mod dummy_book; use crate::dummy_book::{assert_contains_strings, assert_doesnt_contain_strings, DummyBook}; use anyhow::Context; use mdbook_fork4ls::config::Config; use mdbook_fork4ls::errors::*; use mdbook_fork4ls::utils::fs::write_file; use mdbook_fork4ls::MDBook; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use select::document::Document; use select::predicate::{Attr, Class, Name, Predicate}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}; use std::str::FromStr; use tempfile::Builder as TempFileBuilder; use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir}; const BOOK_ROOT: &str = concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/dummy_book"); const TOC_TOP_LEVEL: &[&str] = &[ "1. First Chapter", "2. Second Chapter", "Conclusion", "Dummy Book", "Introduction", ]; const TOC_SECOND_LEVEL: &[&str] = &[ "1.1. Nested Chapter", "1.2. Includes", "1.3. Recursive", "1.4. Markdown", "1.5. Unicode", "1.6. No Headers", "1.7. Duplicate Headers", "1.8. Heading Attributes", "2.1. Nested Chapter", ]; /// Make sure you can load the dummy book and build it without panicking. #[test] fn build_the_dummy_book() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; } #[test] fn by_default_mdbook_generates_rendered_content_in_the_book_directory() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap(); assert!(!temp.path().join("book").exists());; assert!(temp.path().join("book").exists()); let index_file = md.build_dir_for("html").join("index.html"); assert!(index_file.exists()); } #[test] fn check_correct_cross_links_in_nested_dir() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let first = temp.path().join("book").join("first"); assert_contains_strings( first.join("index.html"), &[r##"

"##], ); assert_contains_strings( first.join("nested.html"), &[r##"

"##], ); } #[test] fn check_correct_relative_links_in_print_page() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let first = temp.path().join("book"); assert_contains_strings( first.join("print.html"), &[ r##"the first section,"##, r##"outside"##, r##"Some image"##, r##"fragment link"##, r##"HTML Link"##, r##"raw html"##, ], ); } #[test] fn rendered_code_has_playground_stuff() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let nested = temp.path().join("book/first/nested.html"); let playground_class = vec![r#"class="playground""#]; assert_contains_strings(nested, &playground_class); let book_js = temp.path().join("book/book.js"); assert_contains_strings(book_js, &[".playground"]); } #[test] fn rendered_code_does_not_have_playground_stuff_in_html_when_disabled_in_config() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let config = Config::from_str( " [output.html.playground] runnable = false ", ) .unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load_with_config(temp.path(), config).unwrap();; let nested = temp.path().join("book/first/nested.html"); let playground_class = vec![r#"class="playground""#]; assert_doesnt_contain_strings(nested, &playground_class); } #[test] fn anchors_include_text_between_but_not_anchor_comments() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let nested = temp.path().join("book/first/nested.html"); let text_between_anchors = vec!["unique-string-for-anchor-test"]; let anchor_text = vec!["ANCHOR"]; assert_contains_strings(nested.clone(), &text_between_anchors); assert_doesnt_contain_strings(nested, &anchor_text); } #[test] fn rustdoc_include_hides_the_unspecified_part_of_the_file() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let nested = temp.path().join("book/first/nested.html"); let text = vec![ "fn some_function() {", "fn some_other_function() {", ]; assert_contains_strings(nested, &text); } #[test] fn chapter_content_appears_in_rendered_document() { let content = vec![ ("index.html", "This file is just here to cause the"), ("intro.html", "Here's some interesting text"), ("second.html", "Second Chapter"), ("first/nested.html", "testable code"), ("first/index.html", "more text"), ("conclusion.html", "Conclusion"), ]; let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let destination = temp.path().join("book"); for (filename, text) in content { let path = destination.join(filename); assert_contains_strings(path, &[text]); } } /// Apply a series of predicates to some root predicate, where each /// successive predicate is the descendant of the last one. Similar to how