom]);\n }\n else {\n let length = positions[i - 1] + children[i - 1].length - groupStart;\n localChildren.push(balanceRange(balanceType, children, positions, groupFrom, i, groupStart, length, null, mkTree));\n }\n localPositions.push(groupStart + offset - start);\n }\n }\n divide(children, positions, from, to, 0);\n return (mkTop || mkTree)(localChildren, localPositions, length);\n}\n/// Provides a way to associate values with pieces of trees. As long\n/// as that part of the tree is reused, the associated values can be\n/// retrieved from an updated tree.\nclass NodeWeakMap {\n constructor() {\n this.map = new WeakMap();\n }\n setBuffer(buffer, index, value) {\n let inner = this.map.get(buffer);\n if (!inner)\n this.map.set(buffer, inner = new Map);\n inner.set(index, value);\n }\n getBuffer(buffer, index) {\n let inner = this.map.get(buffer);\n return inner && inner.get(index);\n }\n /// Set the value for this syntax node.\n set(node, value) {\n if (node instanceof BufferNode)\n this.setBuffer(node.context.buffer, node.index, value);\n else if (node instanceof TreeNode)\n this.map.set(node.tree, value);\n }\n /// Retrieve value for this syntax node, if it exists in the map.\n get(node) {\n return node instanceof BufferNode ? this.getBuffer(node.context.buffer, node.index)\n : node instanceof TreeNode ? this.map.get(node.tree) : undefined;\n }\n /// Set the value for the node that a cursor currently points to.\n cursorSet(cursor, value) {\n if (cursor.buffer)\n this.setBuffer(cursor.buffer.buffer, cursor.index, value);\n else\n this.map.set(cursor.tree, value);\n }\n /// Retrieve the value for the node that a cursor currently points\n /// to.\n cursorGet(cursor) {\n return cursor.buffer ? this.getBuffer(cursor.buffer.buffer, cursor.index) : this.map.get(cursor.tree);\n }\n}\n\n/// Tree fragments are used during [incremental\n/// parsing](#common.Parser.startParse) to track parts of old trees\n/// that can be reused in a new parse. An array of fragments is used\n/// to track regions of an old tree whose nodes might be reused in new\n/// parses. Use the static\n/// [`applyChanges`](#common.TreeFragment^applyChanges) method to\n/// update fragments for document changes.\nclass TreeFragment {\n /// Construct a tree fragment. You'll usually want to use\n /// [`addTree`](#common.TreeFragment^addTree) and\n /// [`applyChanges`](#common.TreeFragment^applyChanges) instead of\n /// calling this directly.\n constructor(\n /// The start of the unchanged range pointed to by this fragment.\n /// This refers to an offset in the _updated_ document (as opposed\n /// to the original tree).\n from, \n /// The end of the unchanged range.\n to, \n /// The tree that this fragment is based on.\n tree, \n /// The offset between the fragment's tree and the document that\n /// this fragment can be used against. Add this when going from\n /// document to tree positions, subtract it to go from tree to\n /// document positions.\n offset, openStart = false, openEnd = false) {\n this.from = from;\n this.to = to;\n this.tree = tree;\n this.offset = offset;\n this.open = (openStart ? 1 /* Open.Start */ : 0) | (openEnd ? 2 /* Open.End */ : 0);\n }\n /// Whether the start of the fragment represents the start of a\n /// parse, or the end of a change. (In the second case, it may not\n /// be safe to reuse some nodes at the start, depending on the\n /// parsing algorithm.)\n get openStart() { return (this.open & 1 /* Open.Start */) > 0; }\n /// Whether the end of the fragment represents the end of a\n /// full-document parse, or the start of a change.\n get openEnd() { return (this.open & 2 /* Open.End */) > 0; }\n /// Create a set of fragments from a freshly parsed tree, or update\n /// an existing set of fragments by replacing the ones that overlap\n /// with a tree with content from the new tree. When `partial` is\n /// true, the parse is treated as incomplete, and the resulting\n /// fragment has [`openEnd`](#common.TreeFragment.openEnd) set to\n /// true.\n static addTree(tree, fragments = [], partial = false) {\n let result = [new TreeFragment(0, tree.length, tree, 0, false, partial)];\n for (let f of fragments)\n if (f.to > tree.length)\n result.push(f);\n return result;\n }\n /// Apply a set of edits to an array of fragments, removing or\n /// splitting fragments as necessary to remove edited ranges, and\n /// adjusting offsets for fragments that moved.\n static applyChanges(fragments, changes, minGap = 128) {\n if (!changes.length)\n return fragments;\n let result = [];\n let fI = 1, nextF = fragments.length ? fragments[0] : null;\n for (let cI = 0, pos = 0, off = 0;; cI++) {\n let nextC = cI < changes.length ? changes[cI] : null;\n let nextPos = nextC ? nextC.fromA : 1e9;\n if (nextPos - pos >= minGap)\n while (nextF && nextF.from < nextPos) {\n let cut = nextF;\n if (pos >= cut.from || nextPos <= cut.to || off) {\n let fFrom = Math.max(cut.from, pos) - off, fTo = Math.min(cut.to, nextPos) - off;\n cut = fFrom >= fTo ? null : new TreeFragment(fFrom, fTo, cut.tree, cut.offset + off, cI > 0, !!nextC);\n }\n if (cut)\n result.push(cut);\n if (nextF.to > nextPos)\n break;\n nextF = fI < fragments.length ? fragments[fI++] : null;\n }\n if (!nextC)\n break;\n pos = nextC.toA;\n off = nextC.toA - nextC.toB;\n }\n return result;\n }\n}\n/// A superclass that parsers should extend.\nclass Parser {\n /// Start a parse, returning a [partial parse](#common.PartialParse)\n /// object. [`fragments`](#common.TreeFragment) can be passed in to\n /// make the parse incremental.\n ///\n /// By default, the entire input is parsed. You can pass `ranges`,\n /// which should be a sorted array of non-empty, non-overlapping\n /// ranges, to parse only those ranges. The tree returned in that\n /// case will start at `ranges[0].from`.\n startParse(input, fragments, ranges) {\n if (typeof input == \"string\")\n input = new StringInput(input);\n ranges = !ranges ? [new Range(0, input.length)] : ranges.length ? ranges.map(r => new Range(r.from, r.to)) : [new Range(0, 0)];\n return this.createParse(input, fragments || [], ranges);\n }\n /// Run a full parse, returning the resulting tree.\n parse(input, fragments, ranges) {\n let parse = this.startParse(input, fragments, ranges);\n for (;;) {\n let done = parse.advance();\n if (done)\n return done;\n }\n }\n}\nclass StringInput {\n constructor(string) {\n this.string = string;\n }\n get length() { return this.string.length; }\n chunk(from) { return this.string.slice(from); }\n get lineChunks() { return false; }\n read(from, to) { return this.string.slice(from, to); }\n}\n\n/// Create a parse wrapper that, after the inner parse completes,\n/// scans its tree for mixed language regions with the `nest`\n/// function, runs the resulting [inner parses](#common.NestedParse),\n/// and then [mounts](#common.NodeProp^mounted) their results onto the\n/// tree.\nfunction parseMixed(nest) {\n return (parse, input, fragments, ranges) => new MixedParse(parse, nest, input, fragments, ranges);\n}\nclass InnerParse {\n constructor(parser, parse, overlay, target, ranges) {\n this.parser = parser;\n this.parse = parse;\n this.overlay = overlay;\n this.target = target;\n this.ranges = ranges;\n if (!ranges.length || ranges.some(r => r.from >= r.to))\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid inner parse ranges given: \" + JSON.stringify(ranges));\n }\n}\nclass ActiveOverlay {\n constructor(parser, predicate, mounts, index, start, target, prev) {\n this.parser = parser;\n this.predicate = predicate;\n this.mounts = mounts;\n this.index = index;\n this.start = start;\n this.target = target;\n this.prev = prev;\n this.depth = 0;\n this.ranges = [];\n }\n}\nconst stoppedInner = new NodeProp({ perNode: true });\nclass MixedParse {\n constructor(base, nest, input, fragments, ranges) {\n this.nest = nest;\n this.input = input;\n this.fragments = fragments;\n this.ranges = ranges;\n this.inner = [];\n this.innerDone = 0;\n this.baseTree = null;\n this.stoppedAt = null;\n this.baseParse = base;\n }\n advance() {\n if (this.baseParse) {\n let done = this.baseParse.advance();\n if (!done)\n return null;\n this.baseParse = null;\n this.baseTree = done;\n this.startInner();\n if (this.stoppedAt != null)\n for (let inner of this.inner)\n inner.parse.stopAt(this.stoppedAt);\n }\n if (this.innerDone == this.inner.length) {\n let result = this.baseTree;\n if (this.stoppedAt != null)\n result = new Tree(result.type, result.children, result.positions, result.length, result.propValues.concat([[stoppedInner, this.stoppedAt]]));\n return result;\n }\n let inner = this.inner[this.innerDone], done = inner.parse.advance();\n if (done) {\n this.innerDone++;\n // This is a somewhat dodgy but super helpful hack where we\n // patch up nodes created by the inner parse (and thus\n // presumably not aliased anywhere else) to hold the information\n // about the inner parse.\n let props = Object.assign(Object.create(null), inner.target.props);\n props[NodeProp.mounted.id] = new MountedTree(done, inner.overlay, inner.parser);\n inner.target.props = props;\n }\n return null;\n }\n get parsedPos() {\n if (this.baseParse)\n return 0;\n let pos = this.input.length;\n for (let i = this.innerDone; i < this.inner.length; i++) {\n if (this.inner[i].ranges[0].from < pos)\n pos = Math.min(pos, this.inner[i].parse.parsedPos);\n }\n return pos;\n }\n stopAt(pos) {\n this.stoppedAt = pos;\n if (this.baseParse)\n this.baseParse.stopAt(pos);\n else\n for (let i = this.innerDone; i < this.inner.length; i++)\n this.inner[i].parse.stopAt(pos);\n }\n startInner() {\n let fragmentCursor = new FragmentCursor(this.fragments);\n let overlay = null;\n let covered = null;\n let cursor = new TreeCursor(new TreeNode(this.baseTree, this.ranges[0].from, 0, null), IterMode.IncludeAnonymous | IterMode.IgnoreMounts);\n scan: for (let nest, isCovered; this.stoppedAt == null || cursor.from < this.stoppedAt;) {\n let enter = true, range;\n if (fragmentCursor.hasNode(cursor)) {\n if (overlay) {\n let match = overlay.mounts.find(m => m.frag.from <= cursor.from && m.frag.to >= cursor.to && m.mount.overlay);\n if (match)\n for (let r of match.mount.overlay) {\n let from = r.from + match.pos, to = r.to + match.pos;\n if (from >= cursor.from && to <= cursor.to && !overlay.ranges.some(r => r.from < to && r.to > from))\n overlay.ranges.push({ from, to });\n }\n }\n enter = false;\n }\n else if (covered && (isCovered = checkCover(covered.ranges, cursor.from, cursor.to))) {\n enter = isCovered != 2 /* Cover.Full */;\n }\n else if (!cursor.type.isAnonymous && cursor.from < cursor.to && (nest = this.nest(cursor, this.input))) {\n if (!cursor.tree)\n materialize(cursor);\n let oldMounts = fragmentCursor.findMounts(cursor.from, nest.parser);\n if (typeof nest.overlay == \"function\") {\n overlay = new ActiveOverlay(nest.parser, nest.overlay, oldMounts, this.inner.length, cursor.from, cursor.tree, overlay);\n }\n else {\n let ranges = punchRanges(this.ranges, nest.overlay || [new Range(cursor.from, cursor.to)]);\n if (ranges.length)\n this.inner.push(new InnerParse(nest.parser, nest.parser.startParse(this.input, enterFragments(oldMounts, ranges), ranges), nest.overlay ? nest.overlay.map(r => new Range(r.from - cursor.from, r.to - cursor.from)) : null, cursor.tree, ranges));\n if (!nest.overlay)\n enter = false;\n else if (ranges.length)\n covered = { ranges, depth: 0, prev: covered };\n }\n }\n else if (overlay && (range = overlay.predicate(cursor))) {\n if (range === true)\n range = new Range(cursor.from, cursor.to);\n if (range.from < range.to)\n overlay.ranges.push(range);\n }\n if (enter && cursor.firstChild()) {\n if (overlay)\n overlay.depth++;\n if (covered)\n covered.depth++;\n }\n else {\n for (;;) {\n if (cursor.nextSibling())\n break;\n if (!cursor.parent())\n break scan;\n if (overlay && !--overlay.depth) {\n let ranges = punchRanges(this.ranges, overlay.ranges);\n if (ranges.length)\n this.inner.splice(overlay.index, 0, new InnerParse(overlay.parser, overlay.parser.startParse(this.input, enterFragments(overlay.mounts, ranges), ranges), overlay.ranges.map(r => new Range(r.from - overlay.start, r.to - overlay.start)), overlay.target, ranges));\n overlay = overlay.prev;\n }\n if (covered && !--covered.depth)\n covered = covered.prev;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction checkCover(covered, from, to) {\n for (let range of covered) {\n if (range.from >= to)\n break;\n if (range.to > from)\n return range.from <= from && range.to >= to ? 2 /* Cover.Full */ : 1 /* Cover.Partial */;\n }\n return 0 /* Cover.None */;\n}\n// Take a piece of buffer and convert it into a stand-alone\n// TreeBuffer.\nfunction sliceBuf(buf, startI, endI, nodes, positions, off) {\n if (startI < endI) {\n let from = buf.buffer[startI + 1];\n nodes.push(buf.slice(startI, endI, from));\n positions.push(from - off);\n }\n}\n// This function takes a node that's in a buffer, and converts it, and\n// its parent buffer nodes, into a Tree. This is again acting on the\n// assumption that the trees and buffers have been constructed by the\n// parse that was ran via the mix parser, and thus aren't shared with\n// any other code, making violations of the immutability safe.\nfunction materialize(cursor) {\n let { node } = cursor, depth = 0;\n // Scan up to the nearest tree\n do {\n cursor.parent();\n depth++;\n } while (!cursor.tree);\n // Find the index of the buffer in that tree\n let i = 0, base = cursor.tree, off = 0;\n for (;; i++) {\n off = base.positions[i] + cursor.from;\n if (off <= node.from && off + base.children[i].length >= node.to)\n break;\n }\n let buf = base.children[i], b = buf.buffer;\n // Split a level in the buffer, putting the nodes before and after\n // the child that contains `node` into new buffers.\n function split(startI, endI, type, innerOffset, length) {\n let i = startI;\n while (b[i + 2] + off <= node.from)\n i = b[i + 3];\n let children = [], positions = [];\n sliceBuf(buf, startI, i, children, positions, innerOffset);\n let from = b[i + 1], to = b[i + 2];\n let isTarget = from + off == node.from && to + off == node.to && b[i] == node.type.id;\n children.push(isTarget ? node.toTree() : split(i + 4, b[i + 3], buf.set.types[b[i]], from, to - from));\n positions.push(from - innerOffset);\n sliceBuf(buf, b[i + 3], endI, children, positions, innerOffset);\n return new Tree(type, children, positions, length);\n }\n base.children[i] = split(0, b.length, NodeType.none, 0, buf.length);\n // Move the cursor back to the target node\n for (let d = 0; d <= depth; d++)\n cursor.childAfter(node.from);\n}\nclass StructureCursor {\n constructor(root, offset) {\n this.offset = offset;\n this.done = false;\n this.cursor = root.cursor(IterMode.IncludeAnonymous | IterMode.IgnoreMounts);\n }\n // Move to the first node (in pre-order) that starts at or after `pos`.\n moveTo(pos) {\n let { cursor } = this, p = pos - this.offset;\n while (!this.done && cursor.from < p) {\n if (cursor.to >= pos && cursor.enter(p, 1, IterMode.IgnoreOverlays | IterMode.ExcludeBuffers)) ;\n else if (!cursor.next(false))\n this.done = true;\n }\n }\n hasNode(cursor) {\n this.moveTo(cursor.from);\n if (!this.done && this.cursor.from + this.offset == cursor.from && this.cursor.tree) {\n for (let tree = this.cursor.tree;;) {\n if (tree == cursor.tree)\n return true;\n if (tree.children.length && tree.positions[0] == 0 && tree.children[0] instanceof Tree)\n tree = tree.children[0];\n else\n break;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n}\nclass FragmentCursor {\n constructor(fragments) {\n var _a;\n this.fragments = fragments;\n this.curTo = 0;\n this.fragI = 0;\n if (fragments.length) {\n let first = this.curFrag = fragments[0];\n this.curTo = (_a = first.tree.prop(stoppedInner)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : first.to;\n this.inner = new StructureCursor(first.tree, -first.offset);\n }\n else {\n this.curFrag = this.inner = null;\n }\n }\n hasNode(node) {\n while (this.curFrag && node.from >= this.curTo)\n this.nextFrag();\n return this.curFrag && this.curFrag.from <= node.from && this.curTo >= node.to && this.inner.hasNode(node);\n }\n nextFrag() {\n var _a;\n this.fragI++;\n if (this.fragI == this.fragments.length) {\n this.curFrag = this.inner = null;\n }\n else {\n let frag = this.curFrag = this.fragments[this.fragI];\n this.curTo = (_a = frag.tree.prop(stoppedInner)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : frag.to;\n this.inner = new StructureCursor(frag.tree, -frag.offset);\n }\n }\n findMounts(pos, parser) {\n var _a;\n let result = [];\n if (this.inner) {\n this.inner.cursor.moveTo(pos, 1);\n for (let pos = this.inner.cursor.node; pos; pos = pos.parent) {\n let mount = (_a = pos.tree) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.prop(NodeProp.mounted);\n if (mount && mount.parser == parser) {\n for (let i = this.fragI; i < this.fragments.length; i++) {\n let frag = this.fragments[i];\n if (frag.from >= pos.to)\n break;\n if (frag.tree == this.curFrag.tree)\n result.push({\n frag,\n pos: pos.from - frag.offset,\n mount\n });\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n}\nfunction punchRanges(outer, ranges) {\n let copy = null, current = ranges;\n for (let i = 1, j = 0; i < outer.length; i++) {\n let gapFrom = outer[i - 1].to, gapTo = outer[i].from;\n for (; j < current.length; j++) {\n let r = current[j];\n if (r.from >= gapTo)\n break;\n if (r.to <= gapFrom)\n continue;\n if (!copy)\n current = copy = ranges.slice();\n if (r.from < gapFrom) {\n copy[j] = new Range(r.from, gapFrom);\n if (r.to > gapTo)\n copy.splice(j + 1, 0, new Range(gapTo, r.to));\n }\n else if (r.to > gapTo) {\n copy[j--] = new Range(gapTo, r.to);\n }\n else {\n copy.splice(j--, 1);\n }\n }\n }\n return current;\n}\nfunction findCoverChanges(a, b, from, to) {\n let iA = 0, iB = 0, inA = false, inB = false, pos = -1e9;\n let result = [];\n for (;;) {\n let nextA = iA == a.length ? 1e9 : inA ? a[iA].to : a[iA].from;\n let nextB = iB == b.length ? 1e9 : inB ? b[iB].to : b[iB].from;\n if (inA != inB) {\n let start = Math.max(pos, from), end = Math.min(nextA, nextB, to);\n if (start < end)\n result.push(new Range(start, end));\n }\n pos = Math.min(nextA, nextB);\n if (pos == 1e9)\n break;\n if (nextA == pos) {\n if (!inA)\n inA = true;\n else {\n inA = false;\n iA++;\n }\n }\n if (nextB == pos) {\n if (!inB)\n inB = true;\n else {\n inB = false;\n iB++;\n }\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n// Given a number of fragments for the outer tree, and a set of ranges\n// to parse, find fragments for inner trees mounted around those\n// ranges, if any.\nfunction enterFragments(mounts, ranges) {\n let result = [];\n for (let { pos, mount, frag } of mounts) {\n let startPos = pos + (mount.overlay ? mount.overlay[0].from : 0), endPos = startPos + mount.tree.length;\n let from = Math.max(frag.from, startPos), to = Math.min(frag.to, endPos);\n if (mount.overlay) {\n let overlay = mount.overlay.map(r => new Range(r.from + pos, r.to + pos));\n let changes = findCoverChanges(ranges, overlay, from, to);\n for (let i = 0, pos = from;; i++) {\n let last = i == changes.length, end = last ? to : changes[i].from;\n if (end > pos)\n result.push(new TreeFragment(pos, end, mount.tree, -startPos, frag.from >= pos || frag.openStart, frag.to <= end || frag.openEnd));\n if (last)\n break;\n pos = changes[i].to;\n }\n }\n else {\n result.push(new TreeFragment(from, to, mount.tree, -startPos, frag.from >= startPos || frag.openStart, frag.to <= endPos || frag.openEnd));\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n\nexport { DefaultBufferLength, IterMode, MountedTree, NodeProp, NodeSet, NodeType, NodeWeakMap, Parser, Tree, TreeBuffer, TreeCursor, TreeFragment, parseMixed };\n","import { Parser, NodeProp, NodeSet, NodeType, DefaultBufferLength, Tree, IterMode } from '@lezer/common';\n\n/// A parse stack. These are used internally by the parser to track\n/// parsing progress. They also provide some properties and methods\n/// that external code such as a tokenizer can use to get information\n/// about the parse state.\nclass Stack {\n /// @internal\n constructor(\n /// The parse that this stack is part of @internal\n p, \n /// Holds state, input pos, buffer index triplets for all but the\n /// top state @internal\n stack, \n /// The current parse state @internal\n state, \n // The position at which the next reduce should take place. This\n // can be less than `this.pos` when skipped expressions have been\n // added to the stack (which should be moved outside of the next\n // reduction)\n /// @internal\n reducePos, \n /// The input position up to which this stack has parsed.\n pos, \n /// The dynamic score of the stack, including dynamic precedence\n /// and error-recovery penalties\n /// @internal\n score, \n // The output buffer. Holds (type, start, end, size) quads\n // representing nodes created by the parser, where `size` is\n // amount of buffer array entries covered by this node.\n /// @internal\n buffer, \n // The base offset of the buffer. When stacks are split, the split\n // instance shared the buffer history with its parent up to\n // `bufferBase`, which is the absolute offset (including the\n // offset of previous splits) into the buffer at which this stack\n // starts writing.\n /// @internal\n bufferBase, \n /// @internal\n curContext, \n /// @internal\n lookAhead = 0, \n // A parent stack from which this was split off, if any. This is\n // set up so that it always points to a stack that has some\n // additional buffer content, never to a stack with an equal\n // `bufferBase`.\n /// @internal\n parent) {\n this.p = p;\n this.stack = stack;\n this.state = state;\n this.reducePos = reducePos;\n this.pos = pos;\n this.score = score;\n this.buffer = buffer;\n this.bufferBase = bufferBase;\n this.curContext = curContext;\n this.lookAhead = lookAhead;\n this.parent = parent;\n }\n /// @internal\n toString() {\n return `[${this.stack.filter((_, i) => i % 3 == 0).concat(this.state)}]@${this.pos}${this.score ? \"!\" + this.score : \"\"}`;\n }\n // Start an empty stack\n /// @internal\n static start(p, state, pos = 0) {\n let cx = p.parser.context;\n return new Stack(p, [], state, pos, pos, 0, [], 0, cx ? new StackContext(cx, cx.start) : null, 0, null);\n }\n /// The stack's current [context](#lr.ContextTracker) value, if\n /// any. Its type will depend on the context tracker's type\n /// parameter, or it will be `null` if there is no context\n /// tracker.\n get context() { return this.curContext ? this.curContext.context : null; }\n // Push a state onto the stack, tracking its start position as well\n // as the buffer base at that point.\n /// @internal\n pushState(state, start) {\n this.stack.push(this.state, start, this.bufferBase + this.buffer.length);\n this.state = state;\n }\n // Apply a reduce action\n /// @internal\n reduce(action) {\n var _a;\n let depth = action >> 19 /* Action.ReduceDepthShift */, type = action & 65535 /* Action.ValueMask */;\n let { parser } = this.p;\n let dPrec = parser.dynamicPrecedence(type);\n if (dPrec)\n this.score += dPrec;\n if (depth == 0) {\n this.pushState(parser.getGoto(this.state, type, true), this.reducePos);\n // Zero-depth reductions are a special case—they add stuff to\n // the stack without popping anything off.\n if (type < parser.minRepeatTerm)\n this.storeNode(type, this.reducePos, this.reducePos, 4, true);\n this.reduceContext(type, this.reducePos);\n return;\n }\n // Find the base index into `this.stack`, content after which will\n // be dropped. Note that with `StayFlag` reductions we need to\n // consume two extra frames (the dummy parent node for the skipped\n // expression and the state that we'll be staying in, which should\n // be moved to `this.state`).\n let base = this.stack.length - ((depth - 1) * 3) - (action & 262144 /* Action.StayFlag */ ? 6 : 0);\n let start = base ? this.stack[base - 2] : this.p.ranges[0].from, size = this.reducePos - start;\n // This is a kludge to try and detect overly deep left-associative\n // trees, which will not increase the parse stack depth and thus\n // won't be caught by the regular stack-depth limit check.\n if (size >= 2000 /* Recover.MinBigReduction */ && !((_a = this.p.parser.nodeSet.types[type]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isAnonymous)) {\n if (start == this.p.lastBigReductionStart) {\n this.p.bigReductionCount++;\n this.p.lastBigReductionSize = size;\n }\n else if (this.p.lastBigReductionSize < size) {\n this.p.bigReductionCount = 1;\n this.p.lastBigReductionStart = start;\n this.p.lastBigReductionSize = size;\n }\n }\n let bufferBase = base ? this.stack[base - 1] : 0, count = this.bufferBase + this.buffer.length - bufferBase;\n // Store normal terms or `R -> R R` repeat reductions\n if (type < parser.minRepeatTerm || (action & 131072 /* Action.RepeatFlag */)) {\n let pos = parser.stateFlag(this.state, 1 /* StateFlag.Skipped */) ? this.pos : this.reducePos;\n this.storeNode(type, start, pos, count + 4, true);\n }\n if (action & 262144 /* Action.StayFlag */) {\n this.state = this.stack[base];\n }\n else {\n let baseStateID = this.stack[base - 3];\n this.state = parser.getGoto(baseStateID, type, true);\n }\n while (this.stack.length > base)\n this.stack.pop();\n this.reduceContext(type, start);\n }\n // Shift a value into the buffer\n /// @internal\n storeNode(term, start, end, size = 4, isReduce = false) {\n if (term == 0 /* Term.Err */ &&\n (!this.stack.length || this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] < this.buffer.length + this.bufferBase)) {\n // Try to omit/merge adjacent error nodes\n let cur = this, top = this.buffer.length;\n if (top == 0 && cur.parent) {\n top = cur.bufferBase - cur.parent.bufferBase;\n cur = cur.parent;\n }\n if (top > 0 && cur.buffer[top - 4] == 0 /* Term.Err */ && cur.buffer[top - 1] > -1) {\n if (start == end)\n return;\n if (cur.buffer[top - 2] >= start) {\n cur.buffer[top - 2] = end;\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!isReduce || this.pos == end) { // Simple case, just append\n this.buffer.push(term, start, end, size);\n }\n else { // There may be skipped nodes that have to be moved forward\n let index = this.buffer.length;\n if (index > 0 && this.buffer[index - 4] != 0 /* Term.Err */)\n while (index > 0 && this.buffer[index - 2] > end) {\n // Move this record forward\n this.buffer[index] = this.buffer[index - 4];\n this.buffer[index + 1] = this.buffer[index - 3];\n this.buffer[index + 2] = this.buffer[index - 2];\n this.buffer[index + 3] = this.buffer[index - 1];\n index -= 4;\n if (size > 4)\n size -= 4;\n }\n this.buffer[index] = term;\n this.buffer[index + 1] = start;\n this.buffer[index + 2] = end;\n this.buffer[index + 3] = size;\n }\n }\n // Apply a shift action\n /// @internal\n shift(action, next, nextEnd) {\n let start = this.pos;\n if (action & 131072 /* Action.GotoFlag */) {\n this.pushState(action & 65535 /* Action.ValueMask */, this.pos);\n }\n else if ((action & 262144 /* Action.StayFlag */) == 0) { // Regular shift\n let nextState = action, { parser } = this.p;\n if (nextEnd > this.pos || next <= parser.maxNode) {\n this.pos = nextEnd;\n if (!parser.stateFlag(nextState, 1 /* StateFlag.Skipped */))\n this.reducePos = nextEnd;\n }\n this.pushState(nextState, start);\n this.shiftContext(next, start);\n if (next <= parser.maxNode)\n this.buffer.push(next, start, nextEnd, 4);\n }\n else { // Shift-and-stay, which means this is a skipped token\n this.pos = nextEnd;\n this.shiftContext(next, start);\n if (next <= this.p.parser.maxNode)\n this.buffer.push(next, start, nextEnd, 4);\n }\n }\n // Apply an action\n /// @internal\n apply(action, next, nextEnd) {\n if (action & 65536 /* Action.ReduceFlag */)\n this.reduce(action);\n else\n this.shift(action, next, nextEnd);\n }\n // Add a prebuilt (reused) node into the buffer.\n /// @internal\n useNode(value, next) {\n let index = this.p.reused.length - 1;\n if (index < 0 || this.p.reused[index] != value) {\n this.p.reused.push(value);\n index++;\n }\n let start = this.pos;\n this.reducePos = this.pos = start + value.length;\n this.pushState(next, start);\n this.buffer.push(index, start, this.reducePos, -1 /* size == -1 means this is a reused value */);\n if (this.curContext)\n this.updateContext(this.curContext.tracker.reuse(this.curContext.context, value, this, this.p.stream.reset(this.pos - value.length)));\n }\n // Split the stack. Due to the buffer sharing and the fact\n // that `this.stack` tends to stay quite shallow, this isn't very\n // expensive.\n /// @internal\n split() {\n let parent = this;\n let off = parent.buffer.length;\n // Because the top of the buffer (after this.pos) may be mutated\n // to reorder reductions and skipped tokens, and shared buffers\n // should be immutable, this copies any outstanding skipped tokens\n // to the new buffer, and puts the base pointer before them.\n while (off > 0 && parent.buffer[off - 2] > parent.reducePos)\n off -= 4;\n let buffer = parent.buffer.slice(off), base = parent.bufferBase + off;\n // Make sure parent points to an actual parent with content, if there is such a parent.\n while (parent && base == parent.bufferBase)\n parent = parent.parent;\n return new Stack(this.p, this.stack.slice(), this.state, this.reducePos, this.pos, this.score, buffer, base, this.curContext, this.lookAhead, parent);\n }\n // Try to recover from an error by 'deleting' (ignoring) one token.\n /// @internal\n recoverByDelete(next, nextEnd) {\n let isNode = next <= this.p.parser.maxNode;\n if (isNode)\n this.storeNode(next, this.pos, nextEnd, 4);\n this.storeNode(0 /* Term.Err */, this.pos, nextEnd, isNode ? 8 : 4);\n this.pos = this.reducePos = nextEnd;\n this.score -= 190 /* Recover.Delete */;\n }\n /// Check if the given term would be able to be shifted (optionally\n /// after some reductions) on this stack. This can be useful for\n /// external tokenizers that want to make sure they only provide a\n /// given token when it applies.\n canShift(term) {\n for (let sim = new SimulatedStack(this);;) {\n let action = this.p.parser.stateSlot(sim.state, 4 /* ParseState.DefaultReduce */) || this.p.parser.hasAction(sim.state, term);\n if (action == 0)\n return false;\n if ((action & 65536 /* Action.ReduceFlag */) == 0)\n return true;\n sim.reduce(action);\n }\n }\n // Apply up to Recover.MaxNext recovery actions that conceptually\n // inserts some missing token or rule.\n /// @internal\n recoverByInsert(next) {\n if (this.stack.length >= 300 /* Recover.MaxInsertStackDepth */)\n return [];\n let nextStates = this.p.parser.nextStates(this.state);\n if (nextStates.length > 4 /* Recover.MaxNext */ << 1 || this.stack.length >= 120 /* Recover.DampenInsertStackDepth */) {\n let best = [];\n for (let i = 0, s; i < nextStates.length; i += 2) {\n if ((s = nextStates[i + 1]) != this.state && this.p.parser.hasAction(s, next))\n best.push(nextStates[i], s);\n }\n if (this.stack.length < 120 /* Recover.DampenInsertStackDepth */)\n for (let i = 0; best.length < 4 /* Recover.MaxNext */ << 1 && i < nextStates.length; i += 2) {\n let s = nextStates[i + 1];\n if (!best.some((v, i) => (i & 1) && v == s))\n best.push(nextStates[i], s);\n }\n nextStates = best;\n }\n let result = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < nextStates.length && result.length < 4 /* Recover.MaxNext */; i += 2) {\n let s = nextStates[i + 1];\n if (s == this.state)\n continue;\n let stack = this.split();\n stack.pushState(s, this.pos);\n stack.storeNode(0 /* Term.Err */, stack.pos, stack.pos, 4, true);\n stack.shiftContext(nextStates[i], this.pos);\n stack.score -= 200 /* Recover.Insert */;\n result.push(stack);\n }\n return result;\n }\n // Force a reduce, if possible. Return false if that can't\n // be done.\n /// @internal\n forceReduce() {\n let { parser } = this.p;\n let reduce = parser.stateSlot(this.state, 5 /* ParseState.ForcedReduce */);\n if ((reduce & 65536 /* Action.ReduceFlag */) == 0)\n return false;\n if (!parser.validAction(this.state, reduce)) {\n let depth = reduce >> 19 /* Action.ReduceDepthShift */, term = reduce & 65535 /* Action.ValueMask */;\n let target = this.stack.length - depth * 3;\n if (target < 0 || parser.getGoto(this.stack[target], term, false) < 0) {\n let backup = this.findForcedReduction();\n if (backup == null)\n return false;\n reduce = backup;\n }\n this.storeNode(0 /* Term.Err */, this.pos, this.pos, 4, true);\n this.score -= 100 /* Recover.Reduce */;\n }\n this.reducePos = this.pos;\n this.reduce(reduce);\n return true;\n }\n /// Try to scan through the automaton to find some kind of reduction\n /// that can be applied. Used when the regular ForcedReduce field\n /// isn't a valid action. @internal\n findForcedReduction() {\n let { parser } = this.p, seen = [];\n let explore = (state, depth) => {\n if (seen.includes(state))\n return;\n seen.push(state);\n return parser.allActions(state, (action) => {\n if (action & (262144 /* Action.StayFlag */ | 131072 /* Action.GotoFlag */)) ;\n else if (action & 65536 /* Action.ReduceFlag */) {\n let rDepth = (action >> 19 /* Action.ReduceDepthShift */) - depth;\n if (rDepth > 1) {\n let term = action & 65535 /* Action.ValueMask */, target = this.stack.length - rDepth * 3;\n if (target >= 0 && parser.getGoto(this.stack[target], term, false) >= 0)\n return (rDepth << 19 /* Action.ReduceDepthShift */) | 65536 /* Action.ReduceFlag */ | term;\n }\n }\n else {\n let found = explore(action, depth + 1);\n if (found != null)\n return found;\n }\n });\n };\n return explore(this.state, 0);\n }\n /// @internal\n forceAll() {\n while (!this.p.parser.stateFlag(this.state, 2 /* StateFlag.Accepting */)) {\n if (!this.forceReduce()) {\n this.storeNode(0 /* Term.Err */, this.pos, this.pos, 4, true);\n break;\n }\n }\n return this;\n }\n /// Check whether this state has no further actions (assumed to be a direct descendant of the\n /// top state, since any other states must be able to continue\n /// somehow). @internal\n get deadEnd() {\n if (this.stack.length != 3)\n return false;\n let { parser } = this.p;\n return parser.data[parser.stateSlot(this.state, 1 /* ParseState.Actions */)] == 65535 /* Seq.End */ &&\n !parser.stateSlot(this.state, 4 /* ParseState.DefaultReduce */);\n }\n /// Restart the stack (put it back in its start state). Only safe\n /// when this.stack.length == 3 (state is directly below the top\n /// state). @internal\n restart() {\n this.state = this.stack[0];\n this.stack.length = 0;\n }\n /// @internal\n sameState(other) {\n if (this.state != other.state || this.stack.length != other.stack.length)\n return false;\n for (let i = 0; i < this.stack.length; i += 3)\n if (this.stack[i] != other.stack[i])\n return false;\n return true;\n }\n /// Get the parser used by this stack.\n get parser() { return this.p.parser; }\n /// Test whether a given dialect (by numeric ID, as exported from\n /// the terms file) is enabled.\n dialectEnabled(dialectID) { return this.p.parser.dialect.flags[dialectID]; }\n shiftContext(term, start) {\n if (this.curContext)\n this.updateContext(this.curContext.tracker.shift(this.curContext.context, term, this, this.p.stream.reset(start)));\n }\n reduceContext(term, start) {\n if (this.curContext)\n this.updateContext(this.curContext.tracker.reduce(this.curContext.context, term, this, this.p.stream.reset(start)));\n }\n /// @internal\n emitContext() {\n let last = this.buffer.length - 1;\n if (last < 0 || this.buffer[last] != -3)\n this.buffer.push(this.curContext.hash, this.pos, this.pos, -3);\n }\n /// @internal\n emitLookAhead() {\n let last = this.buffer.length - 1;\n if (last < 0 || this.buffer[last] != -4)\n this.buffer.push(this.lookAhead, this.pos, this.pos, -4);\n }\n updateContext(context) {\n if (context != this.curContext.context) {\n let newCx = new StackContext(this.curContext.tracker, context);\n if (newCx.hash != this.curContext.hash)\n this.emitContext();\n this.curContext = newCx;\n }\n }\n /// @internal\n setLookAhead(lookAhead) {\n if (lookAhead > this.lookAhead) {\n this.emitLookAhead();\n this.lookAhead = lookAhead;\n }\n }\n /// @internal\n close() {\n if (this.curContext && this.curContext.tracker.strict)\n this.emitContext();\n if (this.lookAhead > 0)\n this.emitLookAhead();\n }\n}\nclass StackContext {\n constructor(tracker, context) {\n this.tracker = tracker;\n this.context = context;\n this.hash = tracker.strict ? tracker.hash(context) : 0;\n }\n}\nvar Recover;\n(function (Recover) {\n Recover[Recover[\"Insert\"] = 200] = \"Insert\";\n Recover[Recover[\"Delete\"] = 190] = \"Delete\";\n Recover[Recover[\"Reduce\"] = 100] = \"Reduce\";\n Recover[Recover[\"MaxNext\"] = 4] = \"MaxNext\";\n Recover[Recover[\"MaxInsertStackDepth\"] = 300] = \"MaxInsertStackDepth\";\n Recover[Recover[\"DampenInsertStackDepth\"] = 120] = \"DampenInsertStackDepth\";\n Recover[Recover[\"MinBigReduction\"] = 2000] = \"MinBigReduction\";\n})(Recover || (Recover = {}));\n// Used to cheaply run some reductions to scan ahead without mutating\n// an entire stack\nclass SimulatedStack {\n constructor(start) {\n this.start = start;\n this.state = start.state;\n this.stack = start.stack;\n this.base = this.stack.length;\n }\n reduce(action) {\n let term = action & 65535 /* Action.ValueMask */, depth = action >> 19 /* Action.ReduceDepthShift */;\n if (depth == 0) {\n if (this.stack == this.start.stack)\n this.stack = this.stack.slice();\n this.stack.push(this.state, 0, 0);\n this.base += 3;\n }\n else {\n this.base -= (depth - 1) * 3;\n }\n let goto = this.start.p.parser.getGoto(this.stack[this.base - 3], term, true);\n this.state = goto;\n }\n}\n// This is given to `Tree.build` to build a buffer, and encapsulates\n// the parent-stack-walking necessary to read the nodes.\nclass StackBufferCursor {\n constructor(stack, pos, index) {\n this.stack = stack;\n this.pos = pos;\n this.index = index;\n this.buffer = stack.buffer;\n if (this.index == 0)\n this.maybeNext();\n }\n static create(stack, pos = stack.bufferBase + stack.buffer.length) {\n return new StackBufferCursor(stack, pos, pos - stack.bufferBase);\n }\n maybeNext() {\n let next = this.stack.parent;\n if (next != null) {\n this.index = this.stack.bufferBase - next.bufferBase;\n this.stack = next;\n this.buffer = next.buffer;\n }\n }\n get id() { return this.buffer[this.index - 4]; }\n get start() { return this.buffer[this.index - 3]; }\n get end() { return this.buffer[this.index - 2]; }\n get size() { return this.buffer[this.index - 1]; }\n next() {\n this.index -= 4;\n this.pos -= 4;\n if (this.index == 0)\n this.maybeNext();\n }\n fork() {\n return new StackBufferCursor(this.stack, this.pos, this.index);\n }\n}\n\n// See lezer-generator/src/encode.ts for comments about the encoding\n// used here\nfunction decodeArray(input, Type = Uint16Array) {\n if (typeof input != \"string\")\n return input;\n let array = null;\n for (let pos = 0, out = 0; pos < input.length;) {\n let value = 0;\n for (;;) {\n let next = input.charCodeAt(pos++), stop = false;\n if (next == 126 /* Encode.BigValCode */) {\n value = 65535 /* Encode.BigVal */;\n break;\n }\n if (next >= 92 /* Encode.Gap2 */)\n next--;\n if (next >= 34 /* Encode.Gap1 */)\n next--;\n let digit = next - 32 /* Encode.Start */;\n if (digit >= 46 /* Encode.Base */) {\n digit -= 46 /* Encode.Base */;\n stop = true;\n }\n value += digit;\n if (stop)\n break;\n value *= 46 /* Encode.Base */;\n }\n if (array)\n array[out++] = value;\n else\n array = new Type(value);\n }\n return array;\n}\n\nclass CachedToken {\n constructor() {\n this.start = -1;\n this.value = -1;\n this.end = -1;\n this.extended = -1;\n this.lookAhead = 0;\n this.mask = 0;\n this.context = 0;\n }\n}\nconst nullToken = new CachedToken;\n/// [Tokenizers](#lr.ExternalTokenizer) interact with the input\n/// through this interface. It presents the input as a stream of\n/// characters, tracking lookahead and hiding the complexity of\n/// [ranges](#common.Parser.parse^ranges) from tokenizer code.\nclass InputStream {\n /// @internal\n constructor(\n /// @internal\n input, \n /// @internal\n ranges) {\n this.input = input;\n this.ranges = ranges;\n /// @internal\n this.chunk = \"\";\n /// @internal\n this.chunkOff = 0;\n /// Backup chunk\n this.chunk2 = \"\";\n this.chunk2Pos = 0;\n /// The character code of the next code unit in the input, or -1\n /// when the stream is at the end of the input.\n this.next = -1;\n /// @internal\n this.token = nullToken;\n this.rangeIndex = 0;\n this.pos = this.chunkPos = ranges[0].from;\n this.range = ranges[0];\n this.end = ranges[ranges.length - 1].to;\n this.readNext();\n }\n /// @internal\n resolveOffset(offset, assoc) {\n let range = this.range, index = this.rangeIndex;\n let pos = this.pos + offset;\n while (pos < range.from) {\n if (!index)\n return null;\n let next = this.ranges[--index];\n pos -= range.from - next.to;\n range = next;\n }\n while (assoc < 0 ? pos > range.to : pos >= range.to) {\n if (index == this.ranges.length - 1)\n return null;\n let next = this.ranges[++index];\n pos += next.from - range.to;\n range = next;\n }\n return pos;\n }\n /// @internal\n clipPos(pos) {\n if (pos >= this.range.from && pos < this.range.to)\n return pos;\n for (let range of this.ranges)\n if (range.to > pos)\n return Math.max(pos, range.from);\n return this.end;\n }\n /// Look at a code unit near the stream position. `.peek(0)` equals\n /// `.next`, `.peek(-1)` gives you the previous character, and so\n /// on.\n ///\n /// Note that looking around during tokenizing creates dependencies\n /// on potentially far-away content, which may reduce the\n /// effectiveness incremental parsing—when looking forward—or even\n /// cause invalid reparses when looking backward more than 25 code\n /// units, since the library does not track lookbehind.\n peek(offset) {\n let idx = this.chunkOff + offset, pos, result;\n if (idx >= 0 && idx < this.chunk.length) {\n pos = this.pos + offset;\n result = this.chunk.charCodeAt(idx);\n }\n else {\n let resolved = this.resolveOffset(offset, 1);\n if (resolved == null)\n return -1;\n pos = resolved;\n if (pos >= this.chunk2Pos && pos < this.chunk2Pos + this.chunk2.length) {\n result = this.chunk2.charCodeAt(pos - this.chunk2Pos);\n }\n else {\n let i = this.rangeIndex, range = this.range;\n while (range.to <= pos)\n range = this.ranges[++i];\n this.chunk2 = this.input.chunk(this.chunk2Pos = pos);\n if (pos + this.chunk2.length > range.to)\n this.chunk2 = this.chunk2.slice(0, range.to - pos);\n result = this.chunk2.charCodeAt(0);\n }\n }\n if (pos >= this.token.lookAhead)\n this.token.lookAhead = pos + 1;\n return result;\n }\n /// Accept a token. By default, the end of the token is set to the\n /// current stream position, but you can pass an offset (relative to\n /// the stream position) to change that.\n acceptToken(token, endOffset = 0) {\n let end = endOffset ? this.resolveOffset(endOffset, -1) : this.pos;\n if (end == null || end < this.token.start)\n throw new RangeError(\"Token end out of bounds\");\n this.token.value = token;\n this.token.end = end;\n }\n getChunk() {\n if (this.pos >= this.chunk2Pos && this.pos < this.chunk2Pos + this.chunk2.length) {\n let { chunk, chunkPos } = this;\n this.chunk = this.chunk2;\n this.chunkPos = this.chunk2Pos;\n this.chunk2 = chunk;\n this.chunk2Pos = chunkPos;\n this.chunkOff = this.pos - this.chunkPos;\n }\n else {\n this.chunk2 = this.chunk;\n this.chunk2Pos = this.chunkPos;\n let nextChunk = this.input.chunk(this.pos);\n let end = this.pos + nextChunk.length;\n this.chunk = end > this.range.to ? nextChunk.slice(0, this.range.to - this.pos) : nextChunk;\n this.chunkPos = this.pos;\n this.chunkOff = 0;\n }\n }\n readNext() {\n if (this.chunkOff >= this.chunk.length) {\n this.getChunk();\n if (this.chunkOff == this.chunk.length)\n return this.next = -1;\n }\n return this.next = this.chunk.charCodeAt(this.chunkOff);\n }\n /// Move the stream forward N (defaults to 1) code units. Returns\n /// the new value of [`next`](#lr.InputStream.next).\n advance(n = 1) {\n this.chunkOff += n;\n while (this.pos + n >= this.range.to) {\n if (this.rangeIndex == this.ranges.length - 1)\n return this.setDone();\n n -= this.range.to - this.pos;\n this.range = this.ranges[++this.rangeIndex];\n this.pos = this.range.from;\n }\n this.pos += n;\n if (this.pos >= this.token.lookAhead)\n this.token.lookAhead = this.pos + 1;\n return this.readNext();\n }\n setDone() {\n this.pos = this.chunkPos = this.end;\n this.range = this.ranges[this.rangeIndex = this.ranges.length - 1];\n this.chunk = \"\";\n return this.next = -1;\n }\n /// @internal\n reset(pos, token) {\n if (token) {\n this.token = token;\n token.start = pos;\n token.lookAhead = pos + 1;\n token.value = token.extended = -1;\n }\n else {\n this.token = nullToken;\n }\n if (this.pos != pos) {\n this.pos = pos;\n if (pos == this.end) {\n this.setDone();\n return this;\n }\n while (pos < this.range.from)\n this.range = this.ranges[--this.rangeIndex];\n while (pos >= this.range.to)\n this.range = this.ranges[++this.rangeIndex];\n if (pos >= this.chunkPos && pos < this.chunkPos + this.chunk.length) {\n this.chunkOff = pos - this.chunkPos;\n }\n else {\n this.chunk = \"\";\n this.chunkOff = 0;\n }\n this.readNext();\n }\n return this;\n }\n /// @internal\n read(from, to) {\n if (from >= this.chunkPos && to <= this.chunkPos + this.chunk.length)\n return this.chunk.slice(from - this.chunkPos, to - this.chunkPos);\n if (from >= this.chunk2Pos && to <= this.chunk2Pos + this.chunk2.length)\n return this.chunk2.slice(from - this.chunk2Pos, to - this.chunk2Pos);\n if (from >= this.range.from && to <= this.range.to)\n return this.input.read(from, to);\n let result = \"\";\n for (let r of this.ranges) {\n if (r.from >= to)\n break;\n if (r.to > from)\n result += this.input.read(Math.max(r.from, from), Math.min(r.to, to));\n }\n return result;\n }\n}\n/// @internal\nclass TokenGroup {\n constructor(data, id) {\n this.data = data;\n this.id = id;\n }\n token(input, stack) {\n let { parser } = stack.p;\n readToken(this.data, input, stack, this.id, parser.data, parser.tokenPrecTable);\n }\n}\nTokenGroup.prototype.contextual = TokenGroup.prototype.fallback = TokenGroup.prototype.extend = false;\n/// @hide\nclass LocalTokenGroup {\n constructor(data, precTable, elseToken) {\n this.precTable = precTable;\n this.elseToken = elseToken;\n this.data = typeof data == \"string\" ? decodeArray(data) : data;\n }\n token(input, stack) {\n let start = input.pos, skipped = 0;\n for (;;) {\n let atEof = input.next < 0, nextPos = input.resolveOffset(1, 1);\n readToken(this.data, input, stack, 0, this.data, this.precTable);\n if (input.token.value > -1)\n break;\n if (this.elseToken == null)\n return;\n if (!atEof)\n skipped++;\n if (nextPos == null)\n break;\n input.reset(nextPos, input.token);\n }\n if (skipped) {\n input.reset(start, input.token);\n input.acceptToken(this.elseToken, skipped);\n }\n }\n}\nLocalTokenGroup.prototype.contextual = TokenGroup.prototype.fallback = TokenGroup.prototype.extend = false;\n/// `@external tokens` declarations in the grammar should resolve to\n/// an instance of this class.\nclass ExternalTokenizer {\n /// Create a tokenizer. The first argument is the function that,\n /// given an input stream, scans for the types of tokens it\n /// recognizes at the stream's position, and calls\n /// [`acceptToken`](#lr.InputStream.acceptToken) when it finds\n /// one.\n constructor(\n /// @internal\n token, options = {}) {\n this.token = token;\n this.contextual = !!options.contextual;\n this.fallback = !!options.fallback;\n this.extend = !!options.extend;\n }\n}\n// Tokenizer data is stored a big uint16 array containing, for each\n// state:\n//\n// - A group bitmask, indicating what token groups are reachable from\n// this state, so that paths that can only lead to tokens not in\n// any of the current groups can be cut off early.