# mdbook-playscript An mdBook preprocessor for writing stage play scripts. The library crate of this preprocessor is [mdplayscript](https://crates.io/crates/mdplayscript). If you are a Japanese user, read [Japanese README](./README_ja.md), would you? ## License License is changed in the version 0.3.0. The source codes written in Rust and CSS files are licensed under MPL-2.0. Markdown files in [`examples/figaro/`](examples/figaro/) are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, because they are copied from [WikiSource](https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Le_Mariage_de_Figaro) and formatted by the author of this crate. Markdown files in [`examples/torikaeshi/`](examples/torikaeshi) are in public domain, because they are copied from [Aozora Bunko (in Japanese)](https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000076/card46934.html) and formatted by the author of this crate. ## Install You can install this preprocessor with cargo: ``` cargo install mdbook-playscript ``` Other installation methods are not provided now. ## Usage You can use `mdbook-playscript` preprocessor by adding the following config to your `book.toml`. You must specify the `additional-css` for the HTML backend by hand. ```toml [preprocessor.playscript] command = "mdbook-playscript" [output.html] additional-css = ["mdplayscript.css"] ``` ## Examples The [README of mdplayscript](https://crates.io/crates/mdplayscript) explains basic notations. An example of a source of a book preprocessed with `mdbook-playscript` is placed in [examples/figaro](examples/figaro). The generated example is hosted on [github pages](https://shotarotsuji.github.io/mdbook-playscript/figaro/).