# rust-memcache [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/aisk/rust-memcache.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/aisk/rust-memcache) [![Codecov Status](https://codecov.io/gh/aisk/rust-memcache/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/aisk/rust-memcache) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/memcache.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/memcache) [![MIT licensed](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](./LICENSE) [![Docs](https://docs.rs/memcache/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/memcache/) [![Gitter chat](https://badges.gitter.im/rust-memcache/Lobby.png)](https://gitter.im/rust-memcache/Lobby) rust-memcache is a [memcached](https://memcached.org/) client written in pure rust. ![logo](https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmY2otmZFbrLfCQZ2JG8bsEsMGegHrh8WgupcyTcyoShiS) ## Install The crate is called `memcache` and you can depend on it via cargo: ```ini [dependencies] memcache = "*" ``` ## Features - [x] All memcached supported protocols - [x] Binary protocol - [x] ASCII protocol - [x] All memcached supported connections - [x] TCP connection - [x] UDP connection - [x] UNIX Domain socket connection - [x] TLS connection - [ ] Encodings - [x] Typed interface - [ ] Automatically compress - [ ] Automatically serialize to JSON / msgpack etc - [x] Memcached cluster support with custom key hash algorithm - [x] Authority - [x] Binary protocol (plain SASL authority plain) - [x] ASCII protocol ## Basic usage ```rust // create connection with to memcached server node: let client = memcache::connect("memcache://").unwrap(); // flush the database client.flush().unwrap(); // set a string value client.set("foo", "bar", 0).unwrap(); // retrieve from memcached: let value: Option = client.get("foo").unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, Some(String::from("bar"))); assert_eq!(value.unwrap(), "bar"); // prepend, append: client.prepend("foo", "foo").unwrap(); client.append("foo", "baz").unwrap(); let value: String = client.get("foo").unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, "foobarbaz"); // cas(check and set): let (_, _, cas_token) = client.get("foo").unwrap().unwrap(); let cas_id = cas_id.unwrap(); client.cas("foo", "qux", 0, cas_id).unwrap(); // delete value: client.delete("foo").unwrap(); // using counter: client.set("counter", 40, 0).unwrap(); client.increment("counter", 2).unwrap(); let answer: i32 = client.get("counter").unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(answer, 42); ``` ## Custom key hash function If you have multiple memcached server, you can create the `memcache::Client` struct with a vector of urls of them. Which server will be used to store and retrive is based on what the key is. This library have a basic rule to do this with rust's builtin hash function, and also you can use your custom function to do this, for something like you can using a have more data on one server which have more memory quota, or cluster keys with their prefix, or using consitent hash for large memcached cluster. ```rust let mut client = memcache::connect(vec!["memcache://", "memcache:///tmp/memcached.sock"]).unwrap(); client.hash_function = |key: &str| -> u64 { // your custom hashing function here return 1; }; ``` ## Contributing Before sending pull request, please ensure: - `cargo fmt` is being run; - Commit message is using [gitmoji](https://gitmoji.carloscuesta.me/) with first character is lower cased, for example: `:sparkles: rust-memcache can print money now`. ## Contributors ## License MIT