you /// might do ` li a` in CSS to access all anchor tags in the `foo` list. macro_rules! descendants { ($root:expr, $($child:expr),*) => { $root $( .descendant($child) )* }; } /// Make sure that all `*.md` files (excluding ``) were rendered /// and placed in the `book` directory with their extensions set to `*.html`. #[test] fn chapter_files_were_rendered_to_html() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let src = Path::new(BOOK_ROOT).join("src"); let chapter_files = WalkDir::new(&src) .into_iter() .filter_entry(|entry| entry_ends_with(entry, ".md")) .filter_map(std::result::Result::ok) .map(|entry| entry.path().to_path_buf()) .filter(|path| path.file_name().and_then(OsStr::to_str) != Some("")); for chapter in chapter_files { let rendered_location = temp .path() .join(chapter.strip_prefix(&src).unwrap()) .with_extension("html"); assert!( rendered_location.exists(), "{} doesn't exits", rendered_location.display() ); } } fn entry_ends_with(entry: &DirEntry, ending: &str) -> bool { entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().ends_with(ending) } /// Read the TOC (`book/toc.js`) nested HTML and expose it as a DOM which we /// can search with the `select` crate fn toc_js_html() -> Result { let temp = DummyBook::new() .build() .with_context(|| "Couldn't create the dummy book")?; MDBook::load(temp.path())? .build() .with_context(|| "Book building failed")?; let toc_path = temp.path().join("book").join("toc.js"); let html = fs::read_to_string(toc_path).with_context(|| "Unable to read index.html")?; for line in html.lines() { if let Some(left) = line.strip_prefix("sidebarScrollbox.innerHTML = '") { if let Some(html) = left.strip_suffix("';") { return Ok(Document::from(html)); } } } panic!("cannot find toc in file") } /// Read the TOC fallback (`book/toc.html`) HTML and expose it as a DOM which we /// can search with the `select` crate fn toc_fallback_html() -> Result { let temp = DummyBook::new() .build() .with_context(|| "Couldn't create the dummy book")?; MDBook::load(temp.path())? .build() .with_context(|| "Book building failed")?; let toc_path = temp.path().join("book").join("toc.html"); let html = fs::read_to_string(toc_path).with_context(|| "Unable to read index.html")?; Ok(Document::from(html.as_str())) } #[test] fn check_second_toc_level() { let doc = toc_js_html().unwrap(); let mut should_be = Vec::from(TOC_SECOND_LEVEL); should_be.sort_unstable(); let pred = descendants!( Class("chapter"), Name("li"), Name("li"), Name("a").and(Class("toggle").not()) ); let mut children_of_children: Vec<_> = doc .find(pred) .map(|elem| elem.text().trim().to_string()) .collect(); children_of_children.sort(); assert_eq!(children_of_children, should_be); } #[test] fn check_first_toc_level() { let doc = toc_js_html().unwrap(); let mut should_be = Vec::from(TOC_TOP_LEVEL); should_be.extend(TOC_SECOND_LEVEL); should_be.sort_unstable(); let pred = descendants!( Class("chapter"), Name("li"), Name("a").and(Class("toggle").not()) ); let mut children: Vec<_> = doc .find(pred) .map(|elem| elem.text().trim().to_string()) .collect(); children.sort(); assert_eq!(children, should_be); } #[test] fn check_spacers() { let doc = toc_js_html().unwrap(); let should_be = 2; let num_spacers = doc .find(Class("chapter").descendant(Name("li").and(Class("spacer")))) .count(); assert_eq!(num_spacers, should_be); } // don't use target="_parent" in JS #[test] fn check_link_target_js() { let doc = toc_js_html().unwrap(); let num_parent_links = doc .find( Class("chapter") .descendant(Name("li")) .descendant(Name("a").and(Attr("target", "_parent"))), ) .count(); assert_eq!(num_parent_links, 0); } // don't use target="_parent" in IFRAME #[test] fn check_link_target_fallback() { let doc = toc_fallback_html().unwrap(); let num_parent_links = doc .find( Class("chapter") .descendant(Name("li")) .descendant(Name("a").and(Attr("target", "_parent"))), ) .count(); assert_eq!( num_parent_links, TOC_TOP_LEVEL.len() + TOC_SECOND_LEVEL.len() ); } /// Ensure building fails if `create-missing` is false and one of the files does /// not exist. #[test] fn failure_on_missing_file() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); fs::remove_file(temp.path().join("src").join("")).unwrap(); let mut cfg = Config::default(); = false; let got = MDBook::load_with_config(temp.path(), cfg); assert!