# meaningsearch A simple package that helps you find meaningful lines of any given input. Especially useful in CTFs. Meaning search supports Leet and can detect even obfuscated meaningful texts. ## How to install Simply run: cargo install meaningsearch to install the package. ## How to use You can use the command below to run a meaning search. End your input with ctrl + D. meaningsearch You can also find meaningful lines in the output of a bin using: cat | meaningsearch ### --file You can use the 'file' flag to meaning search a file: meaningsearch --file ### --threshhold By default, the meaning checker deems a line meaningful if it contains 30% meaningful content. You can use the 'threshold' flag to specify a different threshold for your meaning checker. In the following example, we specify a threshold of 80%: cat | meaningsearch -t 0.8 ## Example Let's assume we have the following text file called test.txt: asdasd a dasd ajnafan oas n00bz d0n'7 w1n! this is a normal line. da kadma akj ad Running the following command on the said text file results in: $ cat test.txt | meaningsearch -t 0.5 n00bz d0n'7 w1n! this is a normal line.