# Changes for Mégra Version 0.0.13: * Visualizer: `:exclude` keyword to selectively exclude parts from being visualized * Visualizer: using `ls` with `compose` now leads to individual visualizations for the composed markov chains * Visualizer: correctly clearing composed, wrapped generators (no "leftovers") * Samples: adding "exclude.txt" to sample folder allows excluding samples * Language: `vals` can now define a row of lookup keys when provided the `'keys` symbol as second parameter * Effects: add configurable bitcrusher with parameters `bcbits` `bcmode` `bcdown` `bcmix` * Bugfix: sample parameters after sample number are now evaluated * Synth: add a simple `BLIT` oscillator * Bugfix: `pear` now clears probability (sets it back to 100) after `:for`, as it should be ... * Improvement: allow sending OSC from scheduled control events * Improvement: allow print in ctrl event * Improvement: finally implement ctrl events in `step-part` * Improvement: `step-part` with identifier AND symbol ... * Improvement: `bpm` for ctrl events * Improvement: `step-part` for ctrl events * Improvement: `vec` for `nuc` * New language construct: `mapper`, a rudimentary event mapper that takes functions * New langauge constructs: event getters to extract a parameter from an event `ev-param`, `ev-tag` and `ev-name` * New language construct: `note` event (can be used to drive scoreviz in conjunction with `mapper`) * New (non-lazy) arithmetic functions: `round`, `floor` and `ceil` * `midi-mul`, `midi-add`, `midi-sub`, `midi-div`, to work with midi notes * `to-string` to turn numbers and some other stuff into strings * Language: line between function and macro is now very blurred, i.e. you can do `(fun (name) (fun (concat "to-" name) () (send-to name)))`, where in the child function definition `name` will be replaced ... this may explode at any given moment !! * Bugfix (Visualizer): a failed visualizer message doesn't crash scheduling thread anymore * Improvement (Visualizer): sending visualizer messages in multiple batches for bigger generators * Bugfix: `rep` not chrashing when generator contains childless states * Synth: `freeze-add` for additive live looping