(got.is_err()); } /// Ensure a missing file is created if `create-missing` is true. #[test] fn create_missing_file_with_config() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); fs::remove_file(temp.path().join("src").join("")).unwrap(); let mut cfg = Config::default(); = true; assert!(!temp.path().join("src").join("").exists()); let _md = MDBook::load_with_config(temp.path(), cfg).unwrap(); assert!(temp.path().join("src").join("").exists()); } /// This makes sure you can include a Rust file with `{{#playground}}`. /// Specification is in `guide/src/format/` #[test] fn able_to_include_playground_files_in_chapters() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let second = temp.path().join("book/second.html"); let playground_strings = &[r#"class="playground""#, r#"println!("Hello World!");"#]; assert_contains_strings(&second, playground_strings); assert_doesnt_contain_strings(&second, &["{{#playground}}"]); } /// This makes sure you can include a Rust file with `{{#include ../}}`. #[test] fn able_to_include_files_in_chapters() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let includes = temp.path().join("book/first/includes.html"); let summary_strings = &[ r##"


"##, ">First Chapter", ]; assert_contains_strings(&includes, summary_strings); assert_doesnt_contain_strings(&includes, &["{{#include ../}}"]); } /// Ensure cyclic includes are capped so that no exceptions occur #[test] fn recursive_includes_are_capped() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let recursive = temp.path().join("book/first/recursive.html"); let content = &["Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world"]; assert_contains_strings(recursive, content); } #[test] fn example_book_can_build() { let example_book_dir = dummy_book::new_copy_of_example_book().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(example_book_dir.path()).unwrap();; } #[test] fn book_with_a_reserved_filename_does_not_build() { let tmp_dir = TempFileBuilder::new().prefix("mdBook").tempdir().unwrap(); let src_path = tmp_dir.path().join("src"); fs::create_dir(&src_path).unwrap(); let summary_path = src_path.join(""); let print_path = src_path.join(""); fs::File::create(print_path).unwrap(); let mut summary_file = fs::File::create(summary_path).unwrap(); writeln!(summary_file, "[print](").unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(tmp_dir.path()).unwrap(); let got =; assert!(got.is_err()); } #[test] fn by_default_mdbook_use_index_preprocessor_to_convert_readme_to_index() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let mut cfg = Config::default(); cfg.set("book.src", "src2") .expect("Couldn't set to \"src2\"."); let md = MDBook::load_with_config(temp.path(), cfg).unwrap();; let first_index = temp.path().join("book").join("toc.js"); let expected_strings = vec![ r#"href="first/index.html""#, r#"href="second/index.html""#, "1st README", "2nd README", ]; assert_contains_strings(&first_index, &expected_strings); assert_doesnt_contain_strings(&first_index, &["README.html", "Second README"]); } #[test] fn first_chapter_is_copied_as_index_even_if_not_first_elem() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let mut cfg = Config::default(); cfg.set("book.src", "index_html_test") .expect("Couldn't set to \"index_html_test\""); let md = MDBook::load_with_config(temp.path(), cfg).unwrap();; let root = temp.path().join("book"); let chapter = fs::read_to_string(root.join("chapter_1.html")).expect("read chapter 1"); let index = fs::read_to_string(root.join("index.html")).expect("read index"); pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(chapter, index); } #[test] fn theme_dir_overrides_work_correctly() { let book_dir = dummy_book::new_copy_of_example_book().unwrap(); let book_dir = book_dir.path(); let theme_dir = book_dir.join("theme"); let mut index = mdbook_fork4ls::theme::INDEX.to_vec(); index.extend_from_slice(b"\n"); write_file(&theme_dir, "index.hbs", &index).unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(book_dir).unwrap();; let built_index = book_dir.join("book").join("index.html"); dummy_book::assert_contains_strings(built_index, &["This is a modified index.hbs!"]); } #[test] fn no_index_for_print_html() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let print_html = temp.path().join("book/print.html"); assert_contains_strings(print_html, &[r##"noindex"##]); let index_html = temp.path().join("book/index.html"); assert_doesnt_contain_strings(index_html, &[r##"noindex"##]); } #[test] fn markdown_options() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let path = temp.path().join("book/first/markdown.html"); assert_contains_strings( &path, &[ "foo", "bar", "baz", "bim", ], ); assert_contains_strings( &path, &[ r##"1"##, r##"2"##, r##"