\n//\n// - The position of the end of the state's sequence of accepting\n// tokens\n//\n// - The number of outgoing edges for the state\n//\n// - The accepting tokens, as (token id, group mask) pairs\n//\n// - The outgoing edges, as (start character, end character, state\n// index) triples, with end character being exclusive\n//\n// This function interprets that data, running through a stream as\n// long as new states with the a matching group mask can be reached,\n// and updating `input.token` when it matches a token.\nfunction readToken(data, input, stack, group, precTable, precOffset) {\n let state = 0, groupMask = 1 << group, { dialect } = stack.p.parser;\n scan: for (;;) {\n if ((groupMask & data[state]) == 0)\n break;\n let accEnd = data[state + 1];\n // Check whether this state can lead to a token in the current group\n // Accept tokens in this state, possibly overwriting\n // lower-precedence / shorter tokens\n for (let i = state + 3; i < accEnd; i += 2)\n if ((data[i + 1] & groupMask) > 0) {\n let term = data[i];\n if (dialect.allows(term) &&\n (input.token.value == -1 || input.token.value == term ||\n overrides(term, input.token.value, precTable, precOffset))) {\n input.acceptToken(term);\n break;\n }\n }\n let next = input.next, low = 0, high = data[state + 2];\n // Special case for EOF\n if (input.next < 0 && high > low && data[accEnd + high * 3 - 3] == 65535 /* Seq.End */ && data[accEnd + high * 3 - 3] == 65535 /* Seq.End */) {\n state = data[accEnd + high * 3 - 1];\n continue scan;\n }\n // Do a binary search on the state's edges\n for (; low < high;) {\n let mid = (low + high) >> 1;\n let index = accEnd + mid + (mid << 1);\n let from = data[index], to = data[index + 1] || 0x10000;\n if (next < from)\n high = mid;\n else if (next >= to)\n low = mid + 1;\n else {\n state = data[index + 2];\n input.advance();\n continue scan;\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n}\nfunction findOffset(data, start, term) {\n for (let i = start, next; (next = data[i]) != 65535 /* Seq.End */; i++)\n if (next == term)\n return i - start;\n return -1;\n}\nfunction overrides(token, prev, tableData, tableOffset) {\n let iPrev = findOffset(tableData, tableOffset, prev);\n return iPrev < 0 || findOffset(tableData, tableOffset, token) < iPrev;\n}\n\n// Environment variable used to control console output\nconst verbose = typeof process != \"undefined\" && process.env && /\\bparse\\b/.test(process.env.LOG);\nlet stackIDs = null;\nvar Safety;\n(function (Safety) {\n Safety[Safety[\"Margin\"] = 25] = \"Margin\";\n})(Safety || (Safety = {}));\nfunction cutAt(tree, pos, side) {\n let cursor = tree.cursor(IterMode.IncludeAnonymous);\n cursor.moveTo(pos);\n for (;;) {\n if (!(side < 0 ? cursor.childBefore(pos) : cursor.childAfter(pos)))\n for (;;) {\n if ((side < 0 ? cursor.to < pos : cursor.from > pos) && !cursor.type.isError)\n return side < 0 ? Math.max(0, Math.min(cursor.to - 1, pos - 25 /* Safety.Margin */))\n : Math.min(tree.length, Math.max(cursor.from + 1, pos + 25 /* Safety.Margin */));\n if (side < 0 ? cursor.prevSibling() : cursor.nextSibling())\n break;\n if (!cursor.parent())\n return side < 0 ? 0 : tree.length;\n }\n }\n}\nclass FragmentCursor {\n constructor(fragments, nodeSet) {\n this.fragments = fragments;\n this.nodeSet = nodeSet;\n this.i = 0;\n this.fragment = null;\n this.safeFrom = -1;\n this.safeTo = -1;\n this.trees = [];\n this.start = [];\n this.index = [];\n this.nextFragment();\n }\n nextFragment() {\n let fr = this.fragment = this.i == this.fragments.length ? null : this.fragments[this.i++];\n if (fr) {\n this.safeFrom = fr.openStart ? cutAt(fr.tree, fr.from + fr.offset, 1) - fr.offset : fr.from;\n this.safeTo = fr.openEnd ? cutAt(fr.tree, fr.to + fr.offset, -1) - fr.offset : fr.to;\n while (this.trees.length) {\n this.trees.pop();\n this.start.pop();\n this.index.pop();\n }\n this.trees.push(fr.tree);\n this.start.push(-fr.offset);\n this.index.push(0);\n this.nextStart = this.safeFrom;\n }\n else {\n this.nextStart = 1e9;\n }\n }\n // `pos` must be >= any previously given `pos` for this cursor\n nodeAt(pos) {\n if (pos < this.nextStart)\n return null;\n while (this.fragment && this.safeTo <= pos)\n this.nextFragment();\n if (!this.fragment)\n return null;\n for (;;) {\n let last = this.trees.length - 1;\n if (last < 0) { // End of tree\n this.nextFragment();\n return null;\n }\n let top = this.trees[last], index = this.index[last];\n if (index == top.children.length) {\n this.trees.pop();\n this.start.pop();\n this.index.pop();\n continue;\n }\n let next = top.children[index];\n let start = this.start[last] + top.positions[index];\n if (start > pos) {\n this.nextStart = start;\n return null;\n }\n if (next instanceof Tree) {\n if (start == pos) {\n if (start < this.safeFrom)\n return null;\n let end = start + next.length;\n if (end <= this.safeTo) {\n let lookAhead = next.prop(NodeProp.lookAhead);\n if (!lookAhead || end + lookAhead < this.fragment.to)\n return next;\n }\n }\n this.index[last]++;\n if (start + next.length >= Math.max(this.safeFrom, pos)) { // Enter this node\n this.trees.push(next);\n this.start.push(start);\n this.index.push(0);\n }\n }\n else {\n this.index[last]++;\n this.nextStart = start + next.length;\n }\n }\n }\n}\nclass TokenCache {\n constructor(parser, stream) {\n this.stream = stream;\n this.tokens = [];\n this.mainToken = null;\n this.actions = [];\n this.tokens = parser.tokenizers.map(_ => new CachedToken);\n }\n getActions(stack) {\n let actionIndex = 0;\n let main = null;\n let { parser } = stack.p, { tokenizers } = parser;\n let mask = parser.stateSlot(stack.state, 3 /* ParseState.TokenizerMask */);\n let context = stack.curContext ? stack.curContext.hash : 0;\n let lookAhead = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < tokenizers.length; i++) {\n if (((1 << i) & mask) == 0)\n continue;\n let tokenizer = tokenizers[i], token = this.tokens[i];\n if (main && !tokenizer.fallback)\n continue;\n if (tokenizer.contextual || token.start != stack.pos || token.mask != mask || token.context != context) {\n this.updateCachedToken(token, tokenizer, stack);\n token.mask = mask;\n token.context = context;\n }\n if (token.lookAhead > token.end + 25 /* Safety.Margin */)\n lookAhead = Math.max(token.lookAhead, lookAhead);\n if (token.value != 0 /* Term.Err */) {\n let startIndex = actionIndex;\n if (token.extended > -1)\n actionIndex = this.addActions(stack, token.extended, token.end, actionIndex);\n actionIndex = this.addActions(stack, token.value, token.end, actionIndex);\n if (!tokenizer.extend) {\n main = token;\n if (actionIndex > startIndex)\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n while (this.actions.length > actionIndex)\n this.actions.pop();\n if (lookAhead)\n stack.setLookAhead(lookAhead);\n if (!main && stack.pos == this.stream.end) {\n main = new CachedToken;\n main.value = stack.p.parser.eofTerm;\n main.start = main.end = stack.pos;\n actionIndex = this.addActions(stack, main.value, main.end, actionIndex);\n }\n this.mainToken = main;\n return this.actions;\n }\n getMainToken(stack) {\n if (this.mainToken)\n return this.mainToken;\n let main = new CachedToken, { pos, p } = stack;\n main.start = pos;\n main.end = Math.min(pos + 1, p.stream.end);\n main.value = pos == p.stream.end ? p.parser.eofTerm : 0 /* Term.Err */;\n return main;\n }\n updateCachedToken(token, tokenizer, stack) {\n let start = this.stream.clipPos(stack.pos);\n tokenizer.token(this.stream.reset(start, token), stack);\n if (token.value > -1) {\n let { parser } = stack.p;\n for (let i = 0; i < parser.specialized.length; i++)\n if (parser.specialized[i] == token.value) {\n let result = parser.specializers[i](this.stream.read(token.start, token.end), stack);\n if (result >= 0 && stack.p.parser.dialect.allows(result >> 1)) {\n if ((result & 1) == 0 /* Specialize.Specialize */)\n token.value = result >> 1;\n else\n token.extended = result >> 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n token.value = 0 /* Term.Err */;\n token.end = this.stream.clipPos(start + 1);\n }\n }\n putAction(action, token, end, index) {\n // Don't add duplicate actions\n for (let i = 0; i < index; i += 3)\n if (this.actions[i] == action)\n return index;\n this.actions[index++] = action;\n this.actions[index++] = token;\n this.actions[index++] = end;\n return index;\n }\n addActions(stack, token, end, index) {\n let { state } = stack, { parser } = stack.p, { data } = parser;\n for (let set = 0; set < 2; set++) {\n for (let i = parser.stateSlot(state, set ? 2 /* ParseState.Skip */ : 1 /* ParseState.Actions */);; i += 3) {\n if (data[i] == 65535 /* Seq.End */) {\n if (data[i + 1] == 1 /* Seq.Next */) {\n i = pair(data, i + 2);\n }\n else {\n if (index == 0 && data[i + 1] == 2 /* Seq.Other */)\n index = this.putAction(pair(data, i + 2), token, end, index);\n break;\n }\n }\n if (data[i] == token)\n index = this.putAction(pair(data, i + 1), token, end, index);\n }\n }\n return index;\n }\n}\nvar Rec;\n(function (Rec) {\n Rec[Rec[\"Distance\"] = 5] = \"Distance\";\n Rec[Rec[\"MaxRemainingPerStep\"] = 3] = \"MaxRemainingPerStep\";\n // When two stacks have been running independently long enough to\n // add this many elements to their buffers, prune one.\n Rec[Rec[\"MinBufferLengthPrune\"] = 500] = \"MinBufferLengthPrune\";\n Rec[Rec[\"ForceReduceLimit\"] = 10] = \"ForceReduceLimit\";\n // Once a stack reaches this depth (in .stack.length) force-reduce\n // it back to CutTo to avoid creating trees that overflow the stack\n // on recursive traversal.\n Rec[Rec[\"CutDepth\"] = 15000] = \"CutDepth\";\n Rec[Rec[\"CutTo\"] = 9000] = \"CutTo\";\n Rec[Rec[\"MaxLeftAssociativeReductionCount\"] = 300] = \"MaxLeftAssociativeReductionCount\";\n // The maximum number of non-recovering stacks to explore (to avoid\n // getting bogged down with exponentially multiplying stacks in\n // ambiguous content)\n Rec[Rec[\"MaxStackCount\"] = 12] = \"MaxStackCount\";\n})(Rec || (Rec = {}));\nclass Parse {\n constructor(parser, input, fragments, ranges) {\n this.parser = parser;\n this.input = input;\n this.ranges = ranges;\n this.recovering = 0;\n this.nextStackID = 0x2654; // ♔, ♕, ♖, ♗, ♘, ♙, ♠, ♡, ♢, ♣, ♤, ♥, ♦, ♧\n this.minStackPos = 0;\n this.reused = [];\n this.stoppedAt = null;\n this.lastBigReductionStart = -1;\n this.lastBigReductionSize = 0;\n this.bigReductionCount = 0;\n this.stream = new InputStream(input, ranges);\n this.tokens = new TokenCache(parser, this.stream);\n this.topTerm = parser.top[1];\n let { from } = ranges[0];\n this.stacks = [Stack.start(this, parser.top[0], from)];\n this.fragments = fragments.length && this.stream.end - from > parser.bufferLength * 4\n ? new FragmentCursor(fragments, parser.nodeSet) : null;\n }\n get parsedPos() {\n return this.minStackPos;\n }\n // Move the parser forward. This will process all parse stacks at\n // `this.pos` and try to advance them to a further position. If no\n // stack for such a position is found, it'll start error-recovery.\n //\n // When the parse is finished, this will return a syntax tree. When\n // not, it returns `null`.\n advance() {\n let stacks = this.stacks, pos = this.minStackPos;\n // This will hold stacks beyond `pos`.\n let newStacks = this.stacks = [];\n let stopped, stoppedTokens;\n // If a large amount of reductions happened with the same start\n // position, force the stack out of that production in order to\n // avoid creating a tree too deep to recurse through.\n // (This is an ugly kludge, because unfortunately there is no\n // straightforward, cheap way to check for this happening, due to\n // the history of reductions only being available in an\n // expensive-to-access format in the stack buffers.)\n if (this.bigReductionCount > 300 /* Rec.MaxLeftAssociativeReductionCount */ && stacks.length == 1) {\n let [s] = stacks;\n while (s.forceReduce() && s.stack.length && s.stack[s.stack.length - 2] >= this.lastBigReductionStart) { }\n this.bigReductionCount = this.lastBigReductionSize = 0;\n }\n // Keep advancing any stacks at `pos` until they either move\n // forward or can't be advanced. Gather stacks that can't be\n // advanced further in `stopped`.\n for (let i = 0; i < stacks.length; i++) {\n let stack = stacks[i];\n for (;;) {\n this.tokens.mainToken = null;\n if (stack.pos > pos) {\n newStacks.push(stack);\n }\n else if (this.advanceStack(stack, newStacks, stacks)) {\n continue;\n }\n else {\n if (!stopped) {\n stopped = [];\n stoppedTokens = [];\n }\n stopped.push(stack);\n let tok = this.tokens.getMainToken(stack);\n stoppedTokens.push(tok.value, tok.end);\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n if (!newStacks.length) {\n let finished = stopped && findFinished(stopped);\n if (finished)\n return this.stackToTree(finished);\n if (this.parser.strict) {\n if (verbose && stopped)\n console.log(\"Stuck with token \" + (this.tokens.mainToken ? this.parser.getName(this.tokens.mainToken.value) : \"none\"));\n throw new SyntaxError(\"No parse at \" + pos);\n }\n if (!this.recovering)\n this.recovering = 5 /* Rec.Distance */;\n }\n if (this.recovering && stopped) {\n let finished = this.stoppedAt != null && stopped[0].pos > this.stoppedAt ? stopped[0]\n : this.runRecovery(stopped, stoppedTokens, newStacks);\n if (finished)\n return this.stackToTree(finished.forceAll());\n }\n if (this.recovering) {\n let maxRemaining = this.recovering == 1 ? 1 : this.recovering * 3 /* Rec.MaxRemainingPerStep */;\n if (newStacks.length > maxRemaining) {\n newStacks.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score);\n while (newStacks.length > maxRemaining)\n newStacks.pop();\n }\n if (newStacks.some(s => s.reducePos > pos))\n this.recovering--;\n }\n else if (newStacks.length > 1) {\n // Prune stacks that are in the same state, or that have been\n // running without splitting for a while, to avoid getting stuck\n // with multiple successful stacks running endlessly on.\n outer: for (let i = 0; i < newStacks.length - 1; i++) {\n let stack = newStacks[i];\n for (let j = i + 1; j < newStacks.length; j++) {\n let other = newStacks[j];\n if (stack.sameState(other) ||\n stack.buffer.length > 500 /* Rec.MinBufferLengthPrune */ && other.buffer.length > 500 /* Rec.MinBufferLengthPrune */) {\n if (((stack.score - other.score) || (stack.buffer.length - other.buffer.length)) > 0) {\n newStacks.splice(j--, 1);\n }\n else {\n newStacks.splice(i--, 1);\n continue outer;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (newStacks.length > 12 /* Rec.MaxStackCount */)\n newStacks.splice(12 /* Rec.MaxStackCount */, newStacks.length - 12 /* Rec.MaxStackCount */);\n }\n this.minStackPos = newStacks[0].pos;\n for (let i = 1; i < newStacks.length; i++)\n if (newStacks[i].pos < this.minStackPos)\n this.minStackPos = newStacks[i].pos;\n return null;\n }\n stopAt(pos) {\n if (this.stoppedAt != null && this.stoppedAt < pos)\n throw new RangeError(\"Can't move stoppedAt forward\");\n this.stoppedAt = pos;\n }\n // Returns an updated version of the given stack, or null if the\n // stack can't advance normally. When `split` and `stacks` are\n // given, stacks split off by ambiguous operations will be pushed to\n // `split`, or added to `stacks` if they move `pos` forward.\n advanceStack(stack, stacks, split) {\n let start = stack.pos, { parser } = this;\n let base = verbose ? this.stackID(stack) + \" -> \" : \"\";\n if (this.stoppedAt != null && start > this.stoppedAt)\n return stack.forceReduce() ? stack : null;\n if (this.fragments) {\n let strictCx = stack.curContext && stack.curContext.tracker.strict, cxHash = strictCx ? stack.curContext.hash : 0;\n for (let cached = this.fragments.nodeAt(start); cached;) {\n let match = this.parser.nodeSet.types[cached.type.id] == cached.type ? parser.getGoto(stack.state, cached.type.id) : -1;\n if (match > -1 && cached.length && (!strictCx || (cached.prop(NodeProp.contextHash) || 0) == cxHash)) {\n stack.useNode(cached, match);\n if (verbose)\n console.log(base + this.stackID(stack) + ` (via reuse of ${parser.getName(cached.type.id)})`);\n return true;\n }\n if (!(cached instanceof Tree) || cached.children.length == 0 || cached.positions[0] > 0)\n break;\n let inner = cached.children[0];\n if (inner instanceof Tree && cached.positions[0] == 0)\n cached = inner;\n else\n break;\n }\n }\n let defaultReduce = parser.stateSlot(stack.state, 4 /* ParseState.DefaultReduce */);\n if (defaultReduce > 0) {\n stack.reduce(defaultReduce);\n if (verbose)\n console.log(base + this.stackID(stack) + ` (via always-reduce ${parser.getName(defaultReduce & 65535 /* Action.ValueMask */)})`);\n return true;\n }\n if (stack.stack.length >= 15000 /* Rec.CutDepth */) {\n while (stack.stack.length > 9000 /* Rec.CutTo */ && stack.forceReduce()) { }\n }\n let actions = this.tokens.getActions(stack);\n for (let i = 0; i < actions.length;) {\n let action = actions[i++], term = actions[i++], end = actions[i++];\n let last = i == actions.length || !split;\n let localStack = last ? stack : stack.split();\n localStack.apply(action, term, end);\n if (verbose)\n console.log(base + this.stackID(localStack) + ` (via ${(action & 65536 /* Action.ReduceFlag */) == 0 ? \"shift\"\n : `reduce of ${parser.getName(action & 65535 /* Action.ValueMask */)}`} for ${parser.getName(term)} @ ${start}${localStack == stack ? \"\" : \", split\"})`);\n if (last)\n return true;\n else if (localStack.pos > start)\n stacks.push(localStack);\n else\n split.push(localStack);\n }\n return false;\n }\n // Advance a given stack forward as far as it will go. Returns the\n // (possibly updated) stack if it got stuck, or null if it moved\n // forward and was given to `pushStackDedup`.\n advanceFully(stack, newStacks) {\n let pos = stack.pos;\n for (;;) {\n if (!this.advanceStack(stack, null, null))\n return false;\n if (stack.pos > pos) {\n pushStackDedup(stack, newStacks);\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n runRecovery(stacks, tokens, newStacks) {\n let finished = null, restarted = false;\n for (let i = 0; i < stacks.length; i++) {\n let stack = stacks[i], token = tokens[i << 1], tokenEnd = tokens[(i << 1) + 1];\n let base = verbose ? this.stackID(stack) + \" -> \" : \"\";\n if (stack.deadEnd) {\n if (restarted)\n continue;\n restarted = true;\n stack.restart();\n if (verbose)\n console.log(base + this.stackID(stack) + \" (restarted)\");\n let done = this.advanceFully(stack, newStacks);\n if (done)\n continue;\n }\n let force = stack.split(), forceBase = base;\n for (let j = 0; force.forceReduce() && j < 10 /* Rec.ForceReduceLimit */; j++) {\n if (verbose)\n console.log(forceBase + this.stackID(force) + \" (via force-reduce)\");\n let done = this.advanceFully(force, newStacks);\n if (done)\n break;\n if (verbose)\n forceBase = this.stackID(force) + \" -> \";\n }\n for (let insert of stack.recoverByInsert(token)) {\n if (verbose)\n console.log(base + this.stackID(insert) + \" (via recover-insert)\");\n this.advanceFully(insert, newStacks);\n }\n if (this.stream.end > stack.pos) {\n if (tokenEnd == stack.pos) {\n tokenEnd++;\n token = 0 /* Term.Err */;\n }\n stack.recoverByDelete(token, tokenEnd);\n if (verbose)\n console.log(base + this.stackID(stack) + ` (via recover-delete ${this.parser.getName(token)})`);\n pushStackDedup(stack, newStacks);\n }\n else if (!finished || finished.score < stack.score) {\n finished = stack;\n }\n }\n return finished;\n }\n // Convert the stack's buffer to a syntax tree.\n stackToTree(stack) {\n stack.close();\n return Tree.build({ buffer: StackBufferCursor.create(stack),\n nodeSet: this.parser.nodeSet,\n topID: this.topTerm,\n maxBufferLength: this.parser.bufferLength,\n reused: this.reused,\n start: this.ranges[0].from,\n length: stack.pos - this.ranges[0].from,\n minRepeatType: this.parser.minRepeatTerm });\n }\n stackID(stack) {\n let id = (stackIDs || (stackIDs = new WeakMap)).get(stack);\n if (!id)\n stackIDs.set(stack, id = String.fromCodePoint(this.nextStackID++));\n return id + stack;\n }\n}\nfunction pushStackDedup(stack, newStacks) {\n for (let i = 0; i < newStacks.length; i++) {\n let other = newStacks[i];\n if (other.pos == stack.pos && other.sameState(stack)) {\n if (newStacks[i].score < stack.score)\n newStacks[i] = stack;\n return;\n }\n }\n newStacks.push(stack);\n}\nclass Dialect {\n constructor(source, flags, disabled) {\n this.source = source;\n this.flags = flags;\n this.disabled = disabled;\n }\n allows(term) { return !this.disabled || this.disabled[term] == 0; }\n}\nconst id = x => x;\n/// Context trackers are used to track stateful context (such as\n/// indentation in the Python grammar, or parent elements in the XML\n/// grammar) needed by external tokenizers. You declare them in a\n/// grammar file as `@context exportName from \"module\"`.\n///\n/// Context values should be immutable, and can be updated (replaced)\n/// on shift or reduce actions.\n///\n/// The export used in a `@context` declaration should be of this\n/// type.\nclass ContextTracker {\n /// Define a context tracker.\n constructor(spec) {\n this.start = spec.start;\n this.shift = spec.shift || id;\n this.reduce = spec.reduce || id;\n this.reuse = spec.reuse || id;\n this.hash = spec.hash || (() => 0);\n this.strict = spec.strict !== false;\n }\n}\n/// Holds the parse tables for a given grammar, as generated by\n/// `lezer-generator`, and provides [methods](#common.Parser) to parse\n/// content with.\nclass LRParser extends Parser {\n /// @internal\n constructor(spec) {\n super();\n /// @internal\n this.wrappers = [];\n if (spec.version != 14 /* File.Version */)\n throw new RangeError(`Parser version (${spec.version}) doesn't match runtime version (${14 /* File.Version */})`);\n let nodeNames = spec.nodeNames.split(\" \");\n this.minRepeatTerm = nodeNames.length;\n for (let i = 0; i < spec.repeatNodeCount; i++)\n nodeNames.push(\"\");\n let topTerms = Object.keys(spec.topRules).map(r => spec.topRules[r][1]);\n let nodeProps = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < nodeNames.length; i++)\n nodeProps.push([]);\n function setProp(nodeID, prop, value) {\n nodeProps[nodeID].push([prop, prop.deserialize(String(value))]);\n }\n if (spec.nodeProps)\n for (let propSpec of spec.nodeProps) {\n let prop = propSpec[0];\n if (typeof prop == \"string\")\n prop = NodeProp[prop];\n for (let i = 1; i < propSpec.length;) {\n let next = propSpec[i++];\n if (next >= 0) {\n setProp(next, prop, propSpec[i++]);\n }\n else {\n let value = propSpec[i + -next];\n for (let j = -next; j > 0; j--)\n setProp(propSpec[i++], prop, value);\n i++;\n }\n }\n }\n this.nodeSet = new NodeSet(nodeNames.map((name, i) => NodeType.define({\n name: i >= this.minRepeatTerm ? undefined : name,\n id: i,\n props: nodeProps[i],\n top: topTerms.indexOf(i) > -1,\n error: i == 0,\n skipped: spec.skippedNodes && spec.skippedNodes.indexOf(i) > -1\n })));\n if (spec.propSources)\n this.nodeSet = this.nodeSet.extend(...spec.propSources);\n this.strict = false;\n this.bufferLength = DefaultBufferLength;\n let tokenArray = decodeArray(spec.tokenData);\n this.context = spec.context;\n this.specializerSpecs = spec.specialized || [];\n this.specialized = new Uint16Array(this.specializerSpecs.length);\n for (let i = 0; i < this.specializerSpecs.length; i++)\n this.specialized[i] = this.specializerSpecs[i].term;\n this.specializers = this.specializerSpecs.map(getSpecializer);\n this.states = decodeArray(spec.states, Uint32Array);\n this.data = decodeArray(spec.stateData);\n this.goto = decodeArray(spec.goto);\n this.maxTerm = spec.maxTerm;\n this.tokenizers = spec.tokenizers.map(value => typeof value == \"number\" ? new TokenGroup(tokenArray, value) : value);\n this.topRules = spec.topRules;\n this.dialects = spec.dialects || {};\n this.dynamicPrecedences = spec.dynamicPrecedences || null;\n this.tokenPrecTable = spec.tokenPrec;\n this.termNames = spec.termNames || null;\n this.maxNode = this.nodeSet.types.length - 1;\n this.dialect = this.parseDialect();\n this.top = this.topRules[Object.keys(this.topRules)[0]];\n }\n createParse(input, fragments, ranges) {\n let parse = new Parse(this, input, fragments, ranges);\n for (let w of this.wrappers)\n parse = w(parse, input, fragments, ranges);\n return parse;\n }\n /// Get a goto table entry @internal\n getGoto(state, term, loose = false) {\n let table = this.goto;\n if (term >= table[0])\n return -1;\n for (let pos = table[term + 1];;) {\n let groupTag = table[pos++], last = groupTag & 1;\n let target = table[pos++];\n if (last && loose)\n return target;\n for (let end = pos + (groupTag >> 1); pos < end; pos++)\n if (table[pos] == state)\n return target;\n if (last)\n return -1;\n }\n }\n /// Check if this state has an action for a given terminal @internal\n hasAction(state, terminal) {\n let data = this.data;\n for (let set = 0; set < 2; set++) {\n for (let i = this.stateSlot(state, set ? 2 /* ParseState.Skip */ : 1 /* ParseState.Actions */), next;; i += 3) {\n if ((next = data[i]) == 65535 /* Seq.End */) {\n if (data[i + 1] == 1 /* Seq.Next */)\n next = data[i = pair(data, i + 2)];\n else if (data[i + 1] == 2 /* Seq.Other */)\n return pair(data, i + 2);\n else\n break;\n }\n if (next == terminal || next == 0 /* Term.Err */)\n return pair(data, i + 1);\n }\n }\n return 0;\n }\n /// @internal\n stateSlot(state, slot) {\n return this.states[(state * 6 /* ParseState.Size */) + slot];\n }\n /// @internal\n stateFlag(state, flag) {\n return (this.stateSlot(state, 0 /* ParseState.Flags */) & flag) > 0;\n }\n /// @internal\n validAction(state, action) {\n return !!this.allActions(state, a => a == action ? true : null);\n }\n /// @internal\n allActions(state, action) {\n let deflt = this.stateSlot(state, 4 /* ParseState.DefaultReduce */);\n let result = deflt ? action(deflt) : undefined;\n for (let i = this.stateSlot(state, 1 /* ParseState.Actions */); result == null; i += 3) {\n if (this.data[i] == 65535 /* Seq.End */) {\n if (this.data[i + 1] == 1 /* Seq.Next */)\n i = pair(this.data, i + 2);\n else\n break;\n }\n result = action(pair(this.data, i + 1));\n }\n return result;\n }\n /// Get the states that can follow this one through shift actions or\n /// goto jumps. @internal\n nextStates(state) {\n let result = [];\n for (let i = this.stateSlot(state, 1 /* ParseState.Actions */);; i += 3) {\n if (this.data[i] == 65535 /* Seq.End */) {\n if (this.data[i + 1] == 1 /* Seq.Next */)\n i = pair(this.data, i + 2);\n else\n break;\n }\n if ((this.data[i + 2] & (65536 /* Action.ReduceFlag */ >> 16)) == 0) {\n let value = this.data[i + 1];\n if (!result.some((v, i) => (i & 1) && v == value))\n result.push(this.data[i], value);\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n /// Configure the parser. Returns a new parser instance that has the\n /// given settings modified. Settings not provided in `config` are\n /// kept from the original parser.\n configure(config) {\n // Hideous reflection-based kludge to make it easy to create a\n // slightly modified copy of a parser.\n let copy = Object.assign(Object.create(LRParser.prototype), this);\n if (config.props)\n copy.nodeSet = this.nodeSet.extend(...config.props);\n if (config.top) {\n let info = this.topRules[config.top];\n if (!info)\n throw new RangeError(`Invalid top rule name ${config.top}`);\n copy.top = info;\n }\n if (config.tokenizers)\n copy.tokenizers = this.tokenizers.map(t => {\n let found = config.tokenizers.find(r => r.from == t);\n return found ? found.to : t;\n });\n if (config.specializers) {\n copy.specializers = this.specializers.slice();\n copy.specializerSpecs = this.specializerSpecs.map((s, i) => {\n let found = config.specializers.find(r => r.from == s.external);\n if (!found)\n return s;\n let spec = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, s), { external: found.to });\n copy.specializers[i] = getSpecializer(spec);\n return spec;\n });\n }\n if (config.contextTracker)\n copy.context = config.contextTracker;\n if (config.dialect)\n copy.dialect = this.parseDialect(config.dialect);\n if (config.strict != null)\n copy.strict = config.strict;\n if (config.wrap)\n copy.wrappers = copy.wrappers.concat(config.wrap);\n if (config.bufferLength != null)\n copy.bufferLength = config.bufferLength;\n return copy;\n }\n /// Tells you whether any [parse wrappers](#lr.ParserConfig.wrap)\n /// are registered for this parser.\n hasWrappers() {\n return this.wrappers.length > 0;\n }\n /// Returns the name associated with a given term. This will only\n /// work for all terms when the parser was generated with the\n /// `--names` option. By default, only the names of tagged terms are\n /// stored.\n getName(term) {\n return this.termNames ? this.termNames[term] : String(term <= this.maxNode && this.nodeSet.types[term].name || term);\n }\n /// The eof term id is always allocated directly after the node\n /// types. @internal\n get eofTerm() { return this.maxNode + 1; }\n /// The type of top node produced by the parser.\n get topNode() { return this.nodeSet.types[this.top[1]]; }\n /// @internal\n dynamicPrecedence(term) {\n let prec = this.dynamicPrecedences;\n return prec == null ? 0 : prec[term] || 0;\n }\n /// @internal\n parseDialect(dialect) {\n let values = Object.keys(this.dialects), flags = values.map(() => false);\n if (dialect)\n for (let part of dialect.split(\" \")) {\n let id = values.indexOf(part);\n if (id >= 0)\n flags[id] = true;\n }\n let disabled = null;\n for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++)\n if (!flags[i]) {\n for (let j = this.dialects[values[i]], id; (id = this.data[j++]) != 65535 /* Seq.End */;)\n (disabled || (disabled = new Uint8Array(this.maxTerm + 1)))[id] = 1;\n }\n return new Dialect(dialect, flags, disabled);\n }\n /// Used by the output of the parser generator. Not available to\n /// user code. @hide\n static deserialize(spec) {\n return new LRParser(spec);\n }\n}\nfunction pair(data, off) { return data[off] | (data[off + 1] << 16); }\nfunction findFinished(stacks) {\n let best = null;\n for (let stack of stacks) {\n let stopped = stack.p.stoppedAt;\n if ((stack.pos == stack.p.stream.end || stopped != null && stack.pos > stopped) &&\n stack.p.parser.stateFlag(stack.state, 2 /* StateFlag.Accepting */) &&\n (!best || best.score < stack.score))\n best = stack;\n }\n return best;\n}\nfunction getSpecializer(spec) {\n if (spec.external) {\n let mask = spec.extend ? 1 /* Specialize.Extend */ : 0 /* Specialize.Specialize */;\n return (value, stack) => (spec.external(value, stack) << 1) | mask;\n }\n return spec.get;\n}\n\nexport { ContextTracker, ExternalTokenizer, InputStream, LRParser, LocalTokenGroup, Stack };\n","import { NodeProp } from '@lezer/common';\n\nlet nextTagID = 0;\n/**\nHighlighting tags are markers that denote a highlighting category.\nThey are [associated](#highlight.styleTags) with parts of a syntax\ntree by a language mode, and then mapped to an actual CSS style by\na [highlighter](#highlight.Highlighter).\n\nBecause syntax tree node types and highlight styles have to be\nable to talk the same language, CodeMirror uses a mostly _closed_\n[vocabulary](#highlight.tags) of syntax tags (as opposed to\ntraditional open string-based systems, which make it hard for\nhighlighting themes to cover all the tokens produced by the\nvarious languages).\n\nIt _is_ possible to [define](#highlight.Tag^define) your own\nhighlighting tags for system-internal use (where you control both\nthe language package and the highlighter), but such tags will not\nbe picked up by regular highlighters (though you can derive them\nfrom standard tags to allow highlighters to fall back to those).\n*/\nclass Tag {\n /**\n @internal\n */\n constructor(\n /**\n The set of this tag and all its parent tags, starting with\n this one itself and sorted in order of decreasing specificity.\n */\n set, \n /**\n The base unmodified tag that this one is based on, if it's\n modified @internal\n */\n base, \n /**\n The modifiers applied to this.base @internal\n */\n modified) {\n this.set = set;\n this.base = base;\n this.modified = modified;\n /**\n @internal\n */\n this.id = nextTagID++;\n }\n /**\n Define a new tag. If `parent` is given, the tag is treated as a\n sub-tag of that parent, and\n [highlighters](#highlight.tagHighlighter) that don't mention\n this tag will try to fall back to the parent tag (or grandparent\n tag, etc).\n */\n static define(parent) {\n if (parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.base)\n throw new Error(\"Can not derive from a modified tag\");\n let tag = new Tag([], null, []);\n tag.set.push(tag);\n if (parent)\n for (let t of parent.set)\n tag.set.push(t);\n return tag;\n }\n /**\n Define a tag _modifier_, which is a function that, given a tag,\n will return a tag that is a subtag of the original. Applying the\n same modifier to a twice tag will return the same value (`m1(t1)\n == m1(t1)`) and applying multiple modifiers will, regardless or\n order, produce the same tag (`m1(m2(t1)) == m2(m1(t1))`).\n \n When multiple modifiers are applied to a given base tag, each\n smaller set of modifiers is registered as a parent, so that for\n example `m1(m2(m3(t1)))` is a subtype of `m1(m2(t1))`,\n `m1(m3(t1)`, and so on.\n */\n static defineModifier() {\n let mod = new Modifier;\n return (tag) => {\n if (tag.modified.indexOf(mod) > -1)\n return tag;\n return Modifier.get(tag.base || tag, tag.modified.concat(mod).sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id));\n };\n }\n}\nlet nextModifierID = 0;\nclass Modifier {\n constructor() {\n this.instances = [];\n this.id = nextModifierID++;\n }\n static get(base, mods) {\n if (!mods.length)\n return base;\n let exists = mods[0].instances.find(t => t.base == base && sameArray(mods, t.modified));\n if (exists)\n return exists;\n let set = [], tag = new Tag(set, base, mods);\n for (let m of mods)\n m.instances.push(tag);\n let configs = powerSet(mods);\n for (let parent of base.set)\n if (!parent.modified.length)\n for (let config of configs)\n set.push(Modifier.get(parent, config));\n return tag;\n }\n}\nfunction sameArray(a, b) {\n return a.length == b.length && a.every((x, i) => x == b[i]);\n}\nfunction powerSet(array) {\n let sets = [[]];\n for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {\n for (let j = 0, e = sets.length; j < e; j++) {\n sets.push(sets[j].concat(array[i]));\n }\n }\n return sets.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length);\n}\n/**\nThis function is used to add a set of tags to a language syntax\nvia [`NodeSet.extend`](#common.NodeSet.extend) or\n[`LRParser.configure`](#lr.LRParser.configure).\n\nThe argument object maps node selectors to [highlighting\ntags](#highlight.Tag) or arrays of tags.\n\nNode selectors may hold one or more (space-separated) node paths.\nSuch a path can be a [node name](#common.NodeType.name), or\nmultiple node names (or `*` wildcards) separated by slash\ncharacters, as in `\"Block/Declaration/VariableName\"`. Such a path\nmatches the final node but only if its direct parent nodes are the\nother nodes mentioned. A `*` in such a path matches any parent,\nbut only a single level—wildcards that match multiple parents\naren't supported, both for efficiency reasons and because Lezer\ntrees make it rather hard to reason about what they would match.)\n\nA path can be ended with `/...` to indicate that the tag assigned\nto the node should also apply to all child nodes, even if they\nmatch their own style (by default, only the innermost style is\nused).\n\nWhen a path ends in `!`, as in `Attribute!`, no further matching\nhappens for the node's child nodes, and the entire node gets the\ngiven style.\n\nIn this notation, node names that contain `/`, `!`, `*`, or `...`\nmust be quoted as JSON strings.\n\nFor example:\n\n```javascript\nparser.withProps(\n styleTags({\n // Style Number and BigNumber nodes\n \"Number BigNumber\": tags.number,\n // Style Escape nodes whose parent is String\n \"String/Escape\": tags.escape,\n // Style anything inside Attributes nodes\n \"Attributes!\": tags.meta,\n // Add a style to all content inside Italic nodes\n \"Italic/...\": tags.emphasis,\n // Style InvalidString nodes as both `string` and `invalid`\n \"InvalidString\": [tags.string, tags.invalid],\n // Style the node named \"/\" as punctuation\n '\"/\"': tags.punctuation\n })\n)\n```\n*/\nfunction styleTags(spec) {\n let byName = Object.create(null);\n for (let prop in spec) {\n let tags = spec[prop];\n if (!Array.isArray(tags))\n tags = [tags];\n for (let part of prop.split(\" \"))\n if (part) {\n let pieces = [], mode = 2 /* Normal */, rest = part;\n for (let pos = 0;;) {\n if (rest == \"...\" && pos > 0 && pos + 3 == part.length) {\n mode = 1 /* Inherit */;\n break;\n }\n let m = /^\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*?\"|[^\\/!]+/.exec(rest);\n if (!m)\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid path: \" + part);\n pieces.push(m[0] == \"*\" ? \"\" : m[0][0] == '\"' ? JSON.parse(m[0]) : m[0]);\n pos += m[0].length;\n if (pos == part.length)\n break;\n let next = part[pos++];\n if (pos == part.length && next == \"!\") {\n mode = 0 /* Opaque */;\n break;\n }\n if (next != \"/\")\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid path: \" + part);\n rest = part.slice(pos);\n }\n let last = pieces.length - 1, inner = pieces[last];\n if (!inner)\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid path: \" + part);\n let rule = new Rule(tags, mode, last > 0 ? pieces.slice(0, last) : null);\n byName[inner] = rule.sort(byName[inner]);\n }\n }\n return ruleNodeProp.add(byName);\n}\nconst ruleNodeProp = new NodeProp();\nclass Rule {\n constructor(tags, mode, context, next) {\n this.tags = tags;\n this.mode = mode;\n this.context = context;\n this.next = next;\n }\n get opaque() { return this.mode == 0 /* Opaque */; }\n get inherit() { return this.mode == 1 /* Inherit */; }\n sort(other) {\n if (!other || other.depth < this.depth) {\n this.next = other;\n return this;\n }\n other.next = this.sort(other.next);\n return other;\n }\n get depth() { return this.context ? this.context.length : 0; }\n}\nRule.empty = new Rule([], 2 /* Normal */, null);\n/**\nDefine a [highlighter](#highlight.Highlighter) from an array of\ntag/class pairs. Classes associated with more specific tags will\ntake precedence.\n*/\nfunction tagHighlighter(tags, options) {\n let map = Object.create(null);\n for (let style of tags) {\n if (!Array.isArray(style.tag))\n map[style.tag.id] = style.class;\n else\n for (let tag of style.tag)\n map[tag.id] = style.class;\n }\n let { scope, all = null } = options || {};\n return {\n style: (tags) => {\n let cls = all;\n for (let tag of tags) {\n for (let sub of tag.set) {\n let tagClass = map[sub.id];\n if (tagClass) {\n cls = cls ? cls + \" \" + tagClass : tagClass;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n return cls;\n },\n scope\n };\n}\nfunction highlightTags(highlighters, tags) {\n let result = null;\n for (let highlighter of highlighters) {\n let value = highlighter.style(tags);\n if (value)\n result = result ? result + \" \" + value : value;\n }\n return result;\n}\n/**\nHighlight the given [tree](#common.Tree) with the given\n[highlighter](#highlight.Highlighter).\n*/\nfunction highlightTree(tree, highlighter, \n/**\nAssign styling to a region of the text. Will be called, in order\nof position, for any ranges where more than zero classes apply.\n`classes` is a space separated string of CSS classes.\n*/\nputStyle, \n/**\nThe start of the range to highlight.\n*/\nfrom = 0, \n/**\nThe end of the range.\n*/\nto = tree.length) {\n let builder = new HighlightBuilder(from, Array.isArray(highlighter) ? highlighter : [highlighter], putStyle);\n builder.highlightRange(tree.cursor(), from, to, \"\", builder.highlighters);\n builder.flush(to);\n}\nclass HighlightBuilder {\n constructor(at, highlighters, span) {\n this.at = at;\n this.highlighters = highlighters;\n this.span = span;\n this.class = \"\";\n }\n startSpan(at, cls) {\n if (cls != this.class) {\n this.flush(at);\n if (at > this.at)\n this.at = at;\n this.class = cls;\n }\n }\n flush(to) {\n if (to > this.at && this.class)\n this.span(this.at, to, this.class);\n }\n highlightRange(cursor, from, to, inheritedClass, highlighters) {\n let { type, from: start, to: end } = cursor;\n if (start >= to || end <= from)\n return;\n if (type.isTop)\n highlighters = this.highlighters.filter(h => !h.scope || h.scope(type));\n let cls = inheritedClass;\n let rule = getStyleTags(cursor) || Rule.empty;\n let tagCls = highlightTags(highlighters, rule.tags);\n if (tagCls) {\n if (cls)\n cls += \" \";\n cls += tagCls;\n if (rule.mode == 1 /* Inherit */)\n inheritedClass += (inheritedClass ? \" \" : \"\") + tagCls;\n }\n this.startSpan(Math.max(from, start), cls);\n if (rule.opaque)\n return;\n let mounted = cursor.tree && cursor.tree.prop(NodeProp.mounted);\n if (mounted && mounted.overlay) {\n let inner = cursor.node.enter(mounted.overlay[0].from + start, 1);\n let innerHighlighters = this.highlighters.filter(h => !h.scope || h.scope(mounted.tree.type));\n let hasChild = cursor.firstChild();\n for (let i = 0, pos = start;; i++) {\n let next = i < mounted.overlay.length ? mounted.overlay[i] : null;\n let nextPos = next ? next.from + start : end;\n let rangeFrom = Math.max(from, pos), rangeTo = Math.min(to, nextPos);\n if (rangeFrom < rangeTo && hasChild) {\n while (cursor.from < rangeTo) {\n this.highlightRange(cursor, rangeFrom, rangeTo, inheritedClass, highlighters);\n this.startSpan(Math.min(rangeTo, cursor.to), cls);\n if (cursor.to >= nextPos || !cursor.nextSibling())\n break;\n }\n }\n if (!next || nextPos > to)\n break;\n pos = next.to + start;\n if (pos > from) {\n this.highlightRange(inner.cursor(), Math.max(from, next.from + start), Math.min(to, pos), \"\", innerHighlighters);\n this.startSpan(Math.min(to, pos), cls);\n }\n }\n if (hasChild)\n cursor.parent();\n }\n else if (cursor.firstChild()) {\n if (mounted)\n inheritedClass = \"\";\n do {\n if (cursor.to <= from)\n continue;\n if (cursor.from >= to)\n break;\n this.highlightRange(cursor, from, to, inheritedClass, highlighters);\n this.startSpan(Math.min(to, cursor.to), cls);\n } while (cursor.nextSibling());\n cursor.parent();\n }\n }\n}\n/**\nMatch a syntax node's [highlight rules](#highlight.styleTags). If\nthere's a match, return its set of tags, and whether it is\nopaque (uses a `!`) or applies to all child nodes (`/...`).\n*/\nfunction getStyleTags(node) {\n let rule = node.type.prop(ruleNodeProp);\n while (rule && rule.context && !node.matchContext(rule.context))\n rule = rule.next;\n return rule || null;\n}\nconst t = Tag.define;\nconst comment = t(), name = t(), typeName = t(name), propertyName = t(name), literal = t(), string = t(literal), number = t(literal), content = t(), heading = t(content), keyword = t(), operator = t(), punctuation = t(), bracket = t(punctuation), meta = t();\n/**\nThe default set of highlighting [tags](#highlight.Tag).\n\nThis collection is heavily biased towards programming languages,\nand necessarily incomplete. A full ontology of syntactic\nconstructs would fill a stack of books, and be impractical to\nwrite themes for. So try to make do with this set. If all else\nfails, [open an\nissue](https://github.com/codemirror/codemirror.next) to propose a\nnew tag, or [define](#highlight.Tag^define) a local custom tag for\nyour use case.\n\nNote that it is not obligatory to always attach the most specific\ntag possible to an element—if your grammar can't easily\ndistinguish a certain type of element (such as a local variable),\nit is okay to style it as its more general variant (a variable).\n\nFor tags that extend some parent tag, the documentation links to\nthe parent.\n*/\nconst tags = {\n /**\n A comment.\n */\n comment,\n /**\n A line [comment](#highlight.tags.comment).\n */\n lineComment: t(comment),\n /**\n A block [comment](#highlight.tags.comment).\n */\n blockComment: t(comment),\n /**\n A documentation [comment](#highlight.tags.comment).\n */\n docComment: t(comment),\n /**\n Any kind of identifier.\n */\n name,\n /**\n The [name](#highlight.tags.name) of a variable.\n */\n variableName: t(name),\n /**\n A type [name](#highlight.tags.name).\n */\n typeName: typeName,\n /**\n A tag name (subtag of [`typeName`](#highlight.tags.typeName)).\n */\n tagName: t(typeName),\n /**\n A property or field [name](#highlight.tags.name).\n */\n propertyName: propertyName,\n /**\n An attribute name (subtag of [`propertyName`](#highlight.tags.propertyName)).\n */\n attributeName: t(propertyName),\n /**\n The [name](#highlight.tags.name) of a class.\n */\n className: t(name),\n /**\n A label [name](#highlight.tags.name).\n */\n labelName: t(name),\n /**\n A namespace [name](#highlight.tags.name).\n */\n namespace: t(name),\n /**\n The [name](#highlight.tags.name) of a macro.\n */\n macroName: t(name),\n /**\n A literal value.\n */\n literal,\n /**\n A string [literal](#highlight.tags.literal).\n */\n string,\n /**\n A documentation [string](#highlight.tags.string).\n */\n docString: t(string),\n /**\n A character literal (subtag of [string](#highlight.tags.string)).\n */\n character: t(string),\n /**\n An attribute value (subtag of [string](#highlight.tags.string)).\n */\n attributeValue: t(string),\n /**\n A number [literal](#highlight.tags.literal).\n */\n number,\n /**\n An integer [number](#highlight.tags.number) literal.\n */\n integer: t(number),\n /**\n A floating-point [number](#highlight.tags.number) literal.\n */\n float: t(number),\n /**\n A boolean [literal](#highlight.tags.literal).\n */\n bool: t(literal),\n /**\n Regular expression [literal](#highlight.tags.literal).\n */\n regexp: t(literal),\n /**\n An escape [literal](#highlight.tags.literal), for example a\n backslash escape in a string.\n */\n escape: t(literal),\n /**\n A color [literal](#highlight.tags.literal).\n */\n color: t(literal),\n /**\n A URL [literal](#highlight.tags.literal).\n */\n url: t(literal),\n /**\n A language keyword.\n */\n keyword,\n /**\n The [keyword](#highlight.tags.keyword) for the self or this\n object.\n */\n self: t(keyword),\n /**\n The [keyword](#highlight.tags.keyword) for null.\n */\n null: t(keyword),\n /**\n A [keyword](#highlight.tags.keyword) denoting some atomic value.\n */\n atom: t(keyword),\n /**\n A [keyword](#highlight.tags.keyword) that represents a unit.\n */\n unit: t(keyword),\n /**\n A modifier [keyword](#highlight.tags.keyword).\n */\n modifier: t(keyword),\n /**\n A [keyword](#highlight.tags.keyword) that acts as an operator.\n */\n operatorKeyword: t(keyword),\n /**\n A control-flow related [keyword](#highlight.tags.keyword).\n */\n controlKeyword: t(keyword),\n /**\n A [keyword](#highlight.tags.keyword) that defines something.\n */\n definitionKeyword: t(keyword),\n /**\n A [keyword](#highlight.tags.keyword) related to defining or\n interfacing with modules.\n */\n moduleKeyword: t(keyword),\n /**\n An operator.\n */\n operator,\n /**\n An [operator](#highlight.tags.operator) that dereferences something.\n */\n derefOperator: t(operator),\n /**\n Arithmetic-related [operator](#highlight.tags.operator).\n */\n arithmeticOperator: t(operator),\n /**\n Logical [operator](#highlight.tags.operator).\n */\n logicOperator: t(operator),\n /**\n Bit [operator](#highlight.tags.operator).\n */\n bitwiseOperator: t(operator),\n /**\n Comparison [operator](#highlight.tags.operator).\n */\n compareOperator: t(operator),\n /**\n [Operator](#highlight.tags.operator) that updates its operand.\n */\n updateOperator: t(operator),\n /**\n [Operator](#highlight.tags.operator) that defines something.\n */\n definitionOperator: t(operator),\n /**\n Type-related [operator](#highlight.tags.operator).\n */\n typeOperator: t(operator),\n /**\n Control-flow [operator](#highlight.tags.operator).