# Example to deploy a MegEngine model using C++ * Step 1: compile MegEngine for deployment following [README.md](../../README.md) * Step 2: compile the example by ``` $CXX -o xor_deploy -I$MGE_INSTALL_PATH/include xor_deploy.cpp -L$MGE_INSTALL_PATH/lib64/ -lmegengine ``` where `$CXX` is the C++ compiler and `$MGE_INSTALL_PATH` is the MegEngine install path. * Step 3: run with dumped model The dumped model can be obtained by running [xornet.py](xornet.py) ``` LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MGE_INSTALL_PATH/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./xor_deploy xornet_deploy.mge 0.6 0.9 ``` Sample output: ``` Predicted: 0.999988 1.2095e-05 ```