1"##, r##"
2"##, ], ); assert_contains_strings(&path, &["strikethrough example"]); assert_contains_strings( &path, &[ "
  • \nApples", "
  • \nBroccoli", "
  • \nCarrots", ], ); } #[test] fn redirects_are_emitted_correctly() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let mut md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap(); // override the "outputs.html.redirect" table let redirects: HashMap = vec![ (PathBuf::from("/overview.html"), String::from("index.html")), ( PathBuf::from("/nexted/"), String::from(""), ), ] .into_iter() .collect(); md.config.set("output.html.redirect", &redirects).unwrap();; for (original, redirect) in &redirects { let mut redirect_file = md.build_dir_for("html"); // append everything except the bits that make it absolute // (e.g. "/" or "C:\") redirect_file.extend(remove_absolute_components(original)); let contents = fs::read_to_string(&redirect_file).unwrap(); assert!(contents.contains(redirect)); } } #[test] fn edit_url_has_default_src_dir_edit_url() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let book_toml = r#" [book] title = "implicit" [output.html] edit-url-template = "{path}" "#; write_file(temp.path(), "book.toml", book_toml.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let index_html = temp.path().join("book").join("index.html"); assert_contains_strings( index_html, &[ r#"href="" title="Suggest an edit""#, ], ); } #[test] fn edit_url_has_configured_src_dir_edit_url() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let book_toml = r#" [book] title = "implicit" src = "src2" [output.html] edit-url-template = "{path}" "#; write_file(temp.path(), "book.toml", book_toml.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let index_html = temp.path().join("book").join("index.html"); assert_contains_strings( index_html, &[ r#"href="" title="Suggest an edit""#, ], ); } fn remove_absolute_components(path: &Path) -> impl Iterator + '_ { path.components() .skip_while(|c| matches!(c, Component::Prefix(_) | Component::RootDir)) } /// Checks formatting of summary names with inline elements. #[test] fn summary_with_markdown_formatting() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let mut cfg = Config::default(); cfg.set("book.src", "summary-formatting").unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load_with_config(temp.path(), cfg).unwrap();; let rendered_path = temp.path().join("book/toc.js"); assert_contains_strings( rendered_path, &[ r#" Italic code *escape* `escape2`"#, r#" Soft line break"#, r#" <escaped tag>"#, ], ); let generated_md = temp.path().join("summary-formatting/"); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(generated_md).unwrap(), "# Italic code *escape* `escape2`\n" ); let generated_md = temp.path().join("summary-formatting/"); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(generated_md).unwrap(), "# Soft line break\n" ); let generated_md = temp.path().join("summary-formatting/"); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(generated_md).unwrap(), "# <escaped tag>\n" ); } /// Ensure building fails if `[output.html].theme` points to a non-existent directory #[test] fn failure_on_missing_theme_directory() { // 1. Using default theme should work let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let book_toml = r#" [book] title = "implicit" src = "src" "#; write_file(temp.path(), "book.toml", book_toml.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap(); let got =; assert!(got.is_ok()); // 2. Pointing to a normal directory should work let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let created = fs::create_dir(temp.path().join("theme-directory")); assert!(created.is_ok()); let book_toml = r#" [book] title = "implicit" src = "src" [output.html] theme = "./theme-directory" "#; write_file(temp.path(), "book.toml", book_toml.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap(); let got =; assert!(got.is_ok()); // 3. Pointing to a non-existent directory should fail let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let book_toml = r#" [book] title = "implicit" src = "src" [output.html] theme = "./non-existent-directory" "#; write_file(temp.path(), "book.toml", book_toml.