use peg; use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_yaml; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; #[allow(dead_code)] mod ast { include!("src/"); } macro_rules! TEST_SOUCE { () => { " // {} #[test] fn {} () {{ let input = {:?}; let target_source = {:?}; let result = parse(&input) .expect(\"Parsing of the input for {} failed!\"); eprintln!(\"{{}}\", &serde_yaml::to_string(&result).unwrap()); let target: ast::Element = serde_yaml::from_str(&target_source) .expect(\"Parsing the documentation of {} failed!\"); assert_eq!(&target, &result, \"comparing documentation (left) with parse result (right) failed!\"); }} " }; } macro_rules! TEST_HEADER { () => { " // THIS DOCUMENT IS AUTO-GENERATED AND SHOULD NOT BE EDITED BY HAND! use crate::ast; use serde_yaml; use crate::parse; " }; } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Test { case: String, input: String, out: ast::Element, } fn escape_test_name(input: String) -> String { input.replace(" ", "_").to_lowercase() } impl Test { fn write_code(&self, file: &mut fs::File) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!( file, TEST_SOUCE!(),, escape_test_name(, self.input, serde_yaml::to_string(&self.out).expect("Error serializing test input!"),, ) } } fn generate_tests() { // tell cargo to rerun if the documentation changes. println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=doc/docs.yml"); let out_dir: PathBuf = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap().into(); let out_path = out_dir .join(Path::new("")) .with_extension("rs"); let mut in_file = fs::File::open(Path::new("doc/docs.yml")) .ok() .expect("Could not open input file!"); let mut out_file = fs::File::create(Path::new(&out_path)) .ok() .expect("Could not open output file!"); let mut content = String::new(); in_file .read_to_string(&mut content) .ok() .expect("Could not read file!"); let tests: Vec = serde_yaml::from_str(&content).expect("Could not parse the documentation!"); write!(out_file, TEST_HEADER!()).unwrap(); for test in &tests { test.write_code(&mut out_file).unwrap(); } } fn main() { peg::cargo_build("src/grammar.rustpeg"); generate_tests(); }