--- date: [2023, 9, 10] hide: true --- # MDxt Reference MDxt is an extended version of Markdown. [[anchor, id = toc sample]][[/anchor]] | Table of Contents | |-------------------| |!![[collapsible]] | | [[toc]] | Most features require extra style sheets and scripts. For better experience, I recommend you to use [this framework](https://github.com/baehyunsol/engine). It's a full-featured frontend framework that uses MDxt. ## Inline Elements ### `Code spans` `` `abc` `` is rendered to `abc`. If the first and the last character of the code span is a whitespace, both are ignored. If a code span opens with n `` ` ``s, it has to be closed with the same number n of `` ` ``s. ### *Italic* `*abc*` is rendered to `abc`. The inner text may not start/end with whitespace(s). ### **Bold** `**abc**` is rendered to `abc`. The inner text may not start/end with whitespace(s). ### ~_Underline_~ `~_abc_~` is rendered to `abc`. The inner text may not start/end with whitespace(s). ### ~~Deletion~~ `~~abc~~` is rendered to `abc`. The inner text may not start/end with whitespace(s). ### ~Subscript~ `~abc~` is rendered to `abc`. The inner text may not start/end with whitespace(s). ### ^Superscript^ `^abc^` is rendered to `abc`. The inner text may not start/end with whitespace(s). ### Links The link syntaxes resemble that of [GFM]'s. ### Images A valid link after a bang(!) character is rendered to an `img` tag. `![abc](def)` is rendered to `abc`. #### Multimedia types The engine tries to figure out the type of the image. If the file extension is `mp4` or `webm`, it'd generate a `