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap(); let got =; assert!(got.is_err()); } #[cfg(feature = "search")] mod search { use crate::dummy_book::DummyBook; use mdbook_fork4ls::MDBook; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::path::Path; fn read_book_index(root: &Path) -> serde_json::Value { let index = root.join("book/searchindex.js"); let index = fs::read_to_string(index).unwrap(); let index = index.trim_start_matches("Object.assign(, "); let index = index.trim_end_matches(");"); serde_json::from_str(index).unwrap() } #[test] #[allow(clippy::float_cmp)] fn book_creates_reasonable_search_index() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let index = read_book_index(temp.path()); let doc_urls = index["doc_urls"].as_array().unwrap(); eprintln!("doc_urls={doc_urls:#?}",); let get_doc_ref = |url: &str| -> String { doc_urls.iter().position(|s| s == url).unwrap().to_string() }; let first_chapter = get_doc_ref("first/index.html#first-chapter"); let introduction = get_doc_ref("intro.html#introduction"); let some_section = get_doc_ref("first/index.html#some-section"); let summary = get_doc_ref("first/includes.html#summary"); let no_headers = get_doc_ref("first/no-headers.html"); let duplicate_headers_1 = get_doc_ref("first/duplicate-headers.html#header-text-1"); let conclusion = get_doc_ref("conclusion.html#conclusion"); let heading_attrs = get_doc_ref("first/heading-attributes.html#both"); let bodyidx = &index["index"]["index"]["body"]["root"]; let textidx = &bodyidx["t"]["e"]["x"]["t"]; assert_eq!(textidx["df"], 5); assert_eq!(textidx["docs"][&first_chapter]["tf"], 1.0); assert_eq!(textidx["docs"][&introduction]["tf"], 1.0); let docs = &index["index"]["documentStore"]["docs"]; assert_eq!(docs[&first_chapter]["body"], "more text."); assert_eq!(docs[&some_section]["body"], ""); assert_eq!( docs[&summary]["body"], "Dummy Book Introduction First Chapter Nested Chapter Includes Recursive Markdown Unicode No Headers Duplicate Headers Heading Attributes Second Chapter Nested Chapter Conclusion" ); assert_eq!( docs[&summary]["breadcrumbs"], "First Chapter » Includes » Summary" ); // See note about InlineHtml in Ideally the `alert()` part // should not be in the index, but we don't have a way to scrub inline // html. assert_eq!(docs[&conclusion]["body"], "I put <HTML> in here! Sneaky inline event alert(\"inline\");. But regular inline is indexed."); assert_eq!( docs[&no_headers]["breadcrumbs"], "First Chapter » No Headers" ); assert_eq!( docs[&duplicate_headers_1]["breadcrumbs"], "First Chapter » Duplicate Headers » Header Text" ); assert_eq!( docs[&no_headers]["body"], "Capybara capybara capybara. Capybara capybara capybara. ThisLongWordIsIncludedSoWeCanCheckThatSufficientlyLongWordsAreOmittedFromTheSearchIndex." ); assert_eq!( docs[&heading_attrs]["breadcrumbs"], "First Chapter » Heading Attributes » Heading with id and classes" ); } // Setting this to `true` may cause issues with `cargo watch`, // since it may not finish writing the fixture before the tests // are run again. const GENERATE_FIXTURE: bool = false; fn get_fixture() -> serde_json::Value { if GENERATE_FIXTURE { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let src = read_book_index(temp.path()); let dest = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("tests/searchindex_fixture.json"); let dest = File::create(dest).unwrap(); serde_json::to_writer_pretty(dest, &src).unwrap(); src } else { let json = include_str!("searchindex_fixture.json"); serde_json::from_str(json).expect("Unable to deserialize the fixture") } } // So you've broken the test. If you changed dummy_book, it's probably // safe to regenerate the fixture. If you haven't then make sure that the // search index still works. Run `cargo run -- serve tests/dummy_book` // and try some searches. Are you getting results? Do the teasers look OK? // Are there new errors in the JS console? // // If you're pretty sure you haven't broken anything, change `GENERATE_FIXTURE` // above to `true`, and run `cargo test` to generate a new fixture. Then // **change it back to `false`**. Include the changed `searchindex_fixture.json` in your commit. #[test] fn search_index_hasnt_changed_accidentally() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let book_index = read_book_index(temp.path()); let fixture_index = get_fixture(); // Uncomment this if you're okay with pretty-printing 32KB of JSON //assert_eq!