\n */\n controlOperator: t(operator),\n /**\n Program or markup punctuation.\n */\n punctuation,\n /**\n [Punctuation](#highlight.tags.punctuation) that separates\n things.\n */\n separator: t(punctuation),\n /**\n Bracket-style [punctuation](#highlight.tags.punctuation).\n */\n bracket,\n /**\n Angle [brackets](#highlight.tags.bracket) (usually `<` and `>`\n tokens).\n */\n angleBracket: t(bracket),\n /**\n Square [brackets](#highlight.tags.bracket) (usually `[` and `]`\n tokens).\n */\n squareBracket: t(bracket),\n /**\n Parentheses (usually `(` and `)` tokens). Subtag of\n [bracket](#highlight.tags.bracket).\n */\n paren: t(bracket),\n /**\n Braces (usually `{` and `}` tokens). Subtag of\n [bracket](#highlight.tags.bracket).\n */\n brace: t(bracket),\n /**\n Content, for example plain text in XML or markup documents.\n */\n content,\n /**\n [Content](#highlight.tags.content) that represents a heading.\n */\n heading,\n /**\n A level 1 [heading](#highlight.tags.heading).\n */\n heading1: t(heading),\n /**\n A level 2 [heading](#highlight.tags.heading).\n */\n heading2: t(heading),\n /**\n A level 3 [heading](#highlight.tags.heading).\n */\n heading3: t(heading),\n /**\n A level 4 [heading](#highlight.tags.heading).\n */\n heading4: t(heading),\n /**\n A level 5 [heading](#highlight.tags.heading).\n */\n heading5: t(heading),\n /**\n A level 6 [heading](#highlight.tags.heading).\n */\n heading6: t(heading),\n /**\n A prose separator (such as a horizontal rule).\n */\n contentSeparator: t(content),\n /**\n [Content](#highlight.tags.content) that represents a list.\n */\n list: t(content),\n /**\n [Content](#highlight.tags.content) that represents a quote.\n */\n quote: t(content),\n /**\n [Content](#highlight.tags.content) that is emphasized.\n */\n emphasis: t(content),\n /**\n [Content](#highlight.tags.content) that is styled strong.\n */\n strong: t(content),\n /**\n [Content](#highlight.tags.content) that is part of a link.\n */\n link: t(content),\n /**\n [Content](#highlight.tags.content) that is styled as code or\n monospace.\n */\n monospace: t(content),\n /**\n [Content](#highlight.tags.content) that has a strike-through\n style.\n */\n strikethrough: t(content),\n /**\n Inserted text in a change-tracking format.\n */\n inserted: t(),\n /**\n Deleted text.\n */\n deleted: t(),\n /**\n Changed text.\n */\n changed: t(),\n /**\n An invalid or unsyntactic element.\n */\n invalid: t(),\n /**\n Metadata or meta-instruction.\n */\n meta,\n /**\n [Metadata](#highlight.tags.meta) that applies to the entire\n document.\n */\n documentMeta: t(meta),\n /**\n [Metadata](#highlight.tags.meta) that annotates or adds\n attributes to a given syntactic element.\n */\n annotation: t(meta),\n /**\n Processing instruction or preprocessor directive. Subtag of\n [meta](#highlight.tags.meta).\n */\n processingInstruction: t(meta),\n /**\n [Modifier](#highlight.Tag^defineModifier) that indicates that a\n given element is being defined. Expected to be used with the\n various [name](#highlight.tags.name) tags.\n */\n definition: Tag.defineModifier(),\n /**\n [Modifier](#highlight.Tag^defineModifier) that indicates that\n something is constant. Mostly expected to be used with\n [variable names](#highlight.tags.variableName).\n */\n constant: Tag.defineModifier(),\n /**\n [Modifier](#highlight.Tag^defineModifier) used to indicate that\n a [variable](#highlight.tags.variableName) or [property\n name](#highlight.tags.propertyName) is being called or defined\n as a function.\n */\n function: Tag.defineModifier(),\n /**\n [Modifier](#highlight.Tag^defineModifier) that can be applied to\n [names](#highlight.tags.name) to indicate that they belong to\n the language's standard environment.\n */\n standard: Tag.defineModifier(),\n /**\n [Modifier](#highlight.Tag^defineModifier) that indicates a given\n [names](#highlight.tags.name) is local to some scope.\n */\n local: Tag.defineModifier(),\n /**\n A generic variant [modifier](#highlight.Tag^defineModifier) that\n can be used to tag language-specific alternative variants of\n some common tag. It is recommended for themes to define special\n forms of at least the [string](#highlight.tags.string) and\n [variable name](#highlight.tags.variableName) tags, since those\n come up a lot.\n */\n special: Tag.defineModifier()\n};\n/**\nThis is a highlighter that adds stable, predictable classes to\ntokens, for styling with external CSS.\n\nThe following tags are mapped to their name prefixed with `\"tok-\"`\n(for example `\"tok-comment\"`):\n\n* [`link`](#highlight.tags.link)\n* [`heading`](#highlight.tags.heading)\n* [`emphasis`](#highlight.tags.emphasis)\n* [`strong`](#highlight.tags.strong)\n* [`keyword`](#highlight.tags.keyword)\n* [`atom`](#highlight.tags.atom)\n* [`bool`](#highlight.tags.bool)\n* [`url`](#highlight.tags.url)\n* [`labelName`](#highlight.tags.labelName)\n* [`inserted`](#highlight.tags.inserted)\n* [`deleted`](#highlight.tags.deleted)\n* [`literal`](#highlight.tags.literal)\n* [`string`](#highlight.tags.string)\n* [`number`](#highlight.tags.number)\n* [`variableName`](#highlight.tags.variableName)\n* [`typeName`](#highlight.tags.typeName)\n* [`namespace`](#highlight.tags.namespace)\n* [`className`](#highlight.tags.className)\n* [`macroName`](#highlight.tags.macroName)\n* [`propertyName`](#highlight.tags.propertyName)\n* [`operator`](#highlight.tags.operator)\n* [`comment`](#highlight.tags.comment)\n* [`meta`](#highlight.tags.meta)\n* [`punctuation`](#highlight.tags.punctuation)\n* [`invalid`](#highlight.tags.invalid)\n\nIn addition, these mappings are provided:\n\n* [`regexp`](#highlight.tags.regexp),\n [`escape`](#highlight.tags.escape), and\n [`special`](#highlight.tags.special)[`(string)`](#highlight.tags.string)\n are mapped to `\"tok-string2\"`\n* [`special`](#highlight.tags.special)[`(variableName)`](#highlight.tags.variableName)\n to `\"tok-variableName2\"`\n* [`local`](#highlight.tags.local)[`(variableName)`](#highlight.tags.variableName)\n to `\"tok-variableName tok-local\"`\n* [`definition`](#highlight.tags.definition)[`(variableName)`](#highlight.tags.variableName)\n to `\"tok-variableName tok-definition\"`\n* [`definition`](#highlight.tags.definition)[`(propertyName)`](#highlight.tags.propertyName)\n to `\"tok-propertyName tok-definition\"`\n*/\nconst classHighlighter = tagHighlighter([\n { tag: tags.link, class: \"tok-link\" },\n { tag: tags.heading, class: \"tok-heading\" },\n { tag: tags.emphasis, class: \"tok-emphasis\" },\n { tag: tags.strong, class: \"tok-strong\" },\n { tag: tags.keyword, class: \"tok-keyword\" },\n { tag: tags.atom, class: \"tok-atom\" },\n { tag: tags.bool, class: \"tok-bool\" },\n { tag: tags.url, class: \"tok-url\" },\n { tag: tags.labelName, class: \"tok-labelName\" },\n { tag: tags.inserted, class: \"tok-inserted\" },\n { tag: tags.deleted, class: \"tok-deleted\" },\n { tag: tags.literal, class: \"tok-literal\" },\n { tag: tags.string, class: \"tok-string\" },\n { tag: tags.number, class: \"tok-number\" },\n { tag: [tags.regexp, tags.escape, tags.special(tags.string)], class: \"tok-string2\" },\n { tag: tags.variableName, class: \"tok-variableName\" },\n { tag: tags.local(tags.variableName), class: \"tok-variableName tok-local\" },\n { tag: tags.definition(tags.variableName), class: \"tok-variableName tok-definition\" },\n { tag: tags.special(tags.variableName), class: \"tok-variableName2\" },\n { tag: tags.definition(tags.propertyName), class: \"tok-propertyName tok-definition\" },\n { tag: tags.typeName, class: \"tok-typeName\" },\n { tag: tags.namespace, class: \"tok-namespace\" },\n { tag: tags.className, class: \"tok-className\" },\n { tag: tags.macroName, class: \"tok-macroName\" },\n { tag: tags.propertyName, class: \"tok-propertyName\" },\n { tag: tags.operator, class: \"tok-operator\" },\n { tag: tags.comment, class: \"tok-comment\" },\n { tag: tags.meta, class: \"tok-meta\" },\n { tag: tags.invalid, class: \"tok-invalid\" },\n { tag: tags.punctuation, class: \"tok-punctuation\" }\n]);\n\nexport { Tag, classHighlighter, getStyleTags, highlightTree, styleTags, tagHighlighter, tags };\n","import { ExternalTokenizer, LRParser } from '@lezer/lr';\nimport { styleTags, tags } from '@lezer/highlight';\n\n// This file was generated by lezer-generator. You probably shouldn't edit it.\nconst closureParamDelim = 1,\n tpOpen = 2,\n tpClose = 3,\n RawString = 4,\n Float = 5;\n\nconst _b = 98, _e = 101, _f = 102, _r = 114, _E = 69, Zero = 48,\n Dot = 46, Plus = 43, Minus = 45, Hash = 35, Quote = 34, Pipe = 124, LessThan = 60, GreaterThan = 62;\n\nfunction isNum(ch) { return ch >= 48 && ch <= 57 }\nfunction isNum_(ch) { return isNum(ch) || ch == 95 }\n\nconst literalTokens = new ExternalTokenizer((input, stack) => {\n if (isNum(input.next)) {\n let isFloat = false;\n do { input.advance(); } while (isNum_(input.next))\n if (input.next == Dot) {\n isFloat = true;\n input.advance();\n if (isNum(input.next)) {\n do { input.advance(); } while (isNum_(input.next))\n } else if (input.next == Dot || input.next > 0x7f || /\\w/.test(String.fromCharCode(input.next))) {\n return\n }\n }\n if (input.next == _e || input.next == _E) {\n isFloat = true;\n input.advance();\n if (input.next == Plus || input.next == Minus) input.advance();\n if (!isNum_(input.next)) return\n do { input.advance(); } while (isNum_(input.next))\n }\n if (input.next == _f) {\n let after = input.peek(1);\n if (after == Zero + 3 && input.peek(2) == Zero + 2 ||\n after == Zero + 6 && input.peek(2) == Zero + 4) {\n input.advance(3);\n isFloat = true;\n } else {\n return\n }\n }\n if (isFloat) input.acceptToken(Float);\n } else if (input.next == _b || input.next == _r) {\n if (input.next == _b) input.advance();\n if (input.next != _r) return\n input.advance();\n let count = 0;\n while (input.next == Hash) { count++; input.advance(); }\n if (input.next != Quote) return\n input.advance();\n content: for (;;) {\n if (input.next < 0) return\n let isQuote = input.next == Quote;\n input.advance();\n if (isQuote) {\n for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n if (input.next != Hash) continue content\n input.advance();\n }\n input.acceptToken(RawString);\n return\n }\n }\n }\n});\n\nconst closureParam = new ExternalTokenizer(input => {\n if (input.next == Pipe) input.acceptToken(closureParamDelim, 1);\n});\n\nconst tpDelim = new ExternalTokenizer(input => {\n if (input.next == LessThan) input.acceptToken(tpOpen, 1);\n else if (input.next == GreaterThan) input.acceptToken(tpClose, 1);\n});\n\nconst rustHighlighting = styleTags({\n \"const macro_rules struct union enum type fn impl trait let static\": tags.definitionKeyword,\n \"mod use crate\": tags.moduleKeyword,\n \"pub unsafe async mut extern default move\": tags.modifier,\n \"for if else loop while match continue break return await\": tags.controlKeyword,\n \"as in ref\": tags.operatorKeyword,\n \"where _ crate super dyn\": tags.keyword,\n \"self\": tags.self,\n String: tags.string,\n Char: tags.character,\n RawString: tags.special(tags.string),\n Boolean: tags.bool,\n Identifier: tags.variableName,\n \"CallExpression/Identifier\": tags.function(tags.variableName),\n BoundIdentifier: tags.definition(tags.variableName),\n \"FunctionItem/BoundIdentifier\": tags.function(tags.definition(tags.variableName)),\n LoopLabel: tags.labelName,\n FieldIdentifier: tags.propertyName,\n \"CallExpression/FieldExpression/FieldIdentifier\": tags.function(tags.propertyName),\n Lifetime: tags.special(tags.variableName),\n ScopeIdentifier: tags.namespace,\n TypeIdentifier: tags.typeName,\n \"MacroInvocation/Identifier MacroInvocation/ScopedIdentifier/Identifier\": tags.macroName,\n \"MacroInvocation/TypeIdentifier MacroInvocation/ScopedIdentifier/TypeIdentifier\": tags.macroName,\n \"\\\"!\\\"\": tags.macroName,\n UpdateOp: tags.updateOperator,\n LineComment: tags.lineComment,\n BlockComment: tags.blockComment,\n Integer: tags.integer,\n Float: tags.float,\n ArithOp: tags.arithmeticOperator,\n LogicOp: tags.logicOperator,\n BitOp: tags.bitwiseOperator,\n CompareOp: tags.compareOperator,\n \"=\": tags.definitionOperator,\n \".. ... => ->\": tags.punctuation,\n \"( )\": tags.paren,\n \"[ ]\": tags.squareBracket,\n \"{ }\": tags.brace,\n \". DerefOp\": tags.derefOperator,\n \"&\": tags.operator,\n \", ; ::\": tags.separator,\n \"Attribute/...\": tags.meta,\n});\n\n// This file was generated by lezer-generator. You probably shouldn't edit it.\nconst spec_identifier = {__proto__:null,self:28, super:32, crate:34, impl:46, true:72, false:72, pub:88, in:92, const:96, unsafe:104, async:108, move:110, if:114, let:118, ref:142, mut:144, _:198, else:200, match:204, as:248, return:252, await:262, break:270, continue:276, while:312, loop:316, for:320, macro_rules:327, mod:334, extern:342, struct:346, where:364, union:379, enum:382, type:390, default:395, fn:396, trait:412, use:420, static:438, dyn:476};\nconst parser = LRParser.deserialize({\n version: 14,\n states: 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mod DeclarationList AttributeItem ForeignModItem extern StructItem struct TypeParamList ConstrainedTypeParameter TraitBounds HigherRankedTraitBound RemovedTraitBound OptionalTypeParameter ConstParameter WhereClause where LifetimeClause TypeBoundClause FieldDeclarationList FieldDeclaration OrderedFieldDeclarationList UnionItem union EnumItem enum EnumVariantList EnumVariant TypeItem type FunctionItem default fn ParamList Parameter SelfParameter VariadicParameter VariadicParameter ImplItem TraitItem trait AssociatedType LetDeclaration UseDeclaration use ScopedIdentifier UseAsClause ScopedIdentifier UseList ScopedUseList UseWildcard ExternCrateDeclaration StaticItem static ExpressionStatement ExpressionStatement GenericType FunctionType ForLifetimes ParamList VariadicParameter Parameter VariadicParameter Parameter ReferenceType PointerType TupleType UnitType ArrayType MacroInvocation EmptyType DynamicType dyn BoundedType\",\n maxTerm: 359,\n nodeProps: [\n [\"group\", -42,4,5,14,15,16,17,18,19,33,35,36,37,40,51,53,56,101,107,111,112,113,122,123,125,127,128,130,132,133,134,137,139,140,141,142,143,144,148,149,155,157,159,\"Expression\",-16,22,24,25,26,27,222,223,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,239,\"Type\",-20,42,161,162,165,166,169,170,172,188,190,194,196,204,205,207,208,209,217,218,220,\"Statement\",-17,49,60,62,63,64,65,68,74,75,76,77,78,80,81,83,84,99,\"Pattern\"],\n [\"openedBy\", 9,\"[\",38,\"{\",47,\"(\"],\n [\"closedBy\", 12,\"]\",39,\"}\",45,\")\"]\n ],\n propSources: [rustHighlighting],\n skippedNodes: [0,6,7,240],\n repeatNodeCount: 32,\n tokenData: \"$%h_R!XOX$nXY5gYZ6iZ]$n]^5g^p$npq5gqr7Xrs9cst:Rtu;Tuv>vvwAQwxCbxy!+Tyz!,Vz{!-X{|!/_|}!0g}!O!1i!O!P!3v!P!Q!8[!Q!R!Bw!R![!Dr![!]#+q!]!^#-{!^!_#.}!_!`#1b!`!a#3o!a!b#6S!b!c#7U!c!}#8W!}#O#:T#O#P#;V#P#Q#Cb#Q#R#Dd#R#S#8W#S#T$n#T#U#8W#U#V#El#V#f#8W#f#g#Ic#g#o#8W#o#p$ 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this.lines)\n throw new RangeError(`Invalid line number ${n} in ${this.lines}-line document`);\n return this.lineInner(n, true, 1, 0);\n }\n /**\n Replace a range of the text with the given content.\n */\n replace(from, to, text) {\n let parts = [];\n this.decompose(0, from, parts, 2 /* Open.To */);\n if (text.length)\n text.decompose(0, text.length, parts, 1 /* Open.From */ | 2 /* Open.To */);\n this.decompose(to, this.length, parts, 1 /* Open.From */);\n return TextNode.from(parts, this.length - (to - from) + text.length);\n }\n /**\n Append another document to this one.\n */\n append(other) {\n return this.replace(this.length, this.length, other);\n }\n /**\n Retrieve the text between the given points.\n */\n slice(from, to = this.length) {\n let parts = [];\n this.decompose(from, to, parts, 0);\n return TextNode.from(parts, to - from);\n }\n /**\n Test whether this text is equal to another instance.\n */\n eq(other) {\n if (other == this)\n return true;\n if (other.length != this.length || other.lines != this.lines)\n return false;\n let start = this.scanIdentical(other, 1), end = this.length - this.scanIdentical(other, -1);\n let a = new RawTextCursor(this), b = new RawTextCursor(other);\n for (let skip = start, pos = start;;) {\n a.next(skip);\n b.next(skip);\n skip = 0;\n if (a.lineBreak != b.lineBreak || a.done != b.done || a.value != b.value)\n return false;\n pos += a.value.length;\n if (a.done || pos >= end)\n return true;\n }\n }\n /**\n Iterate over the text. When `dir` is `-1`, iteration happens\n from end to start. This will return lines and the breaks between\n them as separate strings.\n */\n iter(dir = 1) { return new RawTextCursor(this, dir); }\n /**\n Iterate over a range of the text. When `from` > `to`, the\n iterator will run in reverse.\n */\n iterRange(from, to = this.length) { return new PartialTextCursor(this, from, to); }\n /**\n Return a cursor that iterates over the given range of lines,\n _without_ returning the line breaks between, and yielding empty\n strings for empty lines.\n \n When `from` and `to` are given, they should be 1-based line numbers.\n */\n iterLines(from, to) {\n let inner;\n if (from == null) {\n inner = this.iter();\n }\n else {\n if (to == null)\n to = this.lines + 1;\n let start = this.line(from).from;\n inner = this.iterRange(start, Math.max(start, to == this.lines + 1 ? this.length : to <= 1 ? 0 : this.line(to - 1).to));\n }\n return new LineCursor(inner);\n }\n /**\n Return the document as a string, using newline characters to\n separate lines.\n */\n toString() { return this.sliceString(0); }\n /**\n Convert the document to an array of lines (which can be\n deserialized again via [`Text.of`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Text^of)).\n */\n toJSON() {\n let lines = [];\n this.flatten(lines);\n return lines;\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n constructor() { }\n /**\n Create a `Text` instance for the given array of lines.\n */\n static of(text) {\n if (text.length == 0)\n throw new RangeError(\"A document must have at least one line\");\n if (text.length == 1 && !text[0])\n return Text.empty;\n return text.length <= 32 /* Tree.Branch */ ? new TextLeaf(text) : TextNode.from(TextLeaf.split(text, []));\n }\n}\n// Leaves store an array of line strings. There are always line breaks\n// between these strings. Leaves are limited in size and have to be\n// contained in TextNode instances for bigger documents.\nclass TextLeaf extends Text {\n constructor(text, length = textLength(text)) {\n super();\n this.text = text;\n this.length = length;\n }\n get lines() { return this.text.length; }\n get children() { return null; }\n lineInner(target, isLine, line, offset) {\n for (let i = 0;; i++) {\n let string = this.text[i], end = offset + string.length;\n if ((isLine ? line : end) >= target)\n return new Line(offset, end, line, string);\n offset = end + 1;\n line++;\n }\n }\n decompose(from, to, target, open) {\n let text = from <= 0 && to >= this.length ? this\n : new TextLeaf(sliceText(this.text, from, to), Math.min(to, this.length) - Math.max(0, from));\n if (open & 1 /* Open.From */) {\n let prev = target.pop();\n let joined = appendText(text.text, prev.text.slice(), 0, text.length);\n if (joined.length <= 32 /* Tree.Branch */) {\n target.push(new TextLeaf(joined, prev.length + text.length));\n }\n else {\n let mid = joined.length >> 1;\n target.push(new TextLeaf(joined.slice(0, mid)), new TextLeaf(joined.slice(mid)));\n }\n }\n else {\n target.push(text);\n }\n }\n replace(from, to, text) {\n if (!(text instanceof TextLeaf))\n return super.replace(from, to, text);\n let lines = appendText(this.text, appendText(text.text, sliceText(this.text, 0, from)), to);\n let newLen = this.length + text.length - (to - from);\n if (lines.length <= 32 /* Tree.Branch */)\n return new TextLeaf(lines, newLen);\n return TextNode.from(TextLeaf.split(lines, []), newLen);\n }\n sliceString(from, to = this.length, lineSep = \"\\n\") {\n let result = \"\";\n for (let pos = 0, i = 0; pos <= to && i < this.text.length; i++) {\n let line = this.text[i], end = pos + line.length;\n if (pos > from && i)\n result += lineSep;\n if (from < end && to > pos)\n result += line.slice(Math.max(0, from - pos), to - pos);\n pos = end + 1;\n }\n return result;\n }\n flatten(target) {\n for (let line of this.text)\n target.push(line);\n }\n scanIdentical() { return 0; }\n static split(text, target) {\n let part = [], len = -1;\n for (let line of text) {\n part.push(line);\n len += line.length + 1;\n if (part.length == 32 /* Tree.Branch */) {\n target.push(new TextLeaf(part, len));\n part = [];\n len = -1;\n }\n }\n if (len > -1)\n target.push(new TextLeaf(part, len));\n return target;\n }\n}\n// Nodes provide the tree structure of the `Text` type. They store a\n// number of other nodes or leaves, taking care to balance themselves\n// on changes. There are implied line breaks _between_ the children of\n// a node (but not before the first or after the last child).\nclass TextNode extends Text {\n constructor(children, length) {\n super();\n this.children = children;\n this.length = length;\n this.lines = 0;\n for (let child of children)\n this.lines += child.lines;\n }\n lineInner(target, isLine, line, offset) {\n for (let i = 0;; i++) {\n let child = this.children[i], end = offset + child.length, endLine = line + child.lines - 1;\n if ((isLine ? endLine : end) >= target)\n return child.lineInner(target, isLine, line, offset);\n offset = end + 1;\n line = endLine + 1;\n }\n }\n decompose(from, to, target, open) {\n for (let i = 0, pos = 0; pos <= to && i < this.children.length; i++) {\n let child = this.children[i], end = pos + child.length;\n if (from <= end && to >= pos) {\n let childOpen = open & ((pos <= from ? 1 /* Open.From */ : 0) | (end >= to ? 2 /* Open.To */ : 0));\n if (pos >= from && end <= to && !childOpen)\n target.push(child);\n else\n child.decompose(from - pos, to - pos, target, childOpen);\n }\n pos = end + 1;\n }\n }\n replace(from, to, text) {\n if (text.lines < this.lines)\n for (let i = 0, pos = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {\n let child = this.children[i], end = pos + child.length;\n // Fast path: if the change only affects one child and the\n // child's size remains in the acceptable range, only update\n // that child\n if (from >= pos && to <= end) {\n let updated = child.replace(from - pos, to - pos, text);\n let totalLines = this.lines - child.lines + updated.lines;\n if (updated.lines < (totalLines >> (5 /* Tree.BranchShift */ - 1)) &&\n updated.lines > (totalLines >> (5 /* Tree.BranchShift */ + 1))) {\n let copy = this.children.slice();\n copy[i] = updated;\n return new TextNode(copy, this.length - (to - from) + text.length);\n }\n return super.replace(pos, end, updated);\n }\n pos = end + 1;\n }\n return super.replace(from, to, text);\n }\n sliceString(from, to = this.length, lineSep = \"\\n\") {\n let result = \"\";\n for (let i = 0, pos = 0; i < this.children.length && pos <= to; i++) {\n let child = this.children[i], end = pos + child.length;\n if (pos > from && i)\n result += lineSep;\n if (from < end && to > pos)\n result += child.sliceString(from - pos, to - pos, lineSep);\n pos = end + 1;\n }\n return result;\n }\n flatten(target) {\n for (let child of this.children)\n child.flatten(target);\n }\n scanIdentical(other, dir) {\n if (!(other instanceof TextNode))\n return 0;\n let length = 0;\n let [iA, iB, eA, eB] = dir > 0 ? [0, 0, this.children.length, other.children.length]\n : [this.children.length - 1, other.children.length - 1, -1, -1];\n for (;; iA += dir, iB += dir) {\n if (iA == eA || iB == eB)\n return length;\n let chA = this.children[iA], chB = other.children[iB];\n if (chA != chB)\n return length + chA.scanIdentical(chB, dir);\n length += chA.length + 1;\n }\n }\n static from(children, length = children.reduce((l, ch) => l + ch.length + 1, -1)) {\n let lines = 0;\n for (let ch of children)\n lines += ch.lines;\n if (lines < 32 /* Tree.Branch */) {\n let flat = [];\n for (let ch of children)\n ch.flatten(flat);\n return new TextLeaf(flat, length);\n }\n let chunk = Math.max(32 /* Tree.Branch */, lines >> 5 /* Tree.BranchShift */), maxChunk = chunk << 1, minChunk = chunk >> 1;\n let chunked = [], currentLines = 0, currentLen = -1, currentChunk = [];\n function add(child) {\n let last;\n if (child.lines > maxChunk && child instanceof TextNode) {\n for (let node of child.children)\n add(node);\n }\n else if (child.lines > minChunk && (currentLines > minChunk || !currentLines)) {\n flush();\n chunked.push(child);\n }\n else if (child instanceof TextLeaf && currentLines &&\n (last = currentChunk[currentChunk.length - 1]) instanceof TextLeaf &&\n child.lines + last.lines <= 32 /* Tree.Branch */) {\n currentLines += child.lines;\n currentLen += child.length + 1;\n currentChunk[currentChunk.length - 1] = new TextLeaf(last.text.concat(child.text), last.length + 1 + child.length);\n }\n else {\n if (currentLines + child.lines > chunk)\n flush();\n currentLines += child.lines;\n currentLen += child.length + 1;\n currentChunk.push(child);\n }\n }\n function flush() {\n if (currentLines == 0)\n return;\n chunked.push(currentChunk.length == 1 ? currentChunk[0] : TextNode.from(currentChunk, currentLen));\n currentLen = -1;\n currentLines = currentChunk.length = 0;\n }\n for (let child of children)\n add(child);\n flush();\n return chunked.length == 1 ? chunked[0] : new TextNode(chunked, length);\n }\n}\nText.empty = /*@__PURE__*/new TextLeaf([\"\"], 0);\nfunction textLength(text) {\n let length = -1;\n for (let line of text)\n length += line.length + 1;\n return length;\n}\nfunction appendText(text, target, from = 0, to = 1e9) {\n for (let pos = 0, i = 0, first = true; i < text.length && pos <= to; i++) {\n let line = text[i], end = pos + line.length;\n if (end >= from) {\n if (end > to)\n line = line.slice(0, to - pos);\n if (pos < from)\n line = line.slice(from - pos);\n if (first) {\n target[target.length - 1] += line;\n first = false;\n }\n else\n target.push(line);\n }\n pos = end + 1;\n }\n return target;\n}\nfunction sliceText(text, from, to) {\n return appendText(text, [\"\"], from, to);\n}\nclass RawTextCursor {\n constructor(text, dir = 1) {\n this.dir = dir;\n this.done = false;\n this.lineBreak = false;\n this.value = \"\";\n this.nodes = [text];\n this.offsets = [dir > 0 ? 1 : (text instanceof TextLeaf ? text.text.length : text.children.length) << 1];\n }\n nextInner(skip, dir) {\n this.done = this.lineBreak = false;\n for (;;) {\n let last = this.nodes.length - 1;\n let top = this.nodes[last], offsetValue = this.offsets[last], offset = offsetValue >> 1;\n let size = top instanceof TextLeaf ? top.text.length : top.children.length;\n if (offset == (dir > 0 ? size : 0)) {\n if (last == 0) {\n this.done = true;\n this.value = \"\";\n return this;\n }\n if (dir > 0)\n this.offsets[last - 1]++;\n this.nodes.pop();\n this.offsets.pop();\n }\n else if ((offsetValue & 1) == (dir > 0 ? 0 : 1)) {\n this.offsets[last] += dir;\n if (skip == 0) {\n this.lineBreak = true;\n this.value = \"\\n\";\n return this;\n }\n skip--;\n }\n else if (top instanceof TextLeaf) {\n // Move to the next string\n let next = top.text[offset + (dir < 0 ? -1 : 0)];\n this.offsets[last] += dir;\n if (next.length > Math.max(0, skip)) {\n this.value = skip == 0 ? next : dir > 0 ? next.slice(skip) : next.slice(0, next.length - skip);\n return this;\n }\n skip -= next.length;\n }\n else {\n let next = top.children[offset + (dir < 0 ? -1 : 0)];\n if (skip > next.length) {\n skip -= next.length;\n this.offsets[last] += dir;\n }\n else {\n if (dir < 0)\n this.offsets[last]--;\n this.nodes.push(next);\n this.offsets.push(dir > 0 ? 1 : (next instanceof TextLeaf ? next.text.length : next.children.length) << 1);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n next(skip = 0) {\n if (skip < 0) {\n this.nextInner(-skip, (-this.dir));\n skip = this.value.length;\n }\n return this.nextInner(skip, this.dir);\n }\n}\nclass PartialTextCursor {\n constructor(text, start, end) {\n this.value = \"\";\n this.done = false;\n this.cursor = new RawTextCursor(text, start > end ? -1 : 1);\n this.pos = start > end ? text.length : 0;\n this.from = Math.min(start, end);\n this.to = Math.max(start, end);\n }\n nextInner(skip, dir) {\n if (dir < 0 ? this.pos <= this.from : this.pos >= this.to) {\n this.value = \"\";\n this.done = true;\n return this;\n }\n skip += Math.max(0, dir < 0 ? this.pos - this.to : this.from - this.pos);\n let limit = dir < 0 ? this.pos - this.from : this.to - this.pos;\n if (skip > limit)\n skip = limit;\n limit -= skip;\n let { value } = this.cursor.next(skip);\n this.pos += (value.length + skip) * dir;\n this.value = value.length <= limit ? value : dir < 0 ? value.slice(value.length - limit) : value.slice(0, limit);\n this.done = !this.value;\n return this;\n }\n next(skip = 0) {\n if (skip < 0)\n skip = Math.max(skip, this.from - this.pos);\n else if (skip > 0)\n skip = Math.min(skip, this.to - this.pos);\n return this.nextInner(skip, this.cursor.dir);\n }\n get lineBreak() { return this.cursor.lineBreak && this.value != \"\"; }\n}\nclass LineCursor {\n constructor(inner) {\n this.inner = inner;\n this.afterBreak = true;\n this.value = \"\";\n this.done = false;\n }\n next(skip = 0) {\n let { done, lineBreak, value } = this.inner.next(skip);\n if (done) {\n this.done = true;\n this.value = \"\";\n }\n else if (lineBreak) {\n if (this.afterBreak) {\n this.value = \"\";\n }\n else {\n this.afterBreak = true;\n this.next();\n }\n }\n else {\n this.value = value;\n this.afterBreak = false;\n }\n return this;\n }\n get lineBreak() { return false; }\n}\nif (typeof Symbol != \"undefined\") {\n Text.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this.iter(); };\n RawTextCursor.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = PartialTextCursor.prototype[Symbol.iterator] =\n LineCursor.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; };\n}\n/**\nThis type describes a line in the document. It is created\non-demand when lines are [queried](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Text.lineAt).\n*/\nclass Line {\n /**\n @internal\n */\n constructor(\n /**\n The position of the start of the line.\n */\n from, \n /**\n The position at the end of the line (_before_ the line break,\n or at the end of document for the last line).\n */\n to, \n /**\n This line's line number (1-based).\n */\n number, \n /**\n The line's content.\n */\n text) {\n this.from = from;\n this.to = to;\n this.number = number;\n this.text = text;\n }\n /**\n The length of the line (not including any line break after it).\n */\n get length() { return this.to - this.from; }\n}\n\n// Compressed representation of the Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Extend\n// information from\n// http://www.unicode.org/Public/13.0.0/ucd/auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt.\n// Each pair of elements represents a range, as an offet from the\n// previous range and a length. Numbers are in base-36, with the empty\n// string being a shorthand for 1.\nlet extend = /*@__PURE__*/\"lc,34,7n,7,7b,19,,,,2,,2,,,20,b,1c,l,g,,2t,7,2,6,2,2,,4,z,,u,r,2j,b,1m,9,9,,o,4,,9,,3,,5,17,3,3b,f,,w,1j,,,,4,8,4,,3,7,a,2,t,,1m,,,,2,4,8,,9,,a,2,q,,2,2,1l,,4,2,4,2,2,3,3,,u,2,3,,b,2,1l,,4,5,,2,4,,k,2,m,6,,,1m,,,2,,4,8,,7,3,a,2,u,,1n,,,,c,,9,,14,,3,,1l,3,5,3,,4,7,2,b,2,t,,1m,,2,,2,,3,,5,2,7,2,b,2,s,2,1l,2,,,2,4,8,,9,,a,2,t,,20,,4,,2,3,,,8,,29,,2,7,c,8,2q,,2,9,b,6,22,2,r,,,,,,1j,e,,5,,2,5,b,,10,9,,2u,4,,6,,2,2,2,p,2,4,3,g,4,d,,2,2,6,,f,,jj,3,qa,3,t,3,t,2,u,2,1s,2,,7,8,,2,b,9,,19,3,3b,2,y,,3a,3,4,2,9,,6,3,63,2,2,,1m,,,7,,,,,2,8,6,a,2,,1c,h,1r,4,1c,7,,,5,,14,9,c,2,w,4,2,2,,3,1k,,,2,3,,,3,1m,8,2,2,48,3,,d,,7,4,,6,,3,2,5i,1m,,5,ek,,5f,x,2da,3,3x,,2o,w,fe,6,2x,2,n9w,4,,a,w,2,28,2,7k,,3,,4,,p,2,5,,47,2,q,i,d,,12,8,p,b,1a,3,1c,,2,4,2,2,13,,1v,6,2,2,2,2,c,,8,,1b,,1f,,,3,2,2,5,2,,,16,2,8,,6m,,2,,4,,fn4,,kh,g,g,g,a6,2,gt,,6a,,45,5,1ae,3,,2,5,4,14,3,4,,4l,2,fx,4,ar,2,49,b,4w,,1i,f,1k,3,1d,4,2,2,1x,3,10,5,,8,1q,,c,2,1g,9,a,4,2,,2n,3,2,,,2,6,,4g,,3,8,l,2,1l,2,,,,,m,,e,7,3,5,5f,8,2,3,,,n,,29,,2,6,,,2,,,2,,2,6j,,2,4,6,2,,2,r,2,2d,8,2,,,2,2y,,,,2,6,,,2t,3,2,4,,5,77,9,,2,6t,,a,2,,,4,,40,4,2,2,4,,w,a,14,6,2,4,8,,9,6,2,3,1a,d,,2,ba,7,,6,,,2a,m,2,7,,2,,2,3e,6,3,,,2,,7,,,20,2,3,,,,9n,2,f0b,5,1n,7,t4,,1r,4,29,,f5k,2,43q,,,3,4,5,8,8,2,7,u,4,44,3,1iz,1j,4,1e,8,,e,,m,5,,f,11s,7,,h,2,7,,2,,5,79,7,c5,4,15s,7,31,7,240,5,gx7k,2o,3k,6o\".split(\",\").map(s => s ? parseInt(s, 36) : 1);\n// Convert offsets into absolute values\nfor (let i = 1; i < extend.length; i++)\n extend[i] += extend[i - 1];\nfunction isExtendingChar(code) {\n for (let i = 1; i < extend.length; i += 2)\n if (extend[i] > code)\n return extend[i - 1] <= code;\n return false;\n}\nfunction isRegionalIndicator(code) {\n return code >= 0x1F1E6 && code <= 0x1F1FF;\n}\nconst ZWJ = 0x200d;\n/**\nReturns a next grapheme cluster break _after_ (not equal to)\n`pos`, if `forward` is true, or before otherwise. Returns `pos`\nitself if no further cluster break is available in the string.\nMoves across surrogate pairs, extending characters (when\n`includeExtending` is true), characters joined with zero-width\njoiners, and flag emoji.\n*/\nfunction findClusterBreak(str, pos, forward = true, includeExtending = true) {\n return (forward ? nextClusterBreak : prevClusterBreak)(str, pos, includeExtending);\n}\nfunction nextClusterBreak(str, pos, includeExtending) {\n if (pos == str.length)\n return pos;\n // If pos is in the middle of a surrogate pair, move to its start\n if (pos && surrogateLow(str.charCodeAt(pos)) && surrogateHigh(str.charCodeAt(pos - 1)))\n pos--;\n let prev = codePointAt(str, pos);\n pos += codePointSize(prev);\n while (pos < str.length) {\n let next = codePointAt(str, pos);\n if (prev == ZWJ || next == ZWJ || includeExtending && isExtendingChar(next)) {\n pos += codePointSize(next);\n prev = next;\n }\n else if (isRegionalIndicator(next)) {\n let countBefore = 0, i = pos - 2;\n while (i >= 0 && isRegionalIndicator(codePointAt(str, i))) {\n countBefore++;\n i -= 2;\n }\n if (countBefore % 2 == 0)\n break;\n else\n pos += 2;\n }\n else {\n break;\n }\n }\n return pos;\n}\nfunction prevClusterBreak(str, pos, includeExtending) {\n while (pos > 0) {\n let found = nextClusterBreak(str, pos - 2, includeExtending);\n if (found < pos)\n return found;\n pos--;\n }\n return 0;\n}\nfunction surrogateLow(ch) { return ch >= 0xDC00 && ch < 0xE000; }\nfunction surrogateHigh(ch) { return ch >= 0xD800 && ch < 0xDC00; }\n/**\nFind the code point at the given position in a string (like the\n[`codePointAt`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/codePointAt)\nstring method).\n*/\nfunction codePointAt(str, pos) {\n let code0 = str.charCodeAt(pos);\n if (!surrogateHigh(code0) || pos + 1 == str.length)\n return code0;\n let code1 = str.charCodeAt(pos + 1);\n if (!surrogateLow(code1))\n return code0;\n return ((code0 - 0xd800) << 10) + (code1 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;\n}\n/**\nGiven a Unicode codepoint, return the JavaScript string that\nrespresents it (like\n[`String.fromCodePoint`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/fromCodePoint)).\n*/\nfunction fromCodePoint(code) {\n if (code <= 0xffff)\n return String.fromCharCode(code);\n code -= 0x10000;\n return String.fromCharCode((code >> 10) + 0xd800, (code & 1023) + 0xdc00);\n}\n/**\nThe amount of positions a character takes up a JavaScript string.\n*/\nfunction codePointSize(code) { return code < 0x10000 ? 1 : 2; }\n\nconst DefaultSplit = /\\r\\n?|\\n/;\n/**\nDistinguishes different ways in which positions can be mapped.\n*/\nvar MapMode = /*@__PURE__*/(function (MapMode) {\n /**\n Map a position to a valid new position, even when its context\n was deleted.\n */\n MapMode[MapMode[\"Simple\"] = 0] = \"Simple\";\n /**\n Return null if deletion happens across the position.\n */\n MapMode[MapMode[\"TrackDel\"] = 1] = \"TrackDel\";\n /**\n Return null if the character _before_ the position is deleted.\n */\n MapMode[MapMode[\"TrackBefore\"] = 2] = \"TrackBefore\";\n /**\n Return null if the character _after_ the position is deleted.\n */\n MapMode[MapMode[\"TrackAfter\"] = 3] = \"TrackAfter\";\nreturn MapMode})(MapMode || (MapMode = {}));\n/**\nA change description is a variant of [change set](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.ChangeSet)\nthat doesn't store the inserted text. As such, it can't be\napplied, but is cheaper to store and manipulate.\n*/\nclass ChangeDesc {\n // Sections are encoded as pairs of integers. The first is the\n // length in the current document, and the second is -1 for\n // unaffected sections, and the length of the replacement content\n // otherwise. So an insertion would be (0, n>0), a deletion (n>0,\n // 0), and a replacement two positive numbers.\n /**\n @internal\n */\n constructor(\n /**\n @internal\n */\n sections) {\n this.sections = sections;\n }\n /**\n The length of the document before the change.\n */\n get length() {\n let result = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < this.sections.length; i += 2)\n result += this.sections[i];\n return result;\n }\n /**\n The length of the document after the change.\n */\n get newLength() {\n let result = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < this.sections.length; i += 2) {\n let ins = this.sections[i + 1];\n result += ins < 0 ? this.sections[i] : ins;\n }\n return result;\n }\n /**\n False when there are actual changes in this set.\n */\n get empty() { return this.sections.length == 0 || this.sections.length == 2 && this.sections[1] < 0; }\n /**\n Iterate over the unchanged parts left by these changes. `posA`\n provides the position of the range in the old document, `posB`\n the new position in the changed document.\n */\n iterGaps(f) {\n for (let i = 0, posA = 0, posB = 0; i < this.sections.length;) {\n let len = this.sections[i++], ins = this.sections[i++];\n if (ins < 0) {\n f(posA, posB, len);\n posB += len;\n }\n else {\n posB += ins;\n }\n posA += len;\n }\n }\n /**\n Iterate over the ranges changed by these changes. (See\n [`ChangeSet.iterChanges`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.ChangeSet.iterChanges) for a\n variant that also provides you with the inserted text.)\n `fromA`/`toA` provides the extent of the change in the starting\n document, `fromB`/`toB` the extent of the replacement in the\n changed document.\n \n When `individual` is true, adjacent changes (which are kept\n separate for [position mapping](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.ChangeDesc.mapPos)) are\n reported separately.\n */\n iterChangedRanges(f, individual = false) {\n iterChanges(this, f, individual);\n }\n /**\n Get a description of the inverted form of these changes.\n */\n get invertedDesc() {\n let sections = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < this.sections.length;) {\n let len = this.sections[i++], ins = this.sections[i++];\n if (ins < 0)\n sections.push(len, ins);\n else\n sections.push(ins, len);\n }\n return new ChangeDesc(sections);\n }\n /**\n Compute the combined effect of applying another set of changes\n after this one. The length of the document after this set should\n match the length before `other`.\n */\n composeDesc(other) { return this.empty ? other : other.empty ? this : composeSets(this, other); }\n /**\n Map this description, which should start with the same document\n as `other`, over another set of changes, so that it can be\n applied after it. When `before` is true, map as if the changes\n in `other` happened before the ones in `this`.\n */\n mapDesc(other, before = false) { return other.empty ? this : mapSet(this, other, before); }\n mapPos(pos, assoc = -1, mode = MapMode.Simple) {\n let posA = 0, posB = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < this.sections.length;) {\n let len = this.sections[i++], ins = this.sections[i++], endA = posA + len;\n if (ins < 0) {\n if (endA > pos)\n return posB + (pos - posA);\n posB += len;\n }\n else {\n if (mode != MapMode.Simple && endA >= pos &&\n (mode == MapMode.TrackDel && posA < pos && endA > pos ||\n mode == MapMode.TrackBefore && posA < pos ||\n mode == MapMode.TrackAfter && endA > pos))\n return null;\n if (endA > pos || endA == pos && assoc < 0 && !len)\n return pos == posA || assoc < 0 ? posB : posB + ins;\n posB += ins;\n }\n posA = endA;\n }\n if (pos > posA)\n throw new RangeError(`Position ${pos} is out of range for changeset of length ${posA}`);\n return posB;\n }\n /**\n Check whether these changes touch a given range. When one of the\n changes entirely covers the range, the string `\"cover\"` is\n returned.\n */\n touchesRange(from, to = from) {\n for (let i = 0, pos = 0; i < this.sections.length && pos <= to;) {\n let len = this.sections[i++], ins = this.sections[i++], end = pos + len;\n if (ins >= 0 && pos <= to && end >= from)\n return pos < from && end > to ? \"cover\" : true;\n pos = end;\n }\n return false;\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n toString() {\n let result = \"\";\n for (let i = 0; i < this.sections.length;) {\n let len = this.sections[i++], ins = this.sections[i++];\n result += (result ? \" \" : \"\") + len + (ins >= 0 ? \":\" + ins : \"\");\n }\n return result;\n }\n /**\n Serialize this change desc to a JSON-representable value.\n */\n toJSON() { return this.sections; }\n /**\n Create a change desc from its JSON representation (as produced\n by [`toJSON`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.ChangeDesc.toJSON).\n */\n static fromJSON(json) {\n if (!Array.isArray(json) || json.length % 2 || json.some(a => typeof a != \"number\"))\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid JSON representation of ChangeDesc\");\n return new ChangeDesc(json);\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n static create(sections) { return new ChangeDesc(sections); }\n}\n/**\nA change set represents a group of modifications to a document. It\nstores the document length, and can only be applied to documents\nwith exactly that length.\n*/\nclass ChangeSet extends ChangeDesc {\n constructor(sections, \n /**\n @internal\n */\n inserted) {\n super(sections);\n this.inserted = inserted;\n }\n /**\n Apply the changes to a document, returning the modified\n document.\n */\n apply(doc) {\n if (this.length != doc.length)\n throw new RangeError(\"Applying change set to a document with the wrong length\");\n iterChanges(this, (fromA, toA, fromB, _toB, text) => doc = doc.replace(fromB, fromB + (toA - fromA), text), false);\n return doc;\n }\n mapDesc(other, before = false) { return mapSet(this, other, before, true); }\n /**\n Given the document as it existed _before_ the changes, return a\n change set that represents the inverse of this set, which could\n be used to go from the document created by the changes back to\n the document as it existed before the changes.\n */\n invert(doc) {\n let sections = this.sections.slice(), inserted = [];\n for (let i = 0, pos = 0; i < sections.length; i += 2) {\n let len = sections[i], ins = sections[i + 1];\n if (ins >= 0) {\n sections[i] = ins;\n sections[i + 1] = len;\n let index = i >> 1;\n while (inserted.length < index)\n inserted.push(Text.empty);\n inserted.push(len ? doc.slice(pos, pos + len) : Text.empty);\n }\n pos += len;\n }\n return new ChangeSet(sections, inserted);\n }\n /**\n Combine two subsequent change sets into a single set. `other`\n must start in the document produced by `this`. If `this` goes\n `docA` → `docB` and `other` represents `docB` → `docC`, the\n returned value will represent the change `docA` → `docC`.\n */\n compose(other) { return this.empty ? other : other.empty ? this : composeSets(this, other, true); }\n /**\n Given another change set starting in the same document, maps this\n change set over the other, producing a new change set that can be\n applied to the document produced by applying `other`. When\n `before` is `true`, order changes as if `this` comes before\n `other`, otherwise (the default) treat `other` as coming first.\n \n Given two changes `A` and `B`, `A.compose(B.map(A))` and\n `B.compose(A.map(B, true))` will produce the same document. This\n provides a basic form of [operational\n transformation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operational_transformation),\n and can be used for collaborative editing.\n */\n map(other, before = false) { return other.empty ? this : mapSet(this, other, before, true); }\n /**\n Iterate over the changed ranges in the document, calling `f` for\n each, with the range in the original document (`fromA`-`toA`)\n and the range that replaces it in the new document\n (`fromB`-`toB`).\n \n When `individual` is true, adjacent changes are reported\n separately.\n */\n iterChanges(f, individual = false) {\n iterChanges(this, f, individual);\n }\n /**\n Get a [change description](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.ChangeDesc) for this change\n set.\n */\n get desc() { return ChangeDesc.create(this.sections); }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n filter(ranges) {\n let resultSections = [], resultInserted = [], filteredSections = [];\n let iter = new SectionIter(this);\n done: for (let i = 0, pos = 0;;) {\n let next = i == ranges.length ? 1e9 : ranges[i++];\n while (pos < next || pos == next && iter.len == 0) {\n if (iter.done)\n break done;\n let len = Math.min(iter.len, next - pos);\n addSection(filteredSections, len, -1);\n let ins = iter.ins == -1 ? -1 : iter.off == 0 ? iter.ins : 0;\n addSection(resultSections, len, ins);\n if (ins > 0)\n addInsert(resultInserted, resultSections, iter.text);\n iter.forward(len);\n pos += len;\n }\n let end = ranges[i++];\n while (pos < end) {\n if (iter.done)\n break done;\n let len = Math.min(iter.len, end - pos);\n addSection(resultSections, len, -1);\n addSection(filteredSections, len, iter.ins == -1 ? -1 : iter.off == 0 ? iter.ins : 0);\n iter.forward(len);\n pos += len;\n }\n }\n return { changes: new ChangeSet(resultSections, resultInserted),\n filtered: ChangeDesc.create(filteredSections) };\n }\n /**\n Serialize this change set to a JSON-representable value.\n */\n toJSON() {\n let parts = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < this.sections.length; i += 2) {\n let len = this.sections[i], ins = this.sections[i + 1];\n if (ins < 0)\n parts.push(len);\n else if (ins == 0)\n parts.push([len]);\n else\n parts.push([len].concat(this.inserted[i >> 1].toJSON()));\n }\n return parts;\n }\n /**\n Create a change set for the given changes, for a document of the\n given length, using `lineSep` as line separator.\n */\n static of(changes, length, lineSep) {\n let sections = [], inserted = [], pos = 0;\n let total = null;\n function flush(force = false) {\n if (!force && !sections.length)\n return;\n if (pos < length)\n addSection(sections, length - pos, -1);\n let set = new ChangeSet(sections, inserted);\n total = total ? total.compose(set.map(total)) : set;\n sections = [];\n inserted = [];\n pos = 0;\n }\n function process(spec) {\n if (Array.isArray(spec)) {\n for (let sub of spec)\n process(sub);\n }\n else if (spec instanceof ChangeSet) {\n if (spec.length != length)\n throw new RangeError(`Mismatched change set length (got ${spec.length}, expected ${length})`);\n flush();\n total = total ? total.compose(spec.map(total)) : spec;\n }\n else {\n let { from, to = from, insert } = spec;\n if (from > to || from < 0 || to > length)\n throw new RangeError(`Invalid change range ${from} to ${to} (in doc of length ${length})`);\n let insText = !insert ? Text.empty : typeof insert == \"string\" ? Text.of(insert.split(lineSep || DefaultSplit)) : insert;\n let insLen = insText.length;\n if (from == to && insLen == 0)\n return;\n if (from < pos)\n flush();\n if (from > pos)\n addSection(sections, from - pos, -1);\n addSection(sections, to - from, insLen);\n addInsert(inserted, sections, insText);\n pos = to;\n }\n }\n process(changes);\n flush(!total);\n return total;\n }\n /**\n Create an empty changeset of the given length.