# Mecano A minimalist typing test. ![Live Preview](https://github.com/alvarojsino813/mecano/blob/main/assets/mecano.gif) ## Installation You can install it with any AUR package manager, like yay: ### AUR ```bash yay -Sy mecano ``` ### Cargo ```bash cargo install mecano ``` This way the executable will be installed at `~/.cargo/bin/mecano`. You can add that path to your paths. Example for linux: In `.bashrc`: ```bash export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" ``` ## Usage Just execute and type! ``` Mecano, a typing train Usage: mecano [OPTIONS] [FLAGS] OPTIONS: -f, --file Plays using the chosen file or dictionary -m, --mode Plays the chosen mode -r, --rate Plays with the chosen rate. This affects time measures accuracy. The higher the better. -t, --time Choose the game time in seconds FLAGS: -h, --help Print help -v, --version Print version --list-dictionaries List all dicitonaries. You can add more at ~/.config/mecano/dictionaries --list-modes List all available modes ``` > Tip: You can change the `TextBox` size using the arrow keys. ## Configuration You can change some default values like the theme, the time or some starting values at `~/.config/mecano/config.toml`. ```toml # Maximum width of each line width = 80 # Game time for the test max_time = 60 # Max lines shown lenght = 2 # File from which words are taken file = "100_english" # Play mode. [ dictionary | file ] mode = "dictionary" # update rate: 1000 suggested value rate = 1000 # Color theme (more coming soon) [theme] # Uncomment this line to change theme # Selected char color selected = "#888888" # Wrong char color wrong = "#FF8888" # Right char color right = "#44FF44" ``` - Modify the configuration file in `~/.config/mecano/mecano.toml` - Add more dictionaries at `~/.config/mecano/dictionaries/` - Use any file on your system ## Coming soon - [ ] A Wikipedia mode. It takes a random article from wikipedia and you complete it. - [ ] A command mode. The std of a command will be taken by mecano and given to you as text to complete. - [ ] More customization. Border colors, hiding or showing them... - [ ] Even more customization. Full control over the layout in-game. - [ ] Some fanciness. A title screen. - [ ] Stats. More descriptive stats about your test. - [ ] Better CLI. Autocomplete.