(fixture_index, book_index); if book_index != fixture_index { panic!("The search index has changed from the fixture"); } } } #[test] fn custom_fonts() { // Tests to ensure custom fonts are copied as expected. let builtin_fonts = [ "OPEN-SANS-LICENSE.txt", "SOURCE-CODE-PRO-LICENSE.txt", "fonts.css", "open-sans-v17-all-charsets-300.woff2", "open-sans-v17-all-charsets-300italic.woff2", "open-sans-v17-all-charsets-600.woff2", "open-sans-v17-all-charsets-600italic.woff2", "open-sans-v17-all-charsets-700.woff2", "open-sans-v17-all-charsets-700italic.woff2", "open-sans-v17-all-charsets-800.woff2", "open-sans-v17-all-charsets-800italic.woff2", "open-sans-v17-all-charsets-italic.woff2", "open-sans-v17-all-charsets-regular.woff2", "source-code-pro-v11-all-charsets-500.woff2", ]; let actual_files = |path: &Path| -> Vec { let mut actual: Vec<_> = path .read_dir() .unwrap() .map(|entry| entry.unwrap().file_name().into_string().unwrap()) .collect(); actual.sort(); actual }; let has_fonts_css = |path: &Path| -> bool { let contents = fs::read_to_string(path.join("book/index.html")).unwrap(); contents.contains("fonts/fonts.css") }; // No theme: let temp = TempFileBuilder::new().prefix("mdbook").tempdir().unwrap(); let p = temp.path(); MDBook::init(p).build().unwrap(); MDBook::load(p).unwrap().build().unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual_files(&p.join("book/fonts")), &builtin_fonts); assert!(has_fonts_css(p)); // Full theme. let temp = TempFileBuilder::new().prefix("mdbook").tempdir().unwrap(); let p = temp.path(); MDBook::init(p).copy_theme(true).build().unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual_files(&p.join("theme/fonts")), &builtin_fonts); MDBook::load(p).unwrap().build().unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual_files(&p.join("book/fonts")), &builtin_fonts); assert!(has_fonts_css(p)); // Mixed with copy-fonts=true // Should ignore the copy-fonts setting since the user has provided their own fonts.css. let temp = TempFileBuilder::new().prefix("mdbook").tempdir().unwrap(); let p = temp.path(); MDBook::init(p).build().unwrap(); write_file(&p.join("theme/fonts"), "fonts.css", b"/*custom*/").unwrap(); write_file(&p.join("theme/fonts"), "myfont.woff", b"").unwrap(); MDBook::load(p).unwrap().build().unwrap(); assert!(has_fonts_css(p)); assert_eq!( actual_files(&p.join("book/fonts")), ["fonts.css", "myfont.woff"] ); // copy-fonts=false, no theme // This should generate a deprecation warning. let temp = TempFileBuilder::new().prefix("mdbook").tempdir().unwrap(); let p = temp.path(); MDBook::init(p).build().unwrap(); let config = Config::from_str("output.html.copy-fonts = false").unwrap(); MDBook::load_with_config(p, config) .unwrap() .build() .unwrap(); assert!(!has_fonts_css(p)); assert!(!p.join("book/fonts").exists()); // copy-fonts=false with empty fonts.css let temp = TempFileBuilder::new().prefix("mdbook").tempdir().unwrap(); let p = temp.path(); MDBook::init(p).build().unwrap(); write_file(&p.join("theme/fonts"), "fonts.css", b"").unwrap(); let config = Config::from_str("output.html.copy-fonts = false").unwrap(); MDBook::load_with_config(p, config) .unwrap() .build() .unwrap(); assert!(!has_fonts_css(p)); assert!(!p.join("book/fonts").exists()); // copy-fonts=false with fonts theme let temp = TempFileBuilder::new().prefix("mdbook").tempdir().unwrap(); let p = temp.path(); MDBook::init(p).build().unwrap(); write_file(&p.join("theme/fonts"), "fonts.css", b"/*custom*/").unwrap(); write_file(&p.join("theme/fonts"), "myfont.woff", b"").unwrap(); let config = Config::from_str("output.html.copy-fonts = false").unwrap(); MDBook::load_with_config(p, config) .unwrap() .build() .unwrap(); assert!(has_fonts_css(p)); assert_eq!( actual_files(&p.join("book/fonts")), &["fonts.css", "myfont.woff"] ); } #[test] fn custom_header_attributes() { let temp = DummyBook::new().build().unwrap(); let md = MDBook::load(temp.path()).unwrap();; let contents = temp.path().join("book/first/heading-attributes.html"); let summary_strings = &[ r##"

    Heading Attributes

    "##, r##"

    Heading with classes

    "##, r##"

    Heading with id and classes

    "##, ]; assert_contains_strings(&contents, summary_strings); }