import types from functools import partial from .. import functional as F from .. import module as M from ..utils.module_utils import set_module_mode_safe def get_norm_mod_value(weight, norm_value): weight = weight.reshape(-1) norm = F.norm(weight) scale = norm_value / norm round_log = F.floor(F.log(scale) / F.log(2)) rounded_scale = 2 ** round_log return rounded_scale.detach() def get_scaled_model(model, scale_submodel, input_shape=None): submodule_list = None scale_value = None accumulated_scale = 1.0 def scale_calc(mod_calc_func): def calcfun(self, inp, weight, bias): scaled_weight = weight scaled_bias = bias if scaled_weight = ( weight * self.weight_scale if weight is not None else None ) scaled_bias = bias * self.bias_scale if bias is not None else None return mod_calc_func(inp, scaled_weight, scaled_bias) return calcfun def scale_module_structure( scale_list: list = None, scale_value: tuple = None, ): nonlocal accumulated_scale for i in range(len(scale_list)): key, mod = scale_list[i] w_scale_value = scale_value[1] if scale_value[0] is not "CONST": w_scale_value = get_norm_mod_value(mod.weight, scale_value[1]) accumulated_scale *= w_scale_value mod.weight_scale = w_scale_value mod.bias_scale = accumulated_scale if isinstance(mod, M.conv.Conv2d): mod.calc_conv = types.MethodType(scale_calc(mod.calc_conv), mod) else: mod._calc_linear = types.MethodType(scale_calc(mod._calc_linear), mod) def forward_hook(submodel, inputs, outpus, modelname=""): nonlocal submodule_list nonlocal scale_value nonlocal accumulated_scale if modelname in scale_submodel: scale_value = scale_submodel[modelname] if isinstance(submodel, (M.conv.Conv2d, M.linear.Linear)): scale_module_structure([(modelname, submodel)], scale_value) else: submodule_list = [] if isinstance(submodel, (M.conv.Conv2d, M.linear.Linear)) and ( submodule_list is not None ): submodule_list.append((modelname, submodel)) if isinstance(submodel, M.batchnorm.BatchNorm2d) and ( submodule_list is not None ): scale_module_structure(submodule_list, scale_value) submodule_list = None scale_value = None accumulated_scale = 1.0 if input_shape is None: raise ValueError("input_shape is required for calculating scale value") input = F.zeros(input_shape) hooks = [] for modelname, submodel in model.named_modules(): hooks.append( submodel.register_forward_pre_hook( partial(forward_hook, modelname=modelname, outpus=None) ) ) with set_module_mode_safe(model, training=False) as model: model(input) for hook in hooks: hook.remove() return model