import io import numpy as np import megengine.core.tensor.megbrain_graph as G import megengine.utils.comp_graph_tools as cgtools from megengine import tensor from megengine.core.tensor.megbrain_graph import OutputNode from megengine.jit import trace from megengine.utils.network_node import VarNode def _default_compare_fn(x, y): if isinstance(x, tensor): x = x.numpy() elif not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = get_var_value(x) assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) np.testing.assert_allclose(x, y, rtol=1e-6) def make_tensor(x, network=None, device=None): if network is not None: if isinstance(x, VarNode): return VarNode(x.var) return network.make_const(x, device=device) else: return tensor(x, device=device) def get_var_value(x): try: o = OutputNode(x.var) o.graph.compile(o.outputs).execute() return o.get_value().numpy() except RuntimeError: raise ValueError("value invalid!") def opr_test( cases, func, compare_fn=_default_compare_fn, ref_fn=None, test_trace=True, network=None, **kwargs ): """ :param cases: the list which have dict element, the list length should be 2 for dynamic shape test. and the dict should have input, and should have output if ref_fn is None. should use list for multiple inputs and outputs for each case. :param func: the function to run opr. :param compare_fn: the function to compare the result and expected, use ``np.testing.assert_allclose`` if None. :param ref_fn: the function to generate expected data, should assign output if None. Examples: .. code-block:: dtype = np.float32 cases = [{"input": [10, 20]}, {"input": [20, 30]}] opr_test(cases, F.eye, ref_fn=lambda n, m: np.eye(n, m).astype(dtype), dtype=dtype) """ def check_results(results, expected, check_shape=True): if not isinstance(results, (tuple, list)): results = (results,) for r, e in zip(results, expected): if not isinstance(r, (tensor, VarNode)): r = tensor(r) if check_shape: r_shape = r.numpy().shape e_shape = e.shape if isinstance(e, np.ndarray) else () assert r_shape == e_shape compare_fn(r, e) def get_param(cases, idx): case = cases[idx] inp = case.get("input", None) outp = case.get("output", None) if inp is None: raise ValueError("the test case should have input") if not isinstance(inp, (tuple, list)): inp = (inp,) if ref_fn is not None and callable(ref_fn): outp = ref_fn(*inp) if outp is None: raise ValueError("the test case should have output or reference function") if not isinstance(outp, (tuple, list)): outp = (outp,) return inp, outp def run_index(index): inp, outp = get_param(cases, index) inp_tensor = [make_tensor(inpi, network) for inpi in inp] if test_trace and not network: copied_inp = inp_tensor.copy() for symbolic in [False, True]: traced_func = trace(symbolic=symbolic)(func) for _ in range(3): traced_results = traced_func(*copied_inp, **kwargs) check_results(traced_results, outp) dumped_func = trace(symbolic=True, capture_as_const=True)(func) dumped_results = dumped_func(*copied_inp, **kwargs) check_results(dumped_results, outp) file = io.BytesIO() dump_info = dumped_func.dump(file) # arg_name has pattern arg_xxx, xxx is int value def take_number(arg_name): return int(arg_name.split("_")[-1]) input_names = dump_info[4] inps_np = [i.numpy() for i in copied_inp] input_names.sort(key=take_number) inp_dict = dict(zip(input_names, inps_np)) infer_cg = cgtools.GraphInference(file) # assume #outputs == 1 loaded_results = list([0] check_results(loaded_results, outp, check_shape=False) # scalar info lost results = func(*inp_tensor, **kwargs) check_results(results, outp, check_shape=(network is None)) if len(cases) == 0: raise ValueError("should give one case at least") if not callable(func): raise ValueError("the input func should be callable") for index in range(len(cases)): run_index(index)