\n */\n static empty(length) {\n return new ChangeSet(length ? [length, -1] : [], []);\n }\n /**\n Create a changeset from its JSON representation (as produced by\n [`toJSON`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.ChangeSet.toJSON).\n */\n static fromJSON(json) {\n if (!Array.isArray(json))\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid JSON representation of ChangeSet\");\n let sections = [], inserted = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {\n let part = json[i];\n if (typeof part == \"number\") {\n sections.push(part, -1);\n }\n else if (!Array.isArray(part) || typeof part[0] != \"number\" || part.some((e, i) => i && typeof e != \"string\")) {\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid JSON representation of ChangeSet\");\n }\n else if (part.length == 1) {\n sections.push(part[0], 0);\n }\n else {\n while (inserted.length < i)\n inserted.push(Text.empty);\n inserted[i] = Text.of(part.slice(1));\n sections.push(part[0], inserted[i].length);\n }\n }\n return new ChangeSet(sections, inserted);\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n static createSet(sections, inserted) {\n return new ChangeSet(sections, inserted);\n }\n}\nfunction addSection(sections, len, ins, forceJoin = false) {\n if (len == 0 && ins <= 0)\n return;\n let last = sections.length - 2;\n if (last >= 0 && ins <= 0 && ins == sections[last + 1])\n sections[last] += len;\n else if (len == 0 && sections[last] == 0)\n sections[last + 1] += ins;\n else if (forceJoin) {\n sections[last] += len;\n sections[last + 1] += ins;\n }\n else\n sections.push(len, ins);\n}\nfunction addInsert(values, sections, value) {\n if (value.length == 0)\n return;\n let index = (sections.length - 2) >> 1;\n if (index < values.length) {\n values[values.length - 1] = values[values.length - 1].append(value);\n }\n else {\n while (values.length < index)\n values.push(Text.empty);\n values.push(value);\n }\n}\nfunction iterChanges(desc, f, individual) {\n let inserted = desc.inserted;\n for (let posA = 0, posB = 0, i = 0; i < desc.sections.length;) {\n let len = desc.sections[i++], ins = desc.sections[i++];\n if (ins < 0) {\n posA += len;\n posB += len;\n }\n else {\n let endA = posA, endB = posB, text = Text.empty;\n for (;;) {\n endA += len;\n endB += ins;\n if (ins && inserted)\n text = text.append(inserted[(i - 2) >> 1]);\n if (individual || i == desc.sections.length || desc.sections[i + 1] < 0)\n break;\n len = desc.sections[i++];\n ins = desc.sections[i++];\n }\n f(posA, endA, posB, endB, text);\n posA = endA;\n posB = endB;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction mapSet(setA, setB, before, mkSet = false) {\n // Produce a copy of setA that applies to the document after setB\n // has been applied (assuming both start at the same document).\n let sections = [], insert = mkSet ? [] : null;\n let a = new SectionIter(setA), b = new SectionIter(setB);\n // Iterate over both sets in parallel. inserted tracks, for changes\n // in A that have to be processed piece-by-piece, whether their\n // content has been inserted already, and refers to the section\n // index.\n for (let inserted = -1;;) {\n if (a.ins == -1 && b.ins == -1) {\n // Move across ranges skipped by both sets.\n let len = Math.min(a.len, b.len);\n addSection(sections, len, -1);\n a.forward(len);\n b.forward(len);\n }\n else if (b.ins >= 0 && (a.ins < 0 || inserted == a.i || a.off == 0 && (b.len < a.len || b.len == a.len && !before))) {\n // If there's a change in B that comes before the next change in\n // A (ordered by start pos, then len, then before flag), skip\n // that (and process any changes in A it covers).\n let len = b.len;\n addSection(sections, b.ins, -1);\n while (len) {\n let piece = Math.min(a.len, len);\n if (a.ins >= 0 && inserted < a.i && a.len <= piece) {\n addSection(sections, 0, a.ins);\n if (insert)\n addInsert(insert, sections, a.text);\n inserted = a.i;\n }\n a.forward(piece);\n len -= piece;\n }\n b.next();\n }\n else if (a.ins >= 0) {\n // Process the part of a change in A up to the start of the next\n // non-deletion change in B (if overlapping).\n let len = 0, left = a.len;\n while (left) {\n if (b.ins == -1) {\n let piece = Math.min(left, b.len);\n len += piece;\n left -= piece;\n b.forward(piece);\n }\n else if (b.ins == 0 && b.len < left) {\n left -= b.len;\n b.next();\n }\n else {\n break;\n }\n }\n addSection(sections, len, inserted < a.i ? a.ins : 0);\n if (insert && inserted < a.i)\n addInsert(insert, sections, a.text);\n inserted = a.i;\n a.forward(a.len - left);\n }\n else if (a.done && b.done) {\n return insert ? ChangeSet.createSet(sections, insert) : ChangeDesc.create(sections);\n }\n else {\n throw new Error(\"Mismatched change set lengths\");\n }\n }\n}\nfunction composeSets(setA, setB, mkSet = false) {\n let sections = [];\n let insert = mkSet ? [] : null;\n let a = new SectionIter(setA), b = new SectionIter(setB);\n for (let open = false;;) {\n if (a.done && b.done) {\n return insert ? ChangeSet.createSet(sections, insert) : ChangeDesc.create(sections);\n }\n else if (a.ins == 0) { // Deletion in A\n addSection(sections, a.len, 0, open);\n a.next();\n }\n else if (b.len == 0 && !b.done) { // Insertion in B\n addSection(sections, 0, b.ins, open);\n if (insert)\n addInsert(insert, sections, b.text);\n b.next();\n }\n else if (a.done || b.done) {\n throw new Error(\"Mismatched change set lengths\");\n }\n else {\n let len = Math.min(a.len2, b.len), sectionLen = sections.length;\n if (a.ins == -1) {\n let insB = b.ins == -1 ? -1 : b.off ? 0 : b.ins;\n addSection(sections, len, insB, open);\n if (insert && insB)\n addInsert(insert, sections, b.text);\n }\n else if (b.ins == -1) {\n addSection(sections, a.off ? 0 : a.len, len, open);\n if (insert)\n addInsert(insert, sections, a.textBit(len));\n }\n else {\n addSection(sections, a.off ? 0 : a.len, b.off ? 0 : b.ins, open);\n if (insert && !b.off)\n addInsert(insert, sections, b.text);\n }\n open = (a.ins > len || b.ins >= 0 && b.len > len) && (open || sections.length > sectionLen);\n a.forward2(len);\n b.forward(len);\n }\n }\n}\nclass SectionIter {\n constructor(set) {\n this.set = set;\n this.i = 0;\n this.next();\n }\n next() {\n let { sections } = this.set;\n if (this.i < sections.length) {\n this.len = sections[this.i++];\n this.ins = sections[this.i++];\n }\n else {\n this.len = 0;\n this.ins = -2;\n }\n this.off = 0;\n }\n get done() { return this.ins == -2; }\n get len2() { return this.ins < 0 ? this.len : this.ins; }\n get text() {\n let { inserted } = this.set, index = (this.i - 2) >> 1;\n return index >= inserted.length ? Text.empty : inserted[index];\n }\n textBit(len) {\n let { inserted } = this.set, index = (this.i - 2) >> 1;\n return index >= inserted.length && !len ? Text.empty\n : inserted[index].slice(this.off, len == null ? undefined : this.off + len);\n }\n forward(len) {\n if (len == this.len)\n this.next();\n else {\n this.len -= len;\n this.off += len;\n }\n }\n forward2(len) {\n if (this.ins == -1)\n this.forward(len);\n else if (len == this.ins)\n this.next();\n else {\n this.ins -= len;\n this.off += len;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\nA single selection range. When\n[`allowMultipleSelections`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^allowMultipleSelections)\nis enabled, a [selection](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorSelection) may hold\nmultiple ranges. By default, selections hold exactly one range.\n*/\nclass SelectionRange {\n constructor(\n /**\n The lower boundary of the range.\n */\n from, \n /**\n The upper boundary of the range.\n */\n to, flags) {\n this.from = from;\n this.to = to;\n this.flags = flags;\n }\n /**\n The anchor of the range—the side that doesn't move when you\n extend it.\n */\n get anchor() { return this.flags & 16 /* RangeFlag.Inverted */ ? this.to : this.from; }\n /**\n The head of the range, which is moved when the range is\n [extended](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.SelectionRange.extend).\n */\n get head() { return this.flags & 16 /* RangeFlag.Inverted */ ? this.from : this.to; }\n /**\n True when `anchor` and `head` are at the same position.\n */\n get empty() { return this.from == this.to; }\n /**\n If this is a cursor that is explicitly associated with the\n character on one of its sides, this returns the side. -1 means\n the character before its position, 1 the character after, and 0\n means no association.\n */\n get assoc() { return this.flags & 4 /* RangeFlag.AssocBefore */ ? -1 : this.flags & 8 /* RangeFlag.AssocAfter */ ? 1 : 0; }\n /**\n The bidirectional text level associated with this cursor, if\n any.\n */\n get bidiLevel() {\n let level = this.flags & 3 /* RangeFlag.BidiLevelMask */;\n return level == 3 ? null : level;\n }\n /**\n The goal column (stored vertical offset) associated with a\n cursor. This is used to preserve the vertical position when\n [moving](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.moveVertically) across\n lines of different length.\n */\n get goalColumn() {\n let value = this.flags >> 5 /* RangeFlag.GoalColumnOffset */;\n return value == 33554431 /* RangeFlag.NoGoalColumn */ ? undefined : value;\n }\n /**\n Map this range through a change, producing a valid range in the\n updated document.\n */\n map(change, assoc = -1) {\n let from, to;\n if (this.empty) {\n from = to = change.mapPos(this.from, assoc);\n }\n else {\n from = change.mapPos(this.from, 1);\n to = change.mapPos(this.to, -1);\n }\n return from == this.from && to == this.to ? this : new SelectionRange(from, to, this.flags);\n }\n /**\n Extend this range to cover at least `from` to `to`.\n */\n extend(from, to = from) {\n if (from <= this.anchor && to >= this.anchor)\n return EditorSelection.range(from, to);\n let head = Math.abs(from - this.anchor) > Math.abs(to - this.anchor) ? from : to;\n return EditorSelection.range(this.anchor, head);\n }\n /**\n Compare this range to another range.\n */\n eq(other) {\n return this.anchor == other.anchor && this.head == other.head;\n }\n /**\n Return a JSON-serializable object representing the range.\n */\n toJSON() { return { anchor: this.anchor, head: this.head }; }\n /**\n Convert a JSON representation of a range to a `SelectionRange`\n instance.\n */\n static fromJSON(json) {\n if (!json || typeof json.anchor != \"number\" || typeof json.head != \"number\")\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid JSON representation for SelectionRange\");\n return EditorSelection.range(json.anchor, json.head);\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n static create(from, to, flags) {\n return new SelectionRange(from, to, flags);\n }\n}\n/**\nAn editor selection holds one or more selection ranges.\n*/\nclass EditorSelection {\n constructor(\n /**\n The ranges in the selection, sorted by position. Ranges cannot\n overlap (but they may touch, if they aren't empty).\n */\n ranges, \n /**\n The index of the _main_ range in the selection (which is\n usually the range that was added last).\n */\n mainIndex) {\n this.ranges = ranges;\n this.mainIndex = mainIndex;\n }\n /**\n Map a selection through a change. Used to adjust the selection\n position for changes.\n */\n map(change, assoc = -1) {\n if (change.empty)\n return this;\n return EditorSelection.create(this.ranges.map(r => r.map(change, assoc)), this.mainIndex);\n }\n /**\n Compare this selection to another selection.\n */\n eq(other) {\n if (this.ranges.length != other.ranges.length ||\n this.mainIndex != other.mainIndex)\n return false;\n for (let i = 0; i < this.ranges.length; i++)\n if (!this.ranges[i].eq(other.ranges[i]))\n return false;\n return true;\n }\n /**\n Get the primary selection range. Usually, you should make sure\n your code applies to _all_ ranges, by using methods like\n [`changeByRange`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.changeByRange).\n */\n get main() { return this.ranges[this.mainIndex]; }\n /**\n Make sure the selection only has one range. Returns a selection\n holding only the main range from this selection.\n */\n asSingle() {\n return this.ranges.length == 1 ? this : new EditorSelection([this.main], 0);\n }\n /**\n Extend this selection with an extra range.\n */\n addRange(range, main = true) {\n return EditorSelection.create([range].concat(this.ranges), main ? 0 : this.mainIndex + 1);\n }\n /**\n Replace a given range with another range, and then normalize the\n selection to merge and sort ranges if necessary.\n */\n replaceRange(range, which = this.mainIndex) {\n let ranges = this.ranges.slice();\n ranges[which] = range;\n return EditorSelection.create(ranges, this.mainIndex);\n }\n /**\n Convert this selection to an object that can be serialized to\n JSON.\n */\n toJSON() {\n return { ranges: this.ranges.map(r => r.toJSON()), main: this.mainIndex };\n }\n /**\n Create a selection from a JSON representation.\n */\n static fromJSON(json) {\n if (!json || !Array.isArray(json.ranges) || typeof json.main != \"number\" || json.main >= json.ranges.length)\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid JSON representation for EditorSelection\");\n return new EditorSelection(json.ranges.map((r) => SelectionRange.fromJSON(r)), json.main);\n }\n /**\n Create a selection holding a single range.\n */\n static single(anchor, head = anchor) {\n return new EditorSelection([EditorSelection.range(anchor, head)], 0);\n }\n /**\n Sort and merge the given set of ranges, creating a valid\n selection.\n */\n static create(ranges, mainIndex = 0) {\n if (ranges.length == 0)\n throw new RangeError(\"A selection needs at least one range\");\n for (let pos = 0, i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {\n let range = ranges[i];\n if (range.empty ? range.from <= pos : range.from < pos)\n return EditorSelection.normalized(ranges.slice(), mainIndex);\n pos = range.to;\n }\n return new EditorSelection(ranges, mainIndex);\n }\n /**\n Create a cursor selection range at the given position. You can\n safely ignore the optional arguments in most situations.\n */\n static cursor(pos, assoc = 0, bidiLevel, goalColumn) {\n return SelectionRange.create(pos, pos, (assoc == 0 ? 0 : assoc < 0 ? 4 /* RangeFlag.AssocBefore */ : 8 /* RangeFlag.AssocAfter */) |\n (bidiLevel == null ? 3 : Math.min(2, bidiLevel)) |\n ((goalColumn !== null && goalColumn !== void 0 ? goalColumn : 33554431 /* RangeFlag.NoGoalColumn */) << 5 /* RangeFlag.GoalColumnOffset */));\n }\n /**\n Create a selection range.\n */\n static range(anchor, head, goalColumn, bidiLevel) {\n let flags = ((goalColumn !== null && goalColumn !== void 0 ? goalColumn : 33554431 /* RangeFlag.NoGoalColumn */) << 5 /* RangeFlag.GoalColumnOffset */) |\n (bidiLevel == null ? 3 : Math.min(2, bidiLevel));\n return head < anchor ? SelectionRange.create(head, anchor, 16 /* RangeFlag.Inverted */ | 8 /* RangeFlag.AssocAfter */ | flags)\n : SelectionRange.create(anchor, head, (head > anchor ? 4 /* RangeFlag.AssocBefore */ : 0) | flags);\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n static normalized(ranges, mainIndex = 0) {\n let main = ranges[mainIndex];\n ranges.sort((a, b) => a.from - b.from);\n mainIndex = ranges.indexOf(main);\n for (let i = 1; i < ranges.length; i++) {\n let range = ranges[i], prev = ranges[i - 1];\n if (range.empty ? range.from <= prev.to : range.from < prev.to) {\n let from = prev.from, to = Math.max(range.to, prev.to);\n if (i <= mainIndex)\n mainIndex--;\n ranges.splice(--i, 2, range.anchor > range.head ? EditorSelection.range(to, from) : EditorSelection.range(from, to));\n }\n }\n return new EditorSelection(ranges, mainIndex);\n }\n}\nfunction checkSelection(selection, docLength) {\n for (let range of selection.ranges)\n if (range.to > docLength)\n throw new RangeError(\"Selection points outside of document\");\n}\n\nlet nextID = 0;\n/**\nA facet is a labeled value that is associated with an editor\nstate. It takes inputs from any number of extensions, and combines\nthose into a single output value.\n\nExamples of uses of facets are the [tab\nsize](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^tabSize), [editor\nattributes](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^editorAttributes), and [update\nlisteners](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^updateListener).\n*/\nclass Facet {\n constructor(\n /**\n @internal\n */\n combine, \n /**\n @internal\n */\n compareInput, \n /**\n @internal\n */\n compare, isStatic, enables) {\n this.combine = combine;\n this.compareInput = compareInput;\n this.compare = compare;\n this.isStatic = isStatic;\n /**\n @internal\n */\n this.id = nextID++;\n this.default = combine([]);\n this.extensions = typeof enables == \"function\" ? enables(this) : enables;\n }\n /**\n Define a new facet.\n */\n static define(config = {}) {\n return new Facet(config.combine || ((a) => a), config.compareInput || ((a, b) => a === b), config.compare || (!config.combine ? sameArray : (a, b) => a === b), !!config.static, config.enables);\n }\n /**\n Returns an extension that adds the given value to this facet.\n */\n of(value) {\n return new FacetProvider([], this, 0 /* Provider.Static */, value);\n }\n /**\n Create an extension that computes a value for the facet from a\n state. You must take care to declare the parts of the state that\n this value depends on, since your function is only called again\n for a new state when one of those parts changed.\n \n In cases where your value depends only on a single field, you'll\n want to use the [`from`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Facet.from) method instead.\n */\n compute(deps, get) {\n if (this.isStatic)\n throw new Error(\"Can't compute a static facet\");\n return new FacetProvider(deps, this, 1 /* Provider.Single */, get);\n }\n /**\n Create an extension that computes zero or more values for this\n facet from a state.\n */\n computeN(deps, get) {\n if (this.isStatic)\n throw new Error(\"Can't compute a static facet\");\n return new FacetProvider(deps, this, 2 /* Provider.Multi */, get);\n }\n from(field, get) {\n if (!get)\n get = x => x;\n return this.compute([field], state => get(state.field(field)));\n }\n}\nfunction sameArray(a, b) {\n return a == b || a.length == b.length && a.every((e, i) => e === b[i]);\n}\nclass FacetProvider {\n constructor(dependencies, facet, type, value) {\n this.dependencies = dependencies;\n this.facet = facet;\n this.type = type;\n this.value = value;\n this.id = nextID++;\n }\n dynamicSlot(addresses) {\n var _a;\n let getter = this.value;\n let compare = this.facet.compareInput;\n let id = this.id, idx = addresses[id] >> 1, multi = this.type == 2 /* Provider.Multi */;\n let depDoc = false, depSel = false, depAddrs = [];\n for (let dep of this.dependencies) {\n if (dep == \"doc\")\n depDoc = true;\n else if (dep == \"selection\")\n depSel = true;\n else if ((((_a = addresses[dep.id]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1) & 1) == 0)\n depAddrs.push(addresses[dep.id]);\n }\n return {\n create(state) {\n state.values[idx] = getter(state);\n return 1 /* SlotStatus.Changed */;\n },\n update(state, tr) {\n if ((depDoc && tr.docChanged) || (depSel && (tr.docChanged || tr.selection)) || ensureAll(state, depAddrs)) {\n let newVal = getter(state);\n if (multi ? !compareArray(newVal, state.values[idx], compare) : !compare(newVal, state.values[idx])) {\n state.values[idx] = newVal;\n return 1 /* SlotStatus.Changed */;\n }\n }\n return 0;\n },\n reconfigure: (state, oldState) => {\n let newVal, oldAddr = oldState.config.address[id];\n if (oldAddr != null) {\n let oldVal = getAddr(oldState, oldAddr);\n if (this.dependencies.every(dep => {\n return dep instanceof Facet ? oldState.facet(dep) === state.facet(dep) :\n dep instanceof StateField ? oldState.field(dep, false) == state.field(dep, false) : true;\n }) || (multi ? compareArray(newVal = getter(state), oldVal, compare) : compare(newVal = getter(state), oldVal))) {\n state.values[idx] = oldVal;\n return 0;\n }\n }\n else {\n newVal = getter(state);\n }\n state.values[idx] = newVal;\n return 1 /* SlotStatus.Changed */;\n }\n };\n }\n}\nfunction compareArray(a, b, compare) {\n if (a.length != b.length)\n return false;\n for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++)\n if (!compare(a[i], b[i]))\n return false;\n return true;\n}\nfunction ensureAll(state, addrs) {\n let changed = false;\n for (let addr of addrs)\n if (ensureAddr(state, addr) & 1 /* SlotStatus.Changed */)\n changed = true;\n return changed;\n}\nfunction dynamicFacetSlot(addresses, facet, providers) {\n let providerAddrs = providers.map(p => addresses[p.id]);\n let providerTypes = providers.map(p => p.type);\n let dynamic = providerAddrs.filter(p => !(p & 1));\n let idx = addresses[facet.id] >> 1;\n function get(state) {\n let values = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < providerAddrs.length; i++) {\n let value = getAddr(state, providerAddrs[i]);\n if (providerTypes[i] == 2 /* Provider.Multi */)\n for (let val of value)\n values.push(val);\n else\n values.push(value);\n }\n return facet.combine(values);\n }\n return {\n create(state) {\n for (let addr of providerAddrs)\n ensureAddr(state, addr);\n state.values[idx] = get(state);\n return 1 /* SlotStatus.Changed */;\n },\n update(state, tr) {\n if (!ensureAll(state, dynamic))\n return 0;\n let value = get(state);\n if (facet.compare(value, state.values[idx]))\n return 0;\n state.values[idx] = value;\n return 1 /* SlotStatus.Changed */;\n },\n reconfigure(state, oldState) {\n let depChanged = ensureAll(state, providerAddrs);\n let oldProviders = oldState.config.facets[facet.id], oldValue = oldState.facet(facet);\n if (oldProviders && !depChanged && sameArray(providers, oldProviders)) {\n state.values[idx] = oldValue;\n return 0;\n }\n let value = get(state);\n if (facet.compare(value, oldValue)) {\n state.values[idx] = oldValue;\n return 0;\n }\n state.values[idx] = value;\n return 1 /* SlotStatus.Changed */;\n }\n };\n}\nconst initField = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({ static: true });\n/**\nFields can store additional information in an editor state, and\nkeep it in sync with the rest of the state.\n*/\nclass StateField {\n constructor(\n /**\n @internal\n */\n id, createF, updateF, compareF, \n /**\n @internal\n */\n spec) {\n this.id = id;\n this.createF = createF;\n this.updateF = updateF;\n this.compareF = compareF;\n this.spec = spec;\n /**\n @internal\n */\n this.provides = undefined;\n }\n /**\n Define a state field.\n */\n static define(config) {\n let field = new StateField(nextID++, config.create, config.update, config.compare || ((a, b) => a === b), config);\n if (config.provide)\n field.provides = config.provide(field);\n return field;\n }\n create(state) {\n let init = state.facet(initField).find(i => i.field == this);\n return ((init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.create) || this.createF)(state);\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n slot(addresses) {\n let idx = addresses[this.id] >> 1;\n return {\n create: (state) => {\n state.values[idx] = this.create(state);\n return 1 /* SlotStatus.Changed */;\n },\n update: (state, tr) => {\n let oldVal = state.values[idx];\n let value = this.updateF(oldVal, tr);\n if (this.compareF(oldVal, value))\n return 0;\n state.values[idx] = value;\n return 1 /* SlotStatus.Changed */;\n },\n reconfigure: (state, oldState) => {\n if (oldState.config.address[this.id] != null) {\n state.values[idx] = oldState.field(this);\n return 0;\n }\n state.values[idx] = this.create(state);\n return 1 /* SlotStatus.Changed */;\n }\n };\n }\n /**\n Returns an extension that enables this field and overrides the\n way it is initialized. Can be useful when you need to provide a\n non-default starting value for the field.\n */\n init(create) {\n return [this, initField.of({ field: this, create })];\n }\n /**\n State field instances can be used as\n [`Extension`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Extension) values to enable the field in a\n given state.\n */\n get extension() { return this; }\n}\nconst Prec_ = { lowest: 4, low: 3, default: 2, high: 1, highest: 0 };\nfunction prec(value) {\n return (ext) => new PrecExtension(ext, value);\n}\n/**\nBy default extensions are registered in the order they are found\nin the flattened form of nested array that was provided.\nIndividual extension values can be assigned a precedence to\noverride this. Extensions that do not have a precedence set get\nthe precedence of the nearest parent with a precedence, or\n[`default`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Prec.default) if there is no such parent. The\nfinal ordering of extensions is determined by first sorting by\nprecedence and then by order within each precedence.\n*/\nconst Prec = {\n /**\n The highest precedence level, for extensions that should end up\n near the start of the precedence ordering.\n */\n highest: /*@__PURE__*/prec(Prec_.highest),\n /**\n A higher-than-default precedence, for extensions that should\n come before those with default precedence.\n */\n high: /*@__PURE__*/prec(Prec_.high),\n /**\n The default precedence, which is also used for extensions\n without an explicit precedence.\n */\n default: /*@__PURE__*/prec(Prec_.default),\n /**\n A lower-than-default precedence.\n */\n low: /*@__PURE__*/prec(Prec_.low),\n /**\n The lowest precedence level. Meant for things that should end up\n near the end of the extension order.\n */\n lowest: /*@__PURE__*/prec(Prec_.lowest)\n};\nclass PrecExtension {\n constructor(inner, prec) {\n this.inner = inner;\n this.prec = prec;\n }\n}\n/**\nExtension compartments can be used to make a configuration\ndynamic. By [wrapping](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Compartment.of) part of your\nconfiguration in a compartment, you can later\n[replace](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Compartment.reconfigure) that part through a\ntransaction.\n*/\nclass Compartment {\n /**\n Create an instance of this compartment to add to your [state\n configuration](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorStateConfig.extensions).\n */\n of(ext) { return new CompartmentInstance(this, ext); }\n /**\n Create an [effect](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.effects) that\n reconfigures this compartment.\n */\n reconfigure(content) {\n return Compartment.reconfigure.of({ compartment: this, extension: content });\n }\n /**\n Get the current content of the compartment in the state, or\n `undefined` if it isn't present.\n */\n get(state) {\n return state.config.compartments.get(this);\n }\n}\nclass CompartmentInstance {\n constructor(compartment, inner) {\n this.compartment = compartment;\n this.inner = inner;\n }\n}\nclass Configuration {\n constructor(base, compartments, dynamicSlots, address, staticValues, facets) {\n this.base = base;\n this.compartments = compartments;\n this.dynamicSlots = dynamicSlots;\n this.address = address;\n this.staticValues = staticValues;\n this.facets = facets;\n this.statusTemplate = [];\n while (this.statusTemplate.length < dynamicSlots.length)\n this.statusTemplate.push(0 /* SlotStatus.Unresolved */);\n }\n staticFacet(facet) {\n let addr = this.address[facet.id];\n return addr == null ? facet.default : this.staticValues[addr >> 1];\n }\n static resolve(base, compartments, oldState) {\n let fields = [];\n let facets = Object.create(null);\n let newCompartments = new Map();\n for (let ext of flatten(base, compartments, newCompartments)) {\n if (ext instanceof StateField)\n fields.push(ext);\n else\n (facets[ext.facet.id] || (facets[ext.facet.id] = [])).push(ext);\n }\n let address = Object.create(null);\n let staticValues = [];\n let dynamicSlots = [];\n for (let field of fields) {\n address[field.id] = dynamicSlots.length << 1;\n dynamicSlots.push(a => field.slot(a));\n }\n let oldFacets = oldState === null || oldState === void 0 ? void 0 : oldState.config.facets;\n for (let id in facets) {\n let providers = facets[id], facet = providers[0].facet;\n let oldProviders = oldFacets && oldFacets[id] || [];\n if (providers.every(p => p.type == 0 /* Provider.Static */)) {\n address[facet.id] = (staticValues.length << 1) | 1;\n if (sameArray(oldProviders, providers)) {\n staticValues.push(oldState.facet(facet));\n }\n else {\n let value = facet.combine(providers.map(p => p.value));\n staticValues.push(oldState && facet.compare(value, oldState.facet(facet)) ? oldState.facet(facet) : value);\n }\n }\n else {\n for (let p of providers) {\n if (p.type == 0 /* Provider.Static */) {\n address[p.id] = (staticValues.length << 1) | 1;\n staticValues.push(p.value);\n }\n else {\n address[p.id] = dynamicSlots.length << 1;\n dynamicSlots.push(a => p.dynamicSlot(a));\n }\n }\n address[facet.id] = dynamicSlots.length << 1;\n dynamicSlots.push(a => dynamicFacetSlot(a, facet, providers));\n }\n }\n let dynamic = dynamicSlots.map(f => f(address));\n return new Configuration(base, newCompartments, dynamic, address, staticValues, facets);\n }\n}\nfunction flatten(extension, compartments, newCompartments) {\n let result = [[], [], [], [], []];\n let seen = new Map();\n function inner(ext, prec) {\n let known = seen.get(ext);\n if (known != null) {\n if (known <= prec)\n return;\n let found = result[known].indexOf(ext);\n if (found > -1)\n result[known].splice(found, 1);\n if (ext instanceof CompartmentInstance)\n newCompartments.delete(ext.compartment);\n }\n seen.set(ext, prec);\n if (Array.isArray(ext)) {\n for (let e of ext)\n inner(e, prec);\n }\n else if (ext instanceof CompartmentInstance) {\n if (newCompartments.has(ext.compartment))\n throw new RangeError(`Duplicate use of compartment in extensions`);\n let content = compartments.get(ext.compartment) || ext.inner;\n newCompartments.set(ext.compartment, content);\n inner(content, prec);\n }\n else if (ext instanceof PrecExtension) {\n inner(ext.inner, ext.prec);\n }\n else if (ext instanceof StateField) {\n result[prec].push(ext);\n if (ext.provides)\n inner(ext.provides, prec);\n }\n else if (ext instanceof FacetProvider) {\n result[prec].push(ext);\n if (ext.facet.extensions)\n inner(ext.facet.extensions, Prec_.default);\n }\n else {\n let content = ext.extension;\n if (!content)\n throw new Error(`Unrecognized extension value in extension set (${ext}). This sometimes happens because multiple instances of @codemirror/state are loaded, breaking instanceof checks.`);\n inner(content, prec);\n }\n }\n inner(extension, Prec_.default);\n return result.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b));\n}\nfunction ensureAddr(state, addr) {\n if (addr & 1)\n return 2 /* SlotStatus.Computed */;\n let idx = addr >> 1;\n let status = state.status[idx];\n if (status == 4 /* SlotStatus.Computing */)\n throw new Error(\"Cyclic dependency between fields and/or facets\");\n if (status & 2 /* SlotStatus.Computed */)\n return status;\n state.status[idx] = 4 /* SlotStatus.Computing */;\n let changed = state.computeSlot(state, state.config.dynamicSlots[idx]);\n return state.status[idx] = 2 /* SlotStatus.Computed */ | changed;\n}\nfunction getAddr(state, addr) {\n return addr & 1 ? state.config.staticValues[addr >> 1] : state.values[addr >> 1];\n}\n\nconst languageData = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define();\nconst allowMultipleSelections = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({\n combine: values => values.some(v => v),\n static: true\n});\nconst lineSeparator = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({\n combine: values => values.length ? values[0] : undefined,\n static: true\n});\nconst changeFilter = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define();\nconst transactionFilter = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define();\nconst transactionExtender = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define();\nconst readOnly = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({\n combine: values => values.length ? values[0] : false\n});\n\n/**\nAnnotations are tagged values that are used to add metadata to\ntransactions in an extensible way. They should be used to model\nthings that effect the entire transaction (such as its [time\nstamp](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction^time) or information about its\n[origin](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction^userEvent)). For effects that happen\n_alongside_ the other changes made by the transaction, [state\neffects](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.StateEffect) are more appropriate.\n*/\nclass Annotation {\n /**\n @internal\n */\n constructor(\n /**\n The annotation type.\n */\n type, \n /**\n The value of this annotation.\n */\n value) {\n this.type = type;\n this.value = value;\n }\n /**\n Define a new type of annotation.\n */\n static define() { return new AnnotationType(); }\n}\n/**\nMarker that identifies a type of [annotation](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Annotation).\n*/\nclass AnnotationType {\n /**\n Create an instance of this annotation.\n */\n of(value) { return new Annotation(this, value); }\n}\n/**\nRepresentation of a type of state effect. Defined with\n[`StateEffect.define`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.StateEffect^define).\n*/\nclass StateEffectType {\n /**\n @internal\n */\n constructor(\n // The `any` types in these function types are there to work\n // around TypeScript issue #37631, where the type guard on\n // `StateEffect.is` mysteriously stops working when these properly\n // have type `Value`.\n /**\n @internal\n */\n map) {\n this.map = map;\n }\n /**\n Create a [state effect](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.StateEffect) instance of this\n type.\n */\n of(value) { return new StateEffect(this, value); }\n}\n/**\nState effects can be used to represent additional effects\nassociated with a [transaction](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction.effects). They\nare often useful to model changes to custom [state\nfields](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.StateField), when those changes aren't implicit in\ndocument or selection changes.\n*/\nclass StateEffect {\n /**\n @internal\n */\n constructor(\n /**\n @internal\n */\n type, \n /**\n The value of this effect.\n */\n value) {\n this.type = type;\n this.value = value;\n }\n /**\n Map this effect through a position mapping. Will return\n `undefined` when that ends up deleting the effect.\n */\n map(mapping) {\n let mapped = this.type.map(this.value, mapping);\n return mapped === undefined ? undefined : mapped == this.value ? this : new StateEffect(this.type, mapped);\n }\n /**\n Tells you whether this effect object is of a given\n [type](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.StateEffectType).\n */\n is(type) { return this.type == type; }\n /**\n Define a new effect type. The type parameter indicates the type\n of values that his effect holds. It should be a type that\n doesn't include `undefined`, since that is used in\n [mapping](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.StateEffect.map) to indicate that an effect is\n removed.\n */\n static define(spec = {}) {\n return new StateEffectType(spec.map || (v => v));\n }\n /**\n Map an array of effects through a change set.\n */\n static mapEffects(effects, mapping) {\n if (!effects.length)\n return effects;\n let result = [];\n for (let effect of effects) {\n let mapped = effect.map(mapping);\n if (mapped)\n result.push(mapped);\n }\n return result;\n }\n}\n/**\nThis effect can be used to reconfigure the root extensions of\nthe editor. Doing this will discard any extensions\n[appended](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.StateEffect^appendConfig), but does not reset\nthe content of [reconfigured](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Compartment.reconfigure)\ncompartments.\n*/\nStateEffect.reconfigure = /*@__PURE__*/StateEffect.define();\n/**\nAppend extensions to the top-level configuration of the editor.\n*/\nStateEffect.appendConfig = /*@__PURE__*/StateEffect.define();\n/**\nChanges to the editor state are grouped into transactions.\nTypically, a user action creates a single transaction, which may\ncontain any number of document changes, may change the selection,\nor have other effects. Create a transaction by calling\n[`EditorState.update`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.update), or immediately\ndispatch one by calling\n[`EditorView.dispatch`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.dispatch).\n*/\nclass Transaction {\n constructor(\n /**\n The state from which the transaction starts.\n */\n startState, \n /**\n The document changes made by this transaction.\n */\n changes, \n /**\n The selection set by this transaction, or undefined if it\n doesn't explicitly set a selection.\n */\n selection, \n /**\n The effects added to the transaction.\n */\n effects, \n /**\n @internal\n */\n annotations, \n /**\n Whether the selection should be scrolled into view after this\n transaction is dispatched.\n */\n scrollIntoView) {\n this.startState = startState;\n this.changes = changes;\n this.selection = selection;\n this.effects = effects;\n this.annotations = annotations;\n this.scrollIntoView = scrollIntoView;\n /**\n @internal\n */\n this._doc = null;\n /**\n @internal\n */\n this._state = null;\n if (selection)\n checkSelection(selection, changes.newLength);\n if (!annotations.some((a) => a.type == Transaction.time))\n this.annotations = annotations.concat(Transaction.time.of(Date.now()));\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n static create(startState, changes, selection, effects, annotations, scrollIntoView) {\n return new Transaction(startState, changes, selection, effects, annotations, scrollIntoView);\n }\n /**\n The new document produced by the transaction. Contrary to\n [`.state`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction.state)`.doc`, accessing this won't\n force the entire new state to be computed right away, so it is\n recommended that [transaction\n filters](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^transactionFilter) use this getter\n when they need to look at the new document.\n */\n get newDoc() {\n return this._doc || (this._doc = this.changes.apply(this.startState.doc));\n }\n /**\n The new selection produced by the transaction. If\n [`this.selection`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction.selection) is undefined,\n this will [map](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorSelection.map) the start state's\n current selection through the changes made by the transaction.\n */\n get newSelection() {\n return this.selection || this.startState.selection.map(this.changes);\n }\n /**\n The new state created by the transaction. Computed on demand\n (but retained for subsequent access), so it is recommended not to\n access it in [transaction\n filters](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^transactionFilter) when possible.\n */\n get state() {\n if (!this._state)\n this.startState.applyTransaction(this);\n return this._state;\n }\n /**\n Get the value of the given annotation type, if any.\n */\n annotation(type) {\n for (let ann of this.annotations)\n if (ann.type == type)\n return ann.value;\n return undefined;\n }\n /**\n Indicates whether the transaction changed the document.\n */\n get docChanged() { return !this.changes.empty; }\n /**\n Indicates whether this transaction reconfigures the state\n (through a [configuration compartment](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Compartment) or\n with a top-level configuration\n [effect](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.StateEffect^reconfigure).\n */\n get reconfigured() { return this.startState.config != this.state.config; }\n /**\n Returns true if the transaction has a [user\n event](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction^userEvent) annotation that is equal to\n or more specific than `event`. For example, if the transaction\n has `\"select.pointer\"` as user event, `\"select\"` and\n `\"select.pointer\"` will match it.\n */\n isUserEvent(event) {\n let e = this.annotation(Transaction.userEvent);\n return !!(e && (e == event || e.length > event.length && e.slice(0, event.length) == event && e[event.length] == \".\"));\n }\n}\n/**\nAnnotation used to store transaction timestamps. Automatically\nadded to every transaction, holding `Date.now()`.\n*/\nTransaction.time = /*@__PURE__*/Annotation.define();\n/**\nAnnotation used to associate a transaction with a user interface\nevent. Holds a string identifying the event, using a\ndot-separated format to support attaching more specific\ninformation. The events used by the core libraries are:\n\n - `\"input\"` when content is entered\n - `\"input.type\"` for typed input\n - `\"input.type.compose\"` for composition\n - `\"input.paste\"` for pasted input\n - `\"input.drop\"` when adding content with drag-and-drop\n - `\"input.complete\"` when autocompleting\n - `\"delete\"` when the user deletes content\n - `\"delete.selection\"` when deleting the selection\n - `\"delete.forward\"` when deleting forward from the selection\n - `\"delete.backward\"` when deleting backward from the selection\n - `\"delete.cut\"` when cutting to the clipboard\n - `\"move\"` when content is moved\n - `\"move.drop\"` when content is moved within the editor through drag-and-drop\n - `\"select\"` when explicitly changing the selection\n - `\"select.pointer\"` when selecting with a mouse or other pointing device\n - `\"undo\"` and `\"redo\"` for history actions\n\nUse [`isUserEvent`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction.isUserEvent) to check\nwhether the annotation matches a given event.\n*/\nTransaction.userEvent = /*@__PURE__*/Annotation.define();\n/**\nAnnotation indicating whether a transaction should be added to\nthe undo history or not.\n*/\nTransaction.addToHistory = /*@__PURE__*/Annotation.define();\n/**\nAnnotation indicating (when present and true) that a transaction\nrepresents a change made by some other actor, not the user. This\nis used, for example, to tag other people's changes in\ncollaborative editing.\n*/\nTransaction.remote = /*@__PURE__*/Annotation.define();\nfunction joinRanges(a, b) {\n let result = [];\n for (let iA = 0, iB = 0;;) {\n let from, to;\n if (iA < a.length && (iB == b.length || b[iB] >= a[iA])) {\n from = a[iA++];\n to = a[iA++];\n }\n else if (iB < b.length) {\n from = b[iB++];\n to = b[iB++];\n }\n else\n return result;\n if (!result.length || result[result.length - 1] < from)\n result.push(from, to);\n else if (result[result.length - 1] < to)\n result[result.length - 1] = to;\n }\n}\nfunction mergeTransaction(a, b, sequential) {\n var _a;\n let mapForA, mapForB, changes;\n if (sequential) {\n mapForA = b.changes;\n mapForB = ChangeSet.empty(b.changes.length);\n changes = a.changes.compose(b.changes);\n }\n else {\n mapForA = b.changes.map(a.changes);\n mapForB = a.changes.mapDesc(b.changes, true);\n changes = a.changes.compose(mapForA);\n }\n return {\n changes,\n selection: b.selection ? b.selection.map(mapForB) : (_a = a.selection) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map(mapForA),\n effects: StateEffect.mapEffects(a.effects, mapForA).concat(StateEffect.mapEffects(b.effects, mapForB)),\n annotations: a.annotations.length ? a.annotations.concat(b.annotations) : b.annotations,\n scrollIntoView: a.scrollIntoView || b.scrollIntoView\n };\n}\nfunction resolveTransactionInner(state, spec, docSize) {\n let sel = spec.selection, annotations = asArray(spec.annotations);\n if (spec.userEvent)\n annotations = annotations.concat(Transaction.userEvent.of(spec.userEvent));\n return {\n changes: spec.changes instanceof ChangeSet ? spec.changes\n : ChangeSet.of(spec.changes || [], docSize, state.facet(lineSeparator)),\n selection: sel && (sel instanceof EditorSelection ? sel : EditorSelection.single(sel.anchor, sel.head)),\n effects: asArray(spec.effects),\n annotations,\n scrollIntoView: !!spec.scrollIntoView\n };\n}\nfunction resolveTransaction(state, specs, filter) {\n let s = resolveTransactionInner(state, specs.length ? specs[0] : {}, state.doc.length);\n if (specs.length && specs[0].filter === false)\n filter = false;\n for (let i = 1; i < specs.length; i++) {\n if (specs[i].filter === false)\n filter = false;\n let seq = !!specs[i].sequential;\n s = mergeTransaction(s, resolveTransactionInner(state, specs[i], seq ? s.changes.newLength : state.doc.length), seq);\n }\n let tr = Transaction.create(state, s.changes, s.selection, s.effects, s.annotations, s.scrollIntoView);\n return extendTransaction(filter ? filterTransaction(tr) : tr);\n}\n// Finish a transaction by applying filters if necessary.\nfunction filterTransaction(tr) {\n let state = tr.startState;\n // Change filters\n let result = true;\n for (let filter of state.facet(changeFilter)) {\n let value = filter(tr);\n if (value === false) {\n result = false;\n break;\n }\n if (Array.isArray(value))\n result = result === true ? value : joinRanges(result, value);\n }\n if (result !== true) {\n let changes, back;\n if (result === false) {\n back = tr.changes.invertedDesc;\n changes = ChangeSet.empty(state.doc.length);\n }\n else {\n let filtered = tr.changes.filter(result);\n changes = filtered.changes;\n back = filtered.filtered.mapDesc(filtered.changes).invertedDesc;\n }\n tr = Transaction.create(state, changes, tr.selection && tr.selection.map(back), StateEffect.mapEffects(tr.effects, back), tr.annotations, tr.scrollIntoView);\n }\n // Transaction filters\n let filters = state.facet(transactionFilter);\n for (let i = filters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n let filtered = filters[i](tr);\n if (filtered instanceof Transaction)\n tr = filtered;\n else if (Array.isArray(filtered) && filtered.length == 1 && filtered[0] instanceof Transaction)\n tr = filtered[0];\n else\n tr = resolveTransaction(state, asArray(filtered), false);\n }\n return tr;\n}\nfunction extendTransaction(tr) {\n let state = tr.startState, extenders = state.facet(transactionExtender), spec = tr;\n for (let i = extenders.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n let extension = extenders[i](tr);\n if (extension && Object.keys(extension).length)\n spec = mergeTransaction(spec, resolveTransactionInner(state, extension, tr.changes.newLength), true);\n }\n return spec == tr ? tr : Transaction.create(state, tr.changes, tr.selection, spec.effects, spec.annotations, spec.scrollIntoView);\n}\nconst none = [];\nfunction asArray(value) {\n return value == null ? none : Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];\n}\n\n/**\nThe categories produced by a [character\ncategorizer](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.charCategorizer). These are used\ndo things like selecting by word.\n*/\nvar CharCategory = /*@__PURE__*/(function (CharCategory) {\n /**\n Word characters.\n */\n CharCategory[CharCategory[\"Word\"] = 0] = \"Word\";\n /**\n Whitespace.\n */\n CharCategory[CharCategory[\"Space\"] = 1] = \"Space\";\n /**\n Anything else.