const END_KEY: string = 'end-date'; const MIN_KEY: string = 'total-minutes'; class PresentationTimer { timeout: number; /** * @type Date * The end of our presentation */ end: Date; /** * @type number * The length of our presentation */ minutes: number; constructor() { window.addEventListener('keyup', ev => { if (!ev.altKey) { return; } switch (ev.key) { case 'g': // Go! return this.start(); case 'ArrowUp': // Increase Timer by 1 minute return this.updateEnd(+1); case 'ArrowDown': // Decrease Timer by 1 minute return this.updateEnd(-1); case 'm': // Prompt to manually enter minutes return this.promptForMinutes(); case '.': // Full Stop! return this.stop(); } }); let maybeSaved = this.getEnd(); if (maybeSaved) { this.end = new Date(maybeSaved); this.tick(); } } /** * Run the async loop. Update the time, check for * complete and update the dom */ tick() { this.timeout = null; let now = new Date(); if (now >= this.end) { return this.update(0,0); } let diff = +this.end - +now; let secs = Math.floor(diff / 1000); let mins = Math.floor(secs / 60); this.update(mins, secs - (mins * 60)) this.timeout = window.setTimeout(this.tick.bind(this), 1000); } /** * Maybe get the end date if saved in local storage * Provides a 1 hour buffer for after a presentation is over * @returns Date */ getEnd() { let maybeSaved = localStorage.getItem(END_KEY); this.minutes = +localStorage.getItem(MIN_KEY) || 45; let target = new Date(); target.setHours(target.getHours() + 1); if (!maybeSaved || +maybeSaved < +target) { localStorage.removeItem(END_KEY); return; } return maybeSaved; } /** * Start the counter */ start() { let now = new Date(); let mins = now.getMinutes(); now.setMinutes(mins + this.minutes); this.end = now; this.saveGlobals(); this.tick(); } /** * Full stop, clearing the end date from local storage * and removing the counter from the dom */ stop() { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } localStorage.removeItem(END_KEY); let counter = document.getElementById('counter'); if (!counter) { return; } counter.parentElement.removeChild(counter); } /** * * @param {number} mins Whole minutes Remaining * @param {number} secs Sub-minute seconds remaining */ update(mins: number, secs: number) { let counter = this.getCounterEl(); counter.innerHTML = this.formatTime(mins, secs); = this.getColor(mins * 60 + secs); } /** * Format the time for inserting into the dom * @param {number} mins Whole minutes Remaining * @param {number} secs Sub-minute seconds */ formatTime(mins: number, secs: number): string { if (mins >= 60) { let hrs = Math.floor(mins / 60); mins = mins - (hrs * 60); return `${hrs}:${this.twoDigits(mins)}:${this.twoDigits(secs)}`; } return `${this.twoDigits(mins)}:${this.twoDigits(secs)}`; } /** * add leading zero to number < 10 * @param {number} n Number to format */ twoDigits(n: number): string { return `0${n}`.substr(-2); } /** * Get the counter element or create one if it doesn't * already exist */ getCounterEl() { let counter = document.getElementById('counter'); if (counter) { return counter; } counter = document.createElement('div'); = 'fixed'; = 'calc(100% - 10px)'; = '55px'; = '70px'; = 'right'; = '2px solid var(--quote-border)'; = 'var(--fg)'; = '5px'; = '5px'; = 'var(--bg)'; counter.setAttribute('id', 'counter'); counter.addEventListener('mouseenter', ev => { (ev.currentTarget as HTMLDivElement).style.left = 'calc(100% - 70px)'; (ev.currentTarget as HTMLDivElement).style.textAlign = 'left'; }); counter.addEventListener('mouseleave', ev => { (ev.currentTarget as HTMLDivElement).style.left = 'calc(100% - 10px)'; (ev.currentTarget as HTMLDivElement).style.textAlign = 'right'; }); document.body.appendChild(counter); return counter; } /** * Increments the r and g values of an RGB color for the first 50% * of a talk, at 50% both reach 255, after 50% it slowly brings * the G value to 0 * * This creates a black to yellow to orange to red effect * @param {number} seconds The remaining number of seconds in the presentation */ getColor(seconds: number) { const total = this.minutes * 60; const percent = seconds / total; const inverse = 1 - percent; let red = 0; let green = 0; if (inverse < 0.5) { red = green = (inverse * 255) * 2; } else { red = 255; green = 255 * (percent * 2); } let ret = `rgb(${red.toFixed(2)}, ${green.toFixed(2)}, 0)`; return ret; } /** * Update the end time and # of minutes for this presentation * @param {number} by value to be added to minutes (negative values to decrease) */ updateEnd(by: number) { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; } let current = this.end.getMinutes(); current += by; this.minutes += by; this.end.setMinutes(current); this.saveGlobals(); this.tick(); } /** * Save both end time and minutes to local storage */ saveGlobals() { localStorage.setItem(END_KEY, this.end.toString()); this.saveMinutes(); } /** * Save just the minutes global value to local storage */ saveMinutes() { localStorage.setItem(MIN_KEY, this.minutes.toString()); } /** * Open modal for entering minutes */ promptForMinutes() { if (document.getElementById('minutes-prompt')) { return; } const div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('id', 'minutes-prompt'); = 'absolute'; = 'calc(50% - 50px)'; = 'calc(50% - 25px)'; = 'flex'; = 'column'; = 'space-between'; = 'center'; = '1px 1px 1px 1px var(--quote-border)'; = 'var(--bg)'; = '5px'; let label = document.createElement('label'); label.setAttribute('for', 'minutes-inputs'); label.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Presentation Length') ); let input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('type', 'number'); input.setAttribute('min', '1'); input.setAttribute('name', 'minutes-input'); input.setAttribute('id', 'minutes-input'); input.value = (this.minutes || 0).toString(); let button = document.createElement('button'); button.setAttribute('type', 'button'); button.addEventListener('click', this.promptOk.bind(this)); button.appendChild( document.createTextNode('OK') ); div.appendChild(label); div.appendChild(input); div.appendChild(button); document.body.appendChild(div); input.focus(); } /** * Result handler for clicking OK in the modal */ promptOk() { let input = document.getElementById('minutes-input') as HTMLInputElement; if (input) { let newMinutes = +input.value; if (this.end) { this.updateEnd(newMinutes - this.minutes); } else { this.minutes = newMinutes; this.saveMinutes(); } } input.parentElement.parentElement.removeChild(input.parentElement); } } const ___presentationTimer = new PresentationTimer();