# Install 0. This app doesn't build on Windows, unfortunately. It's so due to [tuikit/skim not buildings on Windows](https://github.com/lotabout/tuikit/issues/13) 1. Install the binary itself. ``` cargo install --locked mds ``` 2. Install external commands used in default config, besides `firefox`, which is the default browser for opening links, by running [install_dependencies.sh](./install_dependencies.sh) ``` wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dj8yfo/mds/master/install_dependencies.sh | bash ``` 3. Create config at `$HOME/.config/mds/config.kdl` with [content](./config.kdl). - Edit the folder, where you'd like to put notes on your system. (Replace `/home/user/notes` default value) 4. Check your config got correctly fetched up. ``` mds debug-cfg ``` 5. Initialize .sqlite database in your notes folder with ``` mds init ```