\n */\n CharCategory[CharCategory[\"Other\"] = 2] = \"Other\";\nreturn CharCategory})(CharCategory || (CharCategory = {}));\nconst nonASCIISingleCaseWordChar = /[\\u00df\\u0587\\u0590-\\u05f4\\u0600-\\u06ff\\u3040-\\u309f\\u30a0-\\u30ff\\u3400-\\u4db5\\u4e00-\\u9fcc\\uac00-\\ud7af]/;\nlet wordChar;\ntry {\n wordChar = /*@__PURE__*/new RegExp(\"[\\\\p{Alphabetic}\\\\p{Number}_]\", \"u\");\n}\ncatch (_) { }\nfunction hasWordChar(str) {\n if (wordChar)\n return wordChar.test(str);\n for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {\n let ch = str[i];\n if (/\\w/.test(ch) || ch > \"\\x80\" && (ch.toUpperCase() != ch.toLowerCase() || nonASCIISingleCaseWordChar.test(ch)))\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction makeCategorizer(wordChars) {\n return (char) => {\n if (!/\\S/.test(char))\n return CharCategory.Space;\n if (hasWordChar(char))\n return CharCategory.Word;\n for (let i = 0; i < wordChars.length; i++)\n if (char.indexOf(wordChars[i]) > -1)\n return CharCategory.Word;\n return CharCategory.Other;\n };\n}\n\n/**\nThe editor state class is a persistent (immutable) data structure.\nTo update a state, you [create](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.update) a\n[transaction](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction), which produces a _new_ state\ninstance, without modifying the original object.\n\nAs such, _never_ mutate properties of a state directly. That'll\njust break things.\n*/\nclass EditorState {\n constructor(\n /**\n @internal\n */\n config, \n /**\n The current document.\n */\n doc, \n /**\n The current selection.\n */\n selection, \n /**\n @internal\n */\n values, computeSlot, tr) {\n this.config = config;\n this.doc = doc;\n this.selection = selection;\n this.values = values;\n this.status = config.statusTemplate.slice();\n this.computeSlot = computeSlot;\n // Fill in the computed state immediately, so that further queries\n // for it made during the update return this state\n if (tr)\n tr._state = this;\n for (let i = 0; i < this.config.dynamicSlots.length; i++)\n ensureAddr(this, i << 1);\n this.computeSlot = null;\n }\n field(field, require = true) {\n let addr = this.config.address[field.id];\n if (addr == null) {\n if (require)\n throw new RangeError(\"Field is not present in this state\");\n return undefined;\n }\n ensureAddr(this, addr);\n return getAddr(this, addr);\n }\n /**\n Create a [transaction](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction) that updates this\n state. Any number of [transaction specs](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec)\n can be passed. Unless\n [`sequential`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.sequential) is set, the\n [changes](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.changes) (if any) of each spec\n are assumed to start in the _current_ document (not the document\n produced by previous specs), and its\n [selection](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.selection) and\n [effects](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.effects) are assumed to refer\n to the document created by its _own_ changes. The resulting\n transaction contains the combined effect of all the different\n specs. For [selection](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.selection), later\n specs take precedence over earlier ones.\n */\n update(...specs) {\n return resolveTransaction(this, specs, true);\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n applyTransaction(tr) {\n let conf = this.config, { base, compartments } = conf;\n for (let effect of tr.effects) {\n if (effect.is(Compartment.reconfigure)) {\n if (conf) {\n compartments = new Map;\n conf.compartments.forEach((val, key) => compartments.set(key, val));\n conf = null;\n }\n compartments.set(effect.value.compartment, effect.value.extension);\n }\n else if (effect.is(StateEffect.reconfigure)) {\n conf = null;\n base = effect.value;\n }\n else if (effect.is(StateEffect.appendConfig)) {\n conf = null;\n base = asArray(base).concat(effect.value);\n }\n }\n let startValues;\n if (!conf) {\n conf = Configuration.resolve(base, compartments, this);\n let intermediateState = new EditorState(conf, this.doc, this.selection, conf.dynamicSlots.map(() => null), (state, slot) => slot.reconfigure(state, this), null);\n startValues = intermediateState.values;\n }\n else {\n startValues = tr.startState.values.slice();\n }\n new EditorState(conf, tr.newDoc, tr.newSelection, startValues, (state, slot) => slot.update(state, tr), tr);\n }\n /**\n Create a [transaction spec](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec) that\n replaces every selection range with the given content.\n */\n replaceSelection(text) {\n if (typeof text == \"string\")\n text = this.toText(text);\n return this.changeByRange(range => ({ changes: { from: range.from, to: range.to, insert: text },\n range: EditorSelection.cursor(range.from + text.length) }));\n }\n /**\n Create a set of changes and a new selection by running the given\n function for each range in the active selection. The function\n can return an optional set of changes (in the coordinate space\n of the start document), plus an updated range (in the coordinate\n space of the document produced by the call's own changes). This\n method will merge all the changes and ranges into a single\n changeset and selection, and return it as a [transaction\n spec](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec), which can be passed to\n [`update`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.update).\n */\n changeByRange(f) {\n let sel = this.selection;\n let result1 = f(sel.ranges[0]);\n let changes = this.changes(result1.changes), ranges = [result1.range];\n let effects = asArray(result1.effects);\n for (let i = 1; i < sel.ranges.length; i++) {\n let result = f(sel.ranges[i]);\n let newChanges = this.changes(result.changes), newMapped = newChanges.map(changes);\n for (let j = 0; j < i; j++)\n ranges[j] = ranges[j].map(newMapped);\n let mapBy = changes.mapDesc(newChanges, true);\n ranges.push(result.range.map(mapBy));\n changes = changes.compose(newMapped);\n effects = StateEffect.mapEffects(effects, newMapped).concat(StateEffect.mapEffects(asArray(result.effects), mapBy));\n }\n return {\n changes,\n selection: EditorSelection.create(ranges, sel.mainIndex),\n effects\n };\n }\n /**\n Create a [change set](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.ChangeSet) from the given change\n description, taking the state's document length and line\n separator into account.\n */\n changes(spec = []) {\n if (spec instanceof ChangeSet)\n return spec;\n return ChangeSet.of(spec, this.doc.length, this.facet(EditorState.lineSeparator));\n }\n /**\n Using the state's [line\n separator](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^lineSeparator), create a\n [`Text`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Text) instance from the given string.\n */\n toText(string) {\n return Text.of(string.split(this.facet(EditorState.lineSeparator) || DefaultSplit));\n }\n /**\n Return the given range of the document as a string.\n */\n sliceDoc(from = 0, to = this.doc.length) {\n return this.doc.sliceString(from, to, this.lineBreak);\n }\n /**\n Get the value of a state [facet](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Facet).\n */\n facet(facet) {\n let addr = this.config.address[facet.id];\n if (addr == null)\n return facet.default;\n ensureAddr(this, addr);\n return getAddr(this, addr);\n }\n /**\n Convert this state to a JSON-serializable object. When custom\n fields should be serialized, you can pass them in as an object\n mapping property names (in the resulting object, which should\n not use `doc` or `selection`) to fields.\n */\n toJSON(fields) {\n let result = {\n doc: this.sliceDoc(),\n selection: this.selection.toJSON()\n };\n if (fields)\n for (let prop in fields) {\n let value = fields[prop];\n if (value instanceof StateField && this.config.address[value.id] != null)\n result[prop] = value.spec.toJSON(this.field(fields[prop]), this);\n }\n return result;\n }\n /**\n Deserialize a state from its JSON representation. When custom\n fields should be deserialized, pass the same object you passed\n to [`toJSON`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.toJSON) when serializing as\n third argument.\n */\n static fromJSON(json, config = {}, fields) {\n if (!json || typeof json.doc != \"string\")\n throw new RangeError(\"Invalid JSON representation for EditorState\");\n let fieldInit = [];\n if (fields)\n for (let prop in fields) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(json, prop)) {\n let field = fields[prop], value = json[prop];\n fieldInit.push(field.init(state => field.spec.fromJSON(value, state)));\n }\n }\n return EditorState.create({\n doc: json.doc,\n selection: EditorSelection.fromJSON(json.selection),\n extensions: config.extensions ? fieldInit.concat([config.extensions]) : fieldInit\n });\n }\n /**\n Create a new state. You'll usually only need this when\n initializing an editor—updated states are created by applying\n transactions.\n */\n static create(config = {}) {\n let configuration = Configuration.resolve(config.extensions || [], new Map);\n let doc = config.doc instanceof Text ? config.doc\n : Text.of((config.doc || \"\").split(configuration.staticFacet(EditorState.lineSeparator) || DefaultSplit));\n let selection = !config.selection ? EditorSelection.single(0)\n : config.selection instanceof EditorSelection ? config.selection\n : EditorSelection.single(config.selection.anchor, config.selection.head);\n checkSelection(selection, doc.length);\n if (!configuration.staticFacet(allowMultipleSelections))\n selection = selection.asSingle();\n return new EditorState(configuration, doc, selection, configuration.dynamicSlots.map(() => null), (state, slot) => slot.create(state), null);\n }\n /**\n The size (in columns) of a tab in the document, determined by\n the [`tabSize`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^tabSize) facet.\n */\n get tabSize() { return this.facet(EditorState.tabSize); }\n /**\n Get the proper [line-break](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^lineSeparator)\n string for this state.\n */\n get lineBreak() { return this.facet(EditorState.lineSeparator) || \"\\n\"; }\n /**\n Returns true when the editor is\n [configured](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^readOnly) to be read-only.\n */\n get readOnly() { return this.facet(readOnly); }\n /**\n Look up a translation for the given phrase (via the\n [`phrases`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^phrases) facet), or return the\n original string if no translation is found.\n \n If additional arguments are passed, they will be inserted in\n place of markers like `$1` (for the first value) and `$2`, etc.\n A single `$` is equivalent to `$1`, and `$$` will produce a\n literal dollar sign.\n */\n phrase(phrase, ...insert) {\n for (let map of this.facet(EditorState.phrases))\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(map, phrase)) {\n phrase = map[phrase];\n break;\n }\n if (insert.length)\n phrase = phrase.replace(/\\$(\\$|\\d*)/g, (m, i) => {\n if (i == \"$\")\n return \"$\";\n let n = +(i || 1);\n return !n || n > insert.length ? m : insert[n - 1];\n });\n return phrase;\n }\n /**\n Find the values for a given language data field, provided by the\n the [`languageData`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^languageData) facet.\n \n Examples of language data fields are...\n \n - [`\"commentTokens\"`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.CommentTokens) for specifying\n comment syntax.\n - [`\"autocomplete\"`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#autocomplete.autocompletion^config.override)\n for providing language-specific completion sources.\n - [`\"wordChars\"`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.charCategorizer) for adding\n characters that should be considered part of words in this\n language.\n - [`\"closeBrackets\"`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#autocomplete.CloseBracketConfig) controls\n bracket closing behavior.\n */\n languageDataAt(name, pos, side = -1) {\n let values = [];\n for (let provider of this.facet(languageData)) {\n for (let result of provider(this, pos, side)) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(result, name))\n values.push(result[name]);\n }\n }\n return values;\n }\n /**\n Return a function that can categorize strings (expected to\n represent a single [grapheme cluster](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.findClusterBreak))\n into one of:\n \n - Word (contains an alphanumeric character or a character\n explicitly listed in the local language's `\"wordChars\"`\n language data, which should be a string)\n - Space (contains only whitespace)\n - Other (anything else)\n */\n charCategorizer(at) {\n return makeCategorizer(this.languageDataAt(\"wordChars\", at).join(\"\"));\n }\n /**\n Find the word at the given position, meaning the range\n containing all [word](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.CharCategory.Word) characters\n around it. If no word characters are adjacent to the position,\n this returns null.\n */\n wordAt(pos) {\n let { text, from, length } = this.doc.lineAt(pos);\n let cat = this.charCategorizer(pos);\n let start = pos - from, end = pos - from;\n while (start > 0) {\n let prev = findClusterBreak(text, start, false);\n if (cat(text.slice(prev, start)) != CharCategory.Word)\n break;\n start = prev;\n }\n while (end < length) {\n let next = findClusterBreak(text, end);\n if (cat(text.slice(end, next)) != CharCategory.Word)\n break;\n end = next;\n }\n return start == end ? null : EditorSelection.range(start + from, end + from);\n }\n}\n/**\nA facet that, when enabled, causes the editor to allow multiple\nranges to be selected. Be careful though, because by default the\neditor relies on the native DOM selection, which cannot handle\nmultiple selections. An extension like\n[`drawSelection`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.drawSelection) can be used to make\nsecondary selections visible to the user.\n*/\nEditorState.allowMultipleSelections = allowMultipleSelections;\n/**\nConfigures the tab size to use in this state. The first\n(highest-precedence) value of the facet is used. If no value is\ngiven, this defaults to 4.\n*/\nEditorState.tabSize = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({\n combine: values => values.length ? values[0] : 4\n});\n/**\nThe line separator to use. By default, any of `\"\\n\"`, `\"\\r\\n\"`\nand `\"\\r\"` is treated as a separator when splitting lines, and\nlines are joined with `\"\\n\"`.\n\nWhen you configure a value here, only that precise separator\nwill be used, allowing you to round-trip documents through the\neditor without normalizing line separators.\n*/\nEditorState.lineSeparator = lineSeparator;\n/**\nThis facet controls the value of the\n[`readOnly`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.readOnly) getter, which is\nconsulted by commands and extensions that implement editing\nfunctionality to determine whether they should apply. It\ndefaults to false, but when its highest-precedence value is\n`true`, such functionality disables itself.\n\nNot to be confused with\n[`EditorView.editable`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^editable), which\ncontrols whether the editor's DOM is set to be editable (and\nthus focusable).\n*/\nEditorState.readOnly = readOnly;\n/**\nRegisters translation phrases. The\n[`phrase`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.phrase) method will look through\nall objects registered with this facet to find translations for\nits argument.\n*/\nEditorState.phrases = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({\n compare(a, b) {\n let kA = Object.keys(a), kB = Object.keys(b);\n return kA.length == kB.length && kA.every(k => a[k] == b[k]);\n }\n});\n/**\nA facet used to register [language\ndata](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.languageDataAt) providers.\n*/\nEditorState.languageData = languageData;\n/**\nFacet used to register change filters, which are called for each\ntransaction (unless explicitly\n[disabled](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.filter)), and can suppress\npart of the transaction's changes.\n\nSuch a function can return `true` to indicate that it doesn't\nwant to do anything, `false` to completely stop the changes in\nthe transaction, or a set of ranges in which changes should be\nsuppressed. Such ranges are represented as an array of numbers,\nwith each pair of two numbers indicating the start and end of a\nrange. So for example `[10, 20, 100, 110]` suppresses changes\nbetween 10 and 20, and between 100 and 110.\n*/\nEditorState.changeFilter = changeFilter;\n/**\nFacet used to register a hook that gets a chance to update or\nreplace transaction specs before they are applied. This will\nonly be applied for transactions that don't have\n[`filter`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.filter) set to `false`. You\ncan either return a single transaction spec (possibly the input\ntransaction), or an array of specs (which will be combined in\nthe same way as the arguments to\n[`EditorState.update`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.update)).\n\nWhen possible, it is recommended to avoid accessing\n[`Transaction.state`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction.state) in a filter,\nsince it will force creation of a state that will then be\ndiscarded again, if the transaction is actually filtered.\n\n(This functionality should be used with care. Indiscriminately\nmodifying transaction is likely to break something or degrade\nthe user experience.)\n*/\nEditorState.transactionFilter = transactionFilter;\n/**\nThis is a more limited form of\n[`transactionFilter`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^transactionFilter),\nwhich can only add\n[annotations](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.annotations) and\n[effects](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.effects). _But_, this type\nof filter runs even if the transaction has disabled regular\n[filtering](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.filter), making it suitable\nfor effects that don't need to touch the changes or selection,\nbut do want to process every transaction.\n\nExtenders run _after_ filters, when both are present.\n*/\nEditorState.transactionExtender = transactionExtender;\nCompartment.reconfigure = /*@__PURE__*/StateEffect.define();\n\n/**\nUtility function for combining behaviors to fill in a config\nobject from an array of provided configs. `defaults` should hold\ndefault values for all optional fields in `Config`.\n\nThe function will, by default, error\nwhen a field gets two values that aren't `===`-equal, but you can\nprovide combine functions per field to do something else.\n*/\nfunction combineConfig(configs, defaults, // Should hold only the optional properties of Config, but I haven't managed to express that\ncombine = {}) {\n let result = {};\n for (let config of configs)\n for (let key of Object.keys(config)) {\n let value = config[key], current = result[key];\n if (current === undefined)\n result[key] = value;\n else if (current === value || value === undefined) ; // No conflict\n else if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(combine, key))\n result[key] = combine[key](current, value);\n else\n throw new Error(\"Config merge conflict for field \" + key);\n }\n for (let key in defaults)\n if (result[key] === undefined)\n result[key] = defaults[key];\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\nEach range is associated with a value, which must inherit from\nthis class.\n*/\nclass RangeValue {\n /**\n Compare this value with another value. Used when comparing\n rangesets. The default implementation compares by identity.\n Unless you are only creating a fixed number of unique instances\n of your value type, it is a good idea to implement this\n properly.\n */\n eq(other) { return this == other; }\n /**\n Create a [range](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Range) with this value.\n */\n range(from, to = from) { return Range.create(from, to, this); }\n}\nRangeValue.prototype.startSide = RangeValue.prototype.endSide = 0;\nRangeValue.prototype.point = false;\nRangeValue.prototype.mapMode = MapMode.TrackDel;\n/**\nA range associates a value with a range of positions.\n*/\nclass Range {\n constructor(\n /**\n The range's start position.\n */\n from, \n /**\n Its end position.\n */\n to, \n /**\n The value associated with this range.\n */\n value) {\n this.from = from;\n this.to = to;\n this.value = value;\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n static create(from, to, value) {\n return new Range(from, to, value);\n }\n}\nfunction cmpRange(a, b) {\n return a.from - b.from || a.value.startSide - b.value.startSide;\n}\nclass Chunk {\n constructor(from, to, value, \n // Chunks are marked with the largest point that occurs\n // in them (or -1 for no points), so that scans that are\n // only interested in points (such as the\n // heightmap-related logic) can skip range-only chunks.\n maxPoint) {\n this.from = from;\n this.to = to;\n this.value = value;\n this.maxPoint = maxPoint;\n }\n get length() { return this.to[this.to.length - 1]; }\n // Find the index of the given position and side. Use the ranges'\n // `from` pos when `end == false`, `to` when `end == true`.\n findIndex(pos, side, end, startAt = 0) {\n let arr = end ? this.to : this.from;\n for (let lo = startAt, hi = arr.length;;) {\n if (lo == hi)\n return lo;\n let mid = (lo + hi) >> 1;\n let diff = arr[mid] - pos || (end ? this.value[mid].endSide : this.value[mid].startSide) - side;\n if (mid == lo)\n return diff >= 0 ? lo : hi;\n if (diff >= 0)\n hi = mid;\n else\n lo = mid + 1;\n }\n }\n between(offset, from, to, f) {\n for (let i = this.findIndex(from, -1000000000 /* C.Far */, true), e = this.findIndex(to, 1000000000 /* C.Far */, false, i); i < e; i++)\n if (f(this.from[i] + offset, this.to[i] + offset, this.value[i]) === false)\n return false;\n }\n map(offset, changes) {\n let value = [], from = [], to = [], newPos = -1, maxPoint = -1;\n for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) {\n let val = this.value[i], curFrom = this.from[i] + offset, curTo = this.to[i] + offset, newFrom, newTo;\n if (curFrom == curTo) {\n let mapped = changes.mapPos(curFrom, val.startSide, val.mapMode);\n if (mapped == null)\n continue;\n newFrom = newTo = mapped;\n if (val.startSide != val.endSide) {\n newTo = changes.mapPos(curFrom, val.endSide);\n if (newTo < newFrom)\n continue;\n }\n }\n else {\n newFrom = changes.mapPos(curFrom, val.startSide);\n newTo = changes.mapPos(curTo, val.endSide);\n if (newFrom > newTo || newFrom == newTo && val.startSide > 0 && val.endSide <= 0)\n continue;\n }\n if ((newTo - newFrom || val.endSide - val.startSide) < 0)\n continue;\n if (newPos < 0)\n newPos = newFrom;\n if (val.point)\n maxPoint = Math.max(maxPoint, newTo - newFrom);\n value.push(val);\n from.push(newFrom - newPos);\n to.push(newTo - newPos);\n }\n return { mapped: value.length ? new Chunk(from, to, value, maxPoint) : null, pos: newPos };\n }\n}\n/**\nA range set stores a collection of [ranges](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Range) in a\nway that makes them efficient to [map](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.RangeSet.map) and\n[update](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.RangeSet.update). This is an immutable data\nstructure.\n*/\nclass RangeSet {\n constructor(\n /**\n @internal\n */\n chunkPos, \n /**\n @internal\n */\n chunk, \n /**\n @internal\n */\n nextLayer, \n /**\n @internal\n */\n maxPoint) {\n this.chunkPos = chunkPos;\n this.chunk = chunk;\n this.nextLayer = nextLayer;\n this.maxPoint = maxPoint;\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n static create(chunkPos, chunk, nextLayer, maxPoint) {\n return new RangeSet(chunkPos, chunk, nextLayer, maxPoint);\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n get length() {\n let last = this.chunk.length - 1;\n return last < 0 ? 0 : Math.max(this.chunkEnd(last), this.nextLayer.length);\n }\n /**\n The number of ranges in the set.\n */\n get size() {\n if (this.isEmpty)\n return 0;\n let size = this.nextLayer.size;\n for (let chunk of this.chunk)\n size += chunk.value.length;\n return size;\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n chunkEnd(index) {\n return this.chunkPos[index] + this.chunk[index].length;\n }\n /**\n Update the range set, optionally adding new ranges or filtering\n out existing ones.\n \n (Note: The type parameter is just there as a kludge to work\n around TypeScript variance issues that prevented `RangeSet`\n from being a subtype of `RangeSet` when `X` is a subtype of\n `Y`.)\n */\n update(updateSpec) {\n let { add = [], sort = false, filterFrom = 0, filterTo = this.length } = updateSpec;\n let filter = updateSpec.filter;\n if (add.length == 0 && !filter)\n return this;\n if (sort)\n add = add.slice().sort(cmpRange);\n if (this.isEmpty)\n return add.length ? RangeSet.of(add) : this;\n let cur = new LayerCursor(this, null, -1).goto(0), i = 0, spill = [];\n let builder = new RangeSetBuilder();\n while (cur.value || i < add.length) {\n if (i < add.length && (cur.from - add[i].from || cur.startSide - add[i].value.startSide) >= 0) {\n let range = add[i++];\n if (!builder.addInner(range.from, range.to, range.value))\n spill.push(range);\n }\n else if (cur.rangeIndex == 1 && cur.chunkIndex < this.chunk.length &&\n (i == add.length || this.chunkEnd(cur.chunkIndex) < add[i].from) &&\n (!filter || filterFrom > this.chunkEnd(cur.chunkIndex) || filterTo < this.chunkPos[cur.chunkIndex]) &&\n builder.addChunk(this.chunkPos[cur.chunkIndex], this.chunk[cur.chunkIndex])) {\n cur.nextChunk();\n }\n else {\n if (!filter || filterFrom > cur.to || filterTo < cur.from || filter(cur.from, cur.to, cur.value)) {\n if (!builder.addInner(cur.from, cur.to, cur.value))\n spill.push(Range.create(cur.from, cur.to, cur.value));\n }\n cur.next();\n }\n }\n return builder.finishInner(this.nextLayer.isEmpty && !spill.length ? RangeSet.empty\n : this.nextLayer.update({ add: spill, filter, filterFrom, filterTo }));\n }\n /**\n Map this range set through a set of changes, return the new set.\n */\n map(changes) {\n if (changes.empty || this.isEmpty)\n return this;\n let chunks = [], chunkPos = [], maxPoint = -1;\n for (let i = 0; i < this.chunk.length; i++) {\n let start = this.chunkPos[i], chunk = this.chunk[i];\n let touch = changes.touchesRange(start, start + chunk.length);\n if (touch === false) {\n maxPoint = Math.max(maxPoint, chunk.maxPoint);\n chunks.push(chunk);\n chunkPos.push(changes.mapPos(start));\n }\n else if (touch === true) {\n let { mapped, pos } = chunk.map(start, changes);\n if (mapped) {\n maxPoint = Math.max(maxPoint, mapped.maxPoint);\n chunks.push(mapped);\n chunkPos.push(pos);\n }\n }\n }\n let next = this.nextLayer.map(changes);\n return chunks.length == 0 ? next : new RangeSet(chunkPos, chunks, next || RangeSet.empty, maxPoint);\n }\n /**\n Iterate over the ranges that touch the region `from` to `to`,\n calling `f` for each. There is no guarantee that the ranges will\n be reported in any specific order. When the callback returns\n `false`, iteration stops.\n */\n between(from, to, f) {\n if (this.isEmpty)\n return;\n for (let i = 0; i < this.chunk.length; i++) {\n let start = this.chunkPos[i], chunk = this.chunk[i];\n if (to >= start && from <= start + chunk.length &&\n chunk.between(start, from - start, to - start, f) === false)\n return;\n }\n this.nextLayer.between(from, to, f);\n }\n /**\n Iterate over the ranges in this set, in order, including all\n ranges that end at or after `from`.\n */\n iter(from = 0) {\n return HeapCursor.from([this]).goto(from);\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n get isEmpty() { return this.nextLayer == this; }\n /**\n Iterate over the ranges in a collection of sets, in order,\n starting from `from`.\n */\n static iter(sets, from = 0) {\n return HeapCursor.from(sets).goto(from);\n }\n /**\n Iterate over two groups of sets, calling methods on `comparator`\n to notify it of possible differences.\n */\n static compare(oldSets, newSets, \n /**\n This indicates how the underlying data changed between these\n ranges, and is needed to synchronize the iteration.\n */\n textDiff, comparator, \n /**\n Can be used to ignore all non-point ranges, and points below\n the given size. When -1, all ranges are compared.\n */\n minPointSize = -1) {\n let a = oldSets.filter(set => set.maxPoint > 0 || !set.isEmpty && set.maxPoint >= minPointSize);\n let b = newSets.filter(set => set.maxPoint > 0 || !set.isEmpty && set.maxPoint >= minPointSize);\n let sharedChunks = findSharedChunks(a, b, textDiff);\n let sideA = new SpanCursor(a, sharedChunks, minPointSize);\n let sideB = new SpanCursor(b, sharedChunks, minPointSize);\n textDiff.iterGaps((fromA, fromB, length) => compare(sideA, fromA, sideB, fromB, length, comparator));\n if (textDiff.empty && textDiff.length == 0)\n compare(sideA, 0, sideB, 0, 0, comparator);\n }\n /**\n Compare the contents of two groups of range sets, returning true\n if they are equivalent in the given range.\n */\n static eq(oldSets, newSets, from = 0, to) {\n if (to == null)\n to = 1000000000 /* C.Far */ - 1;\n let a = oldSets.filter(set => !set.isEmpty && newSets.indexOf(set) < 0);\n let b = newSets.filter(set => !set.isEmpty && oldSets.indexOf(set) < 0);\n if (a.length != b.length)\n return false;\n if (!a.length)\n return true;\n let sharedChunks = findSharedChunks(a, b);\n let sideA = new SpanCursor(a, sharedChunks, 0).goto(from), sideB = new SpanCursor(b, sharedChunks, 0).goto(from);\n for (;;) {\n if (sideA.to != sideB.to ||\n !sameValues(sideA.active, sideB.active) ||\n sideA.point && (!sideB.point || !sideA.point.eq(sideB.point)))\n return false;\n if (sideA.to > to)\n return true;\n sideA.next();\n sideB.next();\n }\n }\n /**\n Iterate over a group of range sets at the same time, notifying\n the iterator about the ranges covering every given piece of\n content. Returns the open count (see\n [`SpanIterator.span`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.SpanIterator.span)) at the end\n of the iteration.\n */\n static spans(sets, from, to, iterator, \n /**\n When given and greater than -1, only points of at least this\n size are taken into account.\n */\n minPointSize = -1) {\n let cursor = new SpanCursor(sets, null, minPointSize).goto(from), pos = from;\n let openRanges = cursor.openStart;\n for (;;) {\n let curTo = Math.min(cursor.to, to);\n if (cursor.point) {\n let active = cursor.activeForPoint(cursor.to);\n let openCount = cursor.pointFrom < from ? active.length + 1 : Math.min(active.length, openRanges);\n iterator.point(pos, curTo, cursor.point, active, openCount, cursor.pointRank);\n openRanges = Math.min(cursor.openEnd(curTo), active.length);\n }\n else if (curTo > pos) {\n iterator.span(pos, curTo, cursor.active, openRanges);\n openRanges = cursor.openEnd(curTo);\n }\n if (cursor.to > to)\n return openRanges + (cursor.point && cursor.to > to ? 1 : 0);\n pos = cursor.to;\n cursor.next();\n }\n }\n /**\n Create a range set for the given range or array of ranges. By\n default, this expects the ranges to be _sorted_ (by start\n position and, if two start at the same position,\n `value.startSide`). You can pass `true` as second argument to\n cause the method to sort them.\n */\n static of(ranges, sort = false) {\n let build = new RangeSetBuilder();\n for (let range of ranges instanceof Range ? [ranges] : sort ? lazySort(ranges) : ranges)\n build.add(range.from, range.to, range.value);\n return build.finish();\n }\n}\n/**\nThe empty set of ranges.\n*/\nRangeSet.empty = /*@__PURE__*/new RangeSet([], [], null, -1);\nfunction lazySort(ranges) {\n if (ranges.length > 1)\n for (let prev = ranges[0], i = 1; i < ranges.length; i++) {\n let cur = ranges[i];\n if (cmpRange(prev, cur) > 0)\n return ranges.slice().sort(cmpRange);\n prev = cur;\n }\n return ranges;\n}\nRangeSet.empty.nextLayer = RangeSet.empty;\n/**\nA range set builder is a data structure that helps build up a\n[range set](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.RangeSet) directly, without first allocating\nan array of [`Range`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Range) objects.\n*/\nclass RangeSetBuilder {\n finishChunk(newArrays) {\n this.chunks.push(new Chunk(this.from, this.to, this.value, this.maxPoint));\n this.chunkPos.push(this.chunkStart);\n this.chunkStart = -1;\n this.setMaxPoint = Math.max(this.setMaxPoint, this.maxPoint);\n this.maxPoint = -1;\n if (newArrays) {\n this.from = [];\n this.to = [];\n this.value = [];\n }\n }\n /**\n Create an empty builder.\n */\n constructor() {\n this.chunks = [];\n this.chunkPos = [];\n this.chunkStart = -1;\n this.last = null;\n this.lastFrom = -1000000000 /* C.Far */;\n this.lastTo = -1000000000 /* C.Far */;\n this.from = [];\n this.to = [];\n this.value = [];\n this.maxPoint = -1;\n this.setMaxPoint = -1;\n this.nextLayer = null;\n }\n /**\n Add a range. Ranges should be added in sorted (by `from` and\n `value.startSide`) order.\n */\n add(from, to, value) {\n if (!this.addInner(from, to, value))\n (this.nextLayer || (this.nextLayer = new RangeSetBuilder)).add(from, to, value);\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n addInner(from, to, value) {\n let diff = from - this.lastTo || value.startSide - this.last.endSide;\n if (diff <= 0 && (from - this.lastFrom || value.startSide - this.last.startSide) < 0)\n throw new Error(\"Ranges must be added sorted by `from` position and `startSide`\");\n if (diff < 0)\n return false;\n if (this.from.length == 250 /* C.ChunkSize */)\n this.finishChunk(true);\n if (this.chunkStart < 0)\n this.chunkStart = from;\n this.from.push(from - this.chunkStart);\n this.to.push(to - this.chunkStart);\n this.last = value;\n this.lastFrom = from;\n this.lastTo = to;\n this.value.push(value);\n if (value.point)\n this.maxPoint = Math.max(this.maxPoint, to - from);\n return true;\n }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n addChunk(from, chunk) {\n if ((from - this.lastTo || chunk.value[0].startSide - this.last.endSide) < 0)\n return false;\n if (this.from.length)\n this.finishChunk(true);\n this.setMaxPoint = Math.max(this.setMaxPoint, chunk.maxPoint);\n this.chunks.push(chunk);\n this.chunkPos.push(from);\n let last = chunk.value.length - 1;\n this.last = chunk.value[last];\n this.lastFrom = chunk.from[last] + from;\n this.lastTo = chunk.to[last] + from;\n return true;\n }\n /**\n Finish the range set. Returns the new set. The builder can't be\n used anymore after this has been called.\n */\n finish() { return this.finishInner(RangeSet.empty); }\n /**\n @internal\n */\n finishInner(next) {\n if (this.from.length)\n this.finishChunk(false);\n if (this.chunks.length == 0)\n return next;\n let result = RangeSet.create(this.chunkPos, this.chunks, this.nextLayer ? this.nextLayer.finishInner(next) : next, this.setMaxPoint);\n this.from = null; // Make sure further `add` calls produce errors\n return result;\n }\n}\nfunction findSharedChunks(a, b, textDiff) {\n let inA = new Map();\n for (let set of a)\n for (let i = 0; i < set.chunk.length; i++)\n if (set.chunk[i].maxPoint <= 0)\n inA.set(set.chunk[i], set.chunkPos[i]);\n let shared = new Set();\n for (let set of b)\n for (let i = 0; i < set.chunk.length; i++) {\n let known = inA.get(set.chunk[i]);\n if (known != null && (textDiff ? textDiff.mapPos(known) : known) == set.chunkPos[i] &&\n !(textDiff === null || textDiff === void 0 ? void 0 : textDiff.touchesRange(known, known + set.chunk[i].length)))\n shared.add(set.chunk[i]);\n }\n return shared;\n}\nclass LayerCursor {\n constructor(layer, skip, minPoint, rank = 0) {\n this.layer = layer;\n this.skip = skip;\n this.minPoint = minPoint;\n this.rank = rank;\n }\n get startSide() { return this.value ? this.value.startSide : 0; }\n get endSide() { return this.value ? this.value.endSide : 0; }\n goto(pos, side = -1000000000 /* C.Far */) {\n this.chunkIndex = this.rangeIndex = 0;\n this.gotoInner(pos, side, false);\n return this;\n }\n gotoInner(pos, side, forward) {\n while (this.chunkIndex < this.layer.chunk.length) {\n let next = this.layer.chunk[this.chunkIndex];\n if (!(this.skip && this.skip.has(next) ||\n this.layer.chunkEnd(this.chunkIndex) < pos ||\n next.maxPoint < this.minPoint))\n break;\n this.chunkIndex++;\n forward = false;\n }\n if (this.chunkIndex < this.layer.chunk.length) {\n let rangeIndex = this.layer.chunk[this.chunkIndex].findIndex(pos - this.layer.chunkPos[this.chunkIndex], side, true);\n if (!forward || this.rangeIndex < rangeIndex)\n this.setRangeIndex(rangeIndex);\n }\n this.next();\n }\n forward(pos, side) {\n if ((this.to - pos || this.endSide - side) < 0)\n this.gotoInner(pos, side, true);\n }\n next() {\n for (;;) {\n if (this.chunkIndex == this.layer.chunk.length) {\n this.from = this.to = 1000000000 /* C.Far */;\n this.value = null;\n break;\n }\n else {\n let chunkPos = this.layer.chunkPos[this.chunkIndex], chunk = this.layer.chunk[this.chunkIndex];\n let from = chunkPos + chunk.from[this.rangeIndex];\n this.from = from;\n this.to = chunkPos + chunk.to[this.rangeIndex];\n this.value = chunk.value[this.rangeIndex];\n this.setRangeIndex(this.rangeIndex + 1);\n if (this.minPoint < 0 || this.value.point && this.to - this.from >= this.minPoint)\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n setRangeIndex(index) {\n if (index == this.layer.chunk[this.chunkIndex].value.length) {\n this.chunkIndex++;\n if (this.skip) {\n while (this.chunkIndex < this.layer.chunk.length && this.skip.has(this.layer.chunk[this.chunkIndex]))\n this.chunkIndex++;\n }\n this.rangeIndex = 0;\n }\n else {\n this.rangeIndex = index;\n }\n }\n nextChunk() {\n this.chunkIndex++;\n this.rangeIndex = 0;\n this.next();\n }\n compare(other) {\n return this.from - other.from || this.startSide - other.startSide || this.rank - other.rank ||\n this.to - other.to || this.endSide - other.endSide;\n }\n}\nclass HeapCursor {\n constructor(heap) {\n this.heap = heap;\n }\n static from(sets, skip = null, minPoint = -1) {\n let heap = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < sets.length; i++) {\n for (let cur = sets[i]; !cur.isEmpty; cur = cur.nextLayer) {\n if (cur.maxPoint >= minPoint)\n heap.push(new LayerCursor(cur, skip, minPoint, i));\n }\n }\n return heap.length == 1 ? heap[0] : new HeapCursor(heap);\n }\n get startSide() { return this.value ? this.value.startSide : 0; }\n goto(pos, side = -1000000000 /* C.Far */) {\n for (let cur of this.heap)\n cur.goto(pos, side);\n for (let i = this.heap.length >> 1; i >= 0; i--)\n heapBubble(this.heap, i);\n this.next();\n return this;\n }\n forward(pos, side) {\n for (let cur of this.heap)\n cur.forward(pos, side);\n for (let i = this.heap.length >> 1; i >= 0; i--)\n heapBubble(this.heap, i);\n if ((this.to - pos || this.value.endSide - side) < 0)\n this.next();\n }\n next() {\n if (this.heap.length == 0) {\n this.from = this.to = 1000000000 /* C.Far */;\n this.value = null;\n this.rank = -1;\n }\n else {\n let top = this.heap[0];\n this.from = top.from;\n this.to = top.to;\n this.value = top.value;\n this.rank = top.rank;\n if (top.value)\n top.next();\n heapBubble(this.heap, 0);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction heapBubble(heap, index) {\n for (let cur = heap[index];;) {\n let childIndex = (index << 1) + 1;\n if (childIndex >= heap.length)\n break;\n let child = heap[childIndex];\n if (childIndex + 1 < heap.length && child.compare(heap[childIndex + 1]) >= 0) {\n child = heap[childIndex + 1];\n childIndex++;\n }\n if (cur.compare(child) < 0)\n break;\n heap[childIndex] = cur;\n heap[index] = child;\n index = childIndex;\n }\n}\nclass SpanCursor {\n constructor(sets, skip, minPoint) {\n this.minPoint = minPoint;\n this.active = [];\n this.activeTo = [];\n this.activeRank = [];\n this.minActive = -1;\n // A currently active point range, if any\n this.point = null;\n this.pointFrom = 0;\n this.pointRank = 0;\n this.to = -1000000000 /* C.Far */;\n this.endSide = 0;\n // The amount of open active ranges at the start of the iterator.\n // Not including points.\n this.openStart = -1;\n this.cursor = HeapCursor.from(sets, skip, minPoint);\n }\n goto(pos, side = -1000000000 /* C.Far */) {\n this.cursor.goto(pos, side);\n this.active.length = this.activeTo.length = this.activeRank.length = 0;\n this.minActive = -1;\n this.to = pos;\n this.endSide = side;\n this.openStart = -1;\n this.next();\n return this;\n }\n forward(pos, side) {\n while (this.minActive > -1 && (this.activeTo[this.minActive] - pos || this.active[this.minActive].endSide - side) < 0)\n this.removeActive(this.minActive);\n this.cursor.forward(pos, side);\n }\n removeActive(index) {\n remove(this.active, index);\n remove(this.activeTo, index);\n remove(this.activeRank, index);\n this.minActive = findMinIndex(this.active, this.activeTo);\n }\n addActive(trackOpen) {\n let i = 0, { value, to, rank } = this.cursor;\n while (i < this.activeRank.length && this.activeRank[i] <= rank)\n i++;\n insert(this.active, i, value);\n insert(this.activeTo, i, to);\n insert(this.activeRank, i, rank);\n if (trackOpen)\n insert(trackOpen, i, this.cursor.from);\n this.minActive = findMinIndex(this.active, this.activeTo);\n }\n // After calling this, if `this.point` != null, the next range is a\n // point. Otherwise, it's a regular range, covered by `this.active`.\n next() {\n let from = this.to, wasPoint = this.point;\n this.point = null;\n let trackOpen = this.openStart < 0 ? [] : null;\n for (;;) {\n let a = this.minActive;\n if (a > -1 && (this.activeTo[a] - this.cursor.from || this.active[a].endSide - this.cursor.startSide) < 0) {\n if (this.activeTo[a] > from) {\n this.to = this.activeTo[a];\n this.endSide = this.active[a].endSide;\n break;\n }\n this.removeActive(a);\n if (trackOpen)\n remove(trackOpen, a);\n }\n else if (!this.cursor.value) {\n this.to = this.endSide = 1000000000 /* C.Far */;\n break;\n }\n else if (this.cursor.from > from) {\n this.to = this.cursor.from;\n this.endSide = this.cursor.startSide;\n break;\n }\n else {\n let nextVal = this.cursor.value;\n if (!nextVal.point) { // Opening a range\n this.addActive(trackOpen);\n this.cursor.next();\n }\n else if (wasPoint && this.cursor.to == this.to && this.cursor.from < this.cursor.to) {\n // Ignore any non-empty points that end precisely at the end of the prev point\n this.cursor.next();\n }\n else { // New point\n this.point = nextVal;\n this.pointFrom = this.cursor.from;\n this.pointRank = this.cursor.rank;\n this.to = this.cursor.to;\n this.endSide = nextVal.endSide;\n this.cursor.next();\n this.forward(this.to, this.endSide);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n if (trackOpen) {\n this.openStart = 0;\n for (let i = trackOpen.length - 1; i >= 0 && trackOpen[i] < from; i--)\n this.openStart++;\n }\n }\n activeForPoint(to) {\n if (!this.active.length)\n return this.active;\n let active = [];\n for (let i = this.active.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (this.activeRank[i] < this.pointRank)\n break;\n if (this.activeTo[i] > to || this.activeTo[i] == to && this.active[i].endSide >= this.point.endSide)\n active.push(this.active[i]);\n }\n return active.reverse();\n }\n openEnd(to) {\n let open = 0;\n for (let i = this.activeTo.length - 1; i >= 0 && this.activeTo[i] > to; i--)\n open++;\n return open;\n }\n}\nfunction compare(a, startA, b, startB, length, comparator) {\n a.goto(startA);\n b.goto(startB);\n let endB = startB + length;\n let pos = startB, dPos = startB - startA;\n for (;;) {\n let diff = (a.to + dPos) - b.to || a.endSide - b.endSide;\n let end = diff < 0 ? a.to + dPos : b.to, clipEnd = Math.min(end, endB);\n if (a.point || b.point) {\n if (!(a.point && b.point && (a.point == b.point || a.point.eq(b.point)) &&\n sameValues(a.activeForPoint(a.to), b.activeForPoint(b.to))))\n comparator.comparePoint(pos, clipEnd, a.point, b.point);\n }\n else {\n if (clipEnd > pos && !sameValues(a.active, b.active))\n comparator.compareRange(pos, clipEnd, a.active, b.active);\n }\n if (end > endB)\n break;\n pos = end;\n if (diff <= 0)\n a.next();\n if (diff >= 0)\n b.next();\n }\n}\nfunction sameValues(a, b) {\n if (a.length != b.length)\n return false;\n for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++)\n if (a[i] != b[i] && !a[i].eq(b[i]))\n return false;\n return true;\n}\nfunction remove(array, index) {\n for (let i = index, e = array.length - 1; i < e; i++)\n array[i] = array[i + 1];\n array.pop();\n}\nfunction insert(array, index, value) {\n for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= index; i--)\n array[i + 1] = array[i];\n array[index] = value;\n}\nfunction findMinIndex(value, array) {\n let found = -1, foundPos = 1000000000 /* C.Far */;\n for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++)\n if ((array[i] - foundPos || value[i].endSide - value[found].endSide) < 0) {\n found = i;\n foundPos = array[i];\n }\n return found;\n}\n\n/**\nCount the column position at the given offset into the string,\ntaking extending characters and tab size into account.\n*/\nfunction countColumn(string, tabSize, to = string.length) {\n let n = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < to;) {\n if (string.charCodeAt(i) == 9) {\n n += tabSize - (n % tabSize);\n i++;\n }\n else {\n n++;\n i = findClusterBreak(string, i);\n }\n }\n return n;\n}\n/**\nFind the offset that corresponds to the given column position in a\nstring, taking extending characters and tab size into account. By\ndefault, the string length is returned when it is too short to\nreach the column. Pass `strict` true to make it return -1 in that\nsituation.\n*/\nfunction findColumn(string, col, tabSize, strict) {\n for (let i = 0, n = 0;;) {\n if (n >= col)\n return i;\n if (i == string.length)\n break;\n n += string.charCodeAt(i) == 9 ? tabSize - (n % tabSize) : 1;\n i = findClusterBreak(string, i);\n }\n return strict === true ? -1 : string.length;\n}\n\nexport { Annotation, AnnotationType, ChangeDesc, ChangeSet, CharCategory, Compartment, EditorSelection, EditorState, Facet, Line, MapMode, Prec, Range, RangeSet, RangeSetBuilder, RangeValue, SelectionRange, StateEffect, StateEffectType, StateField, Text, Transaction, codePointAt, codePointSize, combineConfig, countColumn, findClusterBreak, findColumn, fromCodePoint };\n","const C = \"\\u037c\"\nconst COUNT = typeof Symbol == \"undefined\" ? \"__\" + C : Symbol.for(C)\nconst SET = typeof Symbol == \"undefined\" ? \"__styleSet\" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e8) : Symbol(\"styleSet\")\nconst top = typeof globalThis != \"undefined\" ? globalThis : typeof window != \"undefined\" ? window : {}\n\n// :: - Style modules encapsulate a set of CSS rules defined from\n// JavaScript. Their definitions are only available in a given DOM\n// root after it has been _mounted_ there with `StyleModule.mount`.\n//\n// Style modules should be created once and stored somewhere, as\n// opposed to re-creating them every time you need them. The amount of\n// CSS rules generated for a given DOM root is bounded by the amount\n// of style modules that were used. So to avoid leaking rules, don't\n// create these dynamically, but treat them as one-time allocations.\nexport class StyleModule {\n // :: 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n,a=t.values;switch(t.type){case\"M\":i={x:a[0],y:a[1]};break;case\"L\":n={x:a[0],y:a[1]},i&&(e+=Ve(i,n)),i=n;break;case\"C\":n={x:a[4],y:a[5]},i&&(e+=We(i,{x:a[0],y:a[1]},{x:a[2],y:a[3]},n)),i=n}return e},0),a=0===s.semIndex?0:1===s.semIndex?n:n/2,2!==s.semIndex&&(t=Math.max(r.attach_plugBackLenSE[s.semIndex]||0,r.line_strokeWidth/2)+s.strokeWidth/2+s.height/4,a=(a+=0===s.semIndex?t:-t)<0?0:nx?((t=b.points)[1]=Ne(t[0],t[1],-x),b.len=Ve(t[0],t[1])):(b.points=null,b.len=0),e.len>x+n?