# Mem YAML Anki's alternative for who hates GUI and mouse clicks. *This project is in early stage. If there are more than 5 users, I'll finish it.* ## Installation ### Install with cargo: ```sh cargo install mem-yaml ``` ### Install with nix flakes: in `flake.nix` ```nix { inputs.mem-yaml.url = "github:haruki-nikaidou/mem-yaml"; } ``` in `configuration.nix` ```nix { pkgs, inputs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ inputs.mem-yaml.packages.${pkgs.system}.mem-yaml ]; } ``` or, if you use home manager ```nix { pkgs, inputs, ... }: { home.packages = with pkgs; [ inputs.mem-yaml.packages.${pkgs.system}.mem-yaml ]; } ```