use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use mdbook_preprocessor_utils::{ mdbook::preprocess::PreprocessorContext, Asset, SimplePreprocessor, }; use mdbook_quiz_validate::IdSet; use regex::Regex; use std::{ env, fmt::Write, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::OnceLock, }; use uuid::Uuid; mdbook_preprocessor_utils::asset_generator!("../js/"); const FRONTEND_ASSETS: [Asset; 2] = [make_asset!("quiz-embed.iife.js"), make_asset!("style.css")]; #[cfg(feature = "rust-editor")] const RA_ASSETS: [Asset; 3] = [ make_asset!("ra-worker.js"), make_asset!("editor.worker.js"), make_asset!("wasm_demo_bg.wasm"), ]; #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-editor"))] const RA_ASSETS: [Asset; 0] = []; #[cfg(feature = "source-map")] const SOURCE_MAP_ASSETS: [Asset; 1] = [ make_asset!(""), /*make_asset!("")*/ ]; #[cfg(not(feature = "source-map"))] const SOURCE_MAP_ASSETS: [Asset; 0] = []; struct QuizConfig { /// If true, then a quiz will take up the web page's full screen during use. fullscreen: Option, /// If true, then a user's answers will be cached in localStorage /// and displayed to them upon revisiting a completed quiz. cache_answers: Option, /// Sets the default language for syntax highlighting. default_language: Option, /// If true, then run a spellchecker on all Markdown strings. /// /// You can add a custom dictionary via the `more-words` key. spellcheck: Option, /// Path to a .dic file containing words to include in the spellcheck dictionary. more_words: Option, dev_mode: bool, } struct QuizPreprocessor { config: QuizConfig, question_ids: IdSet, #[cfg(feature = "aquascope")] aquascope: mdbook_aquascope::AquascopePreprocessor, } impl QuizPreprocessor { // TODO: this shouldn't be baked into mdbook-quiz. // Need to figure out an extension mechanism to add custom blocks w/ pre-rendering. #[cfg(feature = "aquascope")] fn add_aquascope_blocks(&self, config: &mut toml::Value) -> Result<()> { let config = config.as_table_mut().unwrap(); let questions = config .get_mut("questions") .context("Must contain questions")? .as_array_mut() .unwrap(); for question in questions.iter_mut() { let question = question.as_table_mut().unwrap(); let prompt = question.get_mut("prompt").unwrap().as_table_mut().unwrap(); let update_slot = |slot_opt: Option<&mut toml::Value>| -> Result<()> { if let Some(slot) = slot_opt { let text = slot.as_str().unwrap(); let replacements = self.aquascope.replacements(text)?; let mut new_text = String::from(text); for (range, html) in replacements.into_iter().rev() { new_text.replace_range(range, &html); } *slot = toml::Value::String(new_text); } Ok(()) }; update_slot(prompt.get_mut("prompt"))?; update_slot(question.get_mut("context"))?; } Ok(()) } fn auto_id(&self, path: &Path, contents: &str) -> Result { use toml_edit::{Document, Formatted, Item, Value}; let mut doc = contents.parse::()?; let qs = doc .get_mut("questions") .unwrap() .as_array_of_tables_mut() .unwrap(); let mut changed = false; for q in qs.iter_mut() { if !q.contains_key("id") { changed = true; let id = Uuid::new_v4().to_string(); q.insert("id", Item::Value(Value::String(Formatted::new(id)))); } } if changed { fs::write(path, doc.to_string())?; } Ok(changed) } fn process_quiz(&self, chapter_dir: &Path, quiz_path: &str) -> Result { let quiz_path_rel = Path::new(quiz_path); let quiz_path_abs = chapter_dir.join(quiz_path_rel); let mut content_toml = fs::read_to_string(&quiz_path_abs) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read quiz file: {}", quiz_path_abs.display()))?; mdbook_quiz_validate::validate( &quiz_path_abs, &content_toml, &self.question_ids, self.config.spellcheck.unwrap_or(false), )?; let changed = self.auto_id(&quiz_path_abs, &content_toml)?; if changed { content_toml = fs::read_to_string(&quiz_path_abs)?; } #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut content = content_toml.parse::()?; #[cfg(feature = "aquascope")] self.add_aquascope_blocks(&mut content)?; let quiz_name = quiz_path_rel.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy(); let content_json = serde_json::to_string(&content)?; let mut html = String::from("
"); Ok(html) } } impl SimplePreprocessor for QuizPreprocessor { fn name() -> &'static str { "quiz" } fn build(ctx: &PreprocessorContext) -> Result { log::info!("Running the mdbook-quiz preprocessor"); let config_toml = ctx.config.get_preprocessor(Self::name()).unwrap(); let parse_bool = |key: &str| config_toml.get(key).map(|value| value.as_bool().unwrap()); let dev_mode = env::var("QUIZ_DEV_MODE").is_ok(); let config = QuizConfig { fullscreen: parse_bool("fullscreen"), cache_answers: parse_bool("cache-answers"), default_language: config_toml .get("default-language") .map(|value| value.as_str().unwrap().into()), more_words: config_toml .get("more-words") .map(|value| value.as_str().unwrap().into()), spellcheck: parse_bool("spellcheck"), dev_mode, }; if let Some(more_words) = &config.more_words { mdbook_quiz_validate::register_more_words(more_words)?; } Ok(QuizPreprocessor { config, question_ids: IdSet::default(), #[cfg(feature = "aquascope")] aquascope: mdbook_aquascope::AquascopePreprocessor::new() .context("Aquascope failed to initialize")?, }) } fn replacements( &self, chapter_dir: &Path, content: &str, ) -> Result, String)>> { static REGEX: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); let regex = REGEX.get_or_init(|| Regex::new(r"\{\{#quiz ([^}]+)\}\}").unwrap()); regex .captures_iter(content) .map(|captures| { let range = captures.get(0).unwrap().range(); let quiz_path = captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(); let html = self.process_quiz(chapter_dir, quiz_path)?; Ok((range, html)) }) .collect() } fn all_assets(&self) -> Vec { FRONTEND_ASSETS .iter() .chain(&RA_ASSETS) .chain(&SOURCE_MAP_ASSETS) .copied() .collect() } fn linked_assets(&self) -> Vec { FRONTEND_ASSETS.to_vec() } } fn main() { mdbook_preprocessor_utils::main::() } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::QuizPreprocessor; use anyhow::Result; use mdbook_preprocessor_utils::{mdbook::BookItem, testing::MdbookTestHarness}; use mdbook_quiz_schema::{Question, Quiz}; use std::fs; #[test] fn test_quiz_generator() -> Result<()> { let harness = MdbookTestHarness::new()?; let quiz_path = harness.root().join("quiz.toml"); fs::write( &quiz_path, r#" [[questions]] type = "ShortAnswer" prompt.prompt = "Hello world" answer.answer = "No" "#, )?; let chapter_path = harness.root().join("src").join(""); fs::write( &chapter_path, r#" *Hello world!* {{#quiz ../quiz.toml}} "#, )?; let config = serde_json::json!({}); let mut book = harness.compile::(config)?; let contents = match book.sections.remove(0) { BookItem::Chapter(chapter) => chapter.content, _ => unreachable!(), }; assert!(!contents.contains("{{#quiz")); assert!(contents.contains("