((t=e.points)[0]=Ne(t[1],t[0],-(x+n)),e.len=Ve(t[0],t[1])):(e.points=null,e.len=0)),e):null}),k.reduce(function(t,e){var n=e.points;return n&&(a&&w(n[0],a)||t.push({type:\"M\",values:[n[0].x,n[0].y]}),\"line\"===e.type?t.push({type:\"L\",values:[n[1].x,n[1].y]}):(n.shift(),n.forEach(function(e){t.push({type:\"L\",values:[e.x,e.y]})})),a=n[n.length-1]),t},[])},newText:function(e,t,n,a){var i,o,l,r,s,u,h,p,c=t.createElementNS(re,\"defs\"),d=c.appendChild(t.createElementNS(re,\"path\"));return d.id=i=n+\"-path\",(r=(l=t.createElementNS(re,\"text\")).appendChild(t.createElementNS(re,\"textPath\"))).href.baseVal=\"#\"+i,r.startOffset.baseVal.newValueSpecifiedUnits(SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX,0),r.textContent=e,\"boolean\"!=typeof f&&(f=\"paintOrder\"in l.style),a&&!f?(l.id=o=n+\"-text\",c.appendChild(l),(h=(s=t.createElementNS(re,\"g\")).appendChild(t.createElementNS(re,\"use\"))).href.baseVal=\"#\"+o,(u=s.appendChild(t.createElementNS(re,\"use\"))).href.baseVal=\"#\"+o,(p=h.style).strokeLinejoin=\"round\",{elmPosition:l,elmPath:d,elmOffset:r,styleText:l.style,styleFill:u.style,styleStroke:p,styleShow:s.style,elmsAppend:[c,s]}):(p=l.style,a&&(p.strokeLinejoin=\"round\",p.paintOrder=\"stroke\"),{elmPosition:l,elmPath:d,elmOffset:r,styleText:p,styleFill:p,styleStroke:a?p:null,styleShow:p,elmsAppend:[c,l]})},initSvg:function(t,n){var e,a,i=I.pathLabel.newText(t.text,n.baseWindow.document,A+\"-pathLabel-\"+t._id,t.outlineColor);[\"elmPosition\",\"elmPath\",\"elmOffset\",\"styleFill\",\"styleShow\",\"elmsAppend\"].forEach(function(e){t[e]=i[e]}),t.isShown=!1,t.styleShow.visibility=\"hidden\",I.captionLabel.textStyleProps.forEach(function(e){null!=t[e]&&(i.styleText[e]=t[e])}),i.elmsAppend.forEach(function(e){n.svg.appendChild(e)}),i.elmPath.setPathData([{type:\"M\",values:[0,100]},{type:\"h\",values:[100]}]),e=i.elmPosition.getBBox(),i.styleText.textAnchor=[\"start\",\"end\",\"middle\"][t.semIndex],2!==t.semIndex||t.lineOffset||i.elmOffset.startOffset.baseVal.newValueSpecifiedUnits(SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE,50),t.height=e.height,t.outlineColor&&(a=10<(a=e.height/9)?10:a<2?2:a,i.styleStroke.strokeWidth=a+\"px\",i.styleStroke.stroke=t.outlineColor),t.strokeWidth=a||0,Xe(t.aplStats,I.pathLabel.stats),t.updateColor(n),t.updatePath(n),t.updateStartOffset(n),pe&&et(n,{}),t.updateShow(n)},bind:function(e,t){var n=t.props;return e.color||De(n,\"cur_line_color\",e.updateColor),De(n,\"cur_line_strokeWidth\",e.updatePath),De(n,\"apl_path\",e.updatePath),e.semIndex=\"startLabel\"===t.optionName?0:\"endLabel\"===t.optionName?1:2,2===e.semIndex&&!e.lineOffset||De(n,\"cur_attach_plugBackLenSE\",e.updateStartOffset),De(n,\"svgShow\",e.updateShow),pe&&De(n,\"new_edge4viewBox\",e.adjustEdge),I.pathLabel.initSvg(e,n),!0},unbind:function(e,t){var n=t.props;e.elmsAppend&&(e.elmsAppend.forEach(function(e){n.svg.removeChild(e)}),e.elmPosition=e.elmPath=e.elmOffset=e.styleFill=e.styleShow=e.elmsAppend=null),Xe(e.curStats,I.pathLabel.stats),Xe(e.aplStats,I.pathLabel.stats),e.color||ze(n,\"cur_line_color\",e.updateColor),ze(n,\"cur_line_strokeWidth\",e.updatePath),ze(n,\"apl_path\",e.updatePath),2===e.semIndex&&!e.lineOffset||ze(n,\"cur_attach_plugBackLenSE\",e.updateStartOffset),ze(n,\"svgShow\",e.updateShow),pe&&(ze(n,\"new_edge4viewBox\",e.adjustEdge),et(n,{}))},removeOption:function(e,t){var n=t.props,a={};a[t.optionName]=\"\",ot(n,a)},remove:function(t){t.boundTargets.length&&(console.error(\"LeaderLineAttachment was not unbound by remove\"),t.boundTargets.forEach(function(e){I.pathLabel.unbind(t,e)}))}}},Object.keys(I).forEach(function(e){lt[e]=function(){return new C(I[e],Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))}}),lt.positionByWindowResize=!0,window.addEventListener(\"resize\",v.add(function(){lt.positionByWindowResize&&Object.keys(ge).forEach(function(e){et(ge[e],{position:!0})})}),!1),lt}();!function(e,t){\"object\"==typeof exports&&\"undefined\"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():\"function\"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):e[\"leader-line\"]=t()}(this,function(){return LeaderLine});","import { Decoration, WidgetType } from \"@codemirror/view\";\nimport classNames from \"classnames\";\nimport LeaderLine from \"leader-line-new\";\nimport _ from \"lodash\";\nimport React, { useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState } from \"react\";\nimport ReactDOM from \"react-dom/client\";\nimport { evenlySpaceAround, linecolToPosition, makeDecorationField } from \"./misc.js\";\nconst DEBUG = false;\nlet ConfigContext = React.createContext({});\nlet CodeContext = React.createContext(undefined);\nlet PathContext = React.createContext([]);\nlet ErrorContext = React.createContext(undefined);\nlet codeRange = (view, range) => {\n let start = linecolToPosition(range.start, view.state.doc);\n let end = linecolToPosition(range.end, view.state.doc);\n return view.state.doc.sliceString(start, end);\n};\nlet AbbreviatedView = ({ value }) => {\n let pathCtx = useContext(PathContext);\n let IndexedContainer = ({ children, index }) => {\n let path = [...pathCtx, \"index\", index.toString()];\n return (React.createElement(PathContext.Provider, { value: path },\n React.createElement(\"td\", { className: path.join(\"-\"), \"data-connector\": \"bottom\" }, children)));\n };\n // TODO: handle indexes into abbreviated + end regions\n return (React.createElement(\"table\", { className: \"array\" },\n React.createElement(\"tbody\", null,\n React.createElement(\"tr\", null, value.type === \"All\" ? (value.value.map((el, i) => (React.createElement(IndexedContainer, { key: i, index: i },\n React.createElement(ValueView, { value: el }))))) : (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,\n value.value[0].map((el, i) => (React.createElement(IndexedContainer, { key: i, index: i },\n React.createElement(ValueView, { value: el })))),\n React.createElement(\"td\", null, \"...\"),\n React.createElement(IndexedContainer, { index: 100 },\n React.createElement(ValueView, { value: value.value[1] }))))))));\n};\nlet read_field = (v, k) => {\n let field = v.fields.find(([k2]) => k === k2);\n if (!field) {\n let v_pretty = JSON.stringify(v, undefined, 2);\n throw new Error(`Could not find field \"${k}\" in struct: ${v_pretty}`);\n }\n return field[1].value;\n};\nlet read_unique = (unique) => {\n let non_null = read_field(unique, \"pointer\");\n return non_null;\n};\nlet read_vec = (vec) => {\n let raw_vec = read_field(vec, \"buf\");\n let unique = read_field(raw_vec, \"ptr\");\n return read_unique(unique);\n};\nlet specialPtr = (value) => {\n if (value.alloc_kind === null)\n return;\n let alloc_type = value.alloc_kind.type;\n let non_null;\n if (alloc_type === \"String\") {\n let vec = read_field(value, \"vec\");\n non_null = read_vec(vec);\n }\n else if (alloc_type === \"Vec\") {\n non_null = read_vec(value);\n }\n else if (alloc_type === \"Box\") {\n let unique = read_field(value, \"0\");\n non_null = read_unique(unique);\n }\n else {\n throw new Error(`Unimplemented alloc type: ${alloc_type}`);\n }\n let ptr = non_null.fields[0][1];\n return ptr;\n};\nlet AdtView = ({ value }) => {\n let pathCtx = useContext(PathContext);\n let config = useContext(ConfigContext);\n let ptr = specialPtr(value);\n if (ptr && !config.concreteTypes)\n return React.createElement(ValueView, { value: ptr });\n if (value.name === \"Iter\" && !config.concreteTypes) {\n let non_null = read_field(value, \"ptr\");\n let ptr = non_null.fields[0][1];\n return React.createElement(ValueView, { value: ptr });\n }\n let adtName = value.variant ?? value.name;\n let isTuple = value.fields.length > 0 && value.fields[0][0] === \"0\";\n if (isTuple && value.fields.length === 1) {\n let path = [...pathCtx, \"field\", \"0\"];\n let field = value.fields[0][1];\n let inner = (React.createElement(PathContext.Provider, { value: path },\n React.createElement(ValueView, { value: field })));\n let smallInside = field.type === \"Adt\" &&\n !config.concreteTypes &&\n specialPtr(field.value) !== undefined;\n return (React.createElement(\"span\", { className: path.join(\"-\") }, smallInside ? (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,\n adtName,\n \"(\",\n inner,\n \")\")) : (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,\n \" \",\n adtName,\n \" /\\u00A0\",\n inner))));\n }\n let cells = value.fields.map(([k, v], i) => {\n let path = [...pathCtx, \"field\", i.toString()];\n return (React.createElement(\"td\", { key: k, className: path.join(\"-\") },\n React.createElement(PathContext.Provider, { value: path },\n React.createElement(ValueView, { value: v }))));\n });\n return (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,\n adtName,\n React.createElement(\"table\", null,\n React.createElement(\"tbody\", null, isTuple ? (React.createElement(\"tr\", null, cells)) : (value.fields.map(([k, _v], i) => (React.createElement(\"tr\", { key: i },\n React.createElement(\"td\", null, k),\n cells[i]))))))));\n};\nlet PointerView = ({ value: { path, range } }) => {\n let config = useContext(ConfigContext);\n let segment = path.segment.type === \"Heap\"\n ? `heap-${path.segment.value.index}`\n : `stack-${path.segment.value.frame}-${path.segment.value.local}`;\n let parts = [...path.parts];\n let lastPart = _.last(parts);\n let slice = lastPart && lastPart.type === \"Subslice\" ? lastPart.value : undefined;\n if (lastPart && lastPart.type === \"Index\" && lastPart.value === 0)\n parts.pop();\n let partClass = parts.map(part => part.type === \"Index\"\n ? `index-${part.value}`\n : part.type === \"Field\"\n ? `field-${part.value}`\n : part.type === \"Subslice\"\n ? `index-${part.value[0]}`\n : \"\");\n let attrs = {\n \"data-point-to\": [segment, ...partClass].join(\"-\")\n };\n if (slice) {\n attrs[\"data-point-to-range\"] = [\n segment,\n ...partClass.slice(0, -1),\n `index-${slice[1]}`\n ].join(\"-\");\n }\n let ptrView = (React.createElement(\"span\", { className: \"pointer\", ...attrs }, \"\\u25CF\"));\n return config.concreteTypes && range ? (React.createElement(\"table\", null,\n React.createElement(\"tbody\", null,\n React.createElement(\"tr\", null,\n React.createElement(\"td\", null, \"ptr\"),\n React.createElement(\"td\", null, ptrView)),\n React.createElement(\"tr\", null,\n React.createElement(\"td\", null, \"len\"),\n React.createElement(\"td\", null, range.toString()))))) : (ptrView);\n};\nlet ValueView = ({ value }) => {\n let pathCtx = useContext(PathContext);\n let error = useContext(ErrorContext);\n return (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, value.type === \"Bool\" ||\n value.type === \"Uint\" ||\n value.type === \"Int\" ||\n value.type === \"Float\" ? (value.value.toString()) : value.type === \"Char\" ? (String.fromCharCode(value.value).replace(\" \", \"\\u00A0\")) : value.type === \"Tuple\" ? (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,\n React.createElement(\"table\", null,\n React.createElement(\"tbody\", null,\n React.createElement(\"tr\", null, value.value.map((v, i) => {\n let path = [...pathCtx, \"field\", i.toString()];\n return (React.createElement(\"td\", { key: i, className: path.join(\"-\") },\n React.createElement(PathContext.Provider, { value: path },\n React.createElement(ValueView, { value: v }))));\n })))))) : value.type === \"Adt\" ? (React.createElement(AdtView, { value: value.value })) : value.type === \"Pointer\" ? (React.createElement(PointerView, { value: value.value })) : value.type === \"Array\" ? (React.createElement(AbbreviatedView, { value: value.value })) : value.type === \"Unallocated\" ? ((() => {\n let isError = error &&\n error.type === \"PointerUseAfterFree\" &&\n error.value.alloc_id === value.value.alloc_id;\n return (React.createElement(\"span\", { className: classNames(\"unallocated\", { error: isError }) }, \"\\u29BB\"));\n })()) : (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, \"TODO\"))));\n};\nlet LocalsView = ({ index, locals }) => locals.length === 0 ? (React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"locals empty-frame\" }, \"(empty frame)\")) : (React.createElement(\"table\", { className: \"locals\" },\n React.createElement(\"tbody\", null, locals.map(({ name, value, moved_paths }, i) => {\n let path = [\"stack\", index.toString(), name];\n // TODO: implement support for move paths length > 0\n let isMoved = moved_paths.some(p => p.length === 0);\n return (React.createElement(\"tr\", { key: i, className: classNames({ moved: isMoved }) },\n React.createElement(\"td\", null, name),\n React.createElement(\"td\", { className: path.join(\"-\"), \"data-connector\": \"right\" },\n React.createElement(PathContext.Provider, { value: path },\n React.createElement(ValueView, { value: value })))));\n }))));\nlet Header = ({ children, className }) => (React.createElement(\"div\", { className: `header ${className ?? \"\"}` },\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"header-text\" }, children),\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"header-bg\" })));\nlet FrameView = ({ index, frame }) => {\n let code = useContext(CodeContext);\n let snippet = codeRange(code, frame.location);\n return (React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"frame\" },\n React.createElement(Header, { className: \"frame-header\" }, frame.name),\n DEBUG ? React.createElement(\"pre\", null, snippet) : null,\n React.createElement(LocalsView, { index: index, locals: frame.locals })));\n};\nlet StackView = ({ stack }) => (React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"memory stack\" },\n React.createElement(Header, { className: \"memory-header\" }, \"Stack\"),\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"frames\" }, stack.frames.map((frame, i) => (React.createElement(FrameView, { key: i, index: i, frame: frame }))))));\nlet HeapView = ({ heap }) => (React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"memory heap\" },\n React.createElement(Header, { className: \"memory-header\" }, \"Heap\"),\n React.createElement(\"table\", null,\n React.createElement(\"tbody\", null, heap.locations.map((value, i) => {\n let path = [\"heap\", i.toString()];\n return (React.createElement(\"tr\", { key: i },\n React.createElement(\"td\", { className: path.join(\"-\"), \"data-connector\": \"left\" },\n React.createElement(PathContext.Provider, { value: path },\n React.createElement(ValueView, { value: value })))));\n })))));\nLeaderLine.positionByWindowResize = false;\n// to_rgb = lambda p: [f'rgba({int(r*255)}, {int(g*255)}, {int(b*255)}, 1)' for (r, g, b) in p]\nconst PALETTE = {\n // to_rgb(sns.color_palette(\"rocket\", 15)[:6])\n light: [\n \"rgba(24, 15, 41, 1)\",\n \"rgba(47, 23, 57, 1)\",\n \"rgba(71, 28, 72, 1)\",\n \"rgba(97, 30, 82, 1)\",\n \"rgba(123, 30, 89, 1)\",\n \"rgba(150, 27, 91, 1)\"\n ],\n // to_rgb(sns.color_palette(\"rocket_r\", 20, desat=0.5)[:6])\n dark: [\n \"rgba(234, 219, 207, 1)\",\n \"rgba(227, 203, 187, 1)\",\n \"rgba(220, 187, 168, 1)\",\n \"rgba(214, 172, 151, 1)\",\n \"rgba(208, 156, 136, 1)\",\n \"rgba(202, 140, 121, 1)\"\n ]\n};\nlet renderArrows = (containerRef, stepContainerRef, arrowContainerRef) => {\n useEffect(() => {\n let container = containerRef.current;\n let stepContainer = stepContainerRef.current;\n let arrowContainer = arrowContainerRef.current;\n let sources = stepContainer.querySelectorAll(\".pointer\");\n // TODO: this should be configurable from the embed script, not directly\n // inside aquascope-editor\n let mdbookEmbed = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue(\"--inline-code-color\");\n let query = (sel) => {\n let dst = stepContainer.querySelector(`.${CSS.escape(sel)}`);\n if (!dst)\n throw new Error(`Could not find endpoint for pointer selector: ${CSS.escape(sel)}`);\n return dst;\n };\n let getMemoryRegion = (el) => el.closest(\".heap\") !== null ? \"heap\" : \"stack\";\n // First, collect metadata about all the pointers we're rendering\n // like what HTML elements are pointed, and what region of the digram\n // they lie in.\n let dstCounts = {};\n let pointers = Array.from(sources).map(src => {\n let dstSel = src.dataset.pointTo;\n let dst = query(dstSel);\n let dstRange = src.dataset.pointToRange\n ? query(src.dataset.pointToRange)\n : undefined;\n let endSocket = dst.dataset.connector;\n let group = {\n srcRegion: getMemoryRegion(src),\n dstRegion: getMemoryRegion(dst)\n };\n if (!(dstSel in dstCounts))\n dstCounts[dstSel] = 0;\n let dstIndex = dstCounts[dstSel];\n dstCounts[dstSel] += 1;\n return { src, dst, dstRange, dstSel, endSocket, dstIndex, group };\n });\n // Then, group the pointers by their regions.\n // That way we know how many pointers are e.g. pointing from stack->heap\n // so we can stagger them correctly.\n let groups = _.groupBy(pointers, \"group\");\n // Then we render each pointer, conditioned on its group.\n let renderPtr = (ptr, i) => {\n try {\n let { srcRegion, dstRegion } = ptr.group;\n // Heap -> stack pointers should start on the left and\n // everything else starts on the right\n let startSocket = srcRegion === \"heap\" && dstRegion === \"stack\" ? \"left\" : \"right\";\n let dstAnchor;\n if (ptr.dstRange) {\n // Pointers to ranges (eg string slices) need an area anchor\n // corresponding to the range of the slice\n // TODO: this doesn't handle abbreviations\n dstAnchor = LeaderLine.areaAnchor(ptr.dst, {\n shape: \"rect\",\n width: ptr.dstRange.offsetLeft +\n ptr.dst.offsetWidth -\n ptr.dst.offsetLeft,\n height: 2,\n y: \"100%\",\n fillColor: mdbookEmbed ? \"var(--search-mark-bg)\" : \"red\"\n });\n }\n else if (srcRegion === \"stack\" && dstRegion === \"stack\") {\n // Stack -> stack pointers should point a little below the middle\n // to avoid conflicting with outgoing pointers.\n dstAnchor = LeaderLine.pointAnchor(ptr.dst, { x: \"100%\", y: \"75%\" });\n }\n else if (ptr.endSocket === \"bottom\") {\n dstAnchor = ptr.dst;\n }\n else {\n let x = dstRegion === \"stack\" ? 100 : 0;\n // Everything else should get evenly spaced around the\n // middle of the endpoint\n let y = evenlySpaceAround({\n center: 50,\n spacing: 30,\n index: ptr.dstIndex,\n total: dstCounts[ptr.dstSel] - 1\n });\n dstAnchor = LeaderLine.pointAnchor(ptr.dst, {\n x: `${x}%`,\n y: `${y}%`\n });\n }\n const MDBOOK_DARK_THEMES = [\"navy\", \"coal\", \"ayu\"];\n let isDark = MDBOOK_DARK_THEMES.some(s => document.documentElement.classList.contains(s));\n let theme = isDark ? \"dark\" : \"light\";\n let palette = PALETTE[theme];\n let color = palette[i % palette.length];\n let srcIsMoved = ptr.src.closest(\".moved\") !== null;\n let moveOpacity = isDark ? 0.5 : 0.3;\n if (srcIsMoved)\n color = color.replace(\", 1)\", `, ${moveOpacity})`);\n let startSocketGravity = undefined;\n let endSocketGravity = undefined;\n if (ptr.group.srcRegion === \"stack\" && ptr.group.dstRegion === \"heap\") {\n startSocketGravity = 60;\n endSocketGravity = 100 - i * 10;\n }\n let line = new LeaderLine(ptr.src, dstAnchor, {\n color,\n size: 1,\n endPlugSize: 2,\n startSocket,\n endSocket: ptr.endSocket,\n startSocketGravity,\n endSocketGravity\n });\n // Make arrows local to the diagram rather than global in the body\n // See: https://github.com/anseki/leader-line/issues/54\n let svgSelectors = [\".leader-line\"];\n if (ptr.dstRange)\n svgSelectors.push(\".leader-line-areaAnchor\");\n let svgElements = svgSelectors.map(sel => {\n let el = document.body.querySelector(`:scope > ${sel}`);\n if (!el)\n throw new Error(`Missing LineLeader element: ${sel}`);\n return el;\n });\n svgElements.forEach(el => arrowContainer.appendChild(el));\n return { line, svgElements };\n }\n catch (e) {\n console.error(\"Leader line failed to render\", e.stack);\n return undefined;\n }\n };\n let lines = Object.entries(groups)\n .flatMap(([_g, ptrs]) => ptrs.map((ptr, i) => renderPtr(ptr, i)))\n .filter(obj => obj !== undefined);\n // Lastly, we add a timer to reposition the arrow container\n // if necessary.\n let curCoords = () => {\n let stepBox = stepContainer.getBoundingClientRect();\n let x = stepBox.left + window.scrollX + container.scrollLeft;\n let y = stepBox.top + window.scrollY + container.scrollTop;\n return [x, y];\n };\n let positionArrowContainer = (x, y) => {\n lines.forEach(({ line }) => line.position());\n arrowContainer.style.transform = `translate(-${x}px, -${y}px)`;\n };\n let lastCoords = curCoords();\n positionArrowContainer(...lastCoords);\n let interval = setInterval(() => {\n let newCoords = curCoords();\n if (newCoords[0] !== lastCoords[0] || newCoords[1] !== lastCoords[1]) {\n positionArrowContainer(...newCoords);\n }\n lastCoords = newCoords;\n }, 300);\n return () => {\n clearInterval(interval);\n lines.forEach(({ svgElements }) => {\n svgElements.forEach(el => {\n el.parentNode.removeChild(el);\n });\n });\n };\n });\n // Note: this effect must be re-run every time, since children *might* change\n // their contents and invalidate DOM references held within LineLeader\n};\nlet StepView = ({ step, index, containerRef }) => {\n let stepContainerRef = useRef(null);\n let arrowContainerRef = useRef(null);\n let error = useContext(ErrorContext);\n renderArrows(containerRef, stepContainerRef, arrowContainerRef);\n return (React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"step\" },\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"step-header\" },\n React.createElement(StepMarkerView, { index: index, fail: error !== undefined }),\n error !== undefined ? (React.createElement(\"span\", { className: \"undefined-behavior\" },\n \"undefined behavior:\",\n \" \",\n error.type === \"PointerUseAfterFree\" ? (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, \"pointer used after its pointee is freed\")) : (error.value))) : null),\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"memory-container\", ref: stepContainerRef },\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"arrow-container\", ref: arrowContainerRef }),\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"memory-container-flex\" },\n React.createElement(StackView, { stack: step.stack }),\n step.heap.locations.length > 0 ? (React.createElement(HeapView, { heap: step.heap })) : null))));\n};\nlet InterpreterView = ({ trace, config }) => {\n let ref = useRef(null);\n let [concreteTypes, setConcreteTypes] = useState(config?.concreteTypes ?? false);\n let [buttonVisible, setButtonVisible] = useState(false);\n let flexDirection = config?.horizontal\n ? \"row\"\n : \"column\";\n return (React.createElement(ConfigContext.Provider, { value: { ...config, concreteTypes: concreteTypes } },\n React.createElement(\"div\", { ref: ref, className: \"interpreter\", style: { flexDirection }, onMouseEnter: () => setButtonVisible(true), onMouseLeave: () => setButtonVisible(false) },\n React.createElement(\"button\", { type: \"button\", className: classNames(\"concrete-types\", { active: concreteTypes }), onClick: () => setConcreteTypes(!concreteTypes), style: { opacity: buttonVisible ? \"1\" : \"0\" } },\n React.createElement(\"i\", { className: \"fa fa-binoculars\" })),\n trace.steps.map((step, i) => {\n let error = i === trace.steps.length - 1 && trace.result.type === \"Error\"\n ? trace.result.value\n : undefined;\n return (React.createElement(ErrorContext.Provider, { key: i, value: error },\n React.createElement(StepView, { index: i, step: step, containerRef: ref })));\n }))));\n};\nlet filterSteps = (view, steps, marks) => {\n let stepsRev = [...steps].reverse();\n let indexedMarks = marks.map(idx => {\n let stepRevIdx = stepsRev.findIndex(step => {\n let frame = _.last(step.stack.frames);\n let markInFrame = linecolToPosition(frame.body_span.start, view.state.doc) <= idx &&\n idx <= linecolToPosition(frame.body_span.end, view.state.doc);\n let markAfterLoc = idx > linecolToPosition(frame.location.start, view.state.doc);\n return markInFrame && markAfterLoc;\n });\n if (stepRevIdx === -1)\n throw new Error(`Could not find step for range: ${JSON.stringify(idx, undefined, 2)}`);\n return [steps.length - stepRevIdx, idx, stepsRev[stepRevIdx]];\n });\n let sortedMarks = _.sortBy(indexedMarks, ([idx]) => idx);\n return [\n sortedMarks.map(([_stepIdx, mark]) => mark),\n sortedMarks.map(([_stepIdx, _mark, step]) => step)\n ];\n};\nlet StepMarkerView = ({ index, fail }) => {\n return (React.createElement(\"span\", { className: classNames(\"step-marker\", { fail }) },\n React.createElement(\"span\", null,\n \"L\",\n index + 1)));\n};\nclass StepMarkerWidget extends WidgetType {\n index;\n fail;\n constructor(index, fail) {\n super();\n this.index = index;\n this.fail = fail;\n }\n toDOM() {\n let container = document.createElement(\"span\");\n ReactDOM.createRoot(container).render(React.createElement(StepMarkerView, { index: this.index, fail: this.fail }));\n return container;\n }\n}\nexport let markerField = makeDecorationField();\nexport function renderInterpreter(view, container, trace, config, annotations) {\n let root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);\n let marks = annotations?.state_locations || [];\n let widgetRanges;\n if (marks.length > 0) {\n let [sortedMarks, filteredSteps] = filterSteps(view, trace.steps, marks);\n widgetRanges = sortedMarks;\n trace.steps = filteredSteps;\n }\n else {\n widgetRanges = trace.steps.map(step => linecolToPosition(_.last(step.stack.frames).location.end, view.state.doc));\n }\n let decos = widgetRanges.map((mark, i) => Decoration.widget({\n widget: new StepMarkerWidget(i, i === trace.steps.length - 1 && trace.result.type === \"Error\")\n }).range(mark));\n view.dispatch({\n effects: [markerField.setEffect.of(decos)]\n });\n root.render(React.createElement(CodeContext.Provider, { value: view },\n React.createElement(InterpreterView, { trace: trace, config: config })));\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=interpreter.js.map","import { Decoration, WidgetType } from \"@codemirror/view\";\nimport classNames from \"classnames\";\nimport _ from \"lodash\";\nimport React, { useState } from \"react\";\nimport ReactDOM from \"react-dom/client\";\nimport { hideLoanRegion, hideMoveRegion, linecolToPosition, makeDecorationField, ownChar, permName, readChar, showLoanRegion, showMoveRegion, writeChar } from \"./misc.js\";\nlet PermChar = ({ perm, facts }) => {\n // FIXME: don't reverse the abbreviated content.\n // ~~~~ IMPORTANT MAINTENANCE NOTE ~~~~\n // Any changes to this HTML must be propagated to permissions.rs in mdbook-aquascope!\n let getInner = () => {\n let kind = permName(perm.perm);\n let Perm = ({ children }) => (React.createElement(\"span\", { className: classNames(\"perm\", kind) }, children));\n if (perm.step.type === \"None\") {\n return perm.step.value ? (React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"perm-diff-present\", title: `Path had ${kind} permissions before the preceding line, and that didn't change after this line.` },\n React.createElement(Perm, null, perm.perm))) : (React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"perm-diff-none\", title: `Path did not have ${kind} permissions before the preceding line, and that didn't change after this line.` },\n React.createElement(Perm, null, \"\\u2012\")));\n }\n else if (perm.step.type === \"Low\") {\n return (React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"perm-diff-sub-container\", title: `Path had ${kind} permissions before the preceding line, and lost it after this line.` },\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"perm-diff-sub\" }),\n React.createElement(Perm, null, perm.perm)));\n } /* perm.step.type === \"High\" */\n else {\n return (React.createElement(\"div\", { title: `Path did not have ${kind} permissions before the preceding line, and gained it after this line.` },\n React.createElement(\"span\", { className: \"perm-diff-add\" }, \"+\"),\n React.createElement(Perm, null, perm.perm)));\n }\n };\n return (React.createElement(\"td\", { onMouseEnter: () => {\n showLoanRegion(facts, perm.loanKey, [permName(perm.perm)]);\n showMoveRegion(facts, perm.moveKey, [permName(perm.perm)]);\n }, onMouseLeave: () => {\n hideLoanRegion(facts, perm.loanKey, [permName(perm.perm)]);\n hideMoveRegion(facts, perm.moveKey, [permName(perm.perm)]);\n }, className: \"perm-char\" }, getInner()));\n};\nlet PermDiffRow = ({ path, diffs, facts }) => {\n // There is a sort of hierarchy to the changing permissions:\n // We first prioritize \"moves\" and \"borrows\" (permission refinements),\n // these actions are visually important because they reflect concrete\n // actions in the source-code. Liveness is implicit, and should be\n // shown after the other actions.\n let visualFacts = [\n {\n fact: \"path_moved\",\n states: [\n {\n value: { type: \"High\", value: 0 },\n icon: \"sign-out\",\n desc: \"Path is moved here\"\n },\n {\n value: { type: \"Low\" },\n icon: \"recycle\",\n desc: \"Path is re-initialized after move here\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n fact: \"loan_read_refined\",\n states: [\n {\n value: { type: \"High\", value: 0 },\n icon: \"arrow-right\",\n desc: \"Path is borrowed here\"\n },\n {\n value: { type: \"Low\" },\n icon: \"rotate-left\",\n desc: \"Borrow on path is dropped here\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n fact: \"loan_write_refined\",\n states: [\n {\n value: { type: \"High\", value: 0 },\n icon: \"arrow-right\",\n desc: \"Path is borrowed here\"\n },\n {\n value: { type: \"Low\" },\n icon: \"rotate-left\",\n desc: \"Borrow on path is no longer used here\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n fact: \"is_live\",\n states: [\n {\n value: { type: \"High\", value: 0 },\n icon: \"level-up\",\n desc: \"Path is initialized here\"\n },\n {\n value: { type: \"Low\" },\n icon: \"level-down\",\n desc: \"Path is no longer used here\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n fact: \"path_uninitialized\",\n states: [\n {\n value: { type: \"High\", value: 0 },\n icon: \"sign-out\",\n desc: \"Path contains uninitialized data\"\n },\n {\n value: { type: \"Low\" },\n icon: \"recycle\",\n desc: \"Path data is initialized after move here\"\n }\n ]\n }\n ];\n let ico = null;\n loop: for (let { fact, states } of visualFacts) {\n for (let { value, icon, desc } of states) {\n if (_.isEqual(diffs[fact].type, value.type)) {\n ico = (React.createElement(\"i\", { className: `fa fa-${icon} aquascope-action-indicator`, title: desc }));\n break loop;\n }\n else {\n // console.log(\"unequal: \", diffs[fact].type, value.type);\n }\n }\n }\n let unwrap = (v) => v.type === \"None\" || v.type === \"High\" ? v.value : undefined;\n let moveKey = unwrap(diffs.path_moved);\n let perms = [\n {\n perm: readChar,\n step: diffs.permissions.read,\n loanKey: unwrap(diffs.loan_read_refined),\n moveKey\n },\n {\n perm: writeChar,\n step: diffs.permissions.write,\n loanKey: unwrap(diffs.loan_write_refined),\n moveKey\n },\n {\n perm: ownChar,\n step: diffs.permissions.drop,\n loanKey: unwrap(diffs.loan_drop_refined),\n moveKey\n }\n ];\n let pathCol = React.createElement(\"td\", { className: \"perm-step-path\" }, path);\n return (React.createElement(\"tr\", null,\n pathCol,\n React.createElement(\"td\", { className: \"perm-step-event\" }, ico),\n perms.map(perm => (React.createElement(PermChar, { key: perm.perm, perm: perm, facts: facts })))));\n};\nlet stepLocation = (step) => {\n return step.location.end;\n};\nlet StepTable = ({ rows, facts }) => (React.createElement(\"table\", { className: \"perm-step-table\" },\n React.createElement(\"tbody\", null, rows.map(([path, diffs], i) => (React.createElement(PermDiffRow, { key: i, path: path, diffs: diffs, facts: facts }))))));\n// An individual table goes inside of the overall container, and\n// contains its own dropdown based on focused / unfocused places.\nlet StepTableIndividual = ({ focused, hidden, facts }) => {\n let [displayAll, setDisplayAll] = useState(false);\n let hiddenDropdown = hidden.length > 0 ? (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"step-table-dropdown step-widget-toggle\" }, \"\\u25CF \\u25CF \\u25CF\"),\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: classNames({ \"hidden-height\": !displayAll }) },\n React.createElement(StepTable, { rows: hidden, facts: facts })))) : null;\n return (\n // biome-ignore lint/a11y/useKeyWithClickEvents: TODO\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: classNames(\"step-table-container\", {\n \"contains-hidden\": hidden.length > 0\n }), onClick: () => setDisplayAll(!displayAll) },\n React.createElement(StepTable, { rows: focused, facts: facts }),\n hiddenDropdown));\n};\n// On a single line there can be multiple tables next to each other.\n// All tables go in a container that can be collapsed to the left.\nlet StepLine = ({ spaces, focusedRegex, tables, init, facts }) => {\n let [display, setDisplay] = useState(init);\n let arrowOut = \"»\";\n let arrowIn = \"«\";\n let together = tables.map((table, i) => {\n let [focusedDiffs, hiddenDiffs] = _.partition(table.state, ([path, _]) => !!path.match(focusedRegex));\n return (React.createElement(StepTableIndividual, { key: i, focused: focusedDiffs, hidden: hiddenDiffs, facts: facts }));\n });\n return (React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"perm-step-widget\" },\n React.createElement(\"span\", { className: \"step-widget-toggle\", onClick: () => setDisplay(!display) }, display ? arrowIn : arrowOut),\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: classNames(\"step-widget-container\", {\n \"hidden-width\": !display\n }) },\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"step-widget-spacer\" }, spaces),\n together)));\n};\nclass PermissionStepLineWidget extends WidgetType {\n view;\n step;\n facts;\n annotations;\n line;\n rowHTML;\n constructor(view, step, facts, annotations) {\n super();\n this.view = view;\n this.step = step;\n this.facts = facts;\n this.annotations = annotations;\n this.line = view.state.doc.lineAt(linecolToPosition(stepLocation(step), view.state.doc));\n }\n eq(other) {\n // Only one table widget can (should) be on a line.\n return this.line.number === other.line.number;\n }\n toDOM() {\n let container = document.createElement(\"span\");\n let doc = this.view.state.doc;\n let currLine = this.line;\n let initDisplay = this.annotations && this.annotations.focused_lines.length > 0\n ? this.annotations.focused_lines.includes(currLine.number)\n : true;\n let maxLineLen = 0;\n for (let line of doc.iterLines()) {\n maxLineLen = Math.max(maxLineLen, line.length);\n }\n let padding = 2 + maxLineLen - currLine.length;\n let spaces = \"―\".repeat(padding);\n let matchers = this.annotations?.focused_paths[currLine.number];\n let rx = matchers\n ?.map(matcher => matcher.type === \"Literal\"\n ? _.escapeRegExp(matcher.value)\n : matcher.value)\n .map(s => `(${s})`)\n .join(\"|\");\n let r = new RegExp(rx ?? \"(.*)?\");\n let tables = this.step.state;\n ReactDOM.createRoot(container).render(React.createElement(StepLine, { spaces: spaces, focusedRegex: r, tables: tables, init: initDisplay, facts: this.facts }));\n return container;\n }\n ignoreEvent() {\n return true;\n }\n}\nexport let stepField = makeDecorationField();\nexport function makeStepDecorations(view, facts, stateSteps, annotations) {\n return stateSteps.map(step => Decoration.widget({\n widget: new PermissionStepLineWidget(view, step, facts, annotations),\n side: 1\n }).range(linecolToPosition(stepLocation(step), view.state.doc)));\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=stepper.js.map","import _ from \"lodash\";\nimport { boundariesField, makeBoundaryDecorations } from \"./boundaries.js\";\nimport { generateAnalysisDecorationFacts, loanFactsStateType } from \"./misc\";\nimport { makeStepDecorations, stepField } from \"./stepper.js\";\nexport function makePermissionsDecorations(view, results, annotations) {\n let stepDecos = [];\n let boundaryDecos = [];\n let actionDecos = [];\n results.forEach(res => {\n let [facts, actionFacts] = generateAnalysisDecorationFacts(res);\n let bs = makeBoundaryDecorations(view, facts, res.boundaries, annotations?.boundaries);\n let ss = makeStepDecorations(view, facts, res.steps, annotations?.stepper);\n boundaryDecos.push(bs);\n stepDecos.push(ss);\n actionDecos.push(actionFacts);\n });\n return {\n stepper: stepDecos.flat(),\n boundaries: _.uniqBy(boundaryDecos.flat(), d => d.from),\n facts: actionDecos.flat()\n };\n}\nexport function renderPermissions(view, decorations, cfg) {\n console.debug(\"rendering permissions with\", cfg);\n if (decorations !== undefined) {\n let useSteps = String(cfg?.stepper) === \"true\";\n let useBoundaries = String(cfg?.boundaries) === \"true\";\n view.dispatch({\n effects: [\n loanFactsStateType.of(decorations.facts),\n stepField.setEffect.of(useSteps ? decorations.stepper : []),\n boundariesField.setEffect.of(useBoundaries ? decorations.boundaries : [])\n ]\n });\n }\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=permissions.js.map","import { rust } from \"@codemirror/lang-rust\";\nimport { indentUnit } from \"@codemirror/language\";\nimport { Compartment, EditorState } from \"@codemirror/state\";\nimport { EditorView } from \"@codemirror/view\";\nimport React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from \"react\";\nimport ReactDOM from \"react-dom/client\";\nimport { boundariesField } from \"./editor-utils/boundaries.js\";\nimport { markerField, renderInterpreter } from \"./editor-utils/interpreter.js\";\nimport { hiddenLines, hideLine, loanFactsField } from \"./editor-utils/misc.js\";\nimport { makePermissionsDecorations, renderPermissions } from \"./editor-utils/permissions.js\";\nimport { stepField } from \"./editor-utils/stepper.js\";\nimport \"./styles.scss\";\nimport * as types_1 from \"./types.js\";\nexport { types_1 as types };\nconst DEFAULT_SERVER_URL = new URL(\"\");\nexport const defaultCodeExample = `\nfn main() {\n let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3];\n let n = &v[0];\n v.push(0);\n let x = *n;\n}\n`.trim();\nlet readOnly = new Compartment();\nlet mainKeybinding = new Compartment();\nlet CopyButton = ({ view }) => (React.createElement(\"button\", { type: \"button\", className: \"cm-button\", onClick: () => {\n let contents = view.state.doc.toJSON().join(\"\\n\");\n navigator.clipboard.writeText(contents);\n } },\n React.createElement(\"i\", { className: \"fa fa-copy\" })));\nlet HideButton = ({ container }) => {\n let [hidden, setHidden] = useState(true);\n useEffect(() => {\n if (!hidden)\n container.classList.add(\"show-hidden\");\n else\n container.classList.remove(\"show-hidden\");\n }, [hidden]);\n return (\n // biome-ignore lint/a11y/useButtonType: TODO\n React.createElement(\"button\", { className: \"cm-button\", onClick: () => setHidden(!hidden) },\n React.createElement(\"i\", { className: `fa ${hidden ? \"fa-eye\" : \"fa-eye-slash\"}` })));\n};\nlet resetMarkedRangesOnEdit = EditorView.updateListener.of((upd) => {\n if (upd.docChanged) {\n upd.view.dispatch({\n effects: [\n boundariesField.setEffect.of([]),\n stepField.setEffect.of([]),\n markerField.setEffect.of([])\n ]\n });\n }\n});\nexport class Editor {\n setup;\n reportStdErr;\n serverUrl;\n noInteract;\n shouldFailHtml;\n buttonList;\n view;\n interpreterContainer;\n editorContainer;\n permissionsDecos;\n metaContainer;\n buttons;\n shouldFail = false;\n constructor(dom, setup, code = defaultCodeExample, reportStdErr = err => {\n console.error(\"An error occurred: \");\n console.error(err);\n }, serverUrl = DEFAULT_SERVER_URL, noInteract = false, shouldFailHtml = \"This code does not compile!\", buttonList = []) {\n this.setup = setup;\n this.reportStdErr = reportStdErr;\n this.serverUrl = serverUrl;\n this.noInteract = noInteract;\n this.shouldFailHtml = shouldFailHtml;\n this.buttonList = buttonList;\n this.buttons = new Set(buttonList);\n let initialState = EditorState.create({\n doc: code,\n extensions: [\n mainKeybinding.of(setup),\n readOnly.of(EditorState.readOnly.of(noInteract)),\n EditorView.editable.of(!noInteract),\n resetMarkedRangesOnEdit,\n setup,\n rust(),\n indentUnit.of(\" \"),\n hiddenLines,\n loanFactsField,\n boundariesField.field,\n stepField.field,\n markerField.field\n ]\n });\n this.editorContainer = document.createElement(\"div\");\n this.view = new EditorView({\n state: initialState,\n parent: this.editorContainer\n });\n let buttonContainer = document.createElement(\"div\");\n this.metaContainer = ReactDOM.createRoot(buttonContainer);\n this.renderMeta();\n this.editorContainer.appendChild(buttonContainer);\n this.interpreterContainer = document.createElement(\"div\");\n dom.appendChild(this.editorContainer);\n dom.appendChild(this.interpreterContainer);\n }\n renderMeta() {\n this.metaContainer.render(React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"meta-container\" },\n React.createElement(\"div\", { className: \"top-right\" }, Array.from(this.buttons).map((button, i) => button === \"copy\" ? (React.createElement(CopyButton, { key: i, view: this.view })) : button === \"eye\" ? (React.createElement(HideButton, { key: i, container: this.editorContainer })) : null)),\n this.shouldFail ? (React.createElement(\"div\", { \n // biome-ignore lint/security/noDangerouslySetInnerHtml: not user-configurable\n dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: this.shouldFailHtml } })) : null));\n }\n getCurrentCode() {\n return this.view.state.doc.toString();\n }\n reconfigure(extensions) {\n this.view.dispatch({\n effects: [mainKeybinding.reconfigure([...extensions, this.setup])]\n });\n }\n removeIconField(f) {\n this.view.dispatch({\n effects: [f.effectType.of([])]\n });\n }\n addPermissionsField(f, methodCallPoints, facts) {\n let newEffects = methodCallPoints.map(v => f.fromOutput(v, facts));\n this.view.dispatch({\n effects: [f.effectType.of(newEffects)]\n });\n }\n async renderPermissions(cfg) {\n // TODO: the permissions Decos are no longer removed on update\n // so we have to recompute every time.\n // if (this.permissionsDecos === undefined) {\n await this.renderOperation(\"permissions\", {\n config: cfg\n });\n // }\n renderPermissions(this.view, this.permissionsDecos, cfg);\n }\n destroy() {\n this.view.destroy();\n }\n // Actions to communicate with the aquascope server\n async callBackendWithCode(endpoint, config) {\n let inEditor = this.getCurrentCode();\n let endpointUrl = new URL(endpoint, this.serverUrl);\n let serverResponseRaw = await fetch(endpointUrl, {\n method: \"POST\",\n headers: {\n \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"\n },\n body: JSON.stringify({\n code: inEditor,\n config\n })\n });\n let serverResponse = await serverResponseRaw.json();\n return serverResponse;\n }\n renderInterpreter(trace, config, annotations) {\n if (config?.hideCode) {\n this.view.destroy();\n this.metaContainer.unmount();\n }\n renderInterpreter(this.view, this.interpreterContainer, trace, config, annotations);\n }\n async renderOperation(operation, { response, config, annotations } = {}) {\n console.debug(`Rendering operation: ${operation}`);\n if (!response) {\n let serverResponse = await this.callBackendWithCode(operation, config);\n if (serverResponse.success) {\n response = JSON.parse(serverResponse.stdout);\n this.reportStdErr({\n type: \"ServerStderr\",\n error: serverResponse.stderr\n });\n }\n else {\n return this.reportStdErr({\n type: \"ServerStderr\",\n error: serverResponse.stderr\n });\n }\n }\n if (annotations?.hidden_lines && annotations.hidden_lines.length > 0) {\n this.view.dispatch({\n effects: annotations.hidden_lines.map(line => hideLine.of({ line }))\n });\n this.buttons.add(\"eye\");\n }\n if (config?.shouldFail) {\n this.shouldFail = true;\n }\n this.renderMeta();\n if (operation === \"interpreter\") {\n if (\"Ok\" in response) {\n this.renderInterpreter(response.Ok, config, annotations?.interp);\n }\n else {\n this.reportStdErr(response.Err);\n }\n }\n else if (operation === \"permissions\") {\n // The permissions analysis results are sent as an array of\n // body analyses. Each body could have analyzed successfully,\n // or had a\n // 1. analysis error\n // 2. build error\n // A build error signifies that something went wrong *before*\n // our analysis was run. This should be reported to the user,\n // currently, information is available on stderr but nothing\n // more specific (or visual) is given TODO.\n // For an analysis error, this is something that went wrong\n // internally, usually means a feature was used that we don't support\n // or something actually went terribly wrong. These should be logged\n // somewhere, but the user should also be prompted to open a GitHub issue.\n let cast = response;\n let results = [];\n for (const res of cast) {\n if (\"Ok\" in res) {\n results.push(res.Ok);\n }\n else {\n this.reportStdErr(res.Err);\n }\n }\n this.permissionsDecos = makePermissionsDecorations(this.view, results, annotations);\n renderPermissions(this.view, this.permissionsDecos, config);\n }\n }\n}\nexport let EditorComponent = (props) => {\n let ref = useRef(null);\n useEffect(() => {\n let editor = new Editor(ref.current, props.setup ?? [], props.code);\n if (props.steps)\n editor.renderOperation(\"interpreter\", {\n response: props.steps,\n config: {\n horizontal: \"true\"\n }\n });\n if (props.permissions)\n editor.renderOperation(\"permissions\", {\n response: props.permissions,\n config: {\n stepper: \"true\",\n boundaries: \"true\"\n }\n });\n return () => editor.destroy();\n }, []);\n return React.createElement(\"div\", { ref: ref });\n};\n//# sourceMappingURL=lib.js.map","function t(t){return t.split(\"-\")[1]}function e(t){return\"y\"===t?\"height\":\"width\"}function n(t){return t.split(\"-\")[0]}function o(t){return[\"top\",\"bottom\"].includes(n(t))?\"x\":\"y\"}function i(i,r,a){let{reference:l,floating:s}=i;const c=l.x+l.width/2-s.width/2,f=l.y+l.height/2-s.height/2,m=o(r),u=e(m),g=l[u]/2-s[u]/2,d=\"x\"===m;let 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g.getDimensions(p),A=\"y\"===w,R=A?\"top\":\"left\",P=A?\"bottom\":\"right\",E=A?\"clientHeight\":\"clientWidth\",T=m.reference[v]+m.reference[w]-x[w]-m.floating[v],D=x[w]-m.reference[w],L=await(null==g.getOffsetParent?void 0:g.getOffsetParent(p));let k=L?L[E]:0;k&&await(null==g.isElement?void 0:g.isElement(L))||(k=d.floating[E]||m.floating[v]);const O=T/2-D/2,B=k/2-b[v]/2-1,C=f(y[R],B),H=f(y[P],B),S=C,F=k-b[v]-H,M=k/2-b[v]/2+O,V=u(S,M,F),W=null!=t(c)&&M!=V&&m.reference[v]/2-(Mt.concat(e,e+\"-start\",e+\"-end\")),[]),h={left:\"right\",right:\"left\",bottom:\"top\",top:\"bottom\"};function y(t){return t.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g,(t=>h[t]))}function x(n,i,r){void 0===r&&(r=!1);const a=t(n),l=o(n),s=e(l);let c=\"x\"===l?a===(r?\"end\":\"start\")?\"right\":\"left\":\"start\"===a?\"bottom\":\"top\";return i.reference[s]>i.floating[s]&&(c=y(c)),{main:c,cross:y(c)}}const w={start:\"end\",end:\"start\"};function v(t){return t.replace(/start|end/g,(t=>w[t]))}const b=function(e){return 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n=t(e.placement);return[e.placement,n&&d?e.overflows.slice(0,2).reduce(((t,e)=>t+e),0):e.overflows[0],e.overflows]})).sort(((t,e)=>t[1]-e[1])),C=(null==(l=B.filter((e=>e[2].slice(0,t(e[0])?2:3).every((t=>t<=0))))[0])?void 0:l[0])||B[0][0];return C!==m?{data:{index:P+1,overflows:k},reset:{placement:C}}:{}}}};const A=function(e){return void 0===e&&(e={}),{name:\"flip\",options:e,async fn(o){var i;const{placement:r,middlewareData:l,rects:s,initialPlacement:f,platform:m,elements:u}=o,{mainAxis:g=!0,crossAxis:d=!0,fallbackPlacements:p,fallbackStrategy:h=\"bestFit\",fallbackAxisSideDirection:w=\"none\",flipAlignment:b=!0,...A}=a(e,o),R=n(r),P=n(f)===f,E=await(null==m.isRTL?void 0:m.isRTL(u.floating)),T=p||(P||!b?[y(f)]:function(t){const e=y(t);return[v(t),e,v(e)]}(f));p||\"none\"===w||T.push(...function(e,o,i,r){const a=t(e);let l=function(t,e,n){const o=[\"left\",\"right\"],i=[\"right\",\"left\"],r=[\"top\",\"bottom\"],a=[\"bottom\",\"top\"];switch(t){case\"top\":case\"bottom\":return n?e?i:o:e?o:i;case\"left\":case\"right\":return e?r:a;default:return[]}}(n(e),\"start\"===i,r);return a&&(l=l.map((t=>t+\"-\"+a)),o&&(l=l.concat(l.map(v)))),l}(f,b,w,E));const D=[f,...T],L=await c(o,A),k=[];let O=(null==(i=l.flip)?void 0:i.overflows)||[];if(g&&k.push(L[R]),d){const{main:t,cross:e}=x(r,s,E);k.push(L[t],L[e])}if(O=[...O,{placement:r,overflows:k}],!k.every((t=>t<=0))){var B,C;const t=((null==(B=l.flip)?void 0:B.index)||0)+1,e=D[t];if(e)return{data:{index:t,overflows:O},reset:{placement:e}};let n=null==(C=O.filter((t=>t.overflows[0]<=0)).sort(((t,e)=>t.overflows[1]-e.overflows[1]))[0])?void 0:C.placement;if(!n)switch(h){case\"bestFit\":{var H;const t=null==(H=O.map((t=>[t.placement,t.overflows.filter((t=>t>0)).reduce(((t,e)=>t+e),0)])).sort(((t,e)=>t[1]-e[1]))[0])?void 0:H[0];t&&(n=t);break}case\"initialPlacement\":n=f}if(r!==n)return{reset:{placement:n}}}return{}}}};function R(t,e){return{top:t.top-e.height,right:t.right-e.width,bottom:t.bottom-e.height,left:t.left-e.width}}function P(t){return d.some((e=>t[e]>=0))}const E=function(t){return void 0===t&&(t={}),{name:\"hide\",options:t,async fn(e){const{rects:n}=e,{strategy:o=\"referenceHidden\",...i}=a(t,e);switch(o){case\"referenceHidden\":{const t=R(await c(e,{...i,elementContext:\"reference\"}),n.reference);return{data:{referenceHiddenOffsets:t,referenceHidden:P(t)}}}case\"escaped\":{const t=R(await c(e,{...i,altBoundary:!0}),n.floating);return{data:{escapedOffsets:t,escaped:P(t)}}}default:return{}}}}};function T(t){const e=f(...t.map((t=>t.left))),n=f(...t.map((t=>t.top)));return{x:e,y:n,width:m(...t.map((t=>t.right)))-e,height:m(...t.map((t=>t.bottom)))-n}}const D=function(t){return void 0===t&&(t={}),{name:\"inline\",options:t,async fn(e){const{placement:i,elements:r,rects:c,platform:u,strategy:g}=e,{padding:d=2,x:p,y:h}=a(t,e),y=Array.from(await(null==u.getClientRects?void 0:u.getClientRects(r.reference))||[]),x=function(t){const e=t.slice().sort(((t,e)=>t.y-e.y)),n=[];let o=null;for(let t=0;to.height/2?n.push([i]):n[n.length-1].push(i),o=i}return n.map((t=>s(T(t))))}(y),w=s(T(y)),v=l(d);const b=await u.getElementRects({reference:{getBoundingClientRect:function(){if(2===x.length&&x[0].left>x[1].right&&null!=p&&null!=h)return x.find((t=>p>t.left-v.left&&pt.top-v.top&&h=2){if(\"x\"===o(i)){const t=x[0],e=x[x.length-1],o=\"top\"===n(i),r=t.top,a=e.bottom,l=o?t.left:e.left,s=o?t.right:e.right;return{top:r,bottom:a,left:l,right:s,width:s-l,height:a-r,x:l,y:r}}const t=\"left\"===n(i),e=m(...x.map((t=>t.right))),r=f(...x.map((t=>t.left))),a=x.filter((n=>t?n.left===r:n.right===e)),l=a[0].top,s=a[a.length-1].bottom;return{top:l,bottom:s,left:r,right:e,width:e-r,height:s-l,x:r,y:l}}return w}},floating:r.floating,strategy:g});return c.reference.x!==b.reference.x||c.reference.y!==b.reference.y||c.reference.width!==b.reference.width||c.reference.height!==b.reference.height?{reset:{rects:b}}:{}}}};const L=function(e){return void 0===e&&(e=0),{name:\"offset\",options:e,async fn(i){const{x:r,y:l}=i,s=await async function(e,i){const{placement:r,platform:l,elements:s}=e,c=await(null==l.isRTL?void 0:l.isRTL(s.floating)),f=n(r),m=t(r),u=\"x\"===o(r),g=[\"left\",\"top\"].includes(f)?-1:1,d=c&&u?-1:1,p=a(i,e);let{mainAxis:h,crossAxis:y,alignmentAxis:x}=\"number\"==typeof p?{mainAxis:p,crossAxis:0,alignmentAxis:null}:{mainAxis:0,crossAxis:0,alignmentAxis:null,...p};return m&&\"number\"==typeof x&&(y=\"end\"===m?-1*x:x),u?{x:y*d,y:h*g}:{x:h*g,y:y*d}}(i,e);return{x:r+s.x,y:l+s.y,data:s}}}};function k(t){return\"x\"===t?\"y\":\"x\"}const O=function(t){return void 0===t&&(t={}),{name:\"shift\",options:t,async fn(e){const{x:i,y:r,placement:l}=e,{mainAxis:s=!0,crossAxis:f=!1,limiter:m={fn:t=>{let{x:e,y:n}=t;return{x:e,y:n}}},...g}=a(t,e),d={x:i,y:r},p=await c(e,g),h=o(n(l)),y=k(h);let x=d[h],w=d[y];if(s){const t=\"y\"===h?\"bottom\":\"right\";x=u(x+p[\"y\"===h?\"top\":\"left\"],x,x-p[t])}if(f){const t=\"y\"===y?\"bottom\":\"right\";w=u(w+p[\"y\"===y?\"top\":\"left\"],w,w-p[t])}const v=m.fn({...e,[h]:x,[y]:w});return{...v,data:{x:v.x-i,y:v.y-r}}}}},B=function(t){return void 0===t&&(t={}),{options:t,fn(e){const{x:i,y:r,placement:l,rects:s,middlewareData:c}=e,{offset:f=0,mainAxis:m=!0,crossAxis:u=!0}=a(t,e),g={x:i,y:r},d=o(l),p=k(d);let h=g[d],y=g[p];const x=a(f,e),w=\"number\"==typeof x?{mainAxis:x,crossAxis:0}:{mainAxis:0,crossAxis:0,...x};if(m){const t=\"y\"===d?\"height\":\"width\",e=s.reference[d]-s.floating[t]+w.mainAxis,n=s.reference[d]+s.reference[t]-w.mainAxis;hn&&(h=n)}if(u){var v,b;const t=\"y\"===d?\"width\":\"height\",e=[\"top\",\"left\"].includes(n(l)),o=s.reference[p]-s.floating[t]+(e&&(null==(v=c.offset)?void 0:v[p])||0)+(e?0:w.crossAxis),i=s.reference[p]+s.reference[t]+(e?0:(null==(b=c.offset)?void 0:b[p])||0)-(e?w.crossAxis:0);yi&&(y=i)}return{[d]:h,[p]:y}}}},C=function(e){return void 0===e&&(e={}),{name:\"size\",options:e,async fn(i){const{placement:r,rects:l,platform:s,elements:u}=i,{apply:g=(()=>{}),...d}=a(e,i),p=await c(i,d),h=n(r),y=t(r),x=\"x\"===o(r),{width:w,height:v}=l.floating;let b,A;\"top\"===h||\"bottom\"===h?(b=h,A=y===(await(null==s.isRTL?void 0:s.isRTL(u.floating))?\"start\":\"end\")?\"left\":\"right\"):(A=h,b=\"end\"===y?\"top\":\"bottom\");const R=v-p[b],P=w-p[A],E=!i.middlewareData.shift;let T=R,D=P;if(x){const t=w-p.left-p.right;D=y||E?f(P,t):t}else{const t=v-p.top-p.bottom;T=y||E?f(R,t):t}if(E&&!y){const t=m(p.left,0),e=m(p.right,0),n=m(p.top,0),o=m(p.bottom,0);x?D=w-2*(0!==t||0!==e?t+e:m(p.left,p.right)):T=v-2*(0!==n||0!==o?n+o:m(p.top,p.bottom))}await g({...i,availableWidth:D,availableHeight:T});const L=await s.getDimensions(u.floating);return w!==L.width||v!==L.height?{reset:{rects:!0}}:{}}}};export{g as arrow,b as autoPlacement,r as computePosition,c as detectOverflow,A as flip,E as hide,D as inline,B as limitShift,L as offset,s as rectToClientRect,O as shift,C as size};\n","import{rectToClientRect as t,computePosition as e}from\"@floating-ui/core\";export{arrow,autoPlacement,detectOverflow,flip,hide,inline,limitShift,offset,shift,size}from\"@floating-ui/core\";function n(t){var e;return(null==t||null==(e=t.ownerDocument)?void 0:e.defaultView)||window}function o(t){return n(t).getComputedStyle(t)}function i(t){return t instanceof n(t).Node}function r(t){return i(t)?(t.nodeName||\"\").toLowerCase():\"#document\"}function c(t){return t instanceof HTMLElement||t instanceof n(t).HTMLElement}function l(t){return\"undefined\"!=typeof ShadowRoot&&(t instanceof n(t).ShadowRoot||t instanceof ShadowRoot)}function s(t){const{overflow:e,overflowX:n,overflowY:i,display:r}=o(t);return/auto|scroll|overlay|hidden|clip/.test(e+i+n)&&![\"inline\",\"contents\"].includes(r)}function f(t){return[\"table\",\"td\",\"th\"].includes(r(t))}function u(t){const e=a(),n=o(t);return\"none\"!==n.transform||\"none\"!==n.perspective||!!n.containerType&&\"normal\"!==n.containerType||!e&&!!n.backdropFilter&&\"none\"!==n.backdropFilter||!e&&!!n.filter&&\"none\"!==n.filter||[\"transform\",\"perspective\",\"filter\"].some((t=>(n.willChange||\"\").includes(t)))||[\"paint\",\"layout\",\"strict\",\"content\"].some((t=>(n.contain||\"\").includes(t)))}function a(){return!(\"undefined\"==typeof CSS||!CSS.supports)&&CSS.supports(\"-webkit-backdrop-filter\",\"none\")}function d(t){return[\"html\",\"body\",\"#document\"].includes(r(t))}const h=Math.min,p=Math.max,m=Math.round,g=Math.floor,y=t=>({x:t,y:t});function w(t){const e=o(t);let n=parseFloat(e.width)||0,i=parseFloat(e.height)||0;const r=c(t),l=r?t.offsetWidth:n,s=r?t.offsetHeight:i,f=m(n)!==l||m(i)!==s;return f&&(n=l,i=s),{width:n,height:i,$:f}}function x(t){return t instanceof Element||t instanceof n(t).Element}function v(t){return x(t)?t:t.contextElement}function b(t){const e=v(t);if(!c(e))return y(1);const n=e.getBoundingClientRect(),{width:o,height:i,$:r}=w(e);let l=(r?m(n.width):n.width)/o,s=(r?m(n.height):n.height)/i;return l&&Number.isFinite(l)||(l=1),s&&Number.isFinite(s)||(s=1),{x:l,y:s}}const L=y(0);function T(t){const e=n(t);return a()&&e.visualViewport?{x:e.visualViewport.offsetLeft,y:e.visualViewport.offsetTop}:L}function R(e,o,i,r){void 0===o&&(o=!1),void 0===i&&(i=!1);const c=e.getBoundingClientRect(),l=v(e);let s=y(1);o&&(r?x(r)&&(s=b(r)):s=b(e));const f=function(t,e,o){return void 0===e&&(e=!1),!(!o||e&&o!==n(t))&&e}(l,i,r)?T(l):y(0);let u=(c.left+f.x)/s.x,a=(c.top+f.y)/s.y,d=c.width/s.x,h=c.height/s.y;if(l){const t=n(l),e=r&&x(r)?n(r):r;let o=t.frameElement;for(;o&&r&&e!==t;){const t=b(o),e=o.getBoundingClientRect(),i=getComputedStyle(o),r=e.left+(o.clientLeft+parseFloat(i.paddingLeft))*t.x,c=e.top+(o.clientTop+parseFloat(i.paddingTop))*t.y;u*=t.x,a*=t.y,d*=t.x,h*=t.y,u+=r,a+=c,o=n(o).frameElement}}return t({width:d,height:h,x:u,y:a})}function E(t){return x(t)?{scrollLeft:t.scrollLeft,scrollTop:t.scrollTop}:{scrollLeft:t.pageXOffset,scrollTop:t.pageYOffset}}function S(t){var e;return null==(e=(i(t)?t.ownerDocument:t.document)||window.document)?void 0:e.documentElement}function C(t){return R(S(t)).left+E(t).scrollLeft}function F(t){if(\"html\"===r(t))return t;const e=t.assignedSlot||t.parentNode||l(t)&&t.host||S(t);return l(e)?e.host:e}function O(t){const e=F(t);return d(e)?t.ownerDocument?t.ownerDocument.body:t.body:c(e)&&s(e)?e:O(e)}function D(t,e){var o;void 0===e&&(e=[]);const i=O(t),r=i===(null==(o=t.ownerDocument)?void 0:o.body),c=n(i);return r?e.concat(c,c.visualViewport||[],s(i)?i:[]):e.concat(i,D(i))}function H(e,i,r){let l;if(\"viewport\"===i)l=function(t,e){const o=n(t),i=S(t),r=o.visualViewport;let c=i.clientWidth,l=i.clientHeight,s=0,f=0;if(r){c=r.width,l=r.height;const t=a();(!t||t&&\"fixed\"===e)&&(s=r.offsetLeft,f=r.offsetTop)}return{width:c,height:l,x:s,y:f}}(e,r);else if(\"document\"===i)l=function(t){const e=S(t),n=E(t),i=t.ownerDocument.body,r=p(e.scrollWidth,e.clientWidth,i.scrollWidth,i.clientWidth),c=p(e.scrollHeight,e.clientHeight,i.scrollHeight,i.clientHeight);let l=-n.scrollLeft+C(t);const s=-n.scrollTop;return\"rtl\"===o(i).direction&&(l+=p(e.clientWidth,i.clientWidth)-r),{width:r,height:c,x:l,y:s}}(S(e));else if(x(i))l=function(t,e){const n=R(t,!0,\"fixed\"===e),o=n.top+t.clientTop,i=n.left+t.clientLeft,r=c(t)?b(t):y(1);return{width:t.clientWidth*r.x,height:t.clientHeight*r.y,x:i*r.x,y:o*r.y}}(i,r);else{const t=T(e);l={...i,x:i.x-t.x,y:i.y-t.y}}return t(l)}function W(t,e){const n=F(t);return!(n===e||!x(n)||d(n))&&(\"fixed\"===o(n).position||W(n,e))}function M(t,e,n){const o=c(e),i=S(e),l=\"fixed\"===n,f=R(t,!0,l,e);let u={scrollLeft:0,scrollTop:0};const a=y(0);if(o||!o&&!l)if((\"body\"!==r(e)||s(i))&&(u=E(e)),c(e)){const t=R(e,!0,l,e);a.x=t.x+e.clientLeft,a.y=t.y+e.clientTop}else i&&(a.x=C(i));return{x:f.left+u.scrollLeft-a.x,y:f.top+u.scrollTop-a.y,width:f.width,height:f.height}}function z(t,e){return c(t)&&\"fixed\"!==o(t).position?e?e(t):t.offsetParent:null}function P(t,e){const i=n(t);if(!c(t))return i;let l=z(t,e);for(;l&&f(l)&&\"static\"===o(l).position;)l=z(l,e);return l&&(\"html\"===r(l)||\"body\"===r(l)&&\"static\"===o(l).position&&!u(l))?i:l||function(t){let e=F(t);for(;c(e)&&!d(e);){if(u(e))return e;e=F(e)}return null}(t)||i}const V={convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect:function(t){let{rect:e,offsetParent:n,strategy:o}=t;const i=c(n),l=S(n);if(n===l)return e;let f={scrollLeft:0,scrollTop:0},u=y(1);const a=y(0);if((i||!i&&\"fixed\"!==o)&&((\"body\"!==r(n)||s(l))&&(f=E(n)),c(n))){const t=R(n);u=b(n),a.x=t.x+n.clientLeft,a.y=t.y+n.clientTop}return{width:e.width*u.x,height:e.height*u.y,x:e.x*u.x-f.scrollLeft*u.x+a.x,y:e.y*u.y-f.scrollTop*u.y+a.y}},getDocumentElement:S,getClippingRect:function(t){let{element:e,boundary:n,rootBoundary:i,strategy:c}=t;const l=[...\"clippingAncestors\"===n?function(t,e){const n=e.get(t);if(n)return n;let i=D(t).filter((t=>x(t)&&\"body\"!==r(t))),c=null;const l=\"fixed\"===o(t).position;let f=l?F(t):t;for(;x(f)&&!d(f);){const e=o(f),n=u(f);n||\"fixed\"!==e.position||(c=null),(l?!n&&!c:!n&&\"static\"===e.position&&c&&[\"absolute\",\"fixed\"].includes(c.position)||s(f)&&!n&&W(t,f))?i=i.filter((t=>t!==f)):c=e,f=F(f)}return e.set(t,i),i}(e,this._c):[].concat(n),i],f=l[0],a=l.reduce(((t,n)=>{const o=H(e,n,c);return t.top=p(o.top,t.top),t.right=h(o.right,t.right),t.bottom=h(o.bottom,t.bottom),t.left=p(o.left,t.left),t}),H(e,f,c));return{width:a.right-a.left,height:a.bottom-a.top,x:a.left,y:a.top}},getOffsetParent:P,getElementRects:async function(t){let{reference:e,floating:n,strategy:o}=t;const i=this.getOffsetParent||P,r=this.getDimensions;return{reference:M(e,await i(n),o),floating:{x:0,y:0,...await r(n)}}},getClientRects:function(t){return Array.from(t.getClientRects())},getDimensions:function(t){return w(t)},getScale:b,isElement:x,isRTL:function(t){return\"rtl\"===getComputedStyle(t).direction}};function A(t,e,n,o){void 0===o&&(o={});const{ancestorScroll:i=!0,ancestorResize:r=!0,elementResize:c=\"function\"==typeof ResizeObserver,layoutShift:l=\"function\"==typeof IntersectionObserver,animationFrame:s=!1}=o,f=v(t),u=i||r?[...f?D(f):[],...D(e)]:[];u.forEach((t=>{i&&t.addEventListener(\"scroll\",n,{passive:!0}),r&&t.addEventListener(\"resize\",n)}));const a=f&&l?function(t,e){let n,o=null;const i=S(t);function r(){clearTimeout(n),o&&o.disconnect(),o=null}return function c(l,s){void 0===l&&(l=!1),void 0===s&&(s=1),r();const{left:f,top:u,width:a,height:d}=t.getBoundingClientRect();if(l||e(),!a||!d)return;const m={rootMargin:-g(u)+\"px \"+-g(i.clientWidth-(f+a))+\"px \"+-g(i.clientHeight-(u+d))+\"px \"+-g(f)+\"px\",threshold:p(0,h(1,s))||1};let y=!0;function w(t){const e=t[0].intersectionRatio;if(e!==s){if(!y)return c();e?c(!1,e):n=setTimeout((()=>{c(!1,1e-7)}),100)}y=!1}try{o=new IntersectionObserver(w,{...m,root:i.ownerDocument})}catch(t){o=new IntersectionObserver(w,m)}o.observe(t)}(!0),r}(f,n):null;let d,m=-1,y=null;c&&(y=new ResizeObserver((t=>{let[o]=t;o&&o.target===f&&y&&(y.unobserve(e),cancelAnimationFrame(m),m=requestAnimationFrame((()=>{y&&y.observe(e)}))),n()})),f&&!s&&y.observe(f),y.observe(e));let w=s?R(t):null;return s&&function e(){const o=R(t);!w||o.x===w.x&&o.y===w.y&&o.width===w.width&&o.height===w.height||n();w=o,d=requestAnimationFrame(e)}(),n(),()=>{u.forEach((t=>{i&&t.removeEventListener(\"scroll\",n),r&&t.removeEventListener(\"resize\",n)})),a&&a(),y&&y.disconnect(),y=null,s&&cancelAnimationFrame(d)}}const B=(t,n,o)=>{const i=new Map,r={platform:V,...o},c={...r.platform,_c:i};return e(t,n,{...r,platform:c})};export{A as autoUpdate,B as computePosition,D as getOverflowAncestors,V as platform};\n","import { arrow as arrow$1, computePosition } from '@floating-ui/dom';\nexport { autoPlacement, autoUpdate, computePosition, detectOverflow, flip, getOverflowAncestors, hide, inline, limitShift, offset, platform, shift, size } from '@floating-ui/dom';\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport { useLayoutEffect, useEffect } from 'react';\nimport * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';\n\n/**\n * A data provider that provides data to position an inner element of the\n * floating element (usually a triangle or caret) so that it is centered to the\n * reference element.\n * This wraps the core `arrow` middleware to allow React refs as the element.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/arrow\n */\nconst arrow = options => {\n const {\n element,\n padding\n } = options;\n function isRef(value) {\n return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, 'current');\n }\n return {\n name: 'arrow',\n options,\n fn(args) {\n if (isRef(element)) {\n if (element.current != null) {\n return arrow$1({\n element: element.current,\n padding\n }).fn(args);\n }\n return {};\n } else if (element) {\n return arrow$1({\n element,\n padding\n }).fn(args);\n }\n return {};\n }\n };\n};\n\nvar index = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? useLayoutEffect : useEffect;\n\n// Fork of `fast-deep-equal` that only does the comparisons we need and compares\n// functions\nfunction deepEqual(a, b) {\n if (a === b) {\n return true;\n }\n if (typeof a !== typeof b) {\n return false;\n }\n if (typeof a === 'function' && a.toString() === b.toString()) {\n return true;\n }\n let length, i, keys;\n if (a && b && typeof a == 'object') {\n if (Array.isArray(a)) {\n length = a.length;\n if (length != b.length) return false;\n for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {\n if (!deepEqual(a[i], b[i])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n keys = Object.keys(a);\n length = keys.length;\n if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) {\n return false;\n }\n for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {\n if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, keys[i])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {\n const key = keys[i];\n if (key === '_owner' && a.$$typeof) {\n continue;\n }\n if (!deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n return a !== a && b !== b;\n}\n\nfunction useLatestRef(value) {\n const ref = React.useRef(value);\n index(() => {\n ref.current = value;\n });\n return ref;\n}\n\n/**\n * Provides data to position a floating element.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/react\n */\nfunction useFloating(options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n const {\n placement = 'bottom',\n strategy = 'absolute',\n middleware = [],\n platform,\n whileElementsMounted,\n open\n } = options;\n const [data, setData] = React.useState({\n x: null,\n y: null,\n strategy,\n placement,\n middlewareData: {},\n isPositioned: false\n });\n const [latestMiddleware, setLatestMiddleware] = React.useState(middleware);\n if (!deepEqual(latestMiddleware, middleware)) {\n setLatestMiddleware(middleware);\n }\n const referenceRef = React.useRef(null);\n const floatingRef = React.useRef(null);\n const dataRef = React.useRef(data);\n const whileElementsMountedRef = useLatestRef(whileElementsMounted);\n const platformRef = useLatestRef(platform);\n const [reference, _setReference] = React.useState(null);\n const [floating, _setFloating] = React.useState(null);\n const setReference = React.useCallback(node => {\n if (referenceRef.current !== node) {\n referenceRef.current = node;\n _setReference(node);\n }\n }, []);\n const setFloating = React.useCallback(node => {\n if (floatingRef.current !== node) {\n floatingRef.current = node;\n _setFloating(node);\n }\n }, []);\n const update = React.useCallback(() => {\n if (!referenceRef.current || !floatingRef.current) {\n return;\n }\n const config = {\n placement,\n strategy,\n middleware: latestMiddleware\n };\n if (platformRef.current) {\n config.platform = platformRef.current;\n }\n computePosition(referenceRef.current, floatingRef.current, config).then(data => {\n const fullData = {\n ...data,\n isPositioned: true\n };\n if (isMountedRef.current && !deepEqual(dataRef.current, fullData)) {\n dataRef.current = fullData;\n ReactDOM.flushSync(() => {\n setData(fullData);\n });\n }\n });\n }, [latestMiddleware, placement, strategy, platformRef]);\n index(() => {\n if (open === false && dataRef.current.isPositioned) {\n dataRef.current.isPositioned = false;\n setData(data => ({\n ...data,\n isPositioned: false\n }));\n }\n }, [open]);\n const isMountedRef = React.useRef(false);\n index(() => {\n isMountedRef.current = true;\n return () => {\n isMountedRef.current = false;\n };\n }, []);\n index(() => {\n if (reference && floating) {\n if (whileElementsMountedRef.current) {\n return whileElementsMountedRef.current(reference, floating, update);\n } else {\n update();\n }\n }\n }, [reference, floating, update, whileElementsMountedRef]);\n const refs = React.useMemo(() => ({\n reference: referenceRef,\n floating: floatingRef,\n setReference,\n setFloating\n }), [setReference, setFloating]);\n const elements = React.useMemo(() => ({\n reference,\n floating\n }), [reference, floating]);\n return React.useMemo(() => ({\n ...data,\n update,\n refs,\n elements,\n reference: setReference,\n floating: setFloating\n }), [data, update, refs, elements, setReference, setFloating]);\n}\n\nexport { arrow, useFloating };\n","import { Annotation, Facet, combineConfig, StateField, EditorSelection, Transaction, ChangeSet, ChangeDesc, StateEffect, Text, findClusterBreak, countColumn, CharCategory } from '@codemirror/state';\nimport { EditorView, Direction } from '@codemirror/view';\nimport { IndentContext, getIndentation, indentString, indentUnit, getIndentUnit, matchBrackets, syntaxTree } from '@codemirror/language';\nimport { NodeProp } from '@lezer/common';\n\n/**\nComment or uncomment the current selection. Will use line comments\nif available, otherwise falling back to block comments.\n*/\nconst toggleComment = target => {\n let config = getConfig(target.state);\n return config.line ? toggleLineComment(target) : config.block ? toggleBlockCommentByLine(target) : false;\n};\nfunction command(f, option) {\n return ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let tr = f(option, state);\n if (!tr)\n return false;\n dispatch(state.update(tr));\n return true;\n };\n}\n/**\nComment or uncomment the current selection using line comments.\nThe line comment syntax is taken from the\n[`commentTokens`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.CommentTokens) [language\ndata](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.languageDataAt).\n*/\nconst toggleLineComment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeLineComment, 0 /* CommentOption.Toggle */);\n/**\nComment the current selection using line comments.\n*/\nconst lineComment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeLineComment, 1 /* CommentOption.Comment */);\n/**\nUncomment the current selection using line comments.\n*/\nconst lineUncomment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeLineComment, 2 /* CommentOption.Uncomment */);\n/**\nComment or uncomment the current selection using block comments.\nThe block comment syntax is taken from the\n[`commentTokens`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.CommentTokens) [language\ndata](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.languageDataAt).\n*/\nconst toggleBlockComment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeBlockComment, 0 /* CommentOption.Toggle */);\n/**\nComment the current selection using block comments.\n*/\nconst blockComment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeBlockComment, 1 /* CommentOption.Comment */);\n/**\nUncomment the current selection using block comments.\n*/\nconst blockUncomment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeBlockComment, 2 /* CommentOption.Uncomment */);\n/**\nComment or uncomment the lines around the current selection using\nblock comments.\n*/\nconst toggleBlockCommentByLine = /*@__PURE__*/command((o, s) => changeBlockComment(o, s, selectedLineRanges(s)), 0 /* CommentOption.Toggle */);\nfunction getConfig(state, pos = state.selection.main.head) {\n let data = state.languageDataAt(\"commentTokens\", pos);\n return data.length ? data[0] : {};\n}\nconst SearchMargin = 50;\n/**\nDetermines if the given range is block-commented in the given\nstate.\n*/\nfunction findBlockComment(state, { open, close }, from, to) {\n let textBefore = state.sliceDoc(from - SearchMargin, from);\n let textAfter = state.sliceDoc(to, to + SearchMargin);\n let spaceBefore = /\\s*$/.exec(textBefore)[0].length, spaceAfter = /^\\s*/.exec(textAfter)[0].length;\n let beforeOff = textBefore.length - spaceBefore;\n if (textBefore.slice(beforeOff - open.length, beforeOff) == open &&\n textAfter.slice(spaceAfter, spaceAfter + close.length) == close) {\n return { open: { pos: from - spaceBefore, margin: spaceBefore && 1 },\n close: { pos: to + spaceAfter, margin: spaceAfter && 1 } };\n }\n let startText, endText;\n if (to - from <= 2 * SearchMargin) {\n startText = endText = state.sliceDoc(from, to);\n }\n else {\n startText = state.sliceDoc(from, from + SearchMargin);\n endText = state.sliceDoc(to - SearchMargin, to);\n }\n let startSpace = /^\\s*/.exec(startText)[0].length, endSpace = /\\s*$/.exec(endText)[0].length;\n let endOff = endText.length - endSpace - close.length;\n if (startText.slice(startSpace, startSpace + open.length) == open &&\n endText.slice(endOff, endOff + close.length) == close) {\n return { open: { pos: from + startSpace + open.length,\n margin: /\\s/.test(startText.charAt(startSpace + open.length)) ? 1 : 0 },\n close: { pos: to - endSpace - close.length,\n margin: /\\s/.test(endText.charAt(endOff - 1)) ? 1 : 0 } };\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction selectedLineRanges(state) {\n let ranges = [];\n for (let r of state.selection.ranges) {\n let fromLine = state.doc.lineAt(r.from);\n let toLine = r.to <= fromLine.to ? fromLine : state.doc.lineAt(r.to);\n let last = ranges.length - 1;\n if (last >= 0 && ranges[last].to > fromLine.from)\n ranges[last].to = toLine.to;\n else\n ranges.push({ from: fromLine.from, to: toLine.to });\n }\n return ranges;\n}\n// Performs toggle, comment and uncomment of block comments in\n// languages that support them.\nfunction changeBlockComment(option, state, ranges = state.selection.ranges) {\n let tokens = ranges.map(r => getConfig(state, r.from).block);\n if (!tokens.every(c => c))\n return null;\n let comments = ranges.map((r, i) => findBlockComment(state, tokens[i], r.from, r.to));\n if (option != 2 /* CommentOption.Uncomment */ && !comments.every(c => c)) {\n return { changes: state.changes(ranges.map((range, i) => {\n if (comments[i])\n return [];\n return [{ from: range.from, insert: tokens[i].open + \" \" }, { from: range.to, insert: \" \" + tokens[i].close }];\n })) };\n }\n else if (option != 1 /* CommentOption.Comment */ && comments.some(c => c)) {\n let changes = [];\n for (let i = 0, comment; i < comments.length; i++)\n if (comment = comments[i]) {\n let token = tokens[i], { open, close } = comment;\n changes.push({ from: open.pos - token.open.length, to: open.pos + open.margin }, { from: close.pos - close.margin, to: close.pos + token.close.length });\n }\n return { changes };\n }\n return null;\n}\n// Performs toggle, comment and uncomment of line comments.\nfunction changeLineComment(option, state, ranges = state.selection.ranges) {\n let lines = [];\n let prevLine = -1;\n for (let { from, to } of ranges) {\n let startI = lines.length, minIndent = 1e9;\n for (let pos = from; pos <= to;) {\n let line = state.doc.lineAt(pos);\n if (line.from > prevLine && (from == to || to > line.from)) {\n prevLine = line.from;\n let token = getConfig(state, pos).line;\n if (!token)\n continue;\n let indent = /^\\s*/.exec(line.text)[0].length;\n let empty = indent == line.length;\n let comment = line.text.slice(indent, indent + token.length) == token ? indent : -1;\n if (indent < line.text.length && indent < minIndent)\n minIndent = indent;\n lines.push({ line, comment, token, indent, empty, single: false });\n }\n pos = line.to + 1;\n }\n if (minIndent < 1e9)\n for (let i = startI; i < lines.length; i++)\n if (lines[i].indent < lines[i].line.text.length)\n lines[i].indent = minIndent;\n if (lines.length == startI + 1)\n lines[startI].single = true;\n }\n if (option != 2 /* CommentOption.Uncomment */ && lines.some(l => l.comment < 0 && (!l.empty || l.single))) {\n let changes = [];\n for (let { line, token, indent, empty, single } of lines)\n if (single || !empty)\n changes.push({ from: line.from + indent, insert: token + \" \" });\n let changeSet = state.changes(changes);\n return { changes: changeSet, selection: state.selection.map(changeSet, 1) };\n }\n else if (option != 1 /* CommentOption.Comment */ && lines.some(l => l.comment >= 0)) {\n let changes = [];\n for (let { line, comment, token } of lines)\n if (comment >= 0) {\n let from = line.from + comment, to = from + token.length;\n if (line.text[to - line.from] == \" \")\n to++;\n changes.push({ from, to });\n }\n return { changes };\n }\n return null;\n}\n\nconst fromHistory = /*@__PURE__*/Annotation.define();\n/**\nTransaction annotation that will prevent that transaction from\nbeing combined with other transactions in the undo history. Given\n`\"before\"`, it'll prevent merging with previous transactions. With\n`\"after\"`, subsequent transactions won't be combined with this\none. With `\"full\"`, the transaction is isolated on both sides.\n*/\nconst isolateHistory = /*@__PURE__*/Annotation.define();\n/**\nThis facet provides a way to register functions that, given a\ntransaction, provide a set of effects that the history should\nstore when inverting the transaction. This can be used to\nintegrate some kinds of effects in the history, so that they can\nbe undone (and redone again).\n*/\nconst invertedEffects = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define();\nconst historyConfig = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({\n combine(configs) {\n return combineConfig(configs, {\n minDepth: 100,\n newGroupDelay: 500\n }, { minDepth: Math.max, newGroupDelay: Math.min });\n }\n});\nfunction changeEnd(changes) {\n let end = 0;\n changes.iterChangedRanges((_, to) => end = to);\n return end;\n}\nconst historyField_ = /*@__PURE__*/StateField.define({\n create() {\n return HistoryState.empty;\n },\n update(state, tr) {\n let config = tr.state.facet(historyConfig);\n let fromHist = tr.annotation(fromHistory);\n if (fromHist) {\n let selection = tr.docChanged ? EditorSelection.single(changeEnd(tr.changes)) : undefined;\n let item = HistEvent.fromTransaction(tr, selection), from = fromHist.side;\n let other = from == 0 /* BranchName.Done */ ? state.undone : state.done;\n if (item)\n other = updateBranch(other, other.length, config.minDepth, item);\n else\n other = addSelection(other, tr.startState.selection);\n return new HistoryState(from == 0 /* BranchName.Done */ ? fromHist.rest : other, from == 0 /* BranchName.Done */ ? other : fromHist.rest);\n }\n let isolate = tr.annotation(isolateHistory);\n if (isolate == \"full\" || isolate == \"before\")\n state = state.isolate();\n if (tr.annotation(Transaction.addToHistory) === false)\n return !tr.changes.empty ? state.addMapping(tr.changes.desc) : state;\n let event = HistEvent.fromTransaction(tr);\n let time = tr.annotation(Transaction.time), userEvent = tr.annotation(Transaction.userEvent);\n if (event)\n state = state.addChanges(event, time, userEvent, config.newGroupDelay, config.minDepth);\n else if (tr.selection)\n state = state.addSelection(tr.startState.selection, time, userEvent, config.newGroupDelay);\n if (isolate == \"full\" || isolate == \"after\")\n state = state.isolate();\n return state;\n },\n toJSON(value) {\n return { done: value.done.map(e => e.toJSON()), undone: value.undone.map(e => e.toJSON()) };\n },\n fromJSON(json) {\n return new HistoryState(json.done.map(HistEvent.fromJSON), json.undone.map(HistEvent.fromJSON));\n }\n});\n/**\nCreate a history extension with the given configuration.\n*/\nfunction history(config = {}) {\n return [\n historyField_,\n historyConfig.of(config),\n EditorView.domEventHandlers({\n beforeinput(e, view) {\n let command = e.inputType == \"historyUndo\" ? undo : e.inputType == \"historyRedo\" ? redo : null;\n if (!command)\n return false;\n e.preventDefault();\n return command(view);\n }\n })\n ];\n}\n/**\nThe state field used to store the history data. Should probably\nonly be used when you want to\n[serialize](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.toJSON) or\n[deserialize](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^fromJSON) state objects in a way\nthat preserves history.\n*/\nconst historyField = historyField_;\nfunction cmd(side, selection) {\n return function ({ state, dispatch }) {\n if (!selection && state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let historyState = state.field(historyField_, false);\n if (!historyState)\n return false;\n let tr = historyState.pop(side, state, selection);\n if (!tr)\n return false;\n dispatch(tr);\n return true;\n };\n}\n/**\nUndo a single group of history events. Returns false if no group\nwas available.\n*/\nconst undo = /*@__PURE__*/cmd(0 /* BranchName.Done */, false);\n/**\nRedo a group of history events. Returns false if no group was\navailable.\n*/\nconst redo = /*@__PURE__*/cmd(1 /* BranchName.Undone */, false);\n/**\nUndo a change or selection change.\n*/\nconst undoSelection = /*@__PURE__*/cmd(0 /* BranchName.Done */, true);\n/**\nRedo a change or selection change.\n*/\nconst redoSelection = /*@__PURE__*/cmd(1 /* BranchName.Undone */, true);\nfunction depth(side) {\n return function (state) {\n let histState = state.field(historyField_, false);\n if (!histState)\n return 0;\n let branch = side == 0 /* BranchName.Done */ ? histState.done : histState.undone;\n return branch.length - (branch.length && !branch[0].changes ? 1 : 0);\n };\n}\n/**\nThe amount of undoable change events available in a given state.\n*/\nconst undoDepth = /*@__PURE__*/depth(0 /* BranchName.Done */);\n/**\nThe amount of redoable change events available in a given state.\n*/\nconst redoDepth = /*@__PURE__*/depth(1 /* BranchName.Undone */);\n// History events store groups of changes or effects that need to be\n// undone/redone together.\nclass HistEvent {\n constructor(\n // The changes in this event. Normal events hold at least one\n // change or effect. But it may be necessary to store selection\n // events before the first change, in which case a special type of\n // instance is created which doesn't hold any changes, with\n // changes == startSelection == undefined\n changes, \n // The effects associated with this event\n effects, \n // Accumulated mapping (from addToHistory==false) that should be\n // applied to events below this one.\n mapped, \n // The selection before this event\n startSelection, \n // Stores selection changes after this event, to be used for\n // selection undo/redo.\n selectionsAfter) {\n this.changes = changes;\n this.effects = effects;\n this.mapped = mapped;\n this.startSelection = startSelection;\n this.selectionsAfter = selectionsAfter;\n }\n setSelAfter(after) {\n return new HistEvent(this.changes, this.effects, this.mapped, this.startSelection, after);\n }\n toJSON() {\n var _a, _b, _c;\n return {\n changes: (_a = this.changes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toJSON(),\n mapped: (_b = this.mapped) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.toJSON(),\n startSelection: (_c = this.startSelection) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.toJSON(),\n selectionsAfter: this.selectionsAfter.map(s => s.toJSON())\n };\n }\n static fromJSON(json) {\n return new HistEvent(json.changes && ChangeSet.fromJSON(json.changes), [], json.mapped && ChangeDesc.fromJSON(json.mapped), json.startSelection && EditorSelection.fromJSON(json.startSelection), json.selectionsAfter.map(EditorSelection.fromJSON));\n }\n // This does not check `addToHistory` and such, it assumes the\n // transaction needs to be converted to an item. Returns null when\n // there are no changes or effects in the transaction.\n static fromTransaction(tr, selection) {\n let effects = none;\n for (let invert of tr.startState.facet(invertedEffects)) {\n let result = invert(tr);\n if (result.length)\n effects = effects.concat(result);\n }\n if (!effects.length && tr.changes.empty)\n return null;\n return new HistEvent(tr.changes.invert(tr.startState.doc), effects, undefined, selection || tr.startState.selection, none);\n }\n static selection(selections) {\n return new HistEvent(undefined, none, undefined, undefined, selections);\n }\n}\nfunction updateBranch(branch, to, maxLen, newEvent) {\n let start = to + 1 > maxLen + 20 ? to - maxLen - 1 : 0;\n let newBranch = branch.slice(start, to);\n newBranch.push(newEvent);\n return newBranch;\n}\nfunction isAdjacent(a, b) {\n let ranges = [], isAdjacent = false;\n a.iterChangedRanges((f, t) => ranges.push(f, t));\n b.iterChangedRanges((_f, _t, f, t) => {\n for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length;) {\n let from = ranges[i++], to = ranges[i++];\n if (t >= from && f <= to)\n isAdjacent = true;\n }\n });\n return isAdjacent;\n}\nfunction eqSelectionShape(a, b) {\n return a.ranges.length == b.ranges.length &&\n a.ranges.filter((r, i) => r.empty != b.ranges[i].empty).length === 0;\n}\nfunction conc(a, b) {\n return !a.length ? b : !b.length ? a : a.concat(b);\n}\nconst none = [];\nconst MaxSelectionsPerEvent = 200;\nfunction addSelection(branch, selection) {\n if (!branch.length) {\n return [HistEvent.selection([selection])];\n }\n else {\n let lastEvent = branch[branch.length - 1];\n let sels = lastEvent.selectionsAfter.slice(Math.max(0, lastEvent.selectionsAfter.length - MaxSelectionsPerEvent));\n if (sels.length && sels[sels.length - 1].eq(selection))\n return branch;\n sels.push(selection);\n return updateBranch(branch, branch.length - 1, 1e9, lastEvent.setSelAfter(sels));\n }\n}\n// Assumes the top item has one or more selectionAfter values\nfunction popSelection(branch) {\n let last = branch[branch.length - 1];\n let newBranch = branch.slice();\n newBranch[branch.length - 1] = last.setSelAfter(last.selectionsAfter.slice(0, last.selectionsAfter.length - 1));\n return newBranch;\n}\n// Add a mapping to the top event in the given branch. If this maps\n// away all the changes and effects in that item, drop it and\n// propagate the mapping to the next item.\nfunction addMappingToBranch(branch, mapping) {\n if (!branch.length)\n return branch;\n let length = branch.length, selections = none;\n while (length) {\n let event = mapEvent(branch[length - 1], mapping, selections);\n if (event.changes && !event.changes.empty || event.effects.length) { // Event survived mapping\n let result = branch.slice(0, length);\n result[length - 1] = event;\n return result;\n }\n else { // Drop this event, since there's no changes or effects left\n mapping = event.mapped;\n length--;\n selections = event.selectionsAfter;\n }\n }\n return selections.length ? [HistEvent.selection(selections)] : none;\n}\nfunction mapEvent(event, mapping, extraSelections) {\n let selections = conc(event.selectionsAfter.length ? event.selectionsAfter.map(s => s.map(mapping)) : none, extraSelections);\n // Change-less events don't store mappings (they are always the last event in a branch)\n if (!event.changes)\n return HistEvent.selection(selections);\n let mappedChanges = event.changes.map(mapping), before = mapping.mapDesc(event.changes, true);\n let fullMapping = event.mapped ? event.mapped.composeDesc(before) : before;\n return new HistEvent(mappedChanges, StateEffect.mapEffects(event.effects, mapping), fullMapping, event.startSelection.map(before), selections);\n}\nconst joinableUserEvent = /^(input\\.type|delete)($|\\.)/;\nclass HistoryState {\n constructor(done, undone, prevTime = 0, prevUserEvent = undefined) {\n this.done = done;\n this.undone = undone;\n this.prevTime = prevTime;\n this.prevUserEvent = prevUserEvent;\n }\n isolate() {\n return this.prevTime ? new HistoryState(this.done, this.undone) : this;\n }\n addChanges(event, time, userEvent, newGroupDelay, maxLen) {\n let done = this.done, lastEvent = done[done.length - 1];\n if (lastEvent && lastEvent.changes && !lastEvent.changes.empty && event.changes &&\n (!userEvent || joinableUserEvent.test(userEvent)) &&\n ((!lastEvent.selectionsAfter.length &&\n time - this.prevTime < newGroupDelay &&\n isAdjacent(lastEvent.changes, event.changes)) ||\n // For compose (but not compose.start) events, always join with previous event\n userEvent == \"input.type.compose\")) {\n done = updateBranch(done, done.length - 1, maxLen, new HistEvent(event.changes.compose(lastEvent.changes), conc(event.effects, lastEvent.effects), lastEvent.mapped, lastEvent.startSelection, none));\n }\n else {\n done = updateBranch(done, done.length, maxLen, event);\n }\n return new HistoryState(done, none, time, userEvent);\n }\n addSelection(selection, time, userEvent, newGroupDelay) {\n let last = this.done.length ? this.done[this.done.length - 1].selectionsAfter : none;\n if (last.length > 0 &&\n time - this.prevTime < newGroupDelay &&\n userEvent == this.prevUserEvent && userEvent && /^select($|\\.)/.test(userEvent) &&\n eqSelectionShape(last[last.length - 1], selection))\n return this;\n return new HistoryState(addSelection(this.done, selection), this.undone, time, userEvent);\n }\n addMapping(mapping) {\n return new HistoryState(addMappingToBranch(this.done, mapping), addMappingToBranch(this.undone, mapping), this.prevTime, this.prevUserEvent);\n }\n pop(side, state, selection) {\n let branch = side == 0 /* BranchName.Done */ ? this.done : this.undone;\n if (branch.length == 0)\n return null;\n let event = branch[branch.length - 1];\n if (selection && event.selectionsAfter.length) {\n return state.update({\n selection: event.selectionsAfter[event.selectionsAfter.length - 1],\n annotations: fromHistory.of({ side, rest: popSelection(branch) }),\n userEvent: side == 0 /* BranchName.Done */ ? \"select.undo\" : \"select.redo\",\n scrollIntoView: true\n });\n }\n else if (!event.changes) {\n return null;\n }\n else {\n let rest = branch.length == 1 ? none : branch.slice(0, branch.length - 1);\n if (event.mapped)\n rest = addMappingToBranch(rest, event.mapped);\n return state.update({\n changes: event.changes,\n selection: event.startSelection,\n effects: event.effects,\n annotations: fromHistory.of({ side, rest }),\n filter: false,\n userEvent: side == 0 /* BranchName.Done */ ? \"undo\" : \"redo\",\n scrollIntoView: true\n });\n }\n }\n}\nHistoryState.empty = /*@__PURE__*/new HistoryState(none, none);\n/**\nDefault key bindings for the undo history.\n\n- Mod-z: [`undo`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.undo).\n- Mod-y (Mod-Shift-z on macOS) + Ctrl-Shift-z on Linux: [`redo`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.redo).\n- Mod-u: [`undoSelection`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.undoSelection).\n- Alt-u (Mod-Shift-u on macOS): [`redoSelection`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.redoSelection).\n*/\nconst historyKeymap = [\n { key: \"Mod-z\", run: undo, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"Mod-y\", mac: \"Mod-Shift-z\", run: redo, preventDefault: true },\n { linux: \"Ctrl-Shift-z\", run: redo, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"Mod-u\", run: undoSelection, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"Alt-u\", mac: \"Mod-Shift-u\", run: redoSelection, preventDefault: true }\n];\n\nfunction updateSel(sel, by) {\n return EditorSelection.create(sel.ranges.map(by), sel.mainIndex);\n}\nfunction setSel(state, selection) {\n return state.update({ selection, scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: \"select\" });\n}\nfunction moveSel({ state, dispatch }, how) {\n let selection = updateSel(state.selection, how);\n if (selection.eq(state.selection))\n return false;\n dispatch(setSel(state, selection));\n return true;\n}\nfunction rangeEnd(range, forward) {\n return EditorSelection.cursor(forward ? range.to : range.from);\n}\nfunction cursorByChar(view, forward) {\n return moveSel(view, range => range.empty ? view.moveByChar(range, forward) : rangeEnd(range, forward));\n}\nfunction ltrAtCursor(view) {\n return view.textDirectionAt(view.state.selection.main.head) == Direction.LTR;\n}\n/**\nMove the selection one character to the left (which is backward in\nleft-to-right text, forward in right-to-left text).\n*/\nconst cursorCharLeft = view => cursorByChar(view, !ltrAtCursor(view));\n/**\nMove the selection one character to the right.\n*/\nconst cursorCharRight = view => cursorByChar(view, ltrAtCursor(view));\n/**\nMove the selection one character forward.\n*/\nconst cursorCharForward = view => cursorByChar(view, true);\n/**\nMove the selection one character backward.\n*/\nconst cursorCharBackward = view => cursorByChar(view, false);\nfunction cursorByGroup(view, forward) {\n return moveSel(view, range => range.empty ? view.moveByGroup(range, forward) : rangeEnd(range, forward));\n}\n/**\nMove the selection to the left across one group of word or\nnon-word (but also non-space) characters.\n*/\nconst cursorGroupLeft = view => cursorByGroup(view, !ltrAtCursor(view));\n/**\nMove the selection one group to the right.\n*/\nconst cursorGroupRight = view => cursorByGroup(view, ltrAtCursor(view));\n/**\nMove the selection one group forward.\n*/\nconst cursorGroupForward = view => cursorByGroup(view, true);\n/**\nMove the selection one group backward.\n*/\nconst cursorGroupBackward = view => cursorByGroup(view, false);\nfunction moveBySubword(view, range, forward) {\n let categorize = view.state.charCategorizer(range.from);\n return view.moveByChar(range, forward, start => {\n let cat = CharCategory.Space, pos = range.from;\n let done = false, sawUpper = false, sawLower = false;\n let step = (next) => {\n if (done)\n return false;\n pos += forward ? next.length : -next.length;\n let nextCat = categorize(next), ahead;\n if (cat == CharCategory.Space)\n cat = nextCat;\n if (cat != nextCat)\n return false;\n if (cat == CharCategory.Word) {\n if (next.toLowerCase() == next) {\n if (!forward && sawUpper)\n return false;\n sawLower = true;\n }\n else if (sawLower) {\n if (forward)\n return false;\n done = true;\n }\n else {\n if (sawUpper && forward && categorize(ahead = view.state.sliceDoc(pos, pos + 1)) == CharCategory.Word &&\n ahead.toLowerCase() == ahead)\n return false;\n sawUpper = true;\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n step(start);\n return step;\n });\n}\nfunction cursorBySubword(view, forward) {\n return moveSel(view, range => range.empty ? moveBySubword(view, range, forward) : rangeEnd(range, forward));\n}\n/**\nMove the selection one group or camel-case subword forward.\n*/\nconst cursorSubwordForward = view => cursorBySubword(view, true);\n/**\nMove the selection one group or camel-case subword backward.\n*/\nconst cursorSubwordBackward = view => cursorBySubword(view, false);\nfunction interestingNode(state, node, bracketProp) {\n if (node.type.prop(bracketProp))\n return true;\n let len = node.to - node.from;\n return len && (len > 2 || /[^\\s,.;:]/.test(state.sliceDoc(node.from, node.to))) || node.firstChild;\n}\nfunction moveBySyntax(state, start, forward) {\n let pos = syntaxTree(state).resolveInner(start.head);\n let bracketProp = forward ? NodeProp.closedBy : NodeProp.openedBy;\n // Scan forward through child nodes to see if there's an interesting\n // node ahead.\n for (let at = start.head;;) {\n let next = forward ? pos.childAfter(at) : pos.childBefore(at);\n if (!next)\n break;\n if (interestingNode(state, next, bracketProp))\n pos = next;\n else\n at = forward ? next.to : next.from;\n }\n let bracket = pos.type.prop(bracketProp), match, newPos;\n if (bracket && (match = forward ? matchBrackets(state, pos.from, 1) : matchBrackets(state, pos.to, -1)) && match.matched)\n newPos = forward ? match.end.to : match.end.from;\n else\n newPos = forward ? pos.to : pos.from;\n return EditorSelection.cursor(newPos, forward ? -1 : 1);\n}\n/**\nMove the cursor over the next syntactic element to the left.\n*/\nconst cursorSyntaxLeft = view => moveSel(view, range => moveBySyntax(view.state, range, !ltrAtCursor(view)));\n/**\nMove the cursor over the next syntactic element to the right.\n*/\nconst cursorSyntaxRight = view => moveSel(view, range => moveBySyntax(view.state, range, ltrAtCursor(view)));\nfunction cursorByLine(view, forward) {\n return moveSel(view, range => {\n if (!range.empty)\n return rangeEnd(range, forward);\n let moved = view.moveVertically(range, forward);\n return moved.head != range.head ? moved : view.moveToLineBoundary(range, forward);\n });\n}\n/**\nMove the selection one line up.