![Megadex Logo](images/megadex.png) [![](http://meritbadge.herokuapp.com/megadex)](https://crates.io/crates/megadex) ## Welcome to Megadex Megadex is a simple tool that removes the boilerplate for indexing structs via multiple fields. Presently it uses [rkv](https://github.com/mozilla/rkv) which uses [lmdb](https://github.com/danburkert/lmdb-rs). ### This is not meant to be used stand-alone I mean, you *could*, but it is meant to be used with [megadex_derive](https://github.com/rrichardson/megadex/tree/master/megadex_derive) which does the heavy lifting in removing boilerplate. This is the actual underlying DB implementation using Rkv.