# MediaD A very simple and lightweight deamon to handle keyboard media button events easily. # Permissions ### Testing Run followig command. Replace 'USER' with your username and 'DEVICE' with the device you want to let your music get controlled from ```bash sudo setfacl -m u::rw /dev/input/by-id/ ``` ### Permanent changes Paste the following snippet into `/etc/udev/rules.d/99-userdev-input.rules`: ``` KERNEL=="event*", SUBSYSTEM=="input", RUN+="/usr/bin/setfacl -m u::rw /dev/input/by-id/" ``` Reboot, or run the command from [Testing](#Testing) to apply changes # Installation ## Pacman repo You can get it precompiled from my [pacman repository](https://repo.jojii.de) ## AUR `yay -S mediad` ## Compilation #### Requirements (make depends) Arch: libpulse dbus
Fedora: dbus-devel
Run following command: ``` cargo install mediad ``` # Usage ``` mediad ``` Where 'DEVICE' is the same device you used earlier to give the user permissions