\n*/\nconst cursorLineUp = view => cursorByLine(view, false);\n/**\nMove the selection one line down.\n*/\nconst cursorLineDown = view => cursorByLine(view, true);\nfunction pageHeight(view) {\n return Math.max(view.defaultLineHeight, Math.min(view.dom.clientHeight, innerHeight) - 5);\n}\nfunction cursorByPage(view, forward) {\n let { state } = view, selection = updateSel(state.selection, range => {\n return range.empty ? view.moveVertically(range, forward, pageHeight(view)) : rangeEnd(range, forward);\n });\n if (selection.eq(state.selection))\n return false;\n let startPos = view.coordsAtPos(state.selection.main.head);\n let scrollRect = view.scrollDOM.getBoundingClientRect();\n let effect;\n if (startPos && startPos.top > scrollRect.top && startPos.bottom < scrollRect.bottom &&\n startPos.top - scrollRect.top <= view.scrollDOM.scrollHeight - view.scrollDOM.scrollTop - view.scrollDOM.clientHeight)\n effect = EditorView.scrollIntoView(selection.main.head, { y: \"start\", yMargin: startPos.top - scrollRect.top });\n view.dispatch(setSel(state, selection), { effects: effect });\n return true;\n}\n/**\nMove the selection one page up.\n*/\nconst cursorPageUp = view => cursorByPage(view, false);\n/**\nMove the selection one page down.\n*/\nconst cursorPageDown = view => cursorByPage(view, true);\nfunction moveByLineBoundary(view, start, forward) {\n let line = view.lineBlockAt(start.head), moved = view.moveToLineBoundary(start, forward);\n if (moved.head == start.head && moved.head != (forward ? line.to : line.from))\n moved = view.moveToLineBoundary(start, forward, false);\n if (!forward && moved.head == line.from && line.length) {\n let space = /^\\s*/.exec(view.state.sliceDoc(line.from, Math.min(line.from + 100, line.to)))[0].length;\n if (space && start.head != line.from + space)\n moved = EditorSelection.cursor(line.from + space);\n }\n return moved;\n}\n/**\nMove the selection to the next line wrap point, or to the end of\nthe line if there isn't one left on this line.\n*/\nconst cursorLineBoundaryForward = view => moveSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, true));\n/**\nMove the selection to previous line wrap point, or failing that to\nthe start of the line. If the line is indented, and the cursor\nisn't already at the end of the indentation, this will move to the\nend of the indentation instead of the start of the line.\n*/\nconst cursorLineBoundaryBackward = view => moveSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, false));\n/**\nMove the selection one line wrap point to the left.\n*/\nconst cursorLineBoundaryLeft = view => moveSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, !ltrAtCursor(view)));\n/**\nMove the selection one line wrap point to the right.\n*/\nconst cursorLineBoundaryRight = view => moveSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, ltrAtCursor(view)));\n/**\nMove the selection to the start of the line.\n*/\nconst cursorLineStart = view => moveSel(view, range => EditorSelection.cursor(view.lineBlockAt(range.head).from, 1));\n/**\nMove the selection to the end of the line.\n*/\nconst cursorLineEnd = view => moveSel(view, range => EditorSelection.cursor(view.lineBlockAt(range.head).to, -1));\nfunction toMatchingBracket(state, dispatch, extend) {\n let found = false, selection = updateSel(state.selection, range => {\n let matching = matchBrackets(state, range.head, -1)\n || matchBrackets(state, range.head, 1)\n || (range.head > 0 && matchBrackets(state, range.head - 1, 1))\n || (range.head < state.doc.length && matchBrackets(state, range.head + 1, -1));\n if (!matching || !matching.end)\n return range;\n found = true;\n let head = matching.start.from == range.head ? matching.end.to : matching.end.from;\n return extend ? EditorSelection.range(range.anchor, head) : EditorSelection.cursor(head);\n });\n if (!found)\n return false;\n dispatch(setSel(state, selection));\n return true;\n}\n/**\nMove the selection to the bracket matching the one it is currently\non, if any.\n*/\nconst cursorMatchingBracket = ({ state, dispatch }) => toMatchingBracket(state, dispatch, false);\n/**\nExtend the selection to the bracket matching the one the selection\nhead is currently on, if any.\n*/\nconst selectMatchingBracket = ({ state, dispatch }) => toMatchingBracket(state, dispatch, true);\nfunction extendSel(view, how) {\n let selection = updateSel(view.state.selection, range => {\n let head = how(range);\n return EditorSelection.range(range.anchor, head.head, head.goalColumn);\n });\n if (selection.eq(view.state.selection))\n return false;\n view.dispatch(setSel(view.state, selection));\n return true;\n}\nfunction selectByChar(view, forward) {\n return extendSel(view, range => view.moveByChar(range, forward));\n}\n/**\nMove the selection head one character to the left, while leaving\nthe anchor in place.\n*/\nconst selectCharLeft = view => selectByChar(view, !ltrAtCursor(view));\n/**\nMove the selection head one character to the right.\n*/\nconst selectCharRight = view => selectByChar(view, ltrAtCursor(view));\n/**\nMove the selection head one character forward.\n*/\nconst selectCharForward = view => selectByChar(view, true);\n/**\nMove the selection head one character backward.\n*/\nconst selectCharBackward = view => selectByChar(view, false);\nfunction selectByGroup(view, forward) {\n return extendSel(view, range => view.moveByGroup(range, forward));\n}\n/**\nMove the selection head one [group](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorGroupLeft) to\nthe left.\n*/\nconst selectGroupLeft = view => selectByGroup(view, !ltrAtCursor(view));\n/**\nMove the selection head one group to the right.\n*/\nconst selectGroupRight = view => selectByGroup(view, ltrAtCursor(view));\n/**\nMove the selection head one group forward.\n*/\nconst selectGroupForward = view => selectByGroup(view, true);\n/**\nMove the selection head one group backward.\n*/\nconst selectGroupBackward = view => selectByGroup(view, false);\nfunction selectBySubword(view, forward) {\n return extendSel(view, range => moveBySubword(view, range, forward));\n}\n/**\nMove the selection head one group or camel-case subword forward.\n*/\nconst selectSubwordForward = view => selectBySubword(view, true);\n/**\nMove the selection head one group or subword backward.\n*/\nconst selectSubwordBackward = view => selectBySubword(view, false);\n/**\nMove the selection head over the next syntactic element to the left.\n*/\nconst selectSyntaxLeft = view => extendSel(view, range => moveBySyntax(view.state, range, !ltrAtCursor(view)));\n/**\nMove the selection head over the next syntactic element to the right.\n*/\nconst selectSyntaxRight = view => extendSel(view, range => moveBySyntax(view.state, range, ltrAtCursor(view)));\nfunction selectByLine(view, forward) {\n return extendSel(view, range => view.moveVertically(range, forward));\n}\n/**\nMove the selection head one line up.\n*/\nconst selectLineUp = view => selectByLine(view, false);\n/**\nMove the selection head one line down.\n*/\nconst selectLineDown = view => selectByLine(view, true);\nfunction selectByPage(view, forward) {\n return extendSel(view, range => view.moveVertically(range, forward, pageHeight(view)));\n}\n/**\nMove the selection head one page up.\n*/\nconst selectPageUp = view => selectByPage(view, false);\n/**\nMove the selection head one page down.\n*/\nconst selectPageDown = view => selectByPage(view, true);\n/**\nMove the selection head to the next line boundary.\n*/\nconst selectLineBoundaryForward = view => extendSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, true));\n/**\nMove the selection head to the previous line boundary.\n*/\nconst selectLineBoundaryBackward = view => extendSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, false));\n/**\nMove the selection head one line boundary to the left.\n*/\nconst selectLineBoundaryLeft = view => extendSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, !ltrAtCursor(view)));\n/**\nMove the selection head one line boundary to the right.\n*/\nconst selectLineBoundaryRight = view => extendSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, ltrAtCursor(view)));\n/**\nMove the selection head to the start of the line.\n*/\nconst selectLineStart = view => extendSel(view, range => EditorSelection.cursor(view.lineBlockAt(range.head).from));\n/**\nMove the selection head to the end of the line.\n*/\nconst selectLineEnd = view => extendSel(view, range => EditorSelection.cursor(view.lineBlockAt(range.head).to));\n/**\nMove the selection to the start of the document.\n*/\nconst cursorDocStart = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n dispatch(setSel(state, { anchor: 0 }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nMove the selection to the end of the document.\n*/\nconst cursorDocEnd = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n dispatch(setSel(state, { anchor: state.doc.length }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nMove the selection head to the start of the document.\n*/\nconst selectDocStart = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n dispatch(setSel(state, { anchor: state.selection.main.anchor, head: 0 }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nMove the selection head to the end of the document.\n*/\nconst selectDocEnd = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n dispatch(setSel(state, { anchor: state.selection.main.anchor, head: state.doc.length }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nSelect the entire document.\n*/\nconst selectAll = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n dispatch(state.update({ selection: { anchor: 0, head: state.doc.length }, userEvent: \"select\" }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nExpand the selection to cover entire lines.\n*/\nconst selectLine = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n let ranges = selectedLineBlocks(state).map(({ from, to }) => EditorSelection.range(from, Math.min(to + 1, state.doc.length)));\n dispatch(state.update({ selection: EditorSelection.create(ranges), userEvent: \"select\" }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nSelect the next syntactic construct that is larger than the\nselection. Note that this will only work insofar as the language\n[provider](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#language.language) you use builds up a full\nsyntax tree.\n*/\nconst selectParentSyntax = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n let selection = updateSel(state.selection, range => {\n var _a;\n let context = syntaxTree(state).resolveInner(range.head, 1);\n while (!((context.from < range.from && context.to >= range.to) ||\n (context.to > range.to && context.from <= range.from) ||\n !((_a = context.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.parent)))\n context = context.parent;\n return EditorSelection.range(context.to, context.from);\n });\n dispatch(setSel(state, selection));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nSimplify the current selection. When multiple ranges are selected,\nreduce it to its main range. Otherwise, if the selection is\nnon-empty, convert it to a cursor selection.\n*/\nconst simplifySelection = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n let cur = state.selection, selection = null;\n if (cur.ranges.length > 1)\n selection = EditorSelection.create([cur.main]);\n else if (!cur.main.empty)\n selection = EditorSelection.create([EditorSelection.cursor(cur.main.head)]);\n if (!selection)\n return false;\n dispatch(setSel(state, selection));\n return true;\n};\nfunction deleteBy(target, by) {\n if (target.state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let event = \"delete.selection\", { state } = target;\n let changes = state.changeByRange(range => {\n let { from, to } = range;\n if (from == to) {\n let towards = by(from);\n if (towards < from) {\n event = \"delete.backward\";\n towards = skipAtomic(target, towards, false);\n }\n else if (towards > from) {\n event = \"delete.forward\";\n towards = skipAtomic(target, towards, true);\n }\n from = Math.min(from, towards);\n to = Math.max(to, towards);\n }\n else {\n from = skipAtomic(target, from, false);\n to = skipAtomic(target, to, true);\n }\n return from == to ? { range } : { changes: { from, to }, range: EditorSelection.cursor(from) };\n });\n if (changes.changes.empty)\n return false;\n target.dispatch(state.update(changes, {\n scrollIntoView: true,\n userEvent: event,\n effects: event == \"delete.selection\" ? EditorView.announce.of(state.phrase(\"Selection deleted\")) : undefined\n }));\n return true;\n}\nfunction skipAtomic(target, pos, forward) {\n if (target instanceof EditorView)\n for (let ranges of target.state.facet(EditorView.atomicRanges).map(f => f(target)))\n ranges.between(pos, pos, (from, to) => {\n if (from < pos && to > pos)\n pos = forward ? to : from;\n });\n return pos;\n}\nconst deleteByChar = (target, forward) => deleteBy(target, pos => {\n let { state } = target, line = state.doc.lineAt(pos), before, targetPos;\n if (!forward && pos > line.from && pos < line.from + 200 &&\n !/[^ \\t]/.test(before = line.text.slice(0, pos - line.from))) {\n if (before[before.length - 1] == \"\\t\")\n return pos - 1;\n let col = countColumn(before, state.tabSize), drop = col % getIndentUnit(state) || getIndentUnit(state);\n for (let i = 0; i < drop && before[before.length - 1 - i] == \" \"; i++)\n pos--;\n targetPos = pos;\n }\n else {\n targetPos = findClusterBreak(line.text, pos - line.from, forward, forward) + line.from;\n if (targetPos == pos && line.number != (forward ? state.doc.lines : 1))\n targetPos += forward ? 1 : -1;\n }\n return targetPos;\n});\n/**\nDelete the selection, or, for cursor selections, the character\nbefore the cursor.\n*/\nconst deleteCharBackward = view => deleteByChar(view, false);\n/**\nDelete the selection or the character after the cursor.\n*/\nconst deleteCharForward = view => deleteByChar(view, true);\nconst deleteByGroup = (target, forward) => deleteBy(target, start => {\n let pos = start, { state } = target, line = state.doc.lineAt(pos);\n let categorize = state.charCategorizer(pos);\n for (let cat = null;;) {\n if (pos == (forward ? line.to : line.from)) {\n if (pos == start && line.number != (forward ? state.doc.lines : 1))\n pos += forward ? 1 : -1;\n break;\n }\n let next = findClusterBreak(line.text, pos - line.from, forward) + line.from;\n let nextChar = line.text.slice(Math.min(pos, next) - line.from, Math.max(pos, next) - line.from);\n let nextCat = categorize(nextChar);\n if (cat != null && nextCat != cat)\n break;\n if (nextChar != \" \" || pos != start)\n cat = nextCat;\n pos = next;\n }\n return pos;\n});\n/**\nDelete the selection or backward until the end of the next\n[group](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.moveByGroup), only skipping groups of\nwhitespace when they consist of a single space.\n*/\nconst deleteGroupBackward = target => deleteByGroup(target, false);\n/**\nDelete the selection or forward until the end of the next group.\n*/\nconst deleteGroupForward = target => deleteByGroup(target, true);\n/**\nDelete the selection, or, if it is a cursor selection, delete to\nthe end of the line. If the cursor is directly at the end of the\nline, delete the line break after it.\n*/\nconst deleteToLineEnd = view => deleteBy(view, pos => {\n let lineEnd = view.lineBlockAt(pos).to;\n return pos < lineEnd ? lineEnd : Math.min(view.state.doc.length, pos + 1);\n});\n/**\nDelete the selection, or, if it is a cursor selection, delete to\nthe start of the line. If the cursor is directly at the start of the\nline, delete the line break before it.\n*/\nconst deleteToLineStart = view => deleteBy(view, pos => {\n let lineStart = view.lineBlockAt(pos).from;\n return pos > lineStart ? lineStart : Math.max(0, pos - 1);\n});\n/**\nDelete all whitespace directly before a line end from the\ndocument.\n*/\nconst deleteTrailingWhitespace = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let changes = [];\n for (let pos = 0, prev = \"\", iter = state.doc.iter();;) {\n iter.next();\n if (iter.lineBreak || iter.done) {\n let trailing = prev.search(/\\s+$/);\n if (trailing > -1)\n changes.push({ from: pos - (prev.length - trailing), to: pos });\n if (iter.done)\n break;\n prev = \"\";\n }\n else {\n prev = iter.value;\n }\n pos += iter.value.length;\n }\n if (!changes.length)\n return false;\n dispatch(state.update({ changes, userEvent: \"delete\" }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nReplace each selection range with a line break, leaving the cursor\non the line before the break.\n*/\nconst splitLine = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let changes = state.changeByRange(range => {\n return { changes: { from: range.from, to: range.to, insert: Text.of([\"\", \"\"]) },\n range: EditorSelection.cursor(range.from) };\n });\n dispatch(state.update(changes, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: \"input\" }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nFlip the characters before and after the cursor(s).\n*/\nconst transposeChars = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let changes = state.changeByRange(range => {\n if (!range.empty || range.from == 0 || range.from == state.doc.length)\n return { range };\n let pos = range.from, line = state.doc.lineAt(pos);\n let from = pos == line.from ? pos - 1 : findClusterBreak(line.text, pos - line.from, false) + line.from;\n let to = pos == line.to ? pos + 1 : findClusterBreak(line.text, pos - line.from, true) + line.from;\n return { changes: { from, to, insert: state.doc.slice(pos, to).append(state.doc.slice(from, pos)) },\n range: EditorSelection.cursor(to) };\n });\n if (changes.changes.empty)\n return false;\n dispatch(state.update(changes, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: \"move.character\" }));\n return true;\n};\nfunction selectedLineBlocks(state) {\n let blocks = [], upto = -1;\n for (let range of state.selection.ranges) {\n let startLine = state.doc.lineAt(range.from), endLine = state.doc.lineAt(range.to);\n if (!range.empty && range.to == endLine.from)\n endLine = state.doc.lineAt(range.to - 1);\n if (upto >= startLine.number) {\n let prev = blocks[blocks.length - 1];\n prev.to = endLine.to;\n prev.ranges.push(range);\n }\n else {\n blocks.push({ from: startLine.from, to: endLine.to, ranges: [range] });\n }\n upto = endLine.number + 1;\n }\n return blocks;\n}\nfunction moveLine(state, dispatch, forward) {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let changes = [], ranges = [];\n for (let block of selectedLineBlocks(state)) {\n if (forward ? block.to == state.doc.length : block.from == 0)\n continue;\n let nextLine = state.doc.lineAt(forward ? block.to + 1 : block.from - 1);\n let size = nextLine.length + 1;\n if (forward) {\n changes.push({ from: block.to, to: nextLine.to }, { from: block.from, insert: nextLine.text + state.lineBreak });\n for (let r of block.ranges)\n ranges.push(EditorSelection.range(Math.min(state.doc.length, r.anchor + size), Math.min(state.doc.length, r.head + size)));\n }\n else {\n changes.push({ from: nextLine.from, to: block.from }, { from: block.to, insert: state.lineBreak + nextLine.text });\n for (let r of block.ranges)\n ranges.push(EditorSelection.range(r.anchor - size, r.head - size));\n }\n }\n if (!changes.length)\n return false;\n dispatch(state.update({\n changes,\n scrollIntoView: true,\n selection: EditorSelection.create(ranges, state.selection.mainIndex),\n userEvent: \"move.line\"\n }));\n return true;\n}\n/**\nMove the selected lines up one line.\n*/\nconst moveLineUp = ({ state, dispatch }) => moveLine(state, dispatch, false);\n/**\nMove the selected lines down one line.\n*/\nconst moveLineDown = ({ state, dispatch }) => moveLine(state, dispatch, true);\nfunction copyLine(state, dispatch, forward) {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let changes = [];\n for (let block of selectedLineBlocks(state)) {\n if (forward)\n changes.push({ from: block.from, insert: state.doc.slice(block.from, block.to) + state.lineBreak });\n else\n changes.push({ from: block.to, insert: state.lineBreak + state.doc.slice(block.from, block.to) });\n }\n dispatch(state.update({ changes, scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: \"input.copyline\" }));\n return true;\n}\n/**\nCreate a copy of the selected lines. Keep the selection in the top copy.\n*/\nconst copyLineUp = ({ state, dispatch }) => copyLine(state, dispatch, false);\n/**\nCreate a copy of the selected lines. Keep the selection in the bottom copy.\n*/\nconst copyLineDown = ({ state, dispatch }) => copyLine(state, dispatch, true);\n/**\nDelete selected lines.\n*/\nconst deleteLine = view => {\n if (view.state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let { state } = view, changes = state.changes(selectedLineBlocks(state).map(({ from, to }) => {\n if (from > 0)\n from--;\n else if (to < state.doc.length)\n to++;\n return { from, to };\n }));\n let selection = updateSel(state.selection, range => view.moveVertically(range, true)).map(changes);\n view.dispatch({ changes, selection, scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: \"delete.line\" });\n return true;\n};\n/**\nReplace the selection with a newline.\n*/\nconst insertNewline = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n dispatch(state.update(state.replaceSelection(state.lineBreak), { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: \"input\" }));\n return true;\n};\nfunction isBetweenBrackets(state, pos) {\n if (/\\(\\)|\\[\\]|\\{\\}/.test(state.sliceDoc(pos - 1, pos + 1)))\n return { from: pos, to: pos };\n let context = syntaxTree(state).resolveInner(pos);\n let before = context.childBefore(pos), after = context.childAfter(pos), closedBy;\n if (before && after && before.to <= pos && after.from >= pos &&\n (closedBy = before.type.prop(NodeProp.closedBy)) && closedBy.indexOf(after.name) > -1 &&\n state.doc.lineAt(before.to).from == state.doc.lineAt(after.from).from)\n return { from: before.to, to: after.from };\n return null;\n}\n/**\nReplace the selection with a newline and indent the newly created\nline(s). If the current line consists only of whitespace, this\nwill also delete that whitespace. When the cursor is between\nmatching brackets, an additional newline will be inserted after\nthe cursor.\n*/\nconst insertNewlineAndIndent = /*@__PURE__*/newlineAndIndent(false);\n/**\nCreate a blank, indented line below the current line.\n*/\nconst insertBlankLine = /*@__PURE__*/newlineAndIndent(true);\nfunction newlineAndIndent(atEof) {\n return ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let changes = state.changeByRange(range => {\n let { from, to } = range, line = state.doc.lineAt(from);\n let explode = !atEof && from == to && isBetweenBrackets(state, from);\n if (atEof)\n from = to = (to <= line.to ? line : state.doc.lineAt(to)).to;\n let cx = new IndentContext(state, { simulateBreak: from, simulateDoubleBreak: !!explode });\n let indent = getIndentation(cx, from);\n if (indent == null)\n indent = /^\\s*/.exec(state.doc.lineAt(from).text)[0].length;\n while (to < line.to && /\\s/.test(line.text[to - line.from]))\n to++;\n if (explode)\n ({ from, to } = explode);\n else if (from > line.from && from < line.from + 100 && !/\\S/.test(line.text.slice(0, from)))\n from = line.from;\n let insert = [\"\", indentString(state, indent)];\n if (explode)\n insert.push(indentString(state, cx.lineIndent(line.from, -1)));\n return { changes: { from, to, insert: Text.of(insert) },\n range: EditorSelection.cursor(from + 1 + insert[1].length) };\n });\n dispatch(state.update(changes, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: \"input\" }));\n return true;\n };\n}\nfunction changeBySelectedLine(state, f) {\n let atLine = -1;\n return state.changeByRange(range => {\n let changes = [];\n for (let pos = range.from; pos <= range.to;) {\n let line = state.doc.lineAt(pos);\n if (line.number > atLine && (range.empty || range.to > line.from)) {\n f(line, changes, range);\n atLine = line.number;\n }\n pos = line.to + 1;\n }\n let changeSet = state.changes(changes);\n return { changes,\n range: EditorSelection.range(changeSet.mapPos(range.anchor, 1), changeSet.mapPos(range.head, 1)) };\n });\n}\n/**\nAuto-indent the selected lines. This uses the [indentation service\nfacet](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#language.indentService) as source for auto-indent\ninformation.\n*/\nconst indentSelection = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let updated = Object.create(null);\n let context = new IndentContext(state, { overrideIndentation: start => {\n let found = updated[start];\n return found == null ? -1 : found;\n } });\n let changes = changeBySelectedLine(state, (line, changes, range) => {\n let indent = getIndentation(context, line.from);\n if (indent == null)\n return;\n if (!/\\S/.test(line.text))\n indent = 0;\n let cur = /^\\s*/.exec(line.text)[0];\n let norm = indentString(state, indent);\n if (cur != norm || range.from < line.from + cur.length) {\n updated[line.from] = indent;\n changes.push({ from: line.from, to: line.from + cur.length, insert: norm });\n }\n });\n if (!changes.changes.empty)\n dispatch(state.update(changes, { userEvent: \"indent\" }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nAdd a [unit](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#language.indentUnit) of indentation to all selected\nlines.\n*/\nconst indentMore = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n dispatch(state.update(changeBySelectedLine(state, (line, changes) => {\n changes.push({ from: line.from, insert: state.facet(indentUnit) });\n }), { userEvent: \"input.indent\" }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nRemove a [unit](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#language.indentUnit) of indentation from all\nselected lines.\n*/\nconst indentLess = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n dispatch(state.update(changeBySelectedLine(state, (line, changes) => {\n let space = /^\\s*/.exec(line.text)[0];\n if (!space)\n return;\n let col = countColumn(space, state.tabSize), keep = 0;\n let insert = indentString(state, Math.max(0, col - getIndentUnit(state)));\n while (keep < space.length && keep < insert.length && space.charCodeAt(keep) == insert.charCodeAt(keep))\n keep++;\n changes.push({ from: line.from + keep, to: line.from + space.length, insert: insert.slice(keep) });\n }), { userEvent: \"delete.dedent\" }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nInsert a tab character at the cursor or, if something is selected,\nuse [`indentMore`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.indentMore) to indent the entire\nselection.\n*/\nconst insertTab = ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n if (state.selection.ranges.some(r => !r.empty))\n return indentMore({ state, dispatch });\n dispatch(state.update(state.replaceSelection(\"\\t\"), { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: \"input\" }));\n return true;\n};\n/**\nArray of key bindings containing the Emacs-style bindings that are\navailable on macOS by default.\n\n - Ctrl-b: [`cursorCharLeft`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorCharLeft) ([`selectCharLeft`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectCharLeft) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-f: [`cursorCharRight`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorCharRight) ([`selectCharRight`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectCharRight) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-p: [`cursorLineUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorLineUp) ([`selectLineUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLineUp) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-n: [`cursorLineDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorLineDown) ([`selectLineDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLineDown) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-a: [`cursorLineStart`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorLineStart) ([`selectLineStart`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLineStart) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-e: [`cursorLineEnd`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorLineEnd) ([`selectLineEnd`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLineEnd) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-d: [`deleteCharForward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteCharForward)\n - Ctrl-h: [`deleteCharBackward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteCharBackward)\n - Ctrl-k: [`deleteToLineEnd`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteToLineEnd)\n - Ctrl-Alt-h: [`deleteGroupBackward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteGroupBackward)\n - Ctrl-o: [`splitLine`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.splitLine)\n - Ctrl-t: [`transposeChars`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.transposeChars)\n - Ctrl-v: [`cursorPageDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorPageDown)\n - Alt-v: [`cursorPageUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorPageUp)\n*/\nconst emacsStyleKeymap = [\n { key: \"Ctrl-b\", run: cursorCharLeft, shift: selectCharLeft, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"Ctrl-f\", run: cursorCharRight, shift: selectCharRight },\n { key: \"Ctrl-p\", run: cursorLineUp, shift: selectLineUp },\n { key: \"Ctrl-n\", run: cursorLineDown, shift: selectLineDown },\n { key: \"Ctrl-a\", run: cursorLineStart, shift: selectLineStart },\n { key: \"Ctrl-e\", run: cursorLineEnd, shift: selectLineEnd },\n { key: \"Ctrl-d\", run: deleteCharForward },\n { key: \"Ctrl-h\", run: deleteCharBackward },\n { key: \"Ctrl-k\", run: deleteToLineEnd },\n { key: \"Ctrl-Alt-h\", run: deleteGroupBackward },\n { key: \"Ctrl-o\", run: splitLine },\n { key: \"Ctrl-t\", run: transposeChars },\n { key: \"Ctrl-v\", run: cursorPageDown },\n];\n/**\nAn array of key bindings closely sticking to platform-standard or\nwidely used bindings. (This includes the bindings from\n[`emacsStyleKeymap`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.emacsStyleKeymap), with their `key`\nproperty changed to `mac`.)\n\n - ArrowLeft: [`cursorCharLeft`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorCharLeft) ([`selectCharLeft`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectCharLeft) with Shift)\n - ArrowRight: [`cursorCharRight`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorCharRight) ([`selectCharRight`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectCharRight) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-ArrowLeft (Alt-ArrowLeft on macOS): [`cursorGroupLeft`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorGroupLeft) ([`selectGroupLeft`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectGroupLeft) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-ArrowRight (Alt-ArrowRight on macOS): [`cursorGroupRight`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorGroupRight) ([`selectGroupRight`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectGroupRight) with Shift)\n - Cmd-ArrowLeft (on macOS): [`cursorLineStart`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorLineStart) ([`selectLineStart`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLineStart) with Shift)\n - Cmd-ArrowRight (on macOS): [`cursorLineEnd`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorLineEnd) ([`selectLineEnd`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLineEnd) with Shift)\n - ArrowUp: [`cursorLineUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorLineUp) ([`selectLineUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLineUp) with Shift)\n - ArrowDown: [`cursorLineDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorLineDown) ([`selectLineDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLineDown) with Shift)\n - Cmd-ArrowUp (on macOS): [`cursorDocStart`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorDocStart) ([`selectDocStart`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectDocStart) with Shift)\n - Cmd-ArrowDown (on macOS): [`cursorDocEnd`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorDocEnd) ([`selectDocEnd`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectDocEnd) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-ArrowUp (on macOS): [`cursorPageUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorPageUp) ([`selectPageUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectPageUp) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-ArrowDown (on macOS): [`cursorPageDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorPageDown) ([`selectPageDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectPageDown) with Shift)\n - PageUp: [`cursorPageUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorPageUp) ([`selectPageUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectPageUp) with Shift)\n - PageDown: [`cursorPageDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorPageDown) ([`selectPageDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectPageDown) with Shift)\n - Home: [`cursorLineBoundaryBackward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorLineBoundaryBackward) ([`selectLineBoundaryBackward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLineBoundaryBackward) with Shift)\n - End: [`cursorLineBoundaryForward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorLineBoundaryForward) ([`selectLineBoundaryForward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLineBoundaryForward) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-Home (Cmd-Home on macOS): [`cursorDocStart`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorDocStart) ([`selectDocStart`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectDocStart) with Shift)\n - Ctrl-End (Cmd-Home on macOS): [`cursorDocEnd`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorDocEnd) ([`selectDocEnd`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectDocEnd) with Shift)\n - Enter: [`insertNewlineAndIndent`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.insertNewlineAndIndent)\n - Ctrl-a (Cmd-a on macOS): [`selectAll`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectAll)\n - Backspace: [`deleteCharBackward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteCharBackward)\n - Delete: [`deleteCharForward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteCharForward)\n - Ctrl-Backspace (Alt-Backspace on macOS): [`deleteGroupBackward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteGroupBackward)\n - Ctrl-Delete (Alt-Delete on macOS): [`deleteGroupForward`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteGroupForward)\n - Cmd-Backspace (macOS): [`deleteToLineStart`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteToLineStart).\n - Cmd-Delete (macOS): [`deleteToLineEnd`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteToLineEnd).\n*/\nconst standardKeymap = /*@__PURE__*/[\n { key: \"ArrowLeft\", run: cursorCharLeft, shift: selectCharLeft, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"Mod-ArrowLeft\", mac: \"Alt-ArrowLeft\", run: cursorGroupLeft, shift: selectGroupLeft, preventDefault: true },\n { mac: \"Cmd-ArrowLeft\", run: cursorLineBoundaryLeft, shift: selectLineBoundaryLeft, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"ArrowRight\", run: cursorCharRight, shift: selectCharRight, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"Mod-ArrowRight\", mac: \"Alt-ArrowRight\", run: cursorGroupRight, shift: selectGroupRight, preventDefault: true },\n { mac: \"Cmd-ArrowRight\", run: cursorLineBoundaryRight, shift: selectLineBoundaryRight, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"ArrowUp\", run: cursorLineUp, shift: selectLineUp, preventDefault: true },\n { mac: \"Cmd-ArrowUp\", run: cursorDocStart, shift: selectDocStart },\n { mac: \"Ctrl-ArrowUp\", run: cursorPageUp, shift: selectPageUp },\n { key: \"ArrowDown\", run: cursorLineDown, shift: selectLineDown, preventDefault: true },\n { mac: \"Cmd-ArrowDown\", run: cursorDocEnd, shift: selectDocEnd },\n { mac: \"Ctrl-ArrowDown\", run: cursorPageDown, shift: selectPageDown },\n { key: \"PageUp\", run: cursorPageUp, shift: selectPageUp },\n { key: \"PageDown\", run: cursorPageDown, shift: selectPageDown },\n { key: \"Home\", run: cursorLineBoundaryBackward, shift: selectLineBoundaryBackward, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"Mod-Home\", run: cursorDocStart, shift: selectDocStart },\n { key: \"End\", run: cursorLineBoundaryForward, shift: selectLineBoundaryForward, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"Mod-End\", run: cursorDocEnd, shift: selectDocEnd },\n { key: \"Enter\", run: insertNewlineAndIndent },\n { key: \"Mod-a\", run: selectAll },\n { key: \"Backspace\", run: deleteCharBackward, shift: deleteCharBackward },\n { key: \"Delete\", run: deleteCharForward },\n { key: \"Mod-Backspace\", mac: \"Alt-Backspace\", run: deleteGroupBackward },\n { key: \"Mod-Delete\", mac: \"Alt-Delete\", run: deleteGroupForward },\n { mac: \"Mod-Backspace\", run: deleteToLineStart },\n { mac: \"Mod-Delete\", run: deleteToLineEnd }\n].concat(/*@__PURE__*/emacsStyleKeymap.map(b => ({ mac: b.key, run: b.run, shift: b.shift })));\n/**\nThe default keymap. Includes all bindings from\n[`standardKeymap`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.standardKeymap) plus the following:\n\n- Alt-ArrowLeft (Ctrl-ArrowLeft on macOS): [`cursorSyntaxLeft`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorSyntaxLeft) ([`selectSyntaxLeft`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectSyntaxLeft) with Shift)\n- Alt-ArrowRight (Ctrl-ArrowRight on macOS): [`cursorSyntaxRight`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorSyntaxRight) ([`selectSyntaxRight`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectSyntaxRight) with Shift)\n- Alt-ArrowUp: [`moveLineUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.moveLineUp)\n- Alt-ArrowDown: [`moveLineDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.moveLineDown)\n- Shift-Alt-ArrowUp: [`copyLineUp`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.copyLineUp)\n- Shift-Alt-ArrowDown: [`copyLineDown`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.copyLineDown)\n- Escape: [`simplifySelection`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.simplifySelection)\n- Ctrl-Enter (Comd-Enter on macOS): [`insertBlankLine`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.insertBlankLine)\n- Alt-l (Ctrl-l on macOS): [`selectLine`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectLine)\n- Ctrl-i (Cmd-i on macOS): [`selectParentSyntax`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.selectParentSyntax)\n- Ctrl-[ (Cmd-[ on macOS): [`indentLess`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.indentLess)\n- Ctrl-] (Cmd-] on macOS): [`indentMore`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.indentMore)\n- Ctrl-Alt-\\\\ (Cmd-Alt-\\\\ on macOS): [`indentSelection`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.indentSelection)\n- Shift-Ctrl-k (Shift-Cmd-k on macOS): [`deleteLine`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.deleteLine)\n- Shift-Ctrl-\\\\ (Shift-Cmd-\\\\ on macOS): [`cursorMatchingBracket`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.cursorMatchingBracket)\n- Ctrl-/ (Cmd-/ on macOS): [`toggleComment`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.toggleComment).\n- Shift-Alt-a: [`toggleBlockComment`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.toggleBlockComment).\n*/\nconst defaultKeymap = /*@__PURE__*/[\n { key: \"Alt-ArrowLeft\", mac: \"Ctrl-ArrowLeft\", run: cursorSyntaxLeft, shift: selectSyntaxLeft },\n { key: \"Alt-ArrowRight\", mac: \"Ctrl-ArrowRight\", run: cursorSyntaxRight, shift: selectSyntaxRight },\n { key: \"Alt-ArrowUp\", run: moveLineUp },\n { key: \"Shift-Alt-ArrowUp\", run: copyLineUp },\n { key: \"Alt-ArrowDown\", run: moveLineDown },\n { key: \"Shift-Alt-ArrowDown\", run: copyLineDown },\n { key: \"Escape\", run: simplifySelection },\n { key: \"Mod-Enter\", run: insertBlankLine },\n { key: \"Alt-l\", mac: \"Ctrl-l\", run: selectLine },\n { key: \"Mod-i\", run: selectParentSyntax, preventDefault: true },\n { key: \"Mod-[\", run: indentLess },\n { key: \"Mod-]\", run: indentMore },\n { key: \"Mod-Alt-\\\\\", run: indentSelection },\n { key: \"Shift-Mod-k\", run: deleteLine },\n { key: \"Shift-Mod-\\\\\", run: cursorMatchingBracket },\n { key: \"Mod-/\", run: toggleComment },\n { key: \"Alt-A\", run: toggleBlockComment }\n].concat(standardKeymap);\n/**\nA binding that binds Tab to [`indentMore`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.indentMore) and\nShift-Tab to [`indentLess`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.indentLess).\nPlease see the [Tab example](../../examples/tab/) before using\nthis.\n*/\nconst indentWithTab = { key: \"Tab\", run: indentMore, shift: indentLess };\n\nexport { blockComment, blockUncomment, copyLineDown, copyLineUp, cursorCharBackward, cursorCharForward, cursorCharLeft, cursorCharRight, cursorDocEnd, cursorDocStart, cursorGroupBackward, cursorGroupForward, cursorGroupLeft, cursorGroupRight, cursorLineBoundaryBackward, cursorLineBoundaryForward, cursorLineBoundaryLeft, cursorLineBoundaryRight, cursorLineDown, cursorLineEnd, cursorLineStart, cursorLineUp, cursorMatchingBracket, cursorPageDown, cursorPageUp, cursorSubwordBackward, cursorSubwordForward, cursorSyntaxLeft, cursorSyntaxRight, defaultKeymap, deleteCharBackward, deleteCharForward, deleteGroupBackward, deleteGroupForward, deleteLine, deleteToLineEnd, deleteToLineStart, deleteTrailingWhitespace, emacsStyleKeymap, history, historyField, historyKeymap, indentLess, indentMore, indentSelection, indentWithTab, insertBlankLine, insertNewline, insertNewlineAndIndent, insertTab, invertedEffects, isolateHistory, lineComment, lineUncomment, moveLineDown, moveLineUp, redo, redoDepth, redoSelection, selectAll, selectCharBackward, selectCharForward, selectCharLeft, selectCharRight, selectDocEnd, selectDocStart, selectGroupBackward, selectGroupForward, selectGroupLeft, selectGroupRight, selectLine, selectLineBoundaryBackward, selectLineBoundaryForward, selectLineBoundaryLeft, selectLineBoundaryRight, selectLineDown, selectLineEnd, selectLineStart, selectLineUp, selectMatchingBracket, selectPageDown, selectPageUp, selectParentSyntax, selectSubwordBackward, selectSubwordForward, selectSyntaxLeft, selectSyntaxRight, simplifySelection, splitLine, standardKeymap, toggleBlockComment, toggleBlockCommentByLine, toggleComment, toggleLineComment, transposeChars, undo, undoDepth, undoSelection };\n","import { defaultKeymap, history, historyKeymap } from \"@codemirror/commands\";\nimport { HighlightStyle, syntaxHighlighting } from \"@codemirror/language\";\nimport type { Extension } from \"@codemirror/state\";\nimport {\n EditorView,\n drawSelection,\n highlightSpecialChars,\n keymap\n} from \"@codemirror/view\";\nimport { type Tag, tags as t } from \"@lezer/highlight\";\n\nlet tf = (tag: Tag, hljs: string) => ({ tag, class: `hljs-${hljs}` });\nlet tt = (cm: keyof typeof t, hljs: string) => tf(t[cm] as any, hljs);\n\nlet highlightStyle = HighlightStyle.define([\n tt(\"comment\", \"comment\"),\n tt(\"lineComment\", \"comment\"),\n tt(\"blockComment\", \"comment\"),\n tt(\"docComment\", \"comment\"),\n // tt(\"variableName\", \"variable\"),\n tt(\"typeName\", \"type\"),\n tt(\"tagName\", \"type\"),\n tt(\"literal\", \"literal\"),\n tt(\"string\", \"string\"),\n tt(\"docString\", \"string\"),\n tt(\"number\", \"number\"),\n tt(\"integer\", \"number\"),\n tt(\"float\", \"number\"),\n tt(\"regexp\", \"regexp\"),\n tt(\"keyword\", \"keyword\"),\n tt(\"self\", \"variable.language\"),\n tt(\"operator\", \"operator\"),\n tf(t.function(t.definition(t.variableName)), \"title\")\n]);\n\nlet suppressKeyEvents = () => {\n let captureKeyboard = (e: KeyboardEvent) => e.stopPropagation();\n return EditorView.domEventHandlers({\n focusin: () => {\n document.documentElement.addEventListener(\n \"keydown\",\n captureKeyboard,\n false\n );\n },\n focusout: () => {\n document.documentElement.removeEventListener(\n \"keydown\",\n captureKeyboard,\n false\n );\n }\n });\n};\n\nexport let setup: Extension = (() => [\n highlightSpecialChars(),\n history(),\n drawSelection(),\n syntaxHighlighting(highlightStyle, { fallback: true }),\n keymap.of([...defaultKeymap, ...historyKeymap]),\n suppressKeyEvents()\n])();\n","import { Editor, type Result, type types } from \"@aquascope/editor\";\nimport { useFloating } from \"@floating-ui/react-dom\";\nimport React, { useContext, useLayoutEffect, useState } from \"react\";\nimport ReactDOM from \"react-dom/client\";\n\nimport { setup } from \"./setup\";\nimport \"./styles.scss\";\n\nconst AQUASCOPE_NAME = \"aquascope\";\nconst EMBED_NAME = \"aquascope-embed\";\n\n// Making this global is a hack to expose the prerendered Aquascope visualizer\n// to other tools like mdbook-quiz.\n//\n// TODO: figure out a more elegant / composable solution to this. Probably involves\n// moving some of this functionality into aquascope-editor and distributing that\n// package on npm.\ndeclare global {\n function initAquascopeBlocks(root: HTMLElement): void;\n\n var telemetry:\n | {\n log: (endpoint: string, payload: any) => void;\n }\n | undefined;\n}\n\nlet CodeContext = React.createContext(\"\");\n\n// TODO: this is duplicated with mdbook-quiz. Should factor out into a mdbook-js-utils maybe?\nlet useCaptureMdbookShortcuts = (capture: boolean) => {\n useLayoutEffect(() => {\n if (capture) {\n let captureKeyboard = (e: KeyboardEvent) => e.stopPropagation();\n\n // This gets added specifically to document.documentElement rather than document\n // so bubbling events will hit this listener before ones added via document.addEventListener(...).\n // All of the problematic mdBook interactions are created that way, so we ensure that\n // the keyboard event does not propagate to those listeners.\n //\n // However, some widgets like Codemirror require keydown events but on local elements.\n // So we can't just stopPropagation in the capture phase, or those widgets will break.\n // This is the compromise!\n document.documentElement.addEventListener(\n \"keydown\",\n captureKeyboard,\n false\n );\n\n return () =>\n document.documentElement.removeEventListener(\n \"keydown\",\n captureKeyboard,\n false\n );\n }\n }, [capture]);\n};\n\nlet ContextProvider = ({\n title,\n buttonText,\n children\n}: {\n title: string;\n buttonText: string;\n children: (close: () => void) => JSX.Element;\n}) => {\n let [open, setOpen] = useState(false);\n let { x, y, strategy, refs } = useFloating({\n placement: \"bottom-end\",\n open\n });\n\n // Disable mdbook shortcuts if the bug reporter is opened and we're not\n // fullscreen\n useCaptureMdbookShortcuts(open);\n\n let childEl = children(() => setOpen(false));\n\n return (\n
\n setOpen(!open)}\n ref={refs.setReference}\n >\n {buttonText}\n \n {open ? (\n \n setOpen(false)}\n >\n ✕\n \n {childEl}\n
\n ) : null}\n
\n );\n};\n\nlet BugReporter = () => (\n \n {close => {\n let code = useContext(CodeContext);\n let onSubmit: React.FormEventHandler = (event: any) => {\n let data = new FormData(event.target as any);\n let feedback = data.get(\"feedback\")!.toString();\n window.telemetry!.log(\"aquascopeBug\", { code, feedback });\n event.preventDefault();\n close();\n };\n return (\n <>\n

Report a bug


\n If you found an issue in this diagram (e.g. a typo, a visual bug,\n anything confusing), please describe the issue and report it:\n
