[#file_chapter1_md] = Title of First Chapter This is a paragraph of text, including *bold* and _italic_ text. Also [line-through]#strikethrough#. This includes ``+code + 1+`` identifiers, and some "quoted text" (including 'single quotes'). This is an inline URL: link:++https://lurklurk.org++[https://lurklurk.org] This is link:++https://github.com/daviddrysdale/mdbook-docbook++[link]. [quote] This is a block quote, including multiple lines. A paragraph that includes HTML characters – like an en-dash. As a result, when writing code that accepts closures, *use the most general ``+Fn*+`` trait that works*, to allow ... Scott Meyers' original _Effective C++_ series. The C++ language was (and is) full of footguns, so _Effective C++_ focused on a collection of advice. [source,rust] ---- fn main() { x += 1; } ---- Now for some bullets: * top-level first ** second-level 1 ** second-level 2 *** third level * top-level second [arabic] .. sub-numbered bullet 1 .. sub-numbered bullet 2 * top-level third + with follow-on para * top-level fourth. A MarkDown table. [cols="1,<1,^1,>1"] |=== | Heading 1| Heading 2| Heading 3| Hdr 4 | normal| left-align| center| right | ``+code+``| link:++http://example.com++[link]| | left _blank_ |=== List with checkboxes: * [ ] Do something